Log:The Galaxy Today: Interview with Senator Nor Ehaga

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Interview with Senator Nor Ehaga

OOC Date: October 2, 2021
Location: Chandrila
Participants: Raena Tanassi, Senator Nor Ehaga

The screen is bright. It starts to take on a textured definition that looks like specks as the image pans out. More details come into play the farther that it goes. It's soon apparent that the image on screen is a galaxy spinning and that the view started from the center. The galaxy itself is imposed on a black background to help emphasize the shape, which looks like a representation of the known galaxy according to star charts. The image pans onto the side and begins to zoom rapidly in, streaking by bright spots meant to represent what might be systems or planets. It resolves into a system filled with the nourishing star and the planets that revolve around it, before finally settling on what is meant to be a replica of Chandrila.

A broad band begins to wrap around the planet spinning on its axis and becomes the banner for the text THE GALAXY TODAY. This image remains for a few seconds until cutting in a quick fade to black.

It opens on a stage arranged like it's meant to be a snapshot into a Chandrilan living room. A long table is set towards the fore of the stage before a pair of leather upholstered chairs that share a squat, square table between them. There are two mugs on the table. Raena Tanassi is seated in the one on the right, dressed in a white pantsuit with black heels and a silk blouse underneath her blazer. Her legs are crossed, right over left, with her fingers curled around the edge of her knee.

"Good evening. I'm Reina Tanassi and you're watching The Galaxy Today. We have a special guest for you tonight and we're here to talk about a topic that's close to the heart of every New Republic citizen." The panned out view comes to a close-up that captures her portrait and allows for the play of light to be seen across the soft, matte pink of her lipstick.

"The New Republic lost its Chancellor during an attack at a most critical time. With the galaxy in turmoil, it often feels like there are more questions than answers. Tonight we hope to provide you with some. Please join me in welcoming our guest, Senator Nor Ehaga of Bothawui." Raena rises from her seat to join in the clapping perpetuated by the audience in the studio. The camera cuts to the Bothan politician joining the stage. He wears simple purple garments and offers a lifted hand in a wave to the crowd and the camera.

Once the host and the Senator share a handshake, Raena gestures for him to take his seat and waits to return to her own after he's done so. The audience's clapping continues, and the Senator nods to different sections. He clasps both of his hands together before him and makes a gesture of gratitude. The camera once again adjusts to capture a closer view of just the Senator and Raena.

"Thank you for joining us tonight, Senator Ehaga," Raena begins.

"Thank you for having me. It's wonderful to be here this evening." The Bothan's gruff voice is crisp and clear. At the bottom of the screen, the dialogue from both is rapidly translated into any number of sentient languages depending on the viewer that's tuned in. An info bar above does the same, stating SENATOR NOR EHAGA OF BOTHAWUI and CHANCELLOR CANDIDATE.

"Senator, before we get to the questions, I wanted to express my condolences. Chancellor Darrohe was your cousin, was he not?"

"Yes, he was," Senator Ehaga gives a short nod. "A fine Bothan and a close friend. He will be greatly missed." The silence in the studio reflects the solemn mood brought on by the mention of the late politician.

"Tonight we talk about an important subject," Raena pushes the conversation forward. "And that is your candidacy for Chancellor of the New Republic. With citizens being asked to cast their votes, it's imperative they know who they're voting for." Senator Ehaga is nodding along, though he does not interrupt. "So let's get right into the questions, if you're ready."

"I look forward to it."

"The biggest question on everyone's mind, I think, is how your administration will differ from the last." Raena has adopted a straight-postured pose with legs once again crossed. Cards drawn off the table between the two seats are referenced with quick glances while the questions are posed.

"An important question," Senator Ehaga inclines his head. "The previous administration was crippled for numerous reasons by factors outside their control. They were tasked with paving the way for what we have now, with little funding to do so effectively. It is my opinion that it was also crippled by hesitance. A lack of decision-making and strong vision allowed an opportunity for safer worlds to flounder. We had the chance to obtain and begin to implement new designs for powerful planetary shield generators, but that chance was passed by. Shield technology is a boon. When the New Republic went to Grail City on the planet of Ikkrukk, it was shield technology that allowed them to resist against the First Order until the New Republic arrived. We rendered aid and saved that city. The New Republic's work there is a fine example of the kind of strength that member worlds of the New Republic can expect from my administration, and their defensive capabilities are a fine example of the safety we need in these dangerous times."

"Thank you, Senator. Speaking of dangerous times, the New Republic finds itself facing two fronts of war. The armistice with the First Order was never finished. What is your administration's plan regarding the First Order?"

Senator Ehaga has both hands settled on the edge of the chair's rests, but his right raises on occasion to gesture. "Chancellor Darrohe, may he rest in peace, was on the right track. Diplomatic foundations with the First Order are the correct direction. These foundations are more important than they were before. The indiscriminate attack against the New Republic and the First Order at Corellia demonstrates the Sith Empire does not recognize or respect any other galactic power. Their display of military force at Corellia indicates the Sith Empire is capable of destruction on a large scale, and it is an immediate threat that we, both the New Republic and the First Order, should face together. The Sith Empire's goal seems to be conquest. It moved immediately to take control of Coruscant, which has long been considered the center of the Galaxy's events. My administration is about alliances. Not just strengthening the bonds we have with our current member worlds, but about the new paths that we can forge in the future. There are many dangers in the galaxy and only by standing united can we hope to achieve stability and safety."

Raena nods along with the end of his answer, cards gently curved where her right thumb presses into their center. Her left arm drapes against the chair's armrest, and her fingers curl gently towards her palm. "You've clearly given the matter a lot of thought, Senator. The next question follows onto that to broach a subject I believe many are curious about. What is your plan with the Sith Empire?"

The Bothan Senator allows the question to stew in his mind a moment. Or maybe he's pausing to give weight to his response. "When a dissenting group expressing military might raised its voice in the Senate, the previous New Republic failed to take notice. They believed in good intentions. Like so many of us, they were tired of war," Senator Ehaga himself sounds fatigued. He pauses as the audience begins to clap, and offers short, brief nods to pace the time. "But ignorance does not solve problems. They chose to turn a blind eye. Their actions, and the continuous efforts to stand down and demilitarize the New Republic, put us in a place where we were more vulnerable than we had ever been. Then Hosnian Prime happened." The Senator pauses again, but it is not for applause. It's for the moment of silence that follows. "Had the New Republic at the time maintained its dedication to having a defensive force and strong military and intelligence apparati, it might not have. I believe we have learned our lesson. I believe those brave sentients that took up the flag of freedom and equality and justice in the Resistance have given us a new opportunity and a chance to do things right. We will not dishonor their sacrifices, nor allow our member worlds to live in fear. We will fight. For their memory, and for our future."

"Powerful words, Senator." Raena allows the clapping in the audience to die down before her hands shift one card out of place for the one behind it. "With the New Republic potentially facing two war fronts, how will you prioritize deployment of military forces? Many are worried about the New Republic being stretched thin."

"My administration will redouble the efforts made by the previous one to aid member worlds resolve their problems. Already, New Republic Defense Force fleets have been sent to Alderaan and Naboo after receiving requests for help. I voted 'yes' to these deployments, knowing that the New Republic is only weak if we leave our member worlds to defend themselves. My administration also strongly believes that one of our first military priorities is to prove we have not abandoned Corellia. Our Defense Force fought for them, and we will continue to fight for them. Returning a task group to Corellia is a top priority."

The host of the show nods twice following the end of his statement. "Corellia is fresh on everyone's minds, and it raises an even more important point. Senator, how does your administration plan to handle the refugee problem? Corellia is not the first, nor will it be the last war torn world that the New Republic engages with."

Senator Ehaga's hands come together so that only his elbows remain on the armrests and his fingers are steepled against one another before him. "The humanocentric policies of the First Order, and by design the Sith Empire, have been particularly brutal on multiple species. The Mon Calamari have suffered gravely. My administration plans to work with member planets to find acceptable, clean, and healthy living conditions for war-displaced refugees and plans to organize as much funding as we can to aid in this endeavor. Already, the New Republic has held multiple charities to raise money for refugees. We're still tackling a comprehensive plan to push out, but my administration's resources will be employed generously in this endeavor."

"That's a relief to hear for many, I imagine. Senator," Raena slightly adjusts her position. Her own left hand gestures, palm angled up and out with fingers gently splayed apart from one another. "You obviously chose politics for a career, but do you have any military experience?"

The Bothan smiles. "I'm glad you asked. I served ten years in the Bothan military and five more in the spy network so famed during the days of the Rebel Alliance. I come from a long line of service. My ancestors were active during the crucial days of the Alliance. Some paid the ultimate sacrifice in helping discover the existence of not only the first Death Star's plans, but the second's as well. During my time in the military, I was an advocate for Resistance support. When they came to Bothawui, I participated in helping deliver critical supplies to their forces. I was part of the team that searched to identify the rogue Bothan clan that ambushed the Resistance corvette Sacrifice. When one of the Resistance ships was almost destroyed in the atmosphere, I also diverted materials to help them make repairs. Military service is a long-standing tradition in my family."

"It sounds like it, Senator. Those are some impressive credentials, especially concerning the aid to the Resistance during some of its darkest times. I wonder if you would mind also telling us about a political hurdle you surpassed and are proud of?"

While the question is posed, the Bothan politician draws a sip from the mug on his side of the table before setting it back down. "Certainly. The Bothans are known for their shrewd approach to any problem, whether that is business or military matters. Many voices called for the Bothan government to wait once the New Republic's fledgling government was re-established. I put my full weight of support behind the decision to join rather than wait. I pleaded with my fellow Bothans to realize the vulnerability in attempting to face the galaxy alone. I was able to help them understand that strength comes from unity, and pushed through a majority vote of accepting the New Republic charter to become one of the first member worlds to return to the fold."

Raena applauds along with the crowd. "You seem to have a great belief in the New Republic and what it stands for." Senator Ehaga nods quickly in response. "If you were to be elected, Senator, what is the first item on your administration's agenda?"

"A pulse check on the New Republic. We're going to work with the previous administration to make sure we have up to date information regarding the status of all current member worlds and the status of all member worlds waiting for approval. Following that, my administration plans on a tour to meet with the leaders of these worlds so we can get, first hand, a list of concerns and issues. We'll work carefully with the Senators of these worlds to ensure plans are tailored to their needs and have a viable timeline for the completion of those goals. For those who are awaiting approval, we will check and confirm their current status and work to clear any issues that stand in the way. These are all in conjunction with a concentrated effort to re-established and begin, as quickly as possible, the necessary communication with the First Order. If nothing else, an armistice with their organization is critical to facing the threat of the Sith Empire. My administration will also be working extremely closely with Admiral Wedge Antilles to ensure that the New Republic Defense Force receives adequate support to accomplish their mission abroad."

Raena adjusts her cards a final time. "Senator, we have just one more question for you. What is your message to the systems and planets still deciding whether or not to join the New Republic?"

Senator Ehaga takes this moment to look into the camera directly.

"My message is a question. What discourages you from joining the New Republic? Do you perceive some shortfall from our government? Is it a question of independence or fear of losing your identity? Do you feel we lack the ability to properly defend members of our charter? I implore you to reach out to the New Republic and bring your concerns to us. Allow us to form diplomatic relations with you that will pave the way for our cooperation, even if you decide you do not want to be part of our Republic. The galaxy is too large for the Republic to face alone. We want to develop alliances that will build strong bonds so that we can face any adversity together."

The audience's applause reaches a new high. The camera pans to an outside angle showing the various sentients in the crowd, no small few which have risen to their feet to show their vigorous support of what the Senator has said. As the applause starts to die down, Raena speaks again.

"Wonderful answer, Senator. Again, we thank you for joining us tonight and sharing your platform with us and we wish you the best of luck in the upcoming election."

Senator Ehaga places a hand against his chest and inclines his head. "Thank you for having me. I hope to serve the New Republic in any capacity that I can." The cheers and applause begin to raise again as the two on the stage rise. The microphones cut and music begins to fill in over the noise as the central camera pans out. Raena and Senator Ehaga exchange a handshake again and some semblance of small conversation as the screen fades to black.