Log:Operation Munitions: Success

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The First Order destroys a munitions cache

OOC Date: Feburary 3rd, 2016
Location: Serenno
Participants: Phasma (GM), KT-3435, Pox and EM-1710

It is winter on Serenno, the sun is starting to rise, the grass is covered in a silvery frost. It is peaceful, or at least it was until a First Order dropship came in to land. The objective is a munitions cache not too far from the landing site. Intelligence suggests it will be fairly well guarded and won't be an easy target to take. With a loud bump, the dropship lands and the bay door opens just as the light turns green.

When the boarding ramp to the dropstip lowers and the door opens, Maze is among the first to disembark. The newly minted Master Sergeant strides with confidence and grace, weapon held in a pre-ready state. She looks about, the slight movements of her helmet giving away her curiosity. It'd be her first mission since being reassigned, so it was a mixture of exciting and nervewracking - but no one else would know that.

Stepping down the ramp, EM-1710 follows behind the newly promoted trooper. Herself? The Sniper looks like any other trooper, her rifle the same as any other's for now save an obvious attention to detail in maintaining the weapon. Features hidden behind her helmet the Delta markswoman steps out onto the cold expanse of Seranno, sweeping eyes for threats and movement.

With a small detachment of three other TIEs, PX-1221 rests strapped into the cockpit of his TIE fighter, his hand holding the control stick of the vessel. He currently is maintaining the point position of the detachment of TIEs as they escort the dropship of Stormtroopers on their mission to reclaim the weapon's cache. "Keep your eyes peeled, troops. Word is this will not be a cake walk, we don't want to let anyone have the drop on us."

The detatchment of Delta Squad that had landed in the dropship number around sixteen, all elite soldiers with experience to prove their worth. The group walks slowly toward the objective, picking up pace. At this rate, it looks like it will take fifteen minutes before they are within sniper range of the objective.

KT-3435 moves along with Delta squad. She joins the squad leader and confers with them, trying to get a little information about the Serrano operations as they walked along, air cover in tow.

The contingent of TIE fighters fly in a diamond formation in the sky above the marching soldiers. Pox watches the mall radar screen of his fighter, attempting to check for anything that may pop up heading their way. His comm crackles a bit as he says, "Maybe the intel on this mission was a bit off and we can make a quick run of this, but don't bank on it Alpha Squadron."

EM-1710, or 'Emmy' doesn't go and talk tactics with those in command, she just follows in silence. There's a bit on her mind after that last mission, but it's all hidden by the stoic mask of her helmet obscuring the blonde's features beneath. Keeping her attention on a swivel she just listens to the com-chatter without a word.

A blaster bolt narrowly misses KT as the sqaud advances, a sniper in the distance had clearly took the oppurtunity to take a pot shot at the squad. At this distance, Emmy is just about at a good distance to set up her sniping position, the others able to see that there are three militia guarding the entrance to the cache, with the sniper nest above the entrance.

As the sniper bolt misses her, Maze briefly glances in the direction it went, ensuring it didn't hit any of the men or women with her. "Sniper!" She shouts over the comms. "Take cover!" She bolts for cover. "EM-1710, countersnipe. Hurry!"

When the word comes across coms of shots fired, Pox reaches forward and with the flip of a switch relays to his team. "Shots fired, shots fired. There is a sniper perch above the entrance. TIEs, engage and clear the way for ground troops," he says. True to his word, Pox goes to throttle down and then backs away. "Hold, hold! Alpha Squadron, be advised we have four AA Missile Installations positioned around the Cache." A flip of his coms and he is relaying the same intel to the ground troops below.

Blaster fire coming down on them? Time to work! The shot coming towards the squad is dialled in on, EM drops down into a crouch and peers through her scope at the offending sniper. "I'm on it," she speaks, perhaps proving that the trooper isn't a mute. Her finger eases onto the rifle's trigger and she exhales a breath.

Attempting to take another pot shot at KT, the sniper pulls his trigger but misses narrowly again.

The two on the west side of the door both look at the advancing Stormtroopers and open fire. Blaster bolts go flying, less than half of them hitting KT. Most of the damage is absorbed by her armour, but the bolts do hurt.

Despite Maze's best efforts to scramble into cover to avoid incoming fire, she takes a bolt that causes her to stumble before she loses balance and falls onto the ground. The impact had knocked the wind out of her and had melted her armor and burned her quite badly, but it wasn't a terribly fatal wound. She does her best to get to even the slightest cover she can before comprimised armor serves as her downfall. Once in cover, Maze does her best to fire in the proper direction. Maybe she'll get lucky and hit one of the militia.

And them militia man is dead, very dead, with a burning hole in his chest.

"Be advised, AA's on the ground. Alpha Squadron engage." With that, Pox throttles up his TIE fighter and whizzes off into combat. He keeps a wary eye on the AA's attempting to evade them long enough that he can burn one down.

As Alpha Squadron descends onto the AA installations, they skilfully evade any fire from the ground and take out the first AA; which explodes in a fireball.

KT must be lucky today as a blaster bolt flies past her head and lands harmlessly on a tree.

Counter-snipe? Done. Emma's shorter carbine zeros in on the sniper while the fighters above some to life and she squeezes off the single shot, a bark of her rifle and a single bolt crosses the distance, slamming through the bridge of the nose and sending her target tumbling down lifeless and still. One down, more to go.

One of the guards takes aim at KT. Once she is in his sights, he opens fire and peppers her with blaster bolts, leaving her armour in tatters.

Maze feels like she is safe in cover. Well, that is until she gets nearly obliterated. She wobbles for a moment. "I think I need a medic..." She mumbles before slumping down to the ground. She is in really bad condition.

"YEAH! We got it," Pox howls into his comms as they manage to evade the sloppy fire from the Militia troops with a tight spiral and then all Pox opens fire. His blast canons fire into the installation and it explodes. He pilots his TIE into a sharp arc and then races back. "Time to engage troops. The rest of you take on the other AA's." Pox leans forward on the stick, dropping low to race across lower to the ground. As he races toward the militia men, Pox opens fire on one and as he whizzes past, his gunner opens fire on the other.

Really, what did you expect? As soon as Pox opens fire on the guards, they both explode into a pile of rather pungent salsa.

It seems today EM's work has literally been one shot and one kill, but the trooper lowers her rifle as she sees Maze hit hard. Grunting, the trooper makes to sprint, moving toward the fallen soldier's side and clipping her rifle to her hip before she moves to try and lift the other woman. No words, just silent action.

As the militia men are gunned down in the pass from the TIE pass, Alpha Squadron make quick work of the remaining AA Installations remaining and then the four fighters align and open fire on the cache. Laser Canons fire in quick succession, racing into the supplies and soon enough, simple fire turned to an explosion and the cache is no more. "Alright Alpha Squadron, security detail to see the troops back, and then we're heading for home. Keep it tight," he says into his comms and then the four TIEs move around to secure the area and their troops.