Log:When Words Fail

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When Words Fail

OOC Date: November 6, 2015 (Optional)
Location: Ajan Kloss
Participants: Yari, K-5Z9, Kaelyn, Zorii Bliss

Another day, still off of any combat duty. Or any duties which could potentially lead to combat. As such, Kayfive is set up at a free table, field stripping and cleaning her T-21 or what has to be the sixth time. It's not like the droid can partake in any of the feasting or anything, and it's better than moving cargo...

Another night, another nightmare. Another dawn to quiet the soul. Yari's been awake since before the sun, finding solace in the spartan galley of the 'base' mess hall. The girl hasn't dared to roam far, so there's not much mind paid to her comings and goings. Interactions are awkward and few, when she navigates her routine. Bed -> communal fresher -> Galley -> communal fresher -> galley -> repeat a few times -> Outside -> galley -> bed. The occasional stop into medbay to check on her oft sedated father interupts the monotony of it all.

But so do extra trips outside. Like now.

Friendly banter, twittering birds, the rustling of leaves and distant sound of waterfall - it all falls on deaf ears. A low, rhythmic drone of her own heart beat pounding through her veins is more felt than 'heard' but occassionally some static gets through from the outside world. Ambiguous noises, if that's what they are, without meaning or point of reference. Sensory data without the means to organize and translate it.

Movement and faces and dazzling lightshow patterning through the leafy canopy is not useless, however. It is uplifting. It is inspiration. The air here is refreshing - so much more saturated in Oxygen than the snowy peaks of her mountainous home. It makes breathing easy, in her condition. The girl from Kijimi plods down the steep path with care, not trusting her oft faulty sense of balance. In one hand is a leatherbound book. In the other, a fist clutches her bag. These are her possessions. Her flushed face scans the activity below. Searching. She's here with a purpose.

Well there's a familiar face. Kayfive rapidly reassembles the blaster and slings it, before snagging a datapad. Syncing her comm package to the device, she makes her way over to Yari and proffers the screen. Text pops into view: 'CAN I HELP YOU?'

Yari stops just shy of the 'lounge' area. It's difficult NOT to notice the behemoth droid coming her way. Like a metal Yeti. Her first encounter with K5 was not an enjoyable one, for reasons not attributed to THIS machine of war, but she finds the desire to flinch when the battlebot comes near is much less than those first couple days. Doesn't make her naturally bug-eyed stare any less so, though. Fingers flex nervously around the leather satchell strap, then lift (bag and all) up to scratch at a pimple on her chin. Her lips press into a smile and she shakes her head then scuffs over to a nearby log and motions for droid to follow.

Kayfive nods obligingly, and follows Yari over to the log, taking a seat on it. Once down, the droid looms much less, only about as tall seated as a normal human. ...Although her legs do kind of come up pretty far unless stretched out on front of her.

And lo and behold! Its Kaelyn! Not that many folks around really know the Sephi Smuggler/Fighter Pilot/Engineer. Evidently when she hasn't been partying, she's been fixing Res fighters, or helping evacuate the Business, there on the outskirts of the system....

Kae looks around curiously, and rubs at the back of her neck some before she then streeeetches her upper back... "Still festive!" She says to no one in particular.... She raises and lowers her arms out to the side some as she hops up and down on her toes....

Yari's no short stuff, herself, but it's nice to not be towered over in such close proximity. She glances up from her things to ensure K5 has followed, feeling the log rock under the new addition of heavyweight. Her tongue probes thoughtfully in cheek as she opens the book, angling its contents toward self, safe from prying eyes. After flipping through a few pages somewhere middlish, the girl tears a page free. Carefully. The edges of most pages are tarnished with the sooty smudges of charcoal fingerprints, as is the cover.

Oh boy. The flutters inside aren't solely attributed to the tumbling infant playing drums on her kidney. There's a shy nervousness building, then she thrusts the page out at K5 in her right hand and signs with her left. Palm out in a 'halt' sort of gesture, then levels parallel to ground, palm-down and rotates from left toward self, fingers closing into fist as it goes. A finger points to K5's datapad next, like she's gonna type.

This is... somewhat nervous for the droid, although probably not as nervous as it is for Yari. Kayfive extends the non datapad hand to accept the page if it's being offered, tilting her head to one side. <<I'm sorry. I don't speak sign language.>> scrolls across the datapad's screen. <<Feel free to type on this, I am linked to it.>> She nods back over her shoulder at the antenna cluster on her back.

There's a flash of light! Kae blinks and looks at the old combat droid curiously... SHe tilts her head slightly to the left and her eartips twitch, before she smiles and starts walking toward them. Following her is a 501z droid, this being another really big, though silver-chassied droid who's visual scanner is a slit with a red dot that traverses back and forth across the visor (It's a cylon! Really!). Next to that is a little BB unit...

As Kae gets closer she pauses near the others and waves a hand.... "Halloo!" She greets, not really having been there to get if folks are using sign or not, not that Kae understands sign whatsoever.

'f-o-r--y-o-u' Yari paraphrases the short version onto the pad with fingerpokes at the letters. A white flag of tossed tresses (Kae's hair as she bounces) catches Yari's eye and she swivels a quick look in that direction. Her free hand comes up to mirror the wave, albeit in a more subdued form. Unsure.

The page: It is a sketch, done with hard, angular lines that emphasize the silhouette of the battle droid against the rays of light depicted behind. Fingersmudges blend shadows softly to contour shapes. The 'photoreceptors' are the starkest white of anything else on the paper, so great care was taken to preserve those tiny two voids of shadow.

"Hello." Kayfive doesn't look up for very long, currently entranced by the artwork presented to her. With surprising delicacy for her size she accepts the paper, head tilting further to one side committing the image to memory. <<Thank you. This is amazing!>> Again, ever so gently, she reaches up to pat Yari on the shoulder. <<Nobody has given me a present before.>>

Kae looks between K5 and the other person and blinks... "Sooo we have bad vocalizers, or def mutes or what?" SHe alters her seciond question as K5 says "hello" then she glances to Yari curiously and umms.... "You understand spoken word? Or.." SHe points at her ears, in a questioning manor to see if Yari can hear.....

Yari touches flat-hand fingertips to her chin and extends outward a short bit, like a blown kiss, cept not launched from mouth. Either she's said 'thankyou' or something way rude in more colloquial language. 'F-o-r--S-a-v-e--U-s' Datapad clarifies: not rude. She passes another small smile from datapad to weird not-face face of her subject of study.

Her feet draw the bag a little closer to self and secures it between. Less of a tripping hazard, now. Hands! Hands on the move. Heterochromatic eyes follow Kae's gesture without effort or thought, like she herself is automaton. It's the only was she can get information around here without making it uber obvious that she's seeking answers. At least, /she/ thinks it's less obvious. The folks who have caught her staring may say otherwise.

HAH! Those ears, though. A beguilingly crooked eye tooth peeps out as Yari's smile dares to show some teeth. Evidently, the Sephi's ear are funny. Her fingers make a pinching motion, drawing out invisible points of her own and she nods. A gesture to her own eyes and back again confirms 'I see'.

So maybe there was a slight miscommunication there, but the very fact that Yari replied to a question that wasn't asked probably answers Kae's question.

"She is deaf, I am using my datapad to communicate with her easier." Kayfive tilts her head to one side a little, photoreceptors brightening a little. <> Removing a stylo from her gear harness, she gestures towards the notebook.

Kae nods and ooohs, then grins a bit and motions to her ears again... Drawing attention... Then the long knife-like ears twitch up and down, and Kae grins cheerfully...

Next she looks at Zed, the 501Z . She ummms "Can ya see 'bouts grabbing Buggy? I think he can translate sign...." She says and then ummms... "Ooh and bring back a display screen and interface, both audio and touch?" She says and smiles cheerfully at the droid.

Zed looks around, then nods "Yes miss, I think I know what you are getting at." before he trudges off to a shuttle to ride up to the space station and of course get the requisite stuff off Kae's freighter.

A tiny squeak of a hum conveys both surprise and 'laughter' when those ears dance. Evidently Yari's vocal chords do work. Silence is more a preference than disability. She spies something happening on screen from her eye's corner then and looks back to the datapad. Pale brows furrow, looking doubtful as to this murderbot's ability to replicate more genteel art, buuuuuuuuut....Okay. The sketch artist flips to the back of the book, putting a wide buffer of blank pages between the droid's canvas and her own album. She offers it up with obvious reluctance but nods for K5 to go ahead.

Kayfive gently accepts the book, looking up at Yari for a moment, as if committing the image to memory. Her gaze then drops to the paper, and the stylo starts to move back and forth across the page. Slowly at first, but ever faster an image of Yari is recreated in dots and lines, as if extruded from a printer. The subject complete, the droid goes back and fills in the background, although less pressure results in a slightly lighter shade of grey. It's more... printed than drawn, but it's clear what it's an image of. <<For you in return. To remember me if you move on elsewhere once your father is recovered.>>

Kae tilts her head first left then right and ummms.... She then taps her chin and tilt sher head curiously... THen she writes << OK, soo no insult intended, Have you seen a good cyber doctor? I might know one that could possibly help?>> There's a break and another little sentance<<He's the one that did the work on my older sister.>> She writes, then holds it where Yari could see. Kae then grisn a bit, her ears twitching up a little bit....

Yari's eyes bulge just a little bit more when K5's stylo goes into turbo mode and begins to print her likeness on paper and her grin spreads all the wider. Creepin crag hoppers! That was fast. Impressive! Also, incredibly accurate. Very. Accurate.

Yari stares into the paper mirror for a time and one hand absently reaches to touch the pigment misfire blotching her jawline. And the zit. The rest she can live with, but for whatever reason, these unique details dabbed by nature are suddenly - JUST NOW - a horrendous affliction. Cheeks tense, lips tremble, and the waterworks spout. K5's touching gesture has tapped into an emotional spring, but they aren't happy tears.

A hard blink aims to contain it all but when her eyes open they see Kaelyn's notes and things just errupt all over again.

The grin was what Kayfive had hoped for. The tears... not so much. The stylo disappears back into her belt, and the droid gently wraps her arms around Yari, careful not to smudge or crumple the drawing in one hand. She's not really used to hugs. Or very good at them. But Yari clearly needs it

Kae blinks a few times as the water works start up... Her ears twitch back, up... then she flails her arms, somehow her ears are moving up and down with the flailing "Eee! NO cries! Just kindness being offered!" She calls out...

There's a pause and she blinks and finallllly notices Yari's condition and Kae flails her arms up and down yet again...

Gasps, snifflesnorts, and high-pitched whinging carries on, completely out of tune with the lyrical soundtrack of nature! It's not as though she can hear how ugly her emotional outburst sounds, face bowed into her own chest and shoulders hunched within the huggy confines of cold, Kayfive arms. A droplet spats onto the fringe of this gifted masterpiece - either a tear or snot. Probably both, since some of that tearduct overflow is draining via inside, too.

Sentients are so gross.

Both hands flop around uselessly in her lap, one still clutching the paper. Inner feelings are expressed weakly and without an audience who really understands. If she had the energy for it, she'd haul ass back to her cot and bury herself in blanket to hide her shame and her angst, but that's a steep hill and she kindof has to pee and...

Naw, she /really/ has to pee. Yari squirms, pushing her way out of the hug and makes a sudden break for the trees, leaving all her worldly possessions behind.

Kayfive watches Yari go, tilting her head to one side in puzzlement. She still doesn't always understand people, and she's starting to think this is definitely one of those times. Sometimes people who run into the woods want to be alone, but on the other hand, she should at least keep an ear out for any squeaks of startlement. ...And also collect her friend's things. The drawing of Yari is tucked into the cover of the sketchbook, which is gently placed atop the backpack. She'll wait. She waited thirty years on Hoth, a few minutes won't hurt.

Waddling preggo? Enter Zorii Bliss directly into the waddlers path. Not intentionally, of course, she's not a monster or anything, but her arrival coincides directly with Yari's departure. Pre-destined, like Ragnarok. The helmeted woman sees the Kijimi refugee, sees the tears, and even without knowing the particulars, knows the causitive effect. A hand comes out as if to block her, but it serves duel purpose of inviting her against the smuggler. If anyone had doubts of Zorii's humanity, they need look no further than her offering a hug to one of her people. No words, she wouldn't hear them anyways, only an offer for solice.

Kae peeers curiously as the girl waddle/runs off then tilts her head "Fweee, pregnant lady! That explains the mood swings!" She says and then looks at K5 curiously.. She'd make a comment about her model, but stops her self mouth open... Finally Zed arrives with 'Buggy' A j9 unit, and Kae blinks 'Lil late bud, but thanks." The 501z looks around "Evidently." Is all he says in a prim, propper core accent...

Kae peeers at Zed and shrugs, laughing just a bit.. "Ah well..." Kae then watches K5 curiously for a bit... "Soooo, ummm... Yer model? Weren't y'all discontinued by the Empire some almost what? 35 years ago or so?"S he asks curiously... There is absolutely no hint of malice, just sheer curiosity.. Kae now sees Zorii and blinks again... Kae waves cheerfully at that point.

NOPE. The emergency klaxons are flashing wildly in brain, warning of imminent bladder meltdown. Yari shuffles as quickly as she dares, blowing off and through the Zorii obstacle in her way with a shrug of arm. She plunges (stumbles) off the beaten path into a suitable bed of ferns between gargantuan trees. Suitable, because it's the first one she's come to where she can crouch and not lose total sight of her new home. So like, probably five steps.

Huffs of frustration sound out her struggle with the baggy jumpsuit, having to wriggle her arms free to pull the whole thing down. At least there's a thermal tank worn underneath to keep some of the goods modestly under wraps. While the call of nature is BLISSfully answered, Yari stares boldly through bloodshot eyes at the figure she'd practically apparated through. It's both a look that challenges her to object to this breach of decency but also tries to place the helmeted face in memory. Those eyes...have they met!?

Zorii is blown through by the righteous fury of natures violent demands and seems fine with it. Turning when she's shoulder shrugged and watching Yari trmaps off into the underbrush to do what is required. She watches the pregnant Kijimi refugee for just long enough to assure she's not going off into the woods, where there are traps, and then back to Kaelyn. "Why is she crying?" The voice is distorted, but not heavily. A gentle whirl of words thorugh her helmets speakers.

Kae ummms "Welll... gauging the fact that she's pregnant, and all, I'm thinking hormones... Specially after the beeeg droid.. K5 I think she is called? Made a reallly really nice drawing of her... And I offered to put her in contact with teh cyber surgeon that worked on my sister and all to help her with her hearing." She says and rubs at the back of her neck... "Soo Least, that's what I think it is..." She adds and shrugs... Meanwhile, there's a J9 unit standing silently next to Kae's 501z, and well her bB unit is also just waiting there, watching the biolicals do biological things...

Kae looks back at her droids and umms "Yus, sometimes we are very innefficient..." SHe says, and noddles...

At this point Sarge, the BB unit responds in Binary << You said it this time, not me>> Kae blinks peeers and sticks her tongue out.

"KX series. And I wouldn't know, I was under a collapsed ceiling on Hoth until a couple of months ago." Kayfive peers over her shoulder into the woods after Yari. Zorii's approach gets an appraising glance from the droid. "She is mostly correct. She had drawn a picture of me from when I helped rescue her on Kijimi, so I returned the favor." She picks up the sketchbook again, opening it to reveal two images. One, an image of the droid hersel in charcoal, the other a nearly 'printed' picture of Yari, the jungle behind her, drawn with a stylo in lines and dots.

Crisis averted. Code green. All is well. Almost.

Yari sniffs and zips herself back up inside the donated garment, wiping nose on sleeve. Her white face watches all from around the shielding bark of tree. Wisps of hair frame her stare with frazzled weightlessness. Like a gangly woodland sprite spying on the civil folk. Touching her book, SHARING her book, peeking at the contents!!! VIOLATED!

Undergrowth rustles furiously, sticks snap, a whole ruckuss is made as she plows out of the wilderness with about as much grace or care as a rampaging Reek. Stealth mode isn't her forte. She claps her hands sharply together, knowing this is an action that can get attention quickly, then gesticulates violently at the ground, a swift snap of wrists, splay of fingers, like she's shaking off a gross bug. The gesture is repeated, but this time her right hand reaches out to reclaim her property.

The Bronzium helmet inclines to Kaelyn, then K5 when the droid shows the pictures. "Gotcha." Turning back to Yari just as her business with the woodline is finished, tracking her rampage back out of the brush and towards the trio with clapping hands. Behind the black shield of her helmet, a brow perks at the furious motion, but... she gets that too. They'd lost everything. Their home, their friends and family.. and by the look of the woman, she'd lost a sperm donor.

"I'd probably give her that back." Said matter of factly to K5, but not really suspecting that the droid /wont/ do that in the first place.

Kae squints and peers at the artwork, She gives two thumbs up and smiles happily. Then the Sephi sees the lady exploding out of the jungle and blinks at Yari now... Blink... Blink. She looks between the lady and K5 and then the Bronzium-clad lady says something and ooohs "Amma thinking she doesn't want you showing off her sketch book..." She says and then her J9 unit speaks up in a flat tone.. < I do not understand that form of sign> says Kae's translation droid, and Kae blinks and ooohs...

"I don't know if that's like really sign?" She says and looks now at Yari curiously to see what other wild jesticulations the pregnant refugee will make. She of course stares, studying!

Kayfive turns the book around to show Yari that all it's open to is the picture the droid had drawn, before the book is closed and placed back on top of the backpack. Both are proffered along with the datapad, the droid only retaining her gifted picture. <<I am sorry. She asked why you were crying, so I showed her the picture you had drawn of me, and the one I drew of you. I did not mean to upset you.>> Kaelyn gets an irritated look. As if she hadn't already figured taht out


No words, no signs. Yari draws up right and tall when Kayfive demonstrates her innocence. Oh. Well. The girl's lips pinch together like she's holding back a legendary, galeforce rant and she just breathes. Feeling like an ass.

Sheepish glances flit over this face, that face, the mouthless one...re-reading the entire situation and finding that the only fault here is her own. Way to go, Yari. Ducking her head, she lays a fist against chest and moves it in a small circle. An apology. Her bad.

She gently accepts items back from the wrongly accused and stows the book inside her pack anyway. Knotting it up tightly.

'IS--A--G-O-O-D--P-I-C-T-U-R-E' Yari types back, posture reclaiming its formerly meek slouch. 'T-H-A-N-K--Y-O-U' And her eyes sliiide back to Zorii. 'Y-O-U--E-A-T--AT--S-T-A-R-B-I-R-D?' The pad spins in palm to the lady.

Zorii stands with her hip out slightly and her hand up near her right most blaster. Not on it, certainly there's nothing here that would require her to pull it, but comforting. A habit. She's use to nothing being safe so she's programmed to treat every place like it wont be, but she's watching now. Watching Yari come up and accept the apology from the droid. Watching Kaelyn stumble through her people observations. Watching a droid show more humanity than some of the humans around her...

From behind the black glass of her bronzium helmet, Zorii Bliss watches.

Until she's directed to the datapad. The visor lowers enough to see the words, then rises back up to Yari. Not bothering to speak, she'd decyphered the girl was deaf from the way the others reacted to her... and from memory. Her helmet dips into a single nod, agreeing that she had eaten at Starbird. Holding out her hand for the datapad to type out a message should the woman pass it over.

I R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R Y-O-U. G-O-O-D C-O-O-K. F-A-T-H-E-R W-A-S A F-R-I-E-N-D.

Turning it around and passing it back, letting it half hang from the curve of her knuckles.

Kae blinks at K5 "I was explaining to Buggy!" She motions to the J9 labor unit, who acts as a translator... SHe then glances between everyone and watches their enterractions curiously some... Kae then ooooohs and writes something onto the larger screen that Zed brought down... << H-e-y. I b-r-o-u-g-h-t i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m!!!>> She then holds it up and says "I got some ice cream!!! Brought a bunch down last trip I made with my freighter!" She says happily... "Who wants some?"

Another short pause and Kae writes as much to the same << W-a-n-t s-o-m-e i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m?>>

<<Yours is good as well, and is more... active than mine. Mine just shows what is now. I draw what I see.>> The tall droid gently squeezes Yara's shoulder in what's intended to be a reassuring gesture, tilting her head to one side and brightening her photoreceptors in a 'smile'. <<I am going to go get this drawing framed now. Keep the datapad, it has my commcode. Message me any time.>> She gives Zorii a nod, hands away from the repeater maglocked to her back, and heads off, precious drawing carefully held in both hands.

SO MANY WORDS TO READ. Yari is still processing the fact that this masked enigma is familiar with her familials when the words change under the weight of a shoulder squeeze. She clutches the datapad more possessively now, putting it to her chest in silent show of thanks with promise to cherish. Yadayada. Simple gestures are so much more efficient sometimes, than using words anyhow. Yari watches the droid go while her thumbs type out an response of 'D-O--Y-O-U--H-A-V-E--D-E-N-T-A--B-E-A-N?' For Kaelyn.

There's a childlish gleam of hope in her eyes. A gleam that fires a second time, back st Zorii. 'F-A-T-H-E-R--I-S--H-E-R-E'. The datapad tucks under arm and she pinches at the zipper running midline on chest, then touches both index fingers together and twists them apart in a wrenching, separating maneuver, paired with a grimace.

Zorii doesn't reach for the datapad again, seeing how Yari clutches it and noting that reading a stream of consciousness words on a screen aren't really an efficient way of communicating. A soft sucking sound plays off her teeth, glancing in the direction of the departing droid clutching at that picture in much the same fashion as the cook with her pad... It's impossible to tell from behind her glass visor, but it's a touching moment and her expression reads as such.


She hasn't had many reasons to do that lately. Not even with the battle won. It hadn't brought her planet back.. It hadn't given her her friends who died saving their people. It was a cold and empty capstone to a shitty month. The good that comes from vengence isn't relief or celebration. It's necessary evils that do nothing to sooth savaged wounds.

She turns back to Yari, noting movement, and regards the words splayed out on that screen. Then the motion of the pregnant kijimi womans hand near the center of her chest with a hidden raised brow. "I don't know if that's a question or a statement." She knows she can't hear her. "If it's a statement, that's good and I'm happy for it... if it's a question, it's going to break my heart to tell her that he's probably not.." Glancing up at Kaelyn, then back to Yari. Tilting her head inquisitively, shoulders rising in a shallow shrug.

Kae tilts her head "Denti bean..." She looks to her droids "That like Ahva fruits?" She asks one of them.. The J9 unit then nods "Another name for a similar plant" Says the droid... "The plant is called something different in many different areas... It's a black beann." And the flat voice drones on and on and on, Kae's face becoming flatter and flatter and flatter... She then holds a hand up "Yes woulda been good." The droid then looks at Kae, pauses and doesn't say anything...

Kae then grins at Yari. Holds up her datapad and it has a message << Yus!>> Is the simple answer and Kae looks around "I'll be baaaack!" She says and she's racing off to her camp sight, there's LOOOTs of stuff around it....

It's a few minutes before the goofy Sephi returns with a cylider some foot in diamter and about 18 inches long. She carefully opens the lid and pulls a scoop out from a pocket before she grabs a bowl and scoops out the ice cream. It's a wonderful blue color too!

Kae then offers the bowl with a spoon to Yari, and then tries to offer another to Zorii....

OMG texting is so going to make her crosseyed. Yari bows her head to the screen of communication and types something a little more explanatory. 'I-S--I-N--M-E-D-I-C-A-L. S-H-O-T--W-H-E-N--T-R-O-O-P-E-R-S--T-R-Y--T-O--T-A-K-E--J-O-N-A-H. I-S--B-A-D. D-O-C-T-O-R-S--K-E-E-P--H-I-M--A-S-L-E-E-P.' Punctuated by a point up the hill.

And then the Sephi is back, with provisions. BOWL!? Yari just might make off with the entire cannister. Spoon optional. She dives right in there, no questions asked, and a spoonful disappears into her mouth. It stays there, held between teeth so she can punch out another question.

'WERE YOU FIGHTING WITH THESE OTHERS?' she pulls the slurped-clean spoon from her gob and gestures it around at whatever bodies are milling around. 'I AM GLAD THE WAR IS OVER.' Oh, sweet child. 'MAYBE NOW IT IS SAFE TO GO HOME.' Not /home/ home, because the Starbird went up in a rubble-filled ball of flame, but 'home enough' home. It wouldn't take long to rebuild a stacked stone domicile when the streets are riddled with it.

Zorii shakes her head at Kae and motions to Yari indicating to give the bowl to her instead. She looks like she'll not be satisfied with a single serving anyways, "Is he." Glancing up the hill, back over her shoulder, and then back to Yari. Nodding to the questions of whether she fought with those here. Pointing to one of the Y-Wings, not hers, parked in the fighter clearing a few hundred meters away. There's not a lot she can communicate without the datapad and it's clear she doesn't want to keep typing on one... or that Yari wants to keep reading it.


The Bronzium clad smuggler takes a breath and lets her shoulders sag, "She doesn't know." Now she does take the datapad.. or at least reaches out for it.. and starts to type something, stops... starts... erases it. Ultimately, she hands it back, a simple message on the screen.

'Home. Eventually.'

She just can't bring herself to tell one of the last of her people that their world was destroyed.

Her resolve to find a new settlement for the Kijimi refugees is strengthened considerably by the look in Yari's eyes right now. If they can't return home... she'll find them a new one.

Kae sees the question about fighting then she grins and nods.... < Smuggling for the Resistance, and fighting along side them now and then for over a year. Was in space fighting along side veryone on Exogol.> She dictates into her datapad, then shows the letters to Yuri.

A glance is given to Zori and Kae smiles a bit "It really won't hurt ya, but I can give it to the nice lady there..." She says and then the girl sits down, setting the second bowl near Yuri, before getting her self one.

A smile. Preggo-puffed cheeks dimple and Yari accepts the words typed by an unreadable face as truth. Why should she not? She wasn't among the soliders huddled around the vidscreen displays, watching Kijimi disappear. She couldn't hear all the shouting. And even if she could, she was still fresh off the boat, so to speak, hiding from the foreign everything in a huddle with her musicplayer (for the baby, duh) and doll (not gonna lie, totally hers - but also for the baby!), on a bed in medbay. When not slapping at doctorly hands or furiously signing away words of resentment.

But they've let her see the kitchen, and all has been 'well' since that 1 AM walk trough the converted corvette. And better, since ice cream. Yari settles in with the bowl, lowering herself to ground with more ease than her ungraceful gait would give credit to. 'THERE WAS A FIRE', she types between bites. 'BUT I DONT THINK THE SOLDIERS KNEW ABOUT THE TUNNEL. I KNOW THEY MADE IT THERE. THEY WERE JUST TOO SLOW TO RIDE WITH US.' Is what she keeps telling herself and now Zorii about Gawynn, her mother, and brother Jonah, and baby sister Brinna. 'BRINNA WAS STILL SLEEPING WHEN THEY CAME. SHE IS LIKE ME.' A point to her ears and another mouthful of blue, creamy iced lard.

Zorii isn't worried about ice cream right now.

She barely recognizes that Kae is still offering her some reading the words from a woman who has lost as much and more than she has. There was no Bliss family holdings lost, no baby sister or brother, no parents. There were scoundrels who were her family and their loss is palpable in her, but the pale compared to what has been taken from Yari.

Standing there behind her black visor looking down at one of the last of her people holding to a hope Zorii knows is futile, she's so grateful for the shield between her expression and the world around her. A stasis field of unmoving bronzium protecting the emotion in her eyes. There's no tears... Zorii Bliss has no more tears to shed, but there's plenty of emotion that has no outlet except violence. Anger is the catalyst for everything she has left.

A promise.

Written in the blood of millions.

And signed with fire.

She kneels down and rests her arms on her thighs, looking at this pregnant woman carrying the hope for the future of their people in her belly. She reaches out slowly, showing her palm is going towards the womans belly and not to any of her things to take them away. She lays it there lightly if allowed and hopes for a kick.. anything to give her hope that there's something better beyond the lie that eventually Yari can return home and reunite with the family Zorii knows to be gone. Impassive dark stare from behind the expressionless void of her visor.

"They're here now." She says quietly, knowing the girl can't hear her and glad for it. "You carry them with you. The hope and dreams of every living Kijimi is here..." Rubbing her gloved hand on that swollen belly. She reaches then to tap out words on that datapad.

'She sleeps still. And she knows you love her.' Cryptic. Standing suddenly and turning away to stalk back towards the hangers. Unable to hold back the well of emotions and unwilling to shed them in front of anyone. Zorii Bliss is not the last Kijimi.. but she very well is the most dangerous.

Kae's a lot of things, a goof, naive, silly, but never ever stupid... She quickly gathers up where Yari is from and whatnot and well. She maintains her smile.. It really doesn't falter at all... Kae closes off the ice cream bin, the whole thing is a self powered cryo bin... Kae sets a couple batteries next to it, and leaves everything with Yari.

Kae then umms and rubs at the back of her neck.... She's sooo gotta dig into some possible settlements survivors could move to at some point.

The girl gets to her feet and stretches her upper back, not really having many words for anything... So how -does- one tell a person their planet's been blown up...

Baby's on a sugar surge, flippin around all eager to get the frek out of this murk and into some fresh air where it can stretch its little legs. But the gates are closed and will be for some time, so the little spaz settles for a solid thump against Zorii's gentle highfive. There's a good wad of tissue between though, so while Yari gets to experience (with a wince) the full force of its dance moves, Zorii's gloved palm is graced with a rewarding 'blip'. A flutter.

Yari's devouring of sweets has slowed to a crawl and a dribble of blue oozes out over her lip while she watches that trespassing hand warily...but accepting. It's way better than a cold probe. One eye blue, one eye brown dip in unison to read the words typed out on screen. And to wonder at their meaning. The first sentence sets a little tingle afire along her nape. A disquieted feeling. The second sentence though is unerringly true, surely, she hopes, and the sort of sweet thing a person would say to put to ease a friend's homesickness, yeah? Yeah.

Yari catches that drip with her tongue (also blue now, like skink), and watches Zorii's abrupt departure transpire with a dumbly open mouth. Thoughts. Thoughts and questions. But also ice cream. She flashes Kaelyn a reassuring sort of grin like 'dont worry, i still know u exist' sort of thing, then finishes her bowl in screen silence.

Kae grins and stands up, she dictates to her pad and shows it to Yari < I'm Kaelyn... I'll give you my contact info. and all. Enjoy the ice cream> She writes and grins again. < The power cells will last about 48 hours.. I've left an extra set of cells. If you need more talk to the folk in the mess.. You can also get them charged there too. > The latter words are also dictated and shown to the other.

Kae then motions to the shuttle and indicates she has to go... Then a pause and she tries to remember her signing, before signing ( C u Later) To Yari and she starts sashaying her way to the shuttle, her small droid army in tow.

'Bye', Signs Yari back from her perch on some squishy moss. Probably killed a whole family of ants when she sat, but the blue drips littering the clearing floor will surely feed ten times as many. All alone now, she wipes her face on sleeve, licks fingers clean, and stacks bowl atop cannister. Guess she'll bring this back to mess?

After a quick pitstop. At the fresher.

RUN, Yari, RUN! Datapad, bag, cannister...she grabs it all up in arms and sets off at a determined waddle. Uphill.