Log:Banking On It 2: Exit Interview

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Banking On It 2: Exit Interview

OOC Date: November 5, 2022
Location: Naboo
Participants: Pilha Aino (GM), Domino Graystorm

There is a small merchant bank based in the business quarter of Theed on Naboo. A reputable, respectable bank that has invested wisely for generations. Domino will have heard rumours circulating the criminal underworld and slicing community that it was the target of a rather disreputable malware attack that froze its systems, but it was dealt with quietly, discretely.

So, in a leafy suburb of Theed is a small park, trees with vanilla-scented burgundy flowers dot the grassy expanse. In the middle of the park sits a cafe with a few tables. It is early morning, quiet, and so few people are about. Pilha Aino has contacted Domino. Typically terse she has sent a message: "BEEN ASKED TO FIND PEOPLE QUIETLY ON NABOO. QUIETLY. WILL PAY. INTERESTED? Y/N P.A." And here Pilha sits, in the dappled shade of a park in Theed, drinking a stim-caf and reading her datapad. Waiting.

Domino has replied: ~Sure, count me in. if it goes sideways there's a local vineyard we can loiter that no one will intrude on.~ Later when she arrives, she pulls out a chair and flops gracelessly into it, "Do I want to know the details? I know why you're asking me cause you don't wanna ask the bounty hunter guild. They have a loose interpertation of certain words."

Pilha leans forwards and puts her datapad down. "Get you a stimcaf?" She asks Domino in her strange Corellian/Nar Shaddaa hybrid accent. She smiles faintly and glances away, clearly thinking about the bounty hunters she knows. Loud. /Obvious./ "We're conducting a wellness check. Two employees, Mika Das and Biza Haturi, who recently left the bank were contacted to arrange exit interviews. They didn't respond, so their line managers are concerned and want to make sure there's no hard feelings. So, we locate them and report back so the bank can contact them personally. It has absolutely nothing to do with them being prime suspects in the hack that the bank wants to keep as quiet as possible. Even from the Bounty Hunters' Guild."

Domino bobs her head, "Yup. Damn Ora...er, person who tuned me to liking the fancy expensive variety." Dom's lips purse and she squints at Pilha, "You don't believe that nonsense, do you? Did you poke around comms of your employers to figure out what they're not saying?" she ahhhhs and leans back, "They don't want their insurers figuring out it was an inside job-though surely that's in the security report...surely they expect to recover any of the actual loot?"

Pilha waves over a server and orders Domino a stim caf. She glances at Domino thoughtfully for a second at the name Domino almost said, but doesn't react other than that. "Not very fancy here, I'm afraid," she murmurs apologetically as the server departs. Pilha picks up her cup and stares into the dark liquid. "I think that's partly it. I've been asked to find the perps, not the loot. If we find them we're to tap their comms and datapads." Pilha is silent as the server delives Domino's stim caf and waits a good time for the server to depart. "I think the banks up to its neck in shady stuff and they're panicking, frankly."

Domino oooohs, "I love it when rich idiots panic." She studies Pilha, "Why even bother looking for some opportunistic thieves? We can just we looked and then offer another solution to solve theirproblems and separate them from their credits." she eyebrow waggles.

Pilha quirks an eyebrow wryly at Domino. "It's what I was hired to do," she says with a vague shrug. "But what kind of solution are you thinking about?" Domino shrugs, "Depends who we're dealing with. Though to be clear I'm not suggesting actually helping I'm suggesting fraud." She waves a hand, "Nevermind. What did you want my help with specifically? Already had something in mind I'm guessing?"

"Not my style," Pilha says neutrally. No judgement on her part, but giving no ground either. "I think I can handle finding them and slicing any datapads we can find, but I figured you'd be better at getting in and bugging the place unseen. That's more up your street, yes?"

Domino pouts at Pilha, "If we don't, someone else will. Reactive idiots don't hold onto their resources long buuut we'll do it your way. Yeah, it's easy enough. What sort of bugs? Audio? Biometrics? Security feeds?"

Domino says, "Biometrics would be for knowing who used biometric access, to be clear."

Pilha smiles faintly and lets her eyes drift away from Domino, looking at the pretty cafe and trees with their burgundy vanilla-scented flowers. "I'll have to find a way for you to part a fool from their money some time," she muses then looks back at Domino. "I was thinking audio and security feeds, but now you mention I reckon the bank would want biometric information too. You need to gather any equipment?"

Domino waves a hand, "I can do that in my own time. the ghost of the love of my life told me to stop wallowing in how bored I am lately so I'm working on the next thing. As for the biometrics it's ONLY if they use biometric. A retna scanner or voice scanner where one wasn't before wouldn't be discrete. IS this a business facility or private ship or residence?"

Pilha narrows her eyes slightly in confusion and peers at Domino. She's not sure if Domino is speaking metaphorically... or not. She shrugs. "Suit yourself." Then she answers the question, "I've been given their residential addresses from when they worked at the bank, so we can start there and see where it leads. I can't say much more than that."

Domino smiles wryly, "Long story. It's probably just my overactive imagination. Eitherway, I've grown bored with the usual amusements." liiiifts an eyebrow, "You're smarter than most who come asking for my help. Sure, How many?"

"Two perps, so here's hoping it's two homes. It depends what I uncover on the perps." The flattery passes over Pilha without any reaction. "Let me pay and then let's begin," she says quietly as she stands. She wanders over to the cafe counter, passing under the dappled shade with an unhurried gait. She smiles at the server, pays the small tab, then wanders back to Domino. She picks up her datapad, and gets to work.

Domino hrrrms, "Give me the names and their birthdates if we know-I wanna check public records to make sure the info's current. Odds are if they were planning this for a while that it won't be."

Pilha repeats the names for Domino and provides the birth dates of Mika Das and Biza Haturi. "Mika is a trader, Biza was in personnel," she supplies.

Domino nods and notes, "It'll take a couple of hours but I ought be be able to figure out where they actually are. I trust information I find far more than information I'm given."

Pilha nods and smiles, "Take your time. Let me know when you're ready to head off, I'll be back up if you need it."

Domino lifts an eyebrow, "What qualifies you to be back up?" not mocking but very very curious.

"I can keep an eye out while you're working," Pilha says with another vague shrug. "But if you'd prefer I can sit here and have another stim caf?"

Domino nods, "By all means, it won't take me long. Do whichever you like. " She tugs out not one, but two datapads and gets to work, her attention shifting between the screens as she works, "Didn't think anything interesting ever happened on Naboo.

Dang, bluff called. Pilha smiles wryly. "I think that's rather the point..."

Domino makes a face, "I rutting hate this damned planet." she wrinkles her nose, "everyone is always so kriffin righteous and there's nothing fun to do. Naboo is just THE WORST." all the while her hands taping and flicking through screens managing to hop between tasks quickly, "Looks like they're renting a cheap hotel They probably think they're being plenty careful."

Pilha studies Domino then yawns, covering her mouth. "Probably lying low and then planning on skipping the planet when the dust has settled," Pilha muses. "Want to head over? Ping me the address."

Domino sends it over and rises, "I hope you brought something to amuse yourself. Waiting for people to leave can be a tedious affair."

Pilha indicates her datapad. "Just this," she says as the two women head off.

There is a seedy end of Theed. It's far ahead of even the best places on Nar Shaddaa, and the lower levels of Coruscant but it is Naboo-rough. It's pretty nice actually. Pilha and Domino arrive separately. Pilha finds somewhere to access the hotel's security systems but slicing the system evades her. Domino waits for Mika and Biza to leave their hotel room. Domino waits. And waits. And waits. Hours pass.

Domino waits until the two people of interest leave...but eventually she does get bored and just waits for them to be asleep. Softly via the comms, <<"Forget this, they're asleep, I'm just going to break in and do it. Let me know if anyone's coming this way.">> She makes her way down the hall and lifts an hand to cause the nearest hallway light to go out so her opening the door doesn't take anyone. This done she uses the manufacturer override for the keyswipe causing the lock to disengage so she can open the door slowly and peek in-the helm for her armor is on so she can see in the dark. She moves quiely on booted feet and first moves to the room's holonet terminal before moving to locate any tech the two have with them.

<<"Copy that,">> Pilha's voice is calm and quiet. She has sliced into the hotel's security cameras and watches a feed on her datapad in a room she's hired in another hotel. <<"You've got a cleaning droid on the floor below,">> she explains as she scans the various feeds. <<"It's been moving up to your floor. You don't have long,">> Pilha shows no concern about Domino's skills.

The room is dark and still. A small room, some six metres by six metres. The low-light cameras in Domino's helm pick out the furnishings in grainy detail - door to what must be a refresher, wardrobe, small desk with a chair. Curtains drawn. Double bed. Double bed with two people seemingly asleep. They lie under the covers on their backs. Their feet are at the foot of the bed, their heads on the pillows. Or, rather, what was left of their heads. Destroyed by what must be blaster shots. One body is tall and broad, presumably Mika. The other is smaller, feminine. Biza.

Domino pauses and siiighs, <<"Yeah, someone, perhaps a partner or who know came and made wormfood out of them. It's a real mess in here. Let me know when the droid goes into the next room and I'll exit-we're done here.">>

<<"Acknowledged. Record the room on your helm cam if you have one">> Pilha recommends. Thirty seconds of silence pass. <<"Droid's in a room. You're clear.">>