Log:Zhu Yan and the Metal Men of Mandalore!

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OOC Date: February 5, 2021
Participants: Rale, Nerys Greystorm, Mujiji, Khalim, Mydas Gryph, Zyrette, and Zhu Yan as GM.

The short story: There's a man in a HELMET, a LOINCLOTH, a CAPE, and NOTHING ELSE. I don't know what else I can say, really.

The long story:

[Zhu Yan]

"Go go go!"

That was the ANGUISHED CRY of none other than Notable Explorer and All-Around Heroic Figure ZHU YAN as he fired a shot from the BRYAR HAND CANNON towards the UNWASHED HORDES pursuing them! Alas, a deal well negotiated had fallen flat on its face once Yan had expressed interest in the mighty BESKAR, and following a fair and reasonable offering of two thousand credits for a stockpile that was perceived as an UNFORGIVABLE OFFENCE, he and his VALUED RETINUE must now make their escape!

The FOUR ELEMENTS OF MANDALORE are often perceived to be BLOOD, FIRE, NOISE, and METAL, and this is no more true than when dealing with the BARBARIAN HORDES that are the HOMEWORLD MANDALORIANS. Savage at best, these proud and very drug-addled warriors rampage across the blasted surface of Mandalore looking for four things: Fights, beskar, water, and fights. They were a simple people, and didn't like it when you told them such after they laughed in your face because you offered them two thousand credits for a stack of beskar.

Where was I? Oh yes.

SPEEDERS of various type and various crew zipped along the desert, pursued by the THUNDERING of the MULTI-WHEELED WAR MACHINES of FIRE and CHROME. Seated upon the largest WAR WAGON was Terrifying Barbarian Warlord MANDALORE THE FEROCIOUS, clad in rusted and spiked armor with the leather of man-beasts and the fur of... man-beasts! Upon the larger wagons, HORNS BOOMED and DRUMS THUNDERED (https://youtu.be/dRrwQjCKfFg), a booming crescendo of fire and fury, the WAR MUSIC of the HOMEWORLD MANDALORIANS.

"KILLLLLL THEMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" boomed MANDALORE THE FEROCIOUS, his voice pushed through a dozen glorious amplifiers across the WAR FLEET, splitting eardrums and further shattering glass due to volume.

"Sithspit! Okay!" cried the PERENIALLY STRESSED Zhu Yan over the comm devices all of his GLORIOUS CHAMPIONS wore. Seeing as they were likely split across multiple cars/speeders, this was WISE. "It's about fifty klicks to Vroxx and the firepower to repel these guys. We just gotta get there before they get us! Hit the engines and go go go!"

The beings in black fled across the desert, and the Mandalorians followed.


above the wheel of one of the speeders currently hurtling with abandon across the ravaged landscape pokes a bat-eared helme, the visor blank. It is a good thing it is blank because underneath, his face is a perpetual grimace of anxiety and irritation as he slams down the accelerator from his elevated position upon several apocalyptic phone books, long poles out to reach the pedals of the insane, spiked speeder-truck he is driving. Bouncing along half on sputtering repulsors, and half on chained wheels, it is a beast of a machine that he immediately pushes to the limit, SKREEING out as he does so at high, piercing volume.

" When I said you could call me to help you, Yan....I lied. I want you to know that! This is not how I wanted to go!" He spins and jukes, calling out for whatever passengers he has to hang on.

[Nerys Greystorm]

How did she manage to get herself into these sorts of situations? Nerys did not bother to ask herself such questions. She just put her nose firmly to the grindstone. And, at the moment, the grindstone was the speeder she was driving, pushing the sand-encrusted thing to its limits as she weaved and dove to avoid anything making contact with her, or, given the terrain, anything making contact with her. The speeder she had chosen was not optimal for evasion, sadly, as it was meant for a driver and some cargo, or a passenger or two. "Bitty, if it looks at us funny, shoot it, and that includes the passengers." Welcome to Greystorm Transportation Services. The smol droid, well strapped to Nerys' back, kept her pistol trained on anyone and everyone on whom she might unleash her d-roid rage. She had her bowcaster ready, but she needed both hands to keep this thing going, so, only if things looked really dire.


Rale shouts out to hold on, and Mujiji holds on. She had been excited for this trip, had absolutely come dressed for the occassion, and is cackling with glee where she stands atop a raised pole in the back of their vehicle.

"Yan, ya beautiful sunnuva flat-bellied gretch - this is th'best vacation you've sent us on, it really is."

The Kushiban is having a blast. "If you let 'em get a little closer, I can start droppin' gifts for them!" She shouts over her shoulder towards Rale, one tiny fist pumping in the air as she laughs again. This is the best day of Mujiji's life.


Khalim had opted to go local. 'They'll respect it,' he'd said. Perhaps even believing that. He was having second thoughts now, bare chested and very green, no armor save the bits of plasteel scrap and rusted metal adorning his pelvis, thighs, and like some kind of spiked vambrace thing. Leather straps keep it all from just falling right off him. He suspects a couple of homeworld Mandos has snidely chuckled, but he'd flexed in the mirror and had seen a pear-hued Mando looking back. It should probably be mentioned that Khalim has no discernible ability to disguise anything, let alone himself.

The one legit thing about his sunbaked Mando costume... that hand cannon. Definitely real, that thing, with a magazined of what looks like hand hammered and very large slugthrower rounds. It's not quite a pistol, not quite a carbine. It IS a lot of rust. It looks pretty kriffing badass.

Looking to Zee, Khalim offers a stressed smile and motion towards Nerys's vehicle idling just a handful of meters away. "In back with me," he urges, and performs a running vault into the back seat. SCRAAAAAATCH goes some rebar attached to his barbarian approved... waist armor? The very hand made, let's say very 'Mandalore Chic' hand cannon is brought to bear.

[Mydas Gryph]

The unmistakable and inane raucous clash of drums, shouting, and quetarra solos which are the basis of 'Onder-Metal' music invade the auditory senses of all living beings for sixteen miles as a massive, composite Juggernaut with heavy structural damage, and broken treads careens across the wasteland blaring out the awful music. The Juggernaut has been cannibalized and 'convertiblized,' as what would it's upper half has been completely removed.

Near the far end of the Juggernaut, a dark-haired young man wearing bloody and dirty Void armor and a E-11 strapped to his back is holding a microphone and 'singing' into the microphone for a crowd of fifteen armed young men who are cheering him on and even moshing as the Juggernaut speeds into pace with Zhu Yan's caravan. Further down the Juggernaut, other young men, some of them wearing t-visored Mandalorian helmets, are playing various other musical instruments such as drums, quetarras, and even tamborines.





The singer, Mydas Gryph, places his helmet on his head and unslings his E-11.





This was how it was for the Gryphs on the lawless land of Mandalore. It was psycotic. And it was always...always...awesome.


Zyrette used her infinite wisdom and creative know-how disguise herself and Khalim as locals, well at least herself. Of course, she'd let Khalim dress himself, which went off about as well as it usually did Of course, the brilliant counter plan amounted to little as Yan's matter plane evolved into, what she was beginning to realize many of his master plans boiled down to : run-like-made-and-shoot-over-your-shoulder.

The Falleen woman sighed gustily as Khalim. Rather than jump in the back with Khaim, she instead opted for Rale and Mujiji. Team fuzzy needed more fire power. She tossed an apologetic look to the MIrilan, but it was brief.

[Zhu Yan]

Behold! Ripping around the flank of the WAR HORDE were the HARRIERS! Small, zippy, agile, fast-moving little cars with about as much armour as the COMMON NAPKIN and laden with HOMEWORLD MANDALORIANS hanging out the window like hooligans yelling things that could well be in Basic but with accents thick enough to be totally unintelligible. Though all of them wore the traditional T-visor HELMET, it was not a stretch to assume that underneath they were the same ugly things that Hapan mothers refer to when scaring their children.

Behind them were the WAR MACHINES! Larger vehicles, often converted cargo rigs, and mounted with enough firepower to MAKE A LARGE MESS, they were there to keep up the pace and pelt the pursuers with FOCUSED FIRE! One of them had a large HARPOON RIG attached to the nose, aimed (wielded?) by a screaming Mandalorian wearing a HELMET, a LOINCLOTH, a CAPE, and NOTHING ELSE. Anything hit by that was going to have a BAD TIME.

And, at the rear like a cattle driver pushing forward his beasts, titanic in size and presence, was the MANDALORE'S WAR WAGON. It was big. It was loud. It was laden with AMPLIFIERS and DRUMMERS, trying to overload the JUGGERNAUT OF GRYPH with its own discordant psychotic melodies. If one could call them that. It was also laden with HOMEWORLD MANDALORIANS, better dressed than the HARPOON MAN, and definitely better armed. Caught by that, and it's Game Over.

Zhu Yan (what a man!) was trying desperately to shoot at the incoming War Wagon but was having a hard time aiming, and it might be because he was hanging off the back of the Gryph Juggernaut, trying to block out the competing noise. "I swear to sithspit Warboy," that was Mydas, "the only reason they didn't kill us-" BLAM, a yellow bolt PINGED off the front of the War Wagon, "...was because you brought an entire Herg-Metal gig with you!" Trust him to get the name wrong.


Rale breaths in once. Then out. Then in again. Okay...Okay, game time. He is a damn pilot, and this is his element and these sithspit mandos don't know him at all, do they? He sees a small outrider swooping in from the side and murmurs "Oh no dear, I don't think so.." And at the last moment as it moves up alongside, he jukes to the left and slams into it, sending it pinwheeling off into the distance...Only to correct and begun anew. "Clever bugger." He grimaces, then turns the wheel, spinning in and around several wrecks to aim them closer to the nearest massive war machine, but...Hopefully not too close. A grin begins to spread as he slides into his element.

[Nerys Greystorm]

"Strap in. if you fall out, we're not coming around to get you," Nerys called back to Khalim. And the gunned the engine, ignoring the whine of protest from the engine as the speeder leapt into action, skimming a few feet from the blasted sand of the ragelands. She was the boos of you! Well, she probably would turn back, but don't test her. They were running for their lives here! "Bitty, see what you can do about our tails, would you? If you need backup, tell me, but you know me." The smol droid chirped a response. She knew what to do. Just drive, meatbag! She fired off two quick shot, getting the range of the ships coming after them. Even droids needed proactive shots, darnit! Or not, as she chirped back to Nerys. "Alright, but I'm telling HiBall about this!" Bitty's single eye flared red. Her nemesis.


The rush of wind and the sting of heat, sediment, and debris in her fur - the roar of engines, the stink of smoke and chemicals and burning metal... This is beautiful, and Mujiji breathes it all in. With a contented sigh, she tightens the grip of her spike, her tail snaking around it as a little extra balance... And she arms a frag grenade.

This should add some healthy bass tones to... Whatever music Mydas is blasting over there. Hopefully Zyrette knows to cover her ears - she rears back her arm and flings the grenade.


As Khalim settles into the back of Nerys's speeder he glances back, not having felt the impact of a second passenger. Zee's running in the opposite direction and there will apparently be no second passenger. As the speeder accelerates madly the Mirialan climbs, with some exertion against the acceleration, into the front seat, or whatever's adjacent to Nerys at the vehicle's wheel.

Stripping off metallic vambraces, they go sailing out, hitting rock and sand with a clatter. Pulls at the leather strapping holding that lower torso armor together cause it to fall away as well, and - each piece still connected to the others - is unceremoniously dumpout out the the window as well. This leaves Khalim in sturdy field pants. "This is not kriffing working," he mutters, and that bulky kinda-pistol, rusted and bearing those huge penetrator rounds, sails out to impact sand and rock as well. At his waist, his trust DeathHammer, and it is slipped out of its holster. Some things need to be done the right way. Khalim's no longer a Weekend Mando. Now he's just Khalim. A shirtless, sweating, grimacing Khalim. "Well this is certainly bringing back some memories," he deadpans, eyes on the oncoming horde of war machines. That sleek black Merr-Sonn is trained on the nearest Mando war harrier, trigger squeezes sending two tibana-charged particle bolts in its direction, hitting once.

[Mydas Gryph]


Mydas cries out, and then instead of firing his E-11, his re-slings his E-11, holds out his right arm, and one of the Gryphs near him hands him a Plasma Flamethrower.

"Sons of Andre Gryph! Children of the Living God of War!" Mydas calls out, as though entertaining an audience, and the Gryphs on the Juggernaut howl in delight as the Juggernaut swerves. "I spy with blood-spattered eyes yet another Mandalore Pretender. Is there a such thing as 'Mandalore'?

The Gryphs respond with a resounding no. One even shouts 'PISS ON MANDALORE! PISS ON THE SIX ACTIONS!' All of the Gryphs laugh.

"That's right brother. Piss on it. And piss...on...them!" Mydas turns and fires off a stream of flame at Mandalore's War 'chariot.' After firing, he finally sees Zhu hanging from the Juggernaut and leans down to extend his arm and help him. "The most generous host the Gryphs ever had! Damn it to hell you know how to show folk a good time!"


Zyrette settled into Rale's Speeder. She glances over her shoulder at the focused Chadra-fan. Palming her small blaster pistol, she got ready to fire. It was just as well the Kushiban called for closer targets. Zee carried no hand cannon at present. Still having never fought Mujiji before, the Falleen wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but 'gifts' meant. Hopefully not Lagomorph pellets. "Kriff...." Zee muttered to herself as the grenade launched. She held a green hand to her ear hole while the other aimed her pistol. and shot for the nearest harrier. She shot off a couple bolts.

[Zhu Yan]

"Could'a used your help around about the time we were running the job on Hapes!" responded Zhu Yan, the portliest, shortest action hero one could imagine. He rolled up into the Juggernaut and turned around on his knees to aim backwards at the UNWASHED HORDES pursuing them. "That might have been your idea of a polite dinner!" BLAMBLAM. Two shots rang out from the Bryar, the first impacting the engine block of one of the stricken Harriers, causing it to GO UP IN SMOKE just like the grenade that landed in front of the HARPOONER. The second was swing around to the more rapid of the harriers and missed so dang wide.

And then came the return fire. Screaming warriors of the HARRIERS bellowed in triumph as their vehicles COLLIDED with Rale and Nerys's cars, at the same time that blaster-wielding maniacs from both WAR MACHINES opened up on the vehicles! The WAR WAGON fired upon the JUGGERNAUT OF GRYPH and sent a huge smoke plume into the sky as it formed a crater in the nearby sand!

"DIE, DIE, DIE!" was the bellowing sound of the MANDALORE over the sound of combat, all of the AMPLIFIERS having been turned up to eleven with the volume knobs broken off. NOISE. NOISE WAS EVERYWHERE.


Rale, now sinking fully into the chaos of the moment, decides aggression is the best part of Valor, and turns to face one of the Harriers//directly//, revving the speeder and slamming into it, aiming to bury it under his carriage as he whoops and yells...Only for the vehicle to become stuck in the front, still fully operational and now with half-mad mandos right up in his grill. Blaster fire riddles his cab as he races along blind, careening off a rusted wreck as more blaster bolts sink into his cabin, his controls, and the back of the truck, causing it to sputter and wave in its flight. "Jiji, Zee, peel the flies off, I got visitors!" Yanking free his carbine.

[Nerys Greystorm]

Nerys cursed, as one of the speeders slammed into her side, caving it in. Good thing they were //not// running with a full load in the back, before //something// would have gotten pitched out, or smashed to bits. BUT, the closer they were, the easier they were to shoot at, right? Right. Bitty swung to the side, opening up on the closest enemy speeder, Nerys, flying one handed, lifted the bowcaster, using her arm to stabilize her as she fired as well. probably not the best idea, as her shot went wide, but at least Bitty had better luck, one of her angry droid angry bolts slamming into the side of one of the speeders. Taker that, suckers!


Her grip is strong, even as the whole thing CRACK-KLANG-BANG-KERPLUNKs over a vehicle and those riding it. Mujiji, though, isn't much help in close-quarters, so she leaves their hitch-hikers to Zee d

Moo doesn't start flinging pellets until she knows a fight is a lost cause, duh. "This time will be better." The kushiban promises, plucking another frag grenade - but then she pauses, and a horrifying grin slowly spreads across her face. Instead, it's an ion grenade that soars in a long, slow, lazy arc into the fray. "We need t'get as far away from this one as we can!" is advised over her shoulder towards Rale. Calmly.

And it explodes.

With a sparkling cacophany, the rocket-tank is brought down to a grinding, glorious halt. The harpoon-flinging vehicle janks and lumbers its way, sparks pouring out of it like the blood of some great, wounded beast.

There is a single tear on Mujiji's face. "That was beautiful." She breaths.

[Mydas Gryph]

Mydas laughs as Zhu finally climbs atop the Juggernaut, and as the hot cone of flame washes over "Mandalore's" war machine, Mydas then slams his fist into the chest of his Void Armor.

"SOLDIERS!" Mydas cries out. "Play it long! Play it loud! There is no Mandalore! There is only one Living God and his name is Gryph! All the rest...BURN 'EM DOWN!"

The Gryphs raise into a jarring chant of 'BURN THEM DOWN! BURN THEM DOWN! BURN THEM DOWN!' At the peak of this chant, the Gryphs holding musical instruments play an intense song as the Juggernaut swerves through the wasteland sands, and as the music grows more intense, Mydas fires his Flamethrower for a lengthy, ten-second round.


Zyrette held on to belting straps as they were pelts and banged about. Of course, she wasn't wearing the strap, but holding onto it at least kept her mostly in place. Mostly. It counted, right? "Rale, are you alright up there?" She called.

Zee looked at Mujiji, that calm tone unsettled her. She was unsettled! Still, she turned her attention back to the task at hand, and opened fire on of those harrying them.

[Zhu Yan]

BOOM BADOOM BADOOM, BOOM BADOOM BADOOM, etc, that was the thumping noise coming from the many drummers on the WAR WAGON. The early advantage of the UNWASHED BARBARIANS was quickly THROWN IN THEIR FACE as the rallying members of Zhu Yan's expeditionary team turned the tides of the fray! Another harrier fell at the hands of some well-placed firepower, and the second was in the process of being twisted and turned into SCREAMING METAL! The GRENADE-CHUCKING LAGOMORPH had successfully taken out a ROCKET-POWERED WAR MACHINE and damaged the second, with the HARPOONER desperately trying to hold on to his loincloth as he rewired the dreaded HARPOON CANNON for a proper volley! Time was BOUGHT!

The HARRIER, locked deep in combat with RALE'S SPEEDER, started to disgorge its BARBARIC WARRIORS! Axes swung out from the windows, gashing deep into the metal and JOINING THE CARS TOGETHER! Missing at this range would be impossible, but Rale's car had taken so much damage! Meanwhile, blasterfire from the WAR WAGON splattered the sand around the Gryph Juggernaut at the same time that two huge yellow globs of power smacked into and straight through the front armour plating! "SHOVE THAT UP YOUR CLOACA AND SMOKE IT, YOU RUST-HEADED LUNATIC!" erupted Zhu Yan, giving forth the greatest compliment one could give a HOMEWORLD MANDALORIAN.


"Okay...okay, you want to play?" Rale flips back his visor, revealing his grinning, needle-toothed Visage in all its glory as he, jamming the throttle with one of his poles, stands up. Places his boot upon the wheel and, with an agility that buggers belief, keeps the sputtering, half-dead truck hurtling forward, one end scraping dirt and holes poking through every piece of it. On it flies, and Rale stands!

"You obviously have no idea who you are kriffing with!" And he rests the butt of his carbine on his hip, spraying fire into their chassis, their bodies, and a few extra for the boarder about to cleave his head in twain. A hand produces a bottle of Red Dwarf, the liquor pouring into his maw with gusto and then, as the mando stumbles toward him, he smashes the bottle across his face, knocking him clear of his rig. "Now you do."

He peers back at the exploding rocket truck and the ruination left by Mujiji and his friends. And he laaauuughs.

[Nerys Greystorm]

Nerys might have been driving hell bent for leather (or whatever that phrase was) but she had amazing peripheral awareness, and she adjusted her course, keeping up speed, but trying to get close enough, so that if Rale and his crew needed to bale, they could try to make it into Nerys' speeder. The back wasn't that bad, and two of the potential occupants were pint-sized. It could work. Maybe. It would have to do. She kept up her speed, she and Bitty once again opening fire. This time, they decided to focus on the biggest, baddest threat. Perhaps if they cut off the head, the body would fall away. "Grab the controls," Nerys yelled at Khalim, who was still in the co-pilot's seat, hoping that between the two of them, they could keep the speeder steady, as Nerys turned at an angle to sight the Mandalore's war machine, once again using the hand she still had on the speeder's controls to brace the bowcaster, the red-charged bolt exploding across the distance, Bitty's blaster chasing down the leader as the two droids fired in tandem. The sheer size of the explosion coming from both side rocked the conjoined pair back back, knees flexing as she kept herself in position. "Too bad we can't stop to collect their armor." All that treasure going on stolen. The shame of it all!


Checking over her shoulder, it quickly becomes clear that Zee got this. She got this, right? Totally. Mujiji runs a paw over her bandolier, doing a rapid count of her arsenal... It's an easy number to get. Four - she has four ion grenades left. Four chances to absolutely /wreck/, and four chances to buy them some time.

Or, she would have had it been necessary! With a whoop, Jiji watches the WAR WAGON go the way of the space dodo, and she, instead, turns that viscious grin on the limping HARPOONER. Her second ion grenade is sent its way with a grunt of effort. She watches it with an almost motherly fondness as the metal casing hits the sand, whatever sound that made drowned out by the chaos around them, and bounces. Once, twice, and at the peak of its third arc - detonates.

This is the best day of Mujiji's life.

[Mydas Gryph]

Mydas can only watch as the fire he's caused to Mandalore's Chariot spreads, but the fire isn't what destroys Mandalore or the vehicle, but the other warriors on the squad. When Mandalore's chariot becomes just another smoking wreck upon Mandalore's accursed planetary surface, the Gryphs cheer and Mydas re-slings his flamethrower. He picks up the microphone and removes his helmet, which he attaches to his waist.

"And from afar, the Living God's eyes have been on you. From afar, you have been blessed, and from afar, my brothers, YOU. ARE. WINNERS."

The Gryphs on the Juggernaut let out rambunctious, almost violent cheering.


Mydas pats Zan on the back. "Our generous host had brought us a bounty of scrap and maybe even some Holy Metal. But before all that--" Mydas kicks open a large, transparisteel cooler next to him filled with the spice known as Giggledust.

"Get lit, you sith-spittin' lunatics," Mydas shouts, and as the Gryphs surge towards the cooler, the musicians play an intense Onder-Metal victory song while Mydas yells and growls out the lyrics.


Zyrette was not sure how their speeder was even still functional. "Hey Rale, you're going to let us know when we have to... change conveyances, yes?" She called, as she spotted Nery's and her timely diverting towards them.

She watched as the Lagomorph launched another grenade. That Kushiban was a demolitions team all by her lonesome. All vehicles seemed destroyed.

"Are we in the clear?" Zee asked over comms.

[Zhu Yan]

At this point, many things happened at once.

The engine block of the last Harrier received an express delivery of HOT DEATH at the hands of Rale, spurting, smoking, and then promptly going up IN FLAMES. They couldn't TAKE THIS LIFE. The last thing the madboys on the car managed to sputter out was, "THIS IS SO ME-" before they were consumed by a FIERY INFERNO. It was a good day to die!

Speaking of FIERY INFERNO, the follow up from Nerys Greystorm and Itty Bitty Ti-okay let's stop there- promptly ignited the fuel lines. The MANDALORE died as only a MANDALORE knew how, screaming for vengeance and consumed by an explosion the size of a small township.

Finally, the HARPOONER could only gaze with undisguised horror as a second ION GRENADE made its acquaintaince. When it detonated oh so impolitely, it completely and utterly shut down the Harpoonmobile, leaving it dead in the sand.

With the conclusion of this skirmish, Clan... actually, no one really asked what Mandalorian Clan this was, mainly because they were UNWASHED HOMELANDERS, this Unnamed Clan was rendered seriously endangered if not extinct, depending on if the survivors from the War Machines could make it back to safety before they died of exposure. Magic Eight Ball says 'chances grim'. And that was how Zhu Yan solved problems, with totally unnecessary levels of violence.

It was a good day.