Log:BHG: I need a Captain

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Dailo Fett seeks out a capable Captain for a dangerous job.

OOC Date: June 2, 2021
Location: Maz's Castle, Takodana
Participants: Andan Qorbin, Dailo Fett, Bounty Hunters' Guild

The atmosphere to this cantina was invaded by the cool air fresh from the lake, and the scent of spiced meat hitting the sizzling grill. The sounds marry with each other, of course that of the breeze and birds and nature are all lost to the music, merriment, and general ambience that constitutes the interior of Maz's Castle. What walks of life interact here come from all corners of the galaxy, most of which practice illegal trade. One thing ties it all together though, and that thing was money.

Money should be a deity in the galaxy given the devotion some people had in collecting it. Though for someone who came from an affluent background, where money wasn't a focus, or a concern, they were the gatekeepers to the kind of glorious jobs people wrote songs about, the kinds of jobs that made legends like Captain Solo and the Mighty Chewbacca. Why were they gatekeepers? What could they possibly want that all their money could not buy?

One such gatekeeper steps through the stone threshold of the castle to be bathed in the torch light, music, cool air and ambience of this establishment. She wears the worn fatigues of a mercenary, with an air of poised confidence and a smile to boot. This predator was none other than a Fett; Dailo Fett.. and she was looking for the right kind of pilot to see her deed through...

The Rascal's Wager was in port at Maz's today. Not for a job, but for a moment of respite. The small crew of five were all seated on one of the exterior balconies that were built on the side of the reconstructed castle. Maz's was pretty infamous around the smuggling community, it was well known that it was hit hard by the First Order a few years back, but the fact that it bounced back was a thing of pride amongst the more devout smugglers.

The Wager's crew was here to relax, and they were doing just that, the five of them all out there on the balcony at one of the large tables, enjoying drinks, smokes and getting to know one another better.

As it so happens, as Dailo is entering the castle's entrance, the Wager's Captain is stepping out of the sunlight and in to the castle himself. He glances toward the doors, like so many others do too, and ultimately just walks toward the bar. No large coat on right now as it is elft on the balcony over his chair, his black sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He's approaching the bar and leaning against it to talk to the bartender closest to the side he's on.

"Okay, okay.." Dailo mumbles to herself, careful not to 'talk' to herself in a manner that was loud enough to be heard by all. In the back of her mind, she can hear her father's instructions, the 'ritual' as she had come to know it, of identifying the biggest threats in the room, the likely exits, the likely dead ends, and which of these guys seemed the most in charge. Putting theory to action was the hard part though. Her father had the presence, and the eye for such things and she was still putting it to practice.

She was so green that she bumped into the Captain of the Wager while conducting her review of the room to find a place. How could he tell them all apart, she asked herself, feeling clueless. They all seemed like criminals, or pilots.. or smugglers.. pirates, mercenaries..

Dailo plops down at the bar and sighs. Maybe this was to be harder than she realized. "An ale.. chilled.." She ordered, looking down a moment and tucking her raven strands back. After a moment of doubt, she looked back over her shoulder to all the denizens in the room. Which seemed the likely candidate...

Andan had grown up around this type of place, starting on his uncle's first ship, then switching crews to a large bulk freighter when he was in his teens still. Now on his own and putting his own crew together, the Captain of the Wager is surely comfortable here. He's ordering another round of drinks for his young crew when he's bumped in to by the woman who'd entered.

It happens, these places are a bit overwhelming and often crowded. Maz's was popular for reasons like that.

He looks back over his shoulder at her as she settles in to the bar. Soemthing about her looks 'new' to all of this. He nods once to her and takes another sip of his drink. "You look like you're searching for someone." Andan says ot her in a Corellian accent, though its mixed in with a few others sources in there too, muddled, like a real spacerr's Basic would be.

"Got a job interview here?" He asks her, taking a guess.

Sharp eyes turn to regard the spacer a moment, darting up and down as if searching for what he carried. A real sense of paranoia, or was it practiced? Hard to tell given how green she looked. "What gave it away?" Dailo asks, her accent more honed and obvious rather than the blend of his own. "No. I'm not sure that sort of work suits me. Not that I look down on it. I prefer more.. adventure." When searching for the right word to use, she glanced away, but after looking back she oriented her gaze to meet his.

"You seem at home here at least. Read the room.. tell me what you see." Dailo put her back to the bar and twisted to sit so she was facing the rest of the place. It seemed like a game for her, but she was probing.

Andan has one foot up on the bar's rail near the floor, the other supporting his weight behind him a bit. Her words make him huff out a quick and short laugh, before the question has him looking ove rhis right shoulder to give the castle interior a quick once over. He looks back to her then and gives a little single nod.

"This place is one of the safer in the sector." He tells her. "People come here usually for sound reasons." He speaks softly, trained to not let his voice carry too far as he likes to talk amongst those in his area. "By which I mean, unwind, socialize, make a few deals if possible. Not usually cause trouble." He pauses and smirks. "Management here doesn't like trouble, and with the influence she has? It's best to stay on your finest behavior."

He flashes her a soft grin before he looks back to the tender. He slides his drink over the bar to motion for a refill.

"A pity," She laments, or is she feigning contention. "I had hoped to find the right sort to help me with one of my ...adventures." Dailo lets the statement season under a deliberate pause, baiting him to question, should the interest strike him. She uses the time wisely, nursing her ale without so much as a grimace. It was a watered down glass; Concord Dawn, she found, had the thicker more pungent drinks fit for warriors. Those typically knocked her on her ass.

She set the half-filled mug back to the counter and used her thumb to wipe the corner of her mouth. "Not that I'm here to cause any disturbance really. I need someone with the right.. eyes, and connections. This may surprise you," She said, bordering a tone of humor; "I'm new to this."

Andan just enjoys his drink at the bar while he listens to her to his right. When she finishes he looks over at her again, this time his stare lingering a moment. He could tell she was fishing for him to ask, and damned if it wasnt' an effective tactic. "Everyone has to start somewhere." He replies to her last line there, adding a little smirk again.

When he looks away he raises his drink up for another sip and then exhales lightly. "Okay, so whats your job?" He asks her now, not able to help himself. "I told my crew I wouldn't talk shop while we were in port this time, guess I lost that bet..." He glances toward the sunny doorway out to the balcony they're on. "Least they're not around to hear..." He mutters, glancing down at his shirt... which is mostly clean. Mostly.

"I need to track down a seller in the asteroid city of Kafrene. The seller has a rare sought after energy source that my employer desires. The kind of energy source that turns heads and earns all kinds of attention." Dailo said softly, turning her head toward the man and speaking low about it. She had a languid cavalier nature to her; like the danger of that kind of job did not give her pause.

"I need someone who can help me set up a contingency if it goes wrong, someone who can fly a fast ship, and deliver the cargo while under the scrutiny of pretty much any law-abiding entity in known space. I can give the coordinates, facilitate the payment, and the only caveat is that.. I come along." Dailo finishes her mug then and wipes her mouth with her thumb again. "Is that the kind of job that interests you, spacer?"

Andan's eyes go down to his drink in his left hand on the bar's top as he listens to the woman's rundown on what she's looking for. At her last question he just gently nods his head to her.

When he looks up and over to her again he's showing another little faint expression of amusement. "If this is the nicest smuggling den, Kafrene could qualify as the meanest." He glances behind his shoulder again before he looks back to her. "We got our own ship, it's new to the skies so it has no baggage. Myself, and four crew. Most of us have been in the business for awhile, so we know the ins and outs, the ship is agile and fast. We're looking to make some credits to pump it up, make it even more than it is. But... that's why we're outhere, right? meet new people, discover new ways of earning the credits."

He nods once to her. "So yeah, you'd be hard pressed to find a more fitting team for the job you're after, Miss?" He questions for her name there at the end.

"Vel. Ailyn Vel." Dailo replies with a small smile. "Compensation is no challenge so long as the haul is delivered. My employer honors good work, especially when it's sensitive." Dailo slides a cred across the counter to cover the cost of her beverage, suddenly feeling a bit more inspired by how things turned out so far. She could imagine the look on her father's face, stern and unconvinced. She hoped she could prove her imagination of his reaction wrong.

"I should grab my things then. I packed light. Just let me know where I should set up my bunk, Captain?" Her turn to inquire.

Andan nods at the name she gives and he replies. "Val it is." He says, motioning to himself. "Andan, Qorbin." Just as the tray of drinks arrive for the rest of his crew. Her question about where to setup is met by him motioning toward the balcony doorway. "Well, lets introduce you to everyone else and let them get to know you a bit. Best way to proceed, rather than go back to the ship and find you there. They might get ideas." He smirks at her before he holds the tray up and nods at he paying for her drink.

"We'll get under way here in a bit too, if that's okay. We've been running hard this past week. I promised them some time off." Anotehr grin is shown as he moves to steyp away from the bar then, looking back at her to see if she's following. "And don't worry, we have a strict no questions asked about anything that doesn't directly effect the job." He adds while balancing the tray of drinks and navigating the busy castle, nos mall feat... he must not be drunk, yet.

"What sorts of ideas?" Dailo asks after the Captain, tailing him like with an enthusiastic innocence. If he looked back after she asked, he'd find a confident grin had crossed her features.

"They may ask, I may not answer." Was all she offered before wandering outside with him to meet his crew and relax into the evening. It was the best way to start a job. Some drinking, some chatting, and relaxing. She liked this crew already..