Log:Digging up the Past Part 1

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Digging up the Past Part 1

OOC Date: February 18, 2015 (Optional)
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Jayla Shane, Kyanggha, Sion

It's evening on Nar Shaddaa and Jayla called Sion and Kyan, asking them to meet her in the apartment. And to come armed. The tall human is there already, packing more than her usual number of guns as well as a few grenades. She's tapping carefully on a beat-up datapad, brows furrowed.

It is rare that Kyan isn't armed, to be truthful. It's the armour that is a touch less reliable. She wasn't far, only out in the main hangar with her wee putt putt shuttle, watching the ships in the main starport arrive and leave and arrive and leave, drinking a bottle of wine. Probably a good thing that a single bottle of human strength wine doesn't really put much of a dent in a wookiee. She wanders lazily into the apartment, her bowcaster at her side. "I'm going to presume rwowoal rwarrl wrall shooting isn't /in/ the apartment, woeieowl woeieowl of heard it already." She rumbles in a low growl.

The call was a surprise: Sion had been enjoying a show over in the Corellian district. But friendship is friendship, and the Socorran sends a quick acknowledgement and comes running (figuratively speaking, of course).

But questions are still racing through her mind as she comes through the door, dressed casually but with her use-worn but newly improved DH-17 strapped on, as usual. She pauses to check behind her, then eases the door shut. "What's up, Jayla? This sounded urgent..." She gives a nod and a smile to Kyanggha, as well as a scruff on the shoulder. "Here for this too, fuzzball?"

Jayla Shane looks up and smiles at the wookie, lowering the datapad. Her gaze shifts to Sion when the racer enters, and she nods. "It is. I've been digging through one of my dad's old datapads, and I came across something. Something a bit odd." She turns towards Kyanggha again. "Kyan, do you remember an old job you did with dad involving a slaver named Loran Shalice?"

"Hey Sion. The worowl to woeieowl shoot someone without having all the chaos of the rwal? woeieowl." Kyan rumbles and then turns her attention back to Jayla. She pauses a moment, musing a touch and then nods. "Yeah. We found him on Bonadan rwoarl and closed down his rwowoal ring. Why?"

"Um, okay!" Sion replies with a smile, obviously not getting everything Kyang said. Shyriiwook is not an easy language to learn. She looks to Jayla. "I have a feeling this is going to be /way/ too complicated for my Wookiee-speak chops. Can you translate?"

Jayla Shane taps on the datapad a few more times, then she switches it off. "Loran Shalice had an operation spanning from Nar Shaddaa to Tatooine to Bonadan. He even had a cell on Coruscant. Kyan worked with my dad to shut him down, finally catching him on Bonadan. Looking through mom's notes, they moved spice out from the lower levels on Nar Shaddaa. But I think something might have been left behind, and I want to check it out. Kyan, you think you can still find the place?"

A sympathetic pat on Sion's shoulder at the challenge that is learning Shyriiwook and Kyan nods at Jayla's explination. "wrall sort of thing left behind? woeieowl ror the Nar base being fairly small, you rwal it was more involved grarrrl rwowoal?" She rumbles thoughtfully before nodding slowly. "Yeah. I think I can still find it. Might rwowoal a little rwowoal hazy, but I remember most wrall the details."

"This sounds like a long trip, and that's if nobody else has found it," Sion remarks. "I'd better get my armor on and grab my medikit and glow rod, just in case." She moves to the back of the apartment, opening up her storage locker, but keeping an ear cocked just in case.

Jayla Shane nods as Kyan speaks, then turns to Sion to translate before replying. "Right. So the Nar base was fairly small, just big enough to land and load a light freighter. But I've been through everything forwards and backwards, and I think Shalice was into more than just slaves and spice. Mom was one of the best slicers in the galaxy, but I think it's time for a first-hand look." She rises, then adds. "So, Kyan, if you lead the way I can get us inside." And she unslings her blaster rifle.

The old base is waaaay down in the depths of Nar Shaddaa's industrial district. It's a part of the planet that few sentient organics visit, at least not on purpose. It's dirty, seedy, and the few inhabitants fall into one of two main categories: predator and prey. All the same, the sight of three well-armed visitors is enough to deter immediate trouble. And the fact that one is a wookie doesn't hurt either.

It takes a little while of poking around and backtracking (just once!) to lead the trio to a dark alley. There's a durasteel door that Kyan would recognize. The lock has been replaced over the years but it doesn't look like it's seen use in quite some time. Handling rearguard, Sion glances forward, frowning at what she sees. "That doesn't seem very secure for down here," she murmurs. "I hope that door's tougher than it looks."

"rwarrl rwarrl sure rwal are as much magic as jedi." Kyan opines with a rumble as they descend down into the depths of Nar Shaddaa. She pauses at the durasteel door, giving the lock a squinting peering look. "Anyone good at opening rwowoal the subtle way, woeieowl woeieowl I use woeieowl lockpicks. Or is it just /grarrrl/ for woeieowl sake." She reaches to give the door a try, not actually expecting it to be unlocked.

Jayla Shane shrugs, unshouldering her sniper rifle and snapping open the bipod. "I personally don't think there's a lot of traffic down here, but I agree." Adjusting the sights, she sets up a relatively safe distance away. "I was going to try it my *dad's* way, actually. I don't think we get points for subtlety down here. But go ahead, Kyan." She lowers the rifle to let the wookie try.

Sion nods, taking up a position to cover the entryway to the alley. "We drew some attention getting down here. I have a bad feeling some of those goons we saw have friends they're going to get."

"As much as I'm a fan wrall shooting things, I'm rwowoal rwarrl to have rwal for ammo rwowoal a lot of rwowoal rwarrl in a very small space. That's plan B." Kyan comments as she takes half a step back and then gives it a damn good ram with her shoulder and body weight. The door might be durasteel, but they should have splurged for a more expensive lock. The sound of crunching metal comes from within and it swings.. well actually, it probably wasn't originally designed to swing that way, but suddenly it's much more open to experimentation. "Want me to take point?"

Jayla Shane turns towards the other end of the alley in case something from further back decides to show any interest. The loud thump followed by the creaking protest of twisting metal catches her attention, then, and she looks back at the result. "I think that'll do just nicely." she offers. Inside is darkness and a horrible, musty smell. "Point is yours if you want it, Kyan. Sion, still have those glow rods? And let's take our time. Doesn't look like anybody's home."

"Yup-yup." Sion rises from her kneeling position behind a garbage bin and swings her medic's carrybag around front. Opening the top, she hands two glow rods to Jayla, keeping one for herself. Shutting the pouch, she settles it behind her hip again and moves to back up Kyanggha. "Ready when you are, big girl."

She sniffs the air and winces, shining her glow rod through the door. "Somebody should definitely have a word with the maid..."

The outer room looks like a small office, consisting of a single counter with a data terminal. The horrible smell? That would be the dead Rodians cast about the room. There are scorch marks on the walls, and several of the bodies look like they were part of an explosion. Pockmarks from blaster bolts decorate most of the walls. Dust covers everything, including the dried blood. And there's a set of double doors at the back.

"Clearly not /that/ unused." Kyanggha comments as she takes a glowstick and moves cautiously further into the room. "ror someone worowl much care for these wrall." She leaves Jayla and Sion to look things over as she moves towards the double doors at the back, clearly aiming to confirm that the area really is secure, before they start poking about. "Hopefully these woeieowl aren't fond of mines." She mutters absently, sweeping the room for more explosive devices, traps, or people waiting to shoot them.

The wookie takes point, making her way over to the double doors with Sion close behind. There aren't any explosives or booby-traps, but the two of them DO find something tucked off in a corner. One of the boxes in the office is now sitting askew, exposing a small wall safe at floor level. And Kyan is pretty sure that Kell's entry-group didn't notice it during their first visit.

Wall safe wasn't spice /or/ slaves, and it may not even have been there when they were last here. It has been a while. Kyan rumbles, gesturing towards it with her bowcaster. "rwarrl going to grarrrl someone with better fine rwowoal fuss at rwowoal. rwal you grarrrl me rwowoal try rwal it to grarrrl, I can do that." She sets herself up with a good view of the door they bashed in, to keep an eye out for company.

Sion takes a look at the wall safe. "Well, that might slow us down a bit. Let me see if I can do anything with it. Just be a second." She holsters her weapon and gets to work.

Unfortunately, this thing takes a different code type than she knows, and improvising gets her nowhere. The display on the lock goes an angry red, showing the message <ACCESS DENIED>. "No good. Got any explosives, anyone?" she jokes weakly, stepping back.

Jayla Shane watches Sion's progress, then she sets up the sniper rifle on the counter and carefully zeroes in the targeting computer. While the wookie's curiosity keeps her attention on the double doors, Jayla offers. "That's okay, Sion. Tag out." And once the safe is clear, Jayla shoots at the lock with the high-powered rifle. *pa-CHEW!* *pa-CHEW!* *pa-CHEW!* The third shot finally burns through the lock and the small door opens a couple centimeters.

Sion moves to open the safe, glad of her gloves. "At least the smell in here says there probably aren't a dozen goons behind that double door," she comments, shining her glow rod into the compartment. "And what have we here?"

Inside the small safe are a handful of data crystals. The design is old, but unlike the rest of the room they look to be relatively clean and dust-free. The safe probably hasn't been opened in years.

Jayla turns her attention towards the door to the street, just in case the gunfire attracted any attention. "Just grab it for now and we'll figure it out later. I thought I heard something skittering outside."

Meanwhile, the double doors are easily opened since the broken lock wasn't repaired. The room behind the office is a small warehouse opening into a private landing bay. There was a major firefight here, as seen by more rotting corpses, and it also looks untouched by the years.

"Grabbed," Sion replies, pulling open a pouch on her scout armor webbing and scooping the crystals into it. She moves to back up Jayla, leaving Kyanggha to watch their way out.

She peers into the warehouse - landing bay combo. "I guess the neighbors aren't the welcoming kind," she says. "It's too dark in here to tell, but I don't see any sign of a ship. Think there's anything in these leftover crates?"

Jayla Shane shakes her head at that, the trio slowly entering the warehouse now. Kyan was here before. Here is where the slavers made their stand, and here is where they died. A Quarren's body is among the Rodians. And indeed, there are no signs of a ship or even much in the way of cargo. "I doubt it, but let's check to make sure."

"Yeah. There are probably woeieowl ror bolt holes out here." Kyan rumbles as she steps into the warehouse. "They didnt run wrall other rwarrl, rwowoal worowl grarrrl to give up the rwarrl rwowoal they rwowoal fill with more slaves." Her voice doesn't sound pleased by that reality. "This was one of the early rwal we cleared out too, so it probably really didn't see a lot more ship action woeieowl rwowoal."

There are more -remains- than actual intact shipping crates, but even the ones that the group open don't have anything useful or interesting inside. Evidently Kell's crew was much more thorough when it came to looting cargo than looking for hidden wall safes.

After searching for a few minutes, Jayla calls it. "Okay, ladies, I think we've attracted enough attention for one day. Let's get topside where the air is easier to breathe. I wanna crack a bottle open and see what we've found."

"grarrrl other than me will need to work magic rwarrl those data crystals. If there's more wrall to rwarrl, I'm in." Kyan grins toothily, giving a general gesture towards the crystals Sion has. "Or wrall to keep you two from woeieowl shot. I heal faster." She gives a Rodian a kick for good measure, confirming the lack of things to loot.

Sion nods to Kyang and Jayla. "I think I've breathed enough death and decay for one day," she agrees. "I'll take point this time."