Log:Making the Rounds

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Making the rounds

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Aurra Sing, Zaena, Ysille Vale, Sion, Stavros

"All right," says Zaena thoughtfully. "So Ysilla will be ready to fly the damn thing once we get her arranged, and Ari can help with any codes and slicing," she says, with a frown. A newcomer to Nar Shaddaa, she at least knows enough that when one is looking for quality muscule, one patronizes the Hutt district.

Perhaps engaging a tough is a bit odd for a lawyer, no matter how skitting, but heck, Zaena's seen a few of the trids. She begins with the most obvious process for her machinations, by looking around the immediate district for the kind of bar that has a gun on a sign outside, or some equally obvious indicator.

There's a fair amount of traffic here, for the Hutts are the center of Nar Shaddaa's economy and doing business with the Hutts is, quite frankly, good for business. Not everyone in the Hutt District is going somewhere, however. A tall, chalk-colored humanoid woman loiters across the way from the palace. One shoulder against the wall, a long ponytail spills down and her arms are folded over her chest. From the number and size of guns she's carrying, the nature of her trade is easy to figure out; this one deals in violence for a living. Nothing moves, except the occasional rustling of her long hair in a breeze. And those dark, inquisitive eyes.

Loitering, check, big guns, check, eyes that look like she could pull the trigger on an angel's kitten, check. A, perfect.

Zaena approaches with a bright smile.

"Hi there, miss!" she says. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance indeed," she says. "You see, I'm here to help examine the possibility of people well, doing business without the permission of Undula the Hutt," she explains. "He seems to be the big fellow around here, and he's given me an outline of areas and operations that pay to him," she says. "In any case, this is a rather dangerous area to be looking into, as I imagine, and as I do such things, I could most certainly use some protection," she confesses.

Aurra Sing's eyes flicker at the approach but she doesn't turn until the Twi'lek addresses her. At least her head turns. "You -are- right about one thing at least. This is definitely a dangerous area." She looks over Zaena before declaring. "Was that an employment offer? Because I'm not sure that you can afford me."

The chipper twi'lek gives a bright smile. "Not sure that I can afford you?" she asks. "Well, I suppose at the moment, well while I am right about one thing," she says, setting a hand on her hip. "I sometimes bite my teeth and pay what I have to. How about for just a few hours, while I make my first rounds and get the lay of the land? Something tells me that if I /can/ afford you, you'd be well worth it," she says. "You're right that I can't afford you long term, but what about an evening?" she asks.

Aurra Sing shifts her stance, turning to face the twi'lek more fully at that. Pale lips pull back into a smile, and it doesn't make her expression any nicer. "Listen, honey, I'm a bounty hunter not a bodyguard. And I don't charge by the evening or by the hour." She unfolds her arms, then asks. "You're working for Undula?"

"Well," replies the Twi'lek, backing off, raising up her hands a bit. "Come on, you're a total stone badass and you'd keep my stupid little hide alive through anything," she says. "So you can hardly blame me for trying," she says. "I get it, though, this isn't the ground you no doubt stomp to death with the greatest of ease."

She smiles. "Well, I have the honor, I suppose, to have engage Undula the Hutt as my first client, and he has found it amusing enough to grant me the independence of being able to say so not in a bikini and all out and about," she explains, with a smile. "I told him that I have a nost for graft like anyone, and that I'd be able to...well, find irregularities. Slave catchers that are looking for specific product and so on. I have a few...well, names, that I'd love your help in going by, so that I could...convince them to give up their proceeds to Undula, or at least a portion, as they shoudl. Or at the very least, say sorry." She offers the most ingratiating grin she can, which is pretty darn ingratiating.

Aurra Sing's smile broadens a touch at that, and she laughs as if with reluctance. "Okay, you have my attention now. A quick-tongued who is working for a Hutt as something -other- than a dancer is intriguing." She considers for a moment and then adds. "I'll walk along with you today. I may shoot someone or not, as I see fit. It might even be you. And in return, should you live so long, you will arrange for me to meet Undula the Hutt. I am Aurra Sing."

The tips of the twi'lek's lekku curl, and she smiles. "A...Aurra...Sing?" she asks. "I mean, you're like a..." She doesn't /say/ legend, she doesn't have to. She shakes her head. "Of...of course," she says. "Though I promise you. I'm really not worth shooting, I mean, I do carry a vibroblade, but it's not to make me such an easily pathetic target," she chipperly chats away with a grin. "But sure, yeah, if you can watch my hide a bit, I'd be delighted to know that you were eager to meet Undula and advance his goals. Just like, please don't take that as an opportunity to launch some Hutt-assassinating hidden agenda, or something, OK? I rather like this Hutt and I'd prefer not to have to find another one."

Aurra Sing lifts a long, slender finger as if to make a correction. "I said I'd like to meet him. I said nothing about advancing his goals. At least not until payment terms are discussed." The smile becomes absolutely unpleasant, then. "And if I had Undula on my list he'd be dead already."

"Yes, yes, the armies of guards and all the security of a Hutt are as nothing to you," says Zaena. "I mean, maybe this was your method, and he just got on your list like a second ago. Or are you one of those people that can make people die on another planet just by hating them really hard? I mean, that's some scary stuff. I heard some rumors about things like that. I'd hate that almost more than a superweapon or anything like that," she says.

"Anyway, I think it's probably most likely that I get to be a roving lawyer is because I yammer away too much for any self respecting Hutt to want me too near his podium. Oh, you mean, your'e going to walk with me and then farm up wherever I try to collect?" she asks. "That's no fair, but uh, I suppose it's your thing to do by right. And you're going to shoot me if I do otherwise, huh? "She shrugs. "Well, I suppose that's up to you, and there's really not very much I can do about it. But! I can promise you that, like a droid that performs well if properly oiled, if you cut me in on your intentions, I'll be able to help a lot! If you want that sort of thing."

All throught he while, she watches, you curiously, sensing for 'annoyance' indicators. After all, she's seen enough tropes of the annoying lawyer managing to get themselves shot. It happens often enough..

Aurra Sing draws a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Yes, annoyance indicator levels are rising slowly. "No. I am going to walk with you and let you do the talking. It's an area in which you're obviously quite accomplished. I will stand behind you. The threat will be enough, in most cases. And if I -do- have to shoot someone, our next visit will to all the faster."

"Outstanding," brightens the woman. "I mean, would you accept a few credits for it? I mean, I would help someone out with a legal fee, but I'd let them pay me a bit," she says. "I mean, how about a thousand for the night?" she asks. "Last time, I mean, you can turn it down, but it's up to you," she says.

"There were three that I was able to figure out were causing trouble, in the area. Two slaver operation, you see," she says. "And one nasty little spice dealing operation - apparently they cut a deal with the local gang to look the other way. It's rumored they might be selling a little something else," she says. "So you could consider this as a way of doing favor for Undula, in advance, I suppose, though he is unlikely to display any more gratitude than you did for my offer of employment," she says, with a grin.

"Anyway, we can begin already. Have you a speeder, or shall we ring up an air taxi?"

Aurra Sing just hand-waves the offer of credits, amusement touching her expression at last. "Two slaver operations and spice dealers. Plus, perhaps, the gang as a bonus." She looks thoughtful and then unholsters a large blaster pistol. It's long, a two-handed affair with double grips for stability. "I'm not interested in Undula's gratitude, only his attention. Let's find a taxi."

Zaena frowns for a moment. "I see," she says. "Well, there aren't that many spunky lawyers around," she says. "Still, I've got a feeling that you're an even better killer than I am one of those," she says, with a little smirk. "All right, all right. Let's head on up to the first one."

Zaena stops by the air taxi spot, and she gives the location of a pad near by the gang controlled block she's talking about. "All right," she says. "Now, ideally there won't be any shooting at all.

"Ideally we can just umm...convince these people to mend their ways, and to...take care of things, So I suppose that leads to question one, which is this: Do you want to be in sight, or out of sight, when I approach?" she asks. "I mean, there's just one of you, so it might not be too threatening." She grins. "But you're pretty well established, if I'm not mistaken."

Aurra Sing flips down the front grip on the big pistol, holding it casually at the ready. "Since we're going to be talking with slavers, and since you're a twi'lek, it's probably better if I remained within sight." she offers. "I'm only one, but one is definitely enough."

"That's certainly true," she says, taking a glance down at her cheap vibroblade, and then gives a little smile. "Hey, miss, I don't suppose you have a backup piece or anything?" she asks. "In any case, well, what you're saying is absolutely correct. Yeah, we should have you probably up front, to deter that," she says. "I suppose I'll start off...just explaining the situation, then. Why don't we start with the spice dealers first? Or should we talk to the gang that...shouldn't be looking the other way?" she asks. "I mean, I have to visit them all. You're the one who would know about how to best use tactical resources."

Aurra Sing is definitely amused by now, and she gestures with her free hand. "Let's start with the spice dealers. You open up with your speech, and if anyone looks too distracted I'll shoot them for effect." She pauses to consider. "Come to think of it, I'll shoot someone anyway. And that's the -only- visit we make tonight. By the time we go out tomorrow night, word will have gotten around."

Zaena grins. "All right!" she says. "Yes, you're right. I mean, I'll be able to make do on the halo effect, tonight," she says. "From what I can tell, the Pink Skypes inhabit a corner bar about a block further," she says. "We'll walk in, I suppose, lay down the law, and then we'll uh..." She grins. "I think I actually have a good angle on this situation, come to think of it. Yes, it will probably lead to violence, but it's about as little as possible. And well, you'll likely have a cut of spice, too," she says.

Heading into the seedy corner bar, Zaena smiles a bit. "Hey," she says, ingratiatingly. "I'm looking for Rek Rek. Apparently he's in charge around here?" she says. "It's...you know, it's about the spice dealers, over on Nilex Row," she says, all chummy. She glances back at you - you're supposed to play strong and silent, a job that she'd apparently thought you ideally suited for.

You test your Bluff skill at a 100 difficulty.

 -Failed- (-24).

You test your Diplomacy skill at a 100 difficulty.

 -Failed- (-8).

You test your Knowledge:organized crime skill at a 100 difficulty.

 +SUCCESS+ (42).

You test your Haggle skill at a 100 difficulty.

 +SUCCESS+ (38).

"All right, there, you sleazeball. Don't think that we can't tell an outsider right off the bat," snarls a gruff Weequay, stepping forward.

Zaena gives a bit of a gulp, looking up at Rexrex. "Well, all right, then," she says. "Well, for first off, let's see. I mean, you know how big an organization is then," she says, starting to get up to speed. "Well, I mean, you're right. There are so many opportunities in an organization like this, for there to be chances to try to well, get rich, or find ways to get paid, without giving the devil, or rather the Hutt, his due," she says. "Am I right so far? But the fact of the matter is," she says, with a little grin. "It's also just as true that the Hutt is aware that it's possible for such oversight to just be an honest mistake, right?" she asks.

"So that's why I'd like to try to get you to consider that, well, how can we move forward, if the fact that the crew of the Bad Habit has been known to be selling spice off of one of the pads in your territory for weeks?" she asks.

Aurra Sing follows the shorter twi'lek into the bar, gun at the ready as she plays the silent, broody one of the pair. Dark eyes narrow as she surveys the patrons, one by one. Watching for a reaction, long fingers tighten a little on the grips. Ready. Eager.

Aurra Sing tests her Intimidate skill at a 100 difficulty.

 +SUCCESS+ (42).

"Just who the fuck do you think you're threatening? Maybe I should slice those lekku off and see how well they sell on the open market," market," he snarls, reaching and...he's about to quickdraw his blaster, but that's one badass bodyguard. He seems to think a little better of it, for now.

"Look, I know it's...probably an income source for you," Zaena counters. "How about...well, let's see. I can scrape up three grand," she says, with a grin. "There. Three grand, and you help us go take them out. We'll go hit their ship, and I'll make sure that it's delivered to Undula," she explains. "I mean, with you operating up front, that way you'll come ahead of this richer, you'll be able to show that you rule the sector, and best of all, with my friend here, you won't be under risk anyway," she says. "Wow, RexRex. You're a master strategist," she says. "This is a fantastic idea you had," she says. "I'll make sure to let Undula know just how clever and loyal you are, too, to keep this opportunity ready for him."

Aurra Sing doesn't move other than to shift her gaze as the weequay rises and gets in Zaena's face. Her expression remains impassive, her tone neutral as she adds. "Or I kill you where you stand and we go find someone else. Someone with more brains than balls." She shrugs. "It's all the same to me. I haven't killed anyone yet today."

Zaena gives a smile as Rex seems to get a little bit thoughtful. "All right, all right," he says. "I mean, Undula's not one you want to mess with. All right. Yeah, thanks for helping us out with an...honest mistake. How can we help clear it up?"

The plan is quickly laid out: the spice dealers are going to be needed there. Zaena's going to have to go up with you, and she gulps a little bit, considering that she's going to probably be shot at at least once, and no stunsies! She lays out that she will be heading up with the gang, while Aurra stays out of sight, and tries to get a good shot on the parked ship and its ramp that the spice dealers use for a base.

With a little bit of a gulp, and a sheepish look, Zaena gives a smile. "All right. WE should be able to stay in touch with these comlinks. For now, though, I suppose the next I'll be seeing of you is a blaster bolt.

And so a few minutes later, you can watch that twi'lek starting to walk up, followed by the handful of gangers, a big smile on her face. "So uh," she says, rather theatrically. "You think you can sell on Undula the Hutt's territory without paying the tax?" And that's sort of it, really - she immediately sprints for cover, while pandemonium breaks out, a couple of the rodians and weequays that are quickly diving behind cover, blasters out up front, making it clear that they were not delighted with such a challenge.

<Combat> NPC: Mercenary (4471)'s attack hits Zaena at a 100 difficulty! (54)

      * Damage: 68 wound and 12 stun.

<Combat> Aurra Sing's attack hits NPC: Mercenary (4471) at a 100 difficulty! (8)

      * Damage: 35 wound and 2 stun.

<Combat> Aurra Sing's attack hits NPC: Mercenary (4471) at a 110 difficulty! (94)

      * Damage: 70 wound and 4 stun.

With a cry of appropriately girlish agony, the purplish twi'lek takes a bolt and slumps to the ground, just behind the cover she'd been diving for. She grunts, in agony on the wound - well, the one thing about being badly wounded with comrades around is that it's a lot better than being badly wounded and left to die! Still, well...yeouch! That hurts! Apparently being a lawyer for a Hutt is a hell of a risky occupation.

Aurra Sing gives the others time to approach the ship while she settles into a covered vantage point of her own. Out comes the long rifle, and she waits. The conversation is a short one, and then guns are drawn and people look for cover. As the blaster-fire starts up it's punctuated by the regular <crack!> of a slugthrower rifle. Aurra is methodical and efficient, the body count beginning to grow.

The deadly accurate fire of the slugthrower takes two victims quickly, both from the same direction, both dashed. And this is different. There's something about the slugthrower that seems so...primitive. Maybe it's because it doesn't flash-cauterize the wounds.

Because this is /bloody./ Both the Rodian and the Weequay shot by the expert markswoman don't do the gentlemanly AUUUUUGH! and collapse to the ground, badly wounded but actually quite recoverable, since it's unlikely to actually /kill/ a human by destroying a portion of their abdomen. Even a half lungburned person not bleeding out will be eventually treatable with bacta. But no, Aurra has sealed the fates of these two with her slugthrower, and it's really that that has the remaining survivors suddenly dropping up their blasters and submitting.

Aurra, inspecting the scene of the survivors, one wounded by one of the blasters, two of the others devastated by the slugs, and two more cowering, surrendered.

Aurra Sing keeps her rifle raised as she steps out from cover, approaching casually. Blasters are going down and hands are going up. Good. Stepping past the injured twi'lek, she glances down quickly to check for signs of life. There's breathing. Also good. "I believe there is a proposal on the table. Will you be accepting, or do we need to continue this?"

The other two remaining uninjured drop their blasters and agree. "You...you killed Gamork! Just killed him!" says two of them - no doubt the leader is now quite dead, and the survivors just want to get the hell out. They reach the one with a blaster wound from one of the Pink Skypes and lift him up, looking warily. "Please don't...uh...kill us, Miss Deadly Assassin Lady," pleadingly mutters a Sullustan with an eyepatch. A big eyepatch.

Aurra Sing shows no signs at all of remorse, keeping her rifle raised and ready. And every time one of them speaks he draws the attention of her aim. Which is -one- way to keep the conversation short, at least. "You accept our terms, then. Good. Does anyone have any questions, or is our business concluded?"

The Jeweled Plaze is a place a visitor to Nar Shaddaa has to see at least once. That's what Sion was here to do, until someone started shooting. Looking around for the source, she quickly takes cover and begins working her way closer to the noise.

Yes, she's either too curious for her own good or just the heroine type: She's going /towards/ the sounds of danger.

But getting there, all she can see is some pale woman covering a number of injured beings, including a Sullustan with a big eyepatch. She pauses, taking a good look at the scene before her. From cover, of course, namely behind a big support pillar for one of the overhanging structures.

The two survivors take the chance to run away, but RexRex is smart enough to know that you are perhaps also talking to him. "Thanks for helping us sort out the...uh...oversight," he says, ignoring the lawyer. No doubt, it had been Aurra's presence that really made the distance, though the lawyer's likely going to be telling everyone about how she smoothtalked a gang into doing her bidding, at least generally.

This leaves an apparently wounded twi'lek, still lying on the ground, groaning. '...don't...worry...won't forget...meeting...got a bacta pad?"

Aurra Sing's lips purse into a bit of a smile and she shifts the stock away from her shoulder, keeping the rifle still well in-hand. "Just glad I could help." she replies. "I believe you have things to do. Go now." Hearing the twi'lek, she partially turns and asks. "Are you still alive...?" The approaching human woman gets a look all her own, and wariness returns to the hunter's expression.

Sion leaves her weapon in the holster. She's not part of this fight, and she'd rather the creepy woman with the rifle didn't get the wrong idea. "Does that one need help? I'm a trained responder," she says, stepping out of cover.

She groans, pained. "Ow....poodoo..." grumbles the lawyer on the ground, who may or may not be milking it. But she took a blad blaster shot in the hip, it seems, and is slumped behind a barricade, near an abandoned old YT-2400 used by the spice dealers that she and Aurra just...took out. Well, actually, that Aurra took out, whereas Zaena attempted to bluff and got shot for her troubles. "Responder? Medic? Med..ack...ic!" she whines.

Aurra Sing gestures towards the downed twi'lek, nodding. "The lawyer took a blaster hit but she can still talk." Yeah, more's the pity. As for the others? They're very rapidly looking for somewhere else to be going. And only then does the chalky-skinned woman lower her rifle. "You'd better do something or I'll have to put her down." Joking? Perhaps.

Aurra Sing ceases her aim with the Dresselian Projectile Rifle and carefully lowers the sturdy weapon back down to her side.

Exiting the Hutt's palace, Ysille stretches a little bit, walking out into the streets to look about. Her attention drifts over to a familiar face as she hears the cries for a medic. "Oh blast!" she says, the wroonian spotting her friend holding a wound. She checks to see if there's any more shooting before she skulks over to see if she can help with anything, "Oh no, Zaena, are you okay?" she asks

"Well, we can't let a lawyer die. Who'd fleece us out of house and home?" Sion jokes weakly, moving to assist the source of the moaning. "I'm coming, miss. Keep talking!" If no one's objecting to her being armed, she's not about to surrender her weapon. They have a bad habit of not being returned.

Zaena isn't hard to find, at least. "Here you are... just the one wound?" the Socorran asks, looking the moaning Twi'lek over carefully as she kneels beside her. She spares a glance at the Wroonian who just arrived. She seems to be a friend, which is certainly good news after all the shooting. "Here, miss, help me get her pants down. This looks painful enough without me fumbling around by myself."

"Wait a minute," she says. "I mean...I've already been shot. Not...now my feeling are hurt too," she grumbles a little bit, grunting a bit. "Wait a minute! Nooo! Why do I need to be depantsed in public like this?" she howls. "The misery! This is why I became a lawyer and not a dancer! To retain pants in public!" She whines, until she sees Aurra's likely disapproval, and then she looks to the side, hushing a little bit.

"A lawyer joke in this situation is about as cheap a shot as the one that downed me."

Ysille takes a knee and smiles as she hears a familiar accent that makes her a bit homesick. "Who shot you, Zaena?" she asks, helping Sion as best she can, "If we get you a bionic hip replacement, maybe I'll be of better use, I'm afraid I don't know my way around organics so much," she confesses.

"Mooks I was...well, serving process to," she says. "The scary pale chick saved my life, though," she grunts, gasping a bit. "You're a meanie, but thank you," she says, with a little smile. "I won't even sue you for helping me," she says. "Not like there's a decent court on this scuzzball," she says. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. It was the pain talking. My hip hurt, so you could say literally that's talking out my ass."

Disapproval? Well Aurra is certainly amused, at the very least. "You were shot and you still live. That is dignity enough." she replies. Settling smoothly into a crouch, the tall redhead smirks and remarks. "I did not get your name."

Gritting her teeth against the pain, Zaena reaches to get out a small datapad, which she hands over. A business pad. She gives a grin, through the pain, though it looks like almost an angry grimace, and she then grins. "Counselor Zaena of Brentaal, Attorney and Solicitor," she says. "Make your interests my interests," she beams, before she moans in pain again.

An air taxi drops off a figure in heavy armor. It almost looks like a space suit, though more flexible than many. On each shoulder, a red phoenix is emblazoned. Slung over his shoulder is a long rifle, and he's exchanging dirty looks with a security officer who is keeping his distance.

Then Stavros sees why. Resisting the urge to ready his weapon, he shakes his head and might have passed on by - another shooting on Nar Shaddaa? big surprise! - except he recognizes someone. "Sion, is that you?" Then he sees Aurra and his eyes go round. "It's been a little while. I'll help clean up," he offers, stepping closer and goes down on one knee. "Does she need bacta?"

"Yes, she needs bacta! Bacta and spice, and keep it coming," moans the shot, writhing figure on the deck.

Aurra Sing rises slowly, slinging the rifle back onto her shoulder. "She needs a gag." the Hunter replies dryly. The Zeltron gets a slow nod and the twitch of a smile. Directing her words to the injured twi'lek, she offers more firmly. "Do not forget our arrangement, Zaena. I look forward to hearing from you." And then she turns to make her way out through the crowd.

As another first aid type shows up, Ysille just holds Zaena's hand and pats her shoulder reassuringly. "Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad," she says in between the twi'lek's moans. "Can you feel your toes?" she wonders, trying to be a helpful before looking up as Sion introduces herself. "Ysille Vale," she adds on, the Socorran might recognize the name and logo on the jumpsuit, Vale Mechanical Services works out of the starport on that planet. Another look back as Zaena moans and groans, "How about some spice?" she wonders, reaching down to a pocket. "I think I have something that'll numb you up."

"I don't need a gag any more than you need concrete poured into the chamber of that slugthrower, deadeye!" argues Zaena. "I mean, yes, whatever you say, badass missy!" she whines, before she reaches out her hand, eager to get that spice on her gums. "Oh yes, please! Ysille, you're a lifesaver," she says. "This person seems to be giving me medical attention," she says. "But all she did is take off my pants."

"I'm helping you /now/, Lavender. That blast must've numbed your rear if you haven't noticed it." Sion glances up, offering a quick little wave to Stavros, then she's back to work. She does at least accept the datapad, slipping it into a pocket. "I'll make sure to call if I need a lawyer's services. Or just to exchange fashion tips, especially regarding underpants," she adds teasingly, carefully cleaning the wound and applying synthskin to keep it from becoming infected.’

And the Wroonian? "Nice to meet you, Ysille, and thanks for the help. I guess you both know each other?" Plainly they don't work at the same place.

Zaena's been rolled onto her front and her pants are pulled down to her thighs, revealing her Zaxaria's Secrets and her rather nasty hip and butt blaster wound, a hefty chunk zapped out of her where the bolt had exploded. It looks like it had indeed hurt pretty badly, but Sion seems to know what she's doing, and there's spice to rub on her gums and bacta to rub on her bums. Oh, what a card.

"So, uh, well, I suppose I find myself getting into trouble. I mean, my degree is from...." She shakes her head, gritting her teeth a bit. "Oh, yes, well, Ysille was going to help me fly if I managed to get a ship - and I have, by Undula's good graces," she says. "Say, I don't know if you're looking for one to end up on? I mean...I'd hate to be alone next time I manage to get myself shot like this," she says. "But then again, I don't always attempt to serve notice on a group of spice dealers that they're defrauding the Hutt who owns this turf," she says. "Good thing I convinced that scary lady to help me out, though. I'd probably be trussed up and sold into the dancer markets as we speak."

Ysille grins as she fishes out a small metal box from one of her pockets, opening it carefully, she draws out a small flimsy wafer, "Here, hold this under your tongue and let it dissolve," she directs, holding it out for the twi'lek, grimacing as she glances down at the wound, wondering if Zaena needs a double.

Gratefully, Zaena takes the wafer. A few moments later, the moans start to subside.

"No bacta, then," Stavros murmurs, as Sion seems to have the wound well in hand. "You didn't tell me you were a medic!" He unslings his rifle, balancing it across his knee. "No one's worried they might have angry friends?" He looks at the group. He keeps an eye out for that, himself.

Sion tests her Treat Injury skill at a 100 difficulty.

 +SUCCESS+ (7).

"No, please, please bacta," replies the downed twi'lek, gasping a little bit. "That would be absolutely lovely," she says, the pain starting to fade, as she looks up at the new arrival. "I'm pretty sure. They were an outfit dealing spice here on Undula's turf without him knowing, and the local gang may or may not have been complicit. The pale lady and I organized them, though, to get off their duffs and they cleared them out. Of course I got myself shot in the process," she explains.

"I have lots of talents," Sion replies mysteriously, continuing her work. "But thanks for the backup. I have to concentrate on this."

Back to Zaena. "You're doing great, Zaena. I just need a few more seconds to seal this up." Working carefully around the Zaxaria's Secrets and the wound, Sion applies the bacta geltab, and then the synthskin over it, carefully applied. "It'll be ugly for a few days, and I'd suggest a good, soft cushion to sit on, but this should have you good as new before long."

Her attention strays to Ysille, and she grins. "Good idea. Less movement is a good thing right now."

        Stepping into the Hutt district, Narsai is back to her more common attire. The Beskar far more comfortable then the gown of the charity event. Better for covering the wounds of battle too. With her helmet clipped to her waist the female Ordo sibling is making her way towards the Pit fighter's area, the most likely location of one of her crewmates. The scene before her? That's enough to make her stop with a blink.

Stavros raises a hand in greeting towards Narsai. "Welcome to the aftermath. Someone here learned not to start a ruckus with spice dealers without wearing armor." He is in full heavy armor of his own. "But I don't know her name. Aurra Sing was here," he adds, a bit of reverence in his tone. "Next time maybe stand behind her?" He suggests to the high, wounded lawyer.

Ysille smiles as she takes a wafer for herself and places it under her tongue, letting it dissolve to give herself a blissful halo and much of the district becomes warmer and fuzzier. "You're good with the bacta," she commends, offering the little box to Sion, and Stavros, since he's right there, too. She glances down to Zaena, "How're you holding up?" she wonders, waiting to see if the twi'lek is still in pain.

Zaena has that dreamy look on her space from the spice. "I...I could be doing worse," she says, moving to sit up on her undamaged side if she can. "May I...erm...attempt to be returned to the world of the pantsed fortunate, if I please?" she asks. "I'm grateful for your efforts, truly I am. I'm far too pretty and smart to endure significant pain like that, I don't particularly like it."

"I've had a lot of practice," Sion replies to Ysille modestly, waving off the wafer. She needs her head clear for this kind of work. "My uncle runs a cantina on Socorro. When I lived at home, the first night of the weekend was the night we made sure the medpacs were easy to reach."

She applies the last dab of synthflesh, shaking her head. "I'd give it a few minutes to dry, or you'll have to scrape it off the inside of your pants later and reapply it," she advises. "I could at least put my jacket over you? Or one or two of us could take our own pants down so you're not the only one unpanted?" She's kidding... right?

Ysille grins and packs her spice into her pocket as Zaena seems to be doing well enough considering she got shot in the ass and has half the street looming over her making sure they can see everything. She grins to Sion, "Home sweet home, hey?" she chuckles. "Nothing like the week before raava hits the space lanes," she shakes her head, remembering how rough things could get. She smirks at the suggestion about dropping pants, laughing, "Get a room, you two!"

"All right, all right, I'll wait," pouts the woman as Ysilla heads over to inspect the ship in question, a few docking bays over, getting a wink from Zaena along the way. "Whew," she says, with a smile of relief to Sion. "Thank you very much. I think I'll wait until you say it's ready. I don't think I want to go through this again," she says.

"Well, gentlemen, lady, thank you as well for coming to my aid," she says, brightly, to the two arrivals. "I'm Counselor Zaena, admitted to the bar on Brentaal and, well, new to Nar Shaddaa," she says. "I'm looking for both new friends and folks who are interested in advice regarding Republic legal matters," she greets. "And, it seems, I should probably see about being in the market to hire a bodyguard," she says, eyeing the armor of Narsai as she approaches. "You certainly have the right look." She grins. "Don't suppose you're interested in enterprise shares?" she asks.

The wounded lawyer takes a moment to take in Stavros as well. "You certainly seem a likely lad too," she says, with a smile. "Of course, I might be insulting the local royalty, offering to hire them, but it does indeed seem to be the done thing," she says, noting the man's blaster rifle. "Does everyone go about these streets well armed? I suppose a vibro blade only might be a little too civilized for these parts. Asking a little much."

       Narsai looks up at Stavros...then down at the wounded behind before shaking her head. "Generally if you've been shot in the ass you weren't looking at the right people." Mention of Arra Sing makes Narsai tilt her head, but it's probably clear the unmasked Mandalorian woman doesn't know whom that is. "The hutts flexing muscle again, after that first order thing?"

I was diving, and it was in the -hip-," clarifies Zaena, before she gives a grin. "The first order thing?" she asks, blinking a little bit. "Which one?" she asks. "I haven't heard much about them...they almost seem like a bogeyman, but they are apparently breakaway fragments of the old Empire." She shrugs. "I don't know about flexing, just...well, to be honest, I am looking for opportunities to...properly help out the right people," she explains. "I can prove my value to a Hutt by helping sniff out well...exactly what I'd do to try to profit from one."

She nods to Sion. "My degree is in Republic law. But that doesn't mean I don't understand things. I mean, I know the ins and outs of how the syndicates do business. You know, it's sort of an interesting mix of a de facto legal system but there's a surprising amount of custom too. A recognition that certain differences settled in the past affect future behavior Really interesting stuff," she says. "I made a case that there existed an informal Hutt law, actually, partly to get my JD. I can get really into it if you want, or perhaps you're thinking of stunning me, already," she says, before she shuts up, and then grins. "Thanks for patching up my behind, lady. Umm. I'm Zaena. How about I get your name and buy you a drink?" she offers, dropping the act a bit. "And well, yeah, I suppose I could take it down a notch. Adrenaline, pumping, and...

She shrugs. "Just think of me as a negotiator. I'm putting together a crew, and I'm the face, that's all. And yeah, I really probably could use a bodyguard."

  Maybe she'd missed the comment the first time around, or maybe she'd just taken a moment to size Zaena up. Either way the comment about a bodyguard and her own 'look' makes her raise an eyebrow. "Enterprise shares? That's a strange way of saying credits," Even so, the mandalorian shrugs her shoulders. "Me and mine do work, jobs for the right pay. I'm a pilot and mechanic by trade, but I can handle myself in a fight." Another pause and the woman loks back at Sion, offering a smile. "Difference clothing rather then a 'costume' makes, huh? That dress wasn't my usual thing. You get used to the comfortable 'snug' of the plates in this armor. It's reassuring."

The Zeltron laughs, his expression visible through the transparisteel of his helmet. "I'm the sort of firepower that makes Hutts uncomfortable, more often than not. I doubt you want Rebel Yell protection in this district. But if you need more guns for something bigger, give us a call." He explains, "I usually get paid more when the issue is past negotiation." A fancy way to describe bounty hunting. "But we may need a legal expert soon- especially what passes for law among Hutts." He nods to Narsai, recognizing her voice where he didn't at all her appearance. "It's pretty easy to find us. I'm Stavros Niarkos," he says, presenting a datacard to the lawyer. "Official contact information's there. that goon is giving me the stink-eye again and has a few more friends, so I'll make my exit. Good to see you again, Narsai." He winks at the medic. "You too, Sion." He backs up to grab the next available air taxi.

"Take care, Stavros. Thanks for the backup!" Sion waves after the departing Zeltron. She looks back over to Narsai, and grins. "It sounds like armor feels to you like racing leathers feel to me. Bet it's a real incentive to eat right and keep your figure, too."

She returns her attention to the lawyer. "Oh... sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I didn't mean you were useless," she says. "I was thinking that you might be stepping into a deeper mudhole than you knew. But it sounds like you know your law, Hutt and otherwise. Just be careful who you tell to surrender in the future, okay? You know what happens with the wrong ones," she adds, her tone teasing but with real warmth.

Nothing in her pockets, it seems. But that look that crosses her face hints at a just-remembered thing, and the Socorran quickly unlatches her belt and pants, flaring the waistband and reaching into the back of it. She stoops and offers a datacard to Zaena then. "Hidden pocket."

Zaena nods, as she finally brings herself up now, slowly rising up, grateful indeed. "Well, I suppose it is, in the long run. But it also means understanding that, at least at first, my assets are mostly illiquid," she says. "But still, I've got a pretty regular income, and if you're looking for a ship, well," she says, giving a shrug. "I mean, we'd certainly have more than a little place for you, to be frank. I mean, if you're looking for employment...and trouble," she says, with a grin. "We'd start on credits, of course, and well, we might move up to a partnership if it works well," she says, rather impressed as she sees the Datacard.

"And I don't know, It's not that I know my law. I suppose...well, out here, I'm more of a hustler. The lawyer thing is really just...how I sort of get people to listen to me a little bit." She grins. "Besides, it's to make sure I just don't end up on some Hutt's dais. Being a Core lawyer is a bit of protection. I mean, not much of one. But it is a little bit. It means that I've got value, aside from just shaking it on stage."

"And I don't know, It's not that I know my law. I suppose...well, out here, I'm more of a hustler. The lawyer thing is really just...how I sort of get people to listen to me a little bit." She grins. "Besides, it's to make sure I just don't end up on some Hutt's dais. Being a Core lawyer is a bit of protection. I mean, not much of one. But it is a little bit. It means that I've got value, aside from just shaking it on stage."

    Back at Zaena, Narsai actually raises an eyebrow. Staros boast was one thing, but there was a reason people still knew the name of the Mandalorians, and the revivers ahd been working to make that grow. "Trouble is our trade," she says lightly before extending a hand towards Zaena. "Narsai Ordo. Pilot, mechanic and owner of the Thunderheart, the fastest ship this side of the galaxy and possibly the other." Another look back at Sion and she shrugs her shoulders. "I have a racesuit somewhere for my swoop, but yes. People joke some mandalorians were born into their armor." Once more to Zaena and she shrugs her shoulders. "You want protection you can be sure of, we can work something out. You'd find it worthwhile talking to Russ, my brother...Be warned though, even if I was to work with you? I wouldn't be walking from my family and my duties with them. For the time being at least? We're mercenaries.

Zaena laughs. "Well," she admits. "I'll suppose that, I'll admit that you might be a paygrade above what I can really offer," she explains. "Having your own ship and all, I mean. But if you know someone who's looking for a place, in that role, but maybe at a level of accomplishment more...suitable to my circumstances, I suppose, well, that would be ideal," she says, with a grin. "Besides, if you're on your own ship, you're not defending the Bad Habit."

Zaena produces another of her disposable datapad business cards, each of which has a holo of her giving a cheery grin and a thumbs up to the camera. 'You are NOT alone! Counselor Zaena is there to bring the tricks of the big corps to you in the spidery web of galactic law.

"I mean, it sounds like you'd be more suitable to have as a client, truth be told," she says, with a grin. "I mean, I do have specialties in bounty law and, say, smoothing over legal difficulties with local law enforcement," she explains. "I mean, someone of your stature is more likely to be my client, than the other way around, see?"

"At least you have a swoop..." Sion replies over her shoulder, a little wistfully. But the regret is momentary... and the stooping is not only uncomfortable, but her unlatched belt is heavy enough to drag her pants down onto her thighs, leaving her powder blue athletic briefs showing. She returns her attention to Zaena and the conversation at hand. "Maybe you should learn a different phrase that means the same thing as 'I mean'," she teases, straightening and pulling her pants up. "I'm working for a crew, but they don't seem to need me much. I can make sure I'm available for that kind of work." Beat. "Oh, and the synthflesh should be dry now. You're safe to rejoin the world of the pants-wearing."

Zaena laughs. "Ah, thank you very much," she says, shimmying her trews back up rather gingerly. "You're right, it's a verbal crutch that I'm relying on. I suppose I sometimes have a fear of being misunderstood," she says, a little thoughtfully. "Well, I kind of find it hard to believe that," she says. "Then again, I am a very recent beneficiary of your skills. Are you hoping to have your own outfit, or...what are you looking for?" she asks, curious. And grateful.

        "A lawyer on Nar Shaddaa...now I've seen everything." Narsai says, shaking her head and brushing her fingers through her hair. Shrugging at Sion she smiles. "I like to tinker with them, it's where I started as a kid. Swing by some time when we're free, If there's time and space I'd let you take her out for a ride." Seeing Zaena latch on to Sion's availibility, the Mandalorian woman gives lazy wave and turns, headed towards the exit ramp.

Zaena then replies with a chuckle. "Well," she says. "If you're planning on taking a bounty in Republic space," she says. "I hope you'd consider engaging our services on such a job. We can help handle your legal arrangements, and also broker your awards and the handover of the prisoner, too, if you desire," she says, a little more seriously. "If you don't mind a meeting sometime," she says, "I'd love to lay out some of the services I can help provide along those lines."

"I appreciate that... and I'll remember it, too," Sion promises, waving to Narsai. "See you soon, with any luck. Don't take any wooden breastplates!"

She turns back to Zaena. "What's so hard to believe? If you run a ship, you mostly need a pilot and an engineer, maybe a few cargo loaders. I'm not any of those things, so I'm usually at loose ends. I can't say I'd mind a chance to be useful."

Zaena gives a grin. "All right, I'll be in touch. Now to get in touch with Ari about how to get inside this thing..."