Log:A Dark Crucible

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Yusanis begins the forging of his saber.

OOC Date: April 11, 2023
Location: Coruscant
Participants: Tamsin Cas, Yusanis

[ Yusanis (Yus)]

The days had come and gone and Yusanis had spent plenty of time reflecting on the teachings of the Holocron and even learned a bit about meditation. He now walked into the saber forge shoulders straight head high. Moving the octagonal platform he removes his robes remaining in black trousers tucked into his boots and a sleeveless black tunic. "OK it's time it's now." He says looking at his wrist where the crimson red crystal hangs.

Taking a pouch he unrolls it a hooked claw, and perfectly shaped metal with the wiring unfurled and laid open to bare. Placing the crystal upon the surface he kneels and starts to focus pushing out with the darkside channeling it into the task at hand.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

It had been many, many years since Tamsin Cas had made her own saber. And when that august time had come, the forge had been a very different thing. There was no great forge, powered by dark energies and more mundane powers, hot enough to melt crystal. There was no Falleen Master, carving into her arm, growling his displeasure when her wound would not stay open long enough to bleed. No, now, there was only now, and her Master was long dead and by her hand and the hand of the one she had once loved as a brother. So too, the then Knight. She too had died in those long ago years. Now there was only the Sith. Seated, settled across from Yusanis to oversee his attempt at construction. An entirely different tempering, for an entirely different Sith.

"See what the saber wishes to become. It is an extension of yourself. A spark of your fury, your rage, the darkness at the heart of who you are. Each piece when you touch it with your mind should sing in a voice you already know."

[ Yusanis (Yus)]

Yusanis pushing out further with the force, he nods. He focuses on rage, hate, fear, ambition, lust, greed, desire. The deepest darkest parts that fuel his powers. The pieces start to float and spin, turning and slowly lining up the perfect weapon the perfect fit for his hand. The perfect balance of weight and destructive power! His eyes light as he begins to have sweat bead down his forehead.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

There was no movement, as Tamsin watched the construction begin, nor any shift in her expression, as her gaze settled in that place that was not a place. That realm where the flow of the force replaced sight, limning every living thing in rainbowed hues, each to their own strength and power. As Yusanis worked, as he felt his own darkness building within him, the mantle of another would become visible, in that same place that was not a place. Was it the doctor sitting across from him? Sure, it must be, as there were no other sentients in the forge or anywhere near them. And yet, it felt nothing at all like Tamsin, at least as she normally presented. It was a thing of cold rage, sharp as an unsheathed blade, pressing in on his mind, pushing to disrupt his focus.

"The blade is more than a weapon of skill. It is an extension of your mind, your power, and your will, and no one else's. It answers to no one save yourself, and will fit to no other hand so well as it fits yours."

[ Yusanis (Yus)]

He feels that presence he feels it pushing in on his mind and he does let out a growl pushing back out on it. "Yes....not just a weapon...it's a part of me....one with my body....one with my rage!" He grunts pushing more of that delicious darkside energy into the construction. His mid focused Hate, rage every thing focused, the claw connecting to the hilt that's where he'd grip it. Emitter and wires connecting sliding into Jet black durasteel encasing!

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The presence remained, as though its wielder sensed the young acolyte's resistance. It continued to push, the sense of it like a vice, a trap from which there was no escape save to delve deep into the heart of the weapon, and the crystal which, having found its mate, keened in response to the pressure under which its intended wielder was struggling.

This, then, was a forge of a different sort. Not the physical one in which they knelt, but a forge of pure dark will.

[ Yusanis (Yus)]

Yusanis growls and again fights back pushing further against Tamsin's attempted intrusion into his mind. Body coated and glistening in light sheen of sweat his will not so easily broken or deterred the crystal with which he matched glowing it's crimson hue as it settles itself in place moving to become a part of this beautiful and unique weapon.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Tamsin had moved not a hair, still kneeling, hands folded in her lap. Unlike Yusanis, she remained in her robes, though the helm had, at least for this, been set aaide. Her will, though, continued to push in, the sense of the darkness so strong that vision itself might seem to fade, until the only things which existed were the acolyte and the weapon being born into existence a single piece at a time. A thing of unique beauty with crimson at its heart. "A part of your soul." Or so it was once said. "When all else has fallen away, it alone will remain."

[ Yusanis (Yus)]

Yusanis nodding putting everything into the completion. The, weapon part of his body, part of his soul, part of his heart and mine. The pieces continue to fit and connect together the crystal locking in place the remainder of the metal closing around it locking it into place. "Mine, a piece of me."

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

In the instant when the blade came together something very much like the sense of an inhale filled the darkness that beat against Yusanis' awareness on all sides. A saber was, in its was a living thing, taking here, now, its first breath. Whether it took another would be on the young acolyte. But in the moment after, sight and sensation returned, and there was only they two, sitting kneeling across from each other. And Tamsin looked as she ever did. "It is well."

[ Yusanis (Yus)]

Yusanis smiles bringing the blade to him. "There it...is done...a beautiful....unique blade to me...my own..." He says with satisfaction born of this dark crucible, this trial he'd undertaken!