Log:Canes and confusion

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Canes and confusion

OOC Date: March 21, 2022
Location: Tatooine
Participants: Saturi, Kuut

OOC note: This is a translated version of the log, since Kuut doesn't understand the Huttese spoken, and Saturi doesn't understand Jawa_Trade.

The residential areas of Mos Eisley are significantly quieter compared to the busy streets in the central sections of the city. You're less likely to be bothered because most of the people that live here keep to their own business. In a lot of ways, you're safer near the outskirts...that is if you can handle the more regular interactions with desert wildlife.


A woman's voice calls out over the low hum of the district. The rumble of ships and speeders is tough to avoid even if there is only a light spattering of people on the street. "Doctor!?"

  • Rhrap* *Rhrap* *Rhrap*

Her cloaked figure is busy pounding on the door of one the many private compounds. The occasional entryway battery is broken up with blue fingers pressing at the door console, likely ringing the actual doorbell. She doesn't seem to be having any luck! A few moments pass before the woman takes a deep breath, clutching a massive staff that she has been using as a mobility support.

Trudling through the residential area, pushing a small cart with an assortment of electronic parts in, Kuut is on the lookout for more stuff! On one stop to sniff around some discarded waste, he hears the voice calling out for a doctor. He follows the sound of it, and when it stops he loks round and continues on with his searching. Follow, stop, follow stop. Eventually the tiny Jawa comes across the repulsor chair, and he shuffles over to give it a closer look. The voice cries out for a doctor again, and he's startled, backing away from the chair and he looks round, spotting Saturi. "Hello? Is this chair yours?" he asks, pointing to the chair. "It's a very nice chair!" He walks over to it and starts opening panels to look inside to see how the innards look. [Language: Jawa_Trade]

The sound of dialogue from near her chair is enough to get the Pantoran to turn and face the noise. "No! Leave it alone!" The gesture to the chair, the removing of the panels. She profiles the small being, assuming that he is about to dismantle the repulsor lift for spare parts. Speaking in Hutt, a language that has worked in the past with these creatures, Saturi does her best to stop any finagling. "I need that!" Using the staff as a support, the cloaked woman hobbles towards the power chair. Her leftward hobble indicates that she has been afflicted by an injury of some sort, the extent hidden by her flowing burgundy garment. "I still have to get to the starport." She adds.[Language: Huttese]

The Jawa looks up at Saturi as she speaks, and the orange eyes under the hood blink. "Ok, I have no idea what you said!" he says, and starts putting the panels back on. "Good chair, no repairs!" He glances at the stick she's using, and the hobbling, and says, "Y'know the Tuskens don't like it when you take their sticks!" He shuffles off to his cart and pulls out a several mis-matched canes, and carries them over to Saturi. "Thrown away, not used any more. Better than big stick though!" he says offering them to her. [Language: Jawa_Trade]

There is a wash of relief over the cloaked woman's face as the panels are closed for access and the Jawa steps away from her chair. "Thank you." She says with a friendly demeanor, appreciative of the gesture. "I don't know if I need those." Her left hand offers out the staff...well...starts to before she realizes that removing the support isn't a good idea. The end of the stick goes back to being securely planted into the soft sandstone beneath. Golden eyes glance at her aid, not certain she needs something as cumbersome as what she has. Her attention flicks back to the trader, examining the mismatched canes with care.

"How much are they?" She asks.

Without much grace, she hobbles towards the chair. Taking a great deal of care, she sets herself into the miniature vehicle, the seat hovering a little lower to the ground as her weight settles onto it.[Language: Huttese]

Kuut listens to Saturi and gives zero reaction to what she says. He shuffles after Saturi, and stands by the chair, and lifts up a smooth wooden cane and says, "This is nice! Fancy cane, good for reaching for stuff, and for helping you walk." He changes it, and holds up a metal one, with a droids foot on the bottom, saying, "This one looks like the leg of a metal friend!" He mimics the cane walking, as if a droids leg, and the Jawa makes a beep beep beep noise. "See!" He turns sad for a moment, snd adds, "I hope the metal friend has a new foot." He looks back up to Saturi and puts a happy act on, "But yes! Many canes, here to help you!" [Language: Jawa_Trade]

"I don't understand what you're saying." Saturi admits with a glance at the two offered canes. "But, can I see that one?" She looks to the wooden one, gesturing to it with her free right hand. In return, her left hand offers out the larger, more cumbersome, staff. Taking a deep breath, she leans back into the chair, finally getting a good rest after having shouted at the doctor's door for a few minutes. Even a little bit of exertion seems to have drained her entirely. "I'll trade you sticks because you left my chair alone."[Language: Huttese]

Seeing the offered hand, Kuut gives Saturi the wooden cane, and takes the big staff. He staggers back a bit then slowly moves back to his cart, dragging the staff behind him, and dumps them all uncerimoniously into the cart. He pushes the cart round so Saturi can get a better look in it. The statement from the chair gets no response or acknowledgement beyond "You sound like the Hutt! Or the Hutts' people. So important here. No idea what they say. Or you." He looks up fro his cart, to Saturi and asks, "Need anything else? Parts for your chair. Or ship, speeder....metal friend?" He sighs. "Metal friend so helpful right now, tell me what you're saying." He collapses in on himself a little, muttering, "so shiny, i want a metal friend...." [Language: Jawa_Trade]

"We have a deal, right?" Saturi asks, not understanding the initial question. She accepts the cane, holding it out as Kuut returns her staff to his cart. Before long, she holsters the new walking stick into her lap. "I'll keep this and you'll keep that." The cloaked Pantoran nods as kindly as she can before raising an arm to wipe away building sweat. "I'm going to be on my way now." The woman adds, offering a wave of the hand, signaling that she intends on leaving.[Language: Huttese]

Kuut just watches Saturi as she talks. When she waves, he raises his arms over his head and waves both arms, saying, "Goodbye friend! Hope the cane helps!" There's a few moments and he looks to the door Saturi was banging on. He skitters over then starts banging on the door. "Hello! Hello!" he calls out, keeping up what Saturi was doing when he turned up. Bang bang bang! Yell! Bang bang bang! Yell! [Language: Jawa_Trade]

The Pantoran watches as the Jawa ambles over to where she was. She stares curiously as the trader skitters up to the door and starts banging on it just as she did. A hand wipes at her brow, marginally confused by what he is trying to accomplish. "I don't think he's home!" Her voice calls from her seated position, dialogue switching back to basic. Saturi offers another wave to the little being before using the controls to turn her chair down the street, hovering away at a slow pace.

Kuut's hood flicks over as Saturi speaks Basic. He then runs over to Saturi and her chair as fast as his tiny legs can carry him. "Hello! I understand you!" he says, bouncing p and down. "I know what you ssy now!" There's a moment where he goes to grab the cart and notices it's not there then slowly speeds back to the cart and pushes it over to Saturi again, grunting in excertion. Once caught up, he points to himself and says, "I Kuut! Kuut!" [Language: Jawa_Trade]

The blue woman brings her chair to a stop as the Jawa bounces wildly towards her with the cart. "I don't understand." She reaches into her lap, holding out the cane she had just traded. "It was a deal, right?" Saturi motions to the cart, gesturing at her old staff. "I don't need anything else...and I thought the point was for me to keep the cane."

Kuut stops bouncing and listens to Saturi. He nods and gestures to the cane then to Saturi. "Yes, the cane is yours!" he says, before looking towards the staff. He gasps a little as his attention is grabbed by a droid going by and he scuttles after it, callign after it, "Metal friend! Metal friend!" [Language: Jawa_Trade]