Log:Ebon Guard: Pirates and Space

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Ebon Guard: Pirates and Space

OOC Date: September 16, 2017
Location: Firebrand
Participants: Vraag Rengh, Papo Agora, Tig Follox, Jarret Sur, Rail Onasi, Noxx Arzukt, Ebon Guard

A mission.

The first official job of the Ebon Guard finds the band of mercenaries on the edge of the Unknown Regions. A small planet making their fortunes through the growing and exportation of agriculture has been having problems over the past few months of their precious harvest being stolen by a savage band of pirates. Thoroughly unable to handle their own defense, they have accepted the offer of the Ebon Guard and brought in the band of Manalorians and friend.

The leader of the group stands in the cockpit of the Sentinel Class ship, his hand resting on the back of the pilot and co-pilot chair. "I don't care how you work it out between the two of you, but business is business. We need credits, and taking down these pirates is the route to that," he says toward Tig and Rail. "We have enough sensors, systems, and weapons to keep both of you busy, as well as the rest of us on this hunt. And by the way..." he pauses to gesture over his shoulder toward wherever Noxx may be sitting. "This is Noxx. He is joining us on a trial run to see how he fits."

"I'm equally good with turrets and fixed mounts, so it's up to her," Rail says in regard to Tig. While most assembled are decked out the in the b'ebe'e'skgar, Rail's settled for a nice jacket and some spacer's pants. His hands find his pockets and he awaits an answer from the other pilot.

Piece by piece Papo Agora slaps on the many intricately designed matte black plates of her Ebon Guard Armor until the final crowning piece, that of the helmet, is lowered down and secured over her head. her now looking out upon the area from behind the gleaming golden T-shaped visor.

Noxx nods to the group, offering a light wave of his hand. The scaley lizard man checks over his blaster "Hope to work with you folks in the future, i'll be doing my best and try to give you folks some help. I'm a fairly decent shot still I hope." he mutters to himself, finishing checking over his blaster "If you need turret assistance however, I can do that fairly well too. So just let me know what you need doing."

Papo Agora presents an intimidating figure in that armor, but at least she still has the helmet off and pinned between her armpit and her side. "Sounds simple enough." The medic growls, shifting her weight with the heavy 'clunk' of boots against metal as her hand twists in the handhold. "Hi, Noxx." She's a simple woman.

Tig Follox is armored up and at the helm, the small Mandalorian female is running the ship as they zip along "Take the turrets," she requests of Rail without looking over, the gold visor angled down at the panels in front of her. "I've always been a bit handier with fixed." A few more clacks, her well articulated gloves working the sequences and computers well. "Everything on the ship is looking good," Tig assures Vraag. "We shouldn't have any issues as long as they don't get any /really/ good hits."

Vraag nods his head as he looks down toward Rail and claps the smaller man on the shoulder with a massive hand. "Right then. I just had one of the retractable turrets replaced with a quad-laser cannon. It packs a punch, should do you well," he says. He turns a looks toward Papo and Noxx before saying, "Whichever of you is better at computers, man the port computer bank and power on the sensors. We are looking for anything out of the ordinary, anyone that looks like they are trying not to be seen." He looks back toward Tig and says, "I had a tractor beam installed as well. When we find them, you get on their ass and lock them down. If we can get a lock on them with the beam we can hammer them out of commission before boarding."

As the ship drifts along, ahead the ever growing dots reveal the approach of an asteroid belt. "Fair enough," Rail says, unbuckling his gunbelt and draping it over the back of the co-pilot seat, before he moves around to sit down. He flips a few switches and his console flickers to life. "Noxx, take that jump seat next to the support terminal. I'll slave some turrets to it." He taps a few commands in and does just that.

"I can tell you now that isn't going to be me." Papo juts her chin toward Noxx, eyes rolling over to flick over the computers and doo-dads that Rail is railing on about (sorry). Dammit Vraag, she's a doctor not IT. "Try not to get blown full of holes if we /do/ get hit, you lot. I'd prefer to just kick back and have myself a joyride.”

"Attaboy," Tig says distractedly, still manning the ship. Then she flips a toggle, sits back, and lets out a pent up sigh. "Should I go on auto while we look?" the pilot inquires of Vraag, glancing up. Only then does the woman glance Noxx's way, sending him a nod of acknowledgment that seems to say 'yo.'. "Lazy ass," Tig snorts as Papo finishes. "Now I absolutely /plan/ on getting hurt.”

Noxx simply sits there, having no real duty to do seeing as how everythings been taken care of! He proceeds to fiddle with his blaster, checking over the energy battery and making sure everythings in place. "Got it." he says to Rail after he speaks. Getting into the jump seat and preparing the turrets, readying himself in case everything hits the fan. Should be simple enough, right?

"Mind the asteroid belt," Vraag cautions as he points toward the approaching belt of debris that looks almost as if it were the remains of a shattered moon strewn into the inky blackness of space. "If the auto pilot is as sharp as you and can keep us from running into that shit, then sure," he says before he offers a smirk Papo's way.

Rail Onasi leans back in his seat and runs a hand back through his hair and keeps his eyes fixed on the big black outside. "So, what do we know about these pilots?"

"I don't condone it." Papo warns Tig, lightly, not moving from her point of sentry. The medic peers out the viewport and the encroaching asteroids, detecting just about as much as the rest of them. Keep it up, guys! We got this.

"Eh, I'll take it through," Tig decides with a small frown in her voice. Not that you can see the frown because... well, helmet. She leans back in, flipping the toggle back down and starting to take the stick and ease the ship through the smattering of moon.

No one manages to catch a sight of anything at all as the nose of the FIREBRAND(BEST SHIP NAME EVER) noses into the belt of asteroids. Closer inspection will certainly reveal that the belt is the result of former moon, the angle of the debris trajectory certainly able to be traced back to a common core. "We know that these pirates have been crippling freighters that were trying to export the farm goods from those who hired us... I suppose that is enough for me. We know that they are merciless... upon looting the ships, they have destroyed each and every one. The only survivors have been those fortunate enough to make it to an escape pod." Vraag explains.

"So, we have no idea how many there are or what kinda equipment they're rocking?" Rail asks, his attention moving to the strings of Aurabesh spilling across the terminal.

That's no moon - at least not anymore. "What kind of pirates don't even want to make off with the ships?" Papo wonders. "Seems like there is always someone willing to buy, even just for parts." But she shrugs her wide shoulders, Rail's inquiry earning a nod - these things are never as cut and dry as they appear and, for lack of computer skills or terminal, marches forward to plant herself behind the pilot and copilot stations, bent over to peer through the viewport. "Well, I'm not seeing anything. That's for damn sure."

Tig Follox is mostly quiet, weaving through the bigger chunks of moon, though most of the particles are only slightly larger than dust and bounce uselessly off the ship. "Might have a few scratches on the ol' gal," Tig warns Vraag. As if a pirate battle wouldn't cause those anyways. She doesn't see shit, so she keeps flying.

Noxx calls out to the crew after spotting something highly unusual "Got a ship near an asteroid a hundred yards ahead and to the right. Might wanna be on the lookout for it. Looks like there may be pirates here after all." He readies himself on the turret and simply waits for orders to shoot, Noxx was a bounty hunter, sure. But he also knew how to take orders.

Vraag pats his hand on the top of Tig's seat and points out in the direction Noxx indicates. "Let's not lose them," Vraag says before he looks toward Rail and shrugs. "From what I have gathered, we are looking for a Sorosuub Prisoner Transport, but that is about the most detail we have to go on," Vraag says. He moves over to a seat behind Rail's and sits down, moving to harness himself in before the ride gets rocky.

"Passengers, this is your co-pilot speaking. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for choosing Ebon Airlines. Now, it's looking like things might be getting a little pirate-y up ahead, so please return to your seats and make sure your food trays are in the upright and locked position," Rail says, opening the targeting suite on his terminal.

"Well, can't have that, can we?" Papo comments conversationally and fits her helmet over her head. Good eye, Noxx. The medic pushes away at Rail's monologue with a roll of her eyes and moves to strap in. Let's do dis.

"On it," Tig relays as she runs her fingers over the controls. Switches are switches, buttons are pushed, and Tig grabs the steer stick as the ship roars forward with new thrust. She dodges debris, using some of the larger bits to shield them from view as they go. As the ship zips over one large piece, the pirate ship is much closer. Tig slows a bit, tailing and waiting on orders.

As the Firebrand surges onward, they do come into viewing of the ship they are chasing. It is indeed a Sorosuub Prisoner Transport.

"Tig, Noxx; prime weapon systems. Opening comms," Rail says, locking onto the ship's frequency and sending a hail. <Firebrand to Sorosuub Prisoner Transport. Disengage thrusters and prepare for boarding action. We have reason to believe you've been pirating in this sector, and our employers aren't fond of that. So...let's just make this easy, alright? Nobody needs to die tonight.>

Noxx primes his weapon system, locking into the ship but not firing yet, just preparing himself. Should they try anything funny? Well..Noxx has a bit of an itchy trigger finger sometimes. "Ready when you are." he says, gently tapping his scaley claws against each other as he waits for further orders.

Papo Agora , now strappd into a seat, weaves her hand through a handhold to brace herself. "How much are we betting they don't make this easy?" She asks the crew at large, yawning behind her helmet. A hand pats the ax at her hip, suggesting that she does not, perhaps, /want/ them to make it easy.

The ship rumbles. Something deep within it, like a beast's guts twisting and digesting. It's in the floor, beneath their feet... all around, really. "Weapons online," Tig reports. "Plasma cannon warming up and..." She falls silent as Rail takes the comms. "I'll bet someone a drink back home that they're not going to comply." Because, duh. "Weapons are all up."

The Firebrand is easily within sight and on the tail of the larger Sorosuub Transport vessel. From what the crew of the Firebrand can see, the hull of the ship before them is battle scarred and what is left is a dull ruby red. The comm system is silent for a moment, the prolonged silence seeming to pound through the speakers in its own unique way. And then hell breaks loose. A turret mounted to either side of the Prisoner Transport pivots around and opens fire on the Firebrand, sending angry red bolts of energy their way, rocking the ship as they impact against the shields..

"Damn," Vraag curses, his own helmet causing his voice to sound slightly mechanical. "Someone get some ion fire on those turrets before they take us out!"

"Well, no harm in trying," Rail says. Swiping at the console, he closes the comm channel and brings up his targeting computer. One of the ion cannons deploys from the nose of the ship and begins to hum to life. "Firing," he remarks, pressing down on the firing nub on the control stick in front of him. And just like that, a fusillade of blue bolts rips free from the barrel of the cannon, screaming toward the enemy vessel.

"If only anyone had seen this coming." Papo chuckles, holding tight as the ship rocks and sways. She seems quite pleased with the arrangement, at least not outwardly disturbed.

The ship flips and dives, getting a good aim on the turrets and the broad side of the prisoner transport. "Making another swoop!" Tig announces into the ship comms. "Watch that left turret!" And one the ship flies.

Noxx fires his turrets into the prisoner shuttle, unleashing hell in a handbasket upon the poor pirates who decided to shoot at them. He yells out "Could use a hand here." before continuing to unload superheated plasma into the ship

As Rail scores a hit with his ion cannon on the starboard turret of the Sorosuub transport, the weapon seems to shimmer with a blue energy before going still and ceasing to fire. The other port turret continues to fire frantically at the surging Firebrand, the fiery energy bolt barely misses the dipping and diving ship.

Vraag grits his teeth, holding fast to the arms of his chair as he says, "When we come around to that other turret, hit it with another ion blast. Once it is out of commission, Tig drop us back and catch them with the tractor beam until we can put their engines out with the turrets."

"One turret down. Going for the other," Rail says, recalibrating his computer. "Firing," Rail repeats, pressing down on the firing nub once more and loosing another few shots in the direction of the prisoner transport.

Party in the front, business in the back - that's what's going on right now, with the lads at the guns and Jarret tending toengineering. His fingers fly across the boards back there, carefully tending to shield balance, routing power where it is needed, all the while his warrior instinct telling him that he should be up there at the guns. Hopefully, there will be boarding. He'd like to shoot all the pirates in the face that he can.

Instead, he just keeps making the ship fly and fire smoothly.

Tig leans into her controls, blapping out a few bolts from the fixed mounts. Pow pow pow! They hit, rocking the transport as she weaves in closer. "Going in with the tractor beam!" she announces, firing it one and spinning to face the ship. "Get ready to board!"

Papo is there, she's being helpful by keeping her bulky self tucked out of the way - on standby for the inevitable booboos that one of these idiots will get themselves.

Noxx locks onto the transport once more, firing off another bolt of plasma into the shuttle and getting off the console, grabbing hold of his E-14 and getting ready to board. "Here we go, folks."

True to expectations, that second turret goes down and thanks to some talented flying on Tig's part, the enactment of the tractor beam keeps the Sorosuub ship firmly held while the Firebrand's weaponry is able to make short work of the enemy's engines, leaving the pirates as sitting ducks. Soon enough, the Sentinel class vessel is able to be drifted forward and soon enough the ship docks with the pirate vessel. Vraag leads the way toward the docking bay and says, "Here we go! Expect enemies at every corner. If they lift a weapon, we put them down. If they surrender, we will take them prisoner and bring them in to face the consequences of their crimes!" With that, the Mandalorian leader charges through the small tunnel, which he has to crouch to navigate, and then into the enemy ship!

"Jarret, pull power from the thrusters and dump it into forward auxillary. We need to make sure that beam holds," Rail says, flipping his targeting computer away and reaching back to grab his gunbelt. Standing, he straps it around his waist and secures it around his thigh.

Running after the bossman, Rail makes his way into the enemy ship and levels the weighty Bryar. Two squeezes of the trigger and he sends a duo of bolts down-range. He doesn't kill his target, but the guy won't be moving any time soon.

It is at this time that Jarret ensures the power level on the tractor beam is constant and strong - no worries about breaking contact, or an errant cycle giving unwanted elasticity. "Already done," he mutters, and drawing his pistol cries out over the commlink, "For Mand'alor and the Clans, now, past, and future! Blood and ashes, blood and honor!"

He prepares to charge out with the rest.

Noxx proceeds to walk into the pirate shuttle, then breaking out into a run and going to slam his fist into the nearest pirate he sees, which just so happens to be the poor man getting blasted at all sides by the other mandalorians. He roars into the air, hopefully spreading fear when the pirates see the massive 7'0 Trandoshan on board.

Like a dog straining at the leash, Papo surges forward in the charge and swings her ax in one wide, deadly swing. It doesn't kill her target in one fell swoop, but he won't be going far with his leg hewn off at the hip. She wasn't at a station, she wasn't flying, she wasn't in engineering - this is her job (and the cleanup that comes after) and she leaps to with the grim, snarling determination of a killer. Boarding! She's a simple woman.

Tig beams the ship, locks theirs, and taps a sequence into the computer. "No one can get this baby purring but one of us," she announces. "Code is Mythosaur. Don't forget it." Then the pilot stands, snaps her bow out of it's mag sheath on her back, and heads off to board the ship. As they clamber on, Tig draws a shot and hits one of the pirates in the knee. "Nice punch, scaley."

As the crew of the Firebrand makes it aboard the Sorosuub Prisoner Transport, they find that the rather large vessel is playing as a nomadic home to a good many pirates. Crates of what food they have stolen are stacked in the cargo hold, which is where the Mandalorians make their entry. Resistance comes against them in a steady line, blasters fired at the Mandalorians and some wielding what looks like hand tools, big wrenches, hammers, and the like.

First into the fray, it makes sense that Vraag takes the heaviest hit. A few different blaster bolts race out at the large armored Mandalorian, striking him directly in the ribs on his left side, causing the big man to groan under the weight of the blow and stagger back. He cocks his blaster rifle, the weapon humming into deadly life before he turns on one charging pirate wielding a large wrench and fires a quick burst at the man, knocking him from his feet to lay dead on the ground. "Press forward!" he yells!

Stepping out of the ship, Jarret spies a pirate attempting already horribly wounded, trying to crawl away. He snaps two shots off at the wounded man, but they spend themselves in the deck next to his head instead. This has the effect of making the pirate freeze, but if that was the result, it is not clear.

Noxx is shot in the gut by one of the pirates, though this doesn't deter the giant lizard man from barreling through the halls with his big scaley lizard claws and fists, enhanced even further with his metal knuckles as he goes to slam his fist into the jaw of the merc who had the balls to shoot him.

Tig Follox grunts as she takes a hit in the armor. The bolt she was firing pings away uselessly into the hallway before them. The armor, thankfully, blocks more of the damage but it leaves a singed scar at the side of her inner thigh. "Kriff! Watch that asshole on the left with the blaster!" Behind them a pirate attempts to wiggle behind their ranks to board their ship. "Papo! Watch the ship entrance!" Which the big lady seems keen to do as she thwacks the pirate with her axe. Ouch. Tig pushes forward, limping.

The pirates continue to file toward the battle as the group of Mandalorians press onward through the ship. Many press on to meet their deaths, while some manage to wound their Mandalorian attackers. Those who are wounded and not killed by the of Mandalorians are quick to give up, least the job be finished.

Vraag steadies his blaster, aiming at a Pirate barking orders and shooting him right in the throat. As the man drops dead, Vraag yells out, "We have to get to the bridge. Clear the rooms one at a time and then press onward!"

"We should march on the bridge directly!" Rail says, popping out of cover to let the Bryar bark two more rounds toward the enemies. "We get in there and Jarret can dump life support for everything but the cockpit!”

Whilst misses the pirate on the ground, another brigand takes aim at Jarret from behind a crate, his carbine firing a red bolt into the lean Mandalorian's side. Staggered, Jarret pauses to turn and fire two shots into the narrow space between the crate and the wall through which the pirate fired; both angry red plasmids tear into the man's head, tearing away a wide gulch through his skull, and painting the wall with half-booked brains and boiling blood as he is thrown to the deck.

"As you command, Vraag Rengh," Jarret hisses through a red moire of pain. "I proceed."

Tig Follox doges a near hit with a primitive pipe weapon of some sort, causing the Mandalorian to spin and sink a bolt into a dude's face not but three feet away. Ouch. He joins his other pal on the ground and Tig marches forward. "Didn't they expect some bigger retaliation for all this shit?" the tinny voice of the helmeted woman asks suspiciously. But whatever their fate may be, Tig keeps limp-stomping and clearing rooms on their voyage to the bridge.

Noxx goes to deliver a fierce jawbreaking uppercut into the mercenary, grunting and dusting his hands off after slamdunking the dumb pirate who had shot a blaster round into his gut. Going to back off and slithers into the cockpit. The lizard man was big and scary, but even he could move fast when need be.

Vraag nods his head in agreement with Rail's words, directing the group forward. "Right! Make for the cockpit straight away. We seal it and shut off life support!" he yells, gesturing the Ebon Guard forward. Vraag takes the rear, trucking along from behind as blood runs down from his left side, a crimson wash of his lifeblood that stains his black armor. He grits his teeth as he runs, focusing on keeping up with the rest. So focused is he that he is almost caught off guard when a woman leaps out at him brandishing a long knife. Reflex and luck are all that save him as he brings his blaster rifle upright and squeezes the trigger, the triple burst of blaster fire taking her head from her shoulders. He is about to continue on when a cry of shock and hurt rings out along with the clatter of a kitchen knife on the floor. Vraag turns back to see a small boy staring at the crumpled body of the woman, tears streaming down his face. Looking after where his men have headed, Vraag lowers his blaster to grab the boy, jerking him from his feet and trotting the rest of the way toward the cockpit.

The pirate that survived Rail's assault earlier? He gets a nice yellow bolt through the head, leaving him slumped against the wall. Rail rounds the bulkhead he's been hiding behind and begins a sprint towards the bridge.

Firing into the crowd, his own black suit glistening with spilled blood, Jarret lands no hits but does cause the attackers in that direction to scatter. "We should demand that they seal themselves in quarters," Adhar says over the link, voice tight. "And cut life support to the rest of the ship, Vraag Rengh. It will ensure compliance and prisoners."

"Pap, get into the Firebrand. Seal it. Wait for our signal." There is confirmation and yay! Papo isn't going to die. Tig Follox trots, sinking another pirate that attempts to barr their way into the cockpit with a bolt through the chest. "So much was personal," she spits as she steps over him and moves for the pilot chair. "You think these jackoffs deserve that?" She looks up, staring at Vraag but doesn't question him for the boy

Noxx enters the cockpit along with the crew, cracking his knuckles and hissing into the air. He could feel the adrenaline pumping in his lizard veins, though when the small boy steps out he looks down at him blankly before continuing forward "We taking the boy with us?" he asks. Looking over to Vraag before getting into a stance at the doorway.

Vraag doesn't say anything in response to Tig's stare, nor to Noxx's question regarding the boy. The young fellow seems to be around six years old, and he is crying and screaming for his now deceased mother, kicking and fighting at Vraag's grip. He turns to seal the cockpit off from the pirates that remain, and soon enough pounding can be heard on the other side of the door. "Give them the option of surrender... if they do not stop.... we cut life support."

Despite whatever message is given from the others over the ship's comms... the pirates are not giving up. Blaster fire can be heard hitting the door of the cockpit, and then more fists beating against the door.

Rail Onasi is safe and secure in the cockpit now, so he slips the Bryar back into his holster. He pushes a few wayward strands of hair from his face and gestures to the door, "Don't think they're gonna give us much choice." He exhales softly and looks over to Vraag, asking, "You don't suppose we could steal the ship, huh? Roomy, y’know?"

"Attention, pirates," Jarret says, sounding more like a scientist addressing a control group rather than men who want to kill him - having collected himself with a deep breath before speaking, he begins cycling down the life support as he speaks. "You will find that life support is being powered down at this point time across the majority of the ship. Direct yourselves to your quarters, where you will be sealed inside with warmth and air. If not, prepare yourselves for a cold death in space."

He pauses for a few moments, listening the banging and blaster bolts burning away layers of the laminated cockpit door, then looks to Vraag. "Shall I purge them, Vraag Rengh?"

Under the helmet, Tig's nose wrinkles and it's obvious in her voice. "This place stinks of shit," she mutters, but doesn't elaborate. "We should scrap it and sell parts." And then she's turned away, monitoring the computer panels in front of her. She is silent while the pirate's fates are considered.

Noxx simply waits by the cockpit entrance. Tapping his claws on a piece of metal. The razor sharp bits click clacking against it. "They're very clearly not going to surrender. Might as well just pull life support."

Vraag shakes his head as the sounds of blasters and fists still sound from outside the door. He glances around toward Jarret and nods. "Put them down," he says, obvious regret heard in his voice, even as the child struggles wildly in his arms. As the life-support is powered down, the boy eventually settles into sobs as the sound of the fists outside the cockpit die away to silence. Vraag finally turns his head to nod toward Tig and says, "We will sell the ship for scrap.

"Waste of a good ship if you ask me," Rail says, sliding a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket. He shakes the pack, but nothing comes out. With a grumble, he crumples it up in his hand and moves to rest against one of the bulkheads.

Noxx proceeds to pull out a packet of medical supplies, checking it all over and once satisfied, pulls out some basic gear to begin field work on himself. Clearing up the blaster bolt burns and groaning in pain. Going to finish up on himself and then pocketing the medical kit again. Dusting blood off his knuckles

"...and done." The atmosphere beyond is pumped away, leaving the remainder of the pirates to a scrabbling death, landed fish on the void's vast and empty shore. Jarret turns to the boy, kneeling down a bit to stare at the child, and removes his helmet. He looks at the boy. He just.../looks/. Eyes dark, clear, empty like space beyond the cockpit's canopy.

"Still your tears," he says to the child then, his voice calm and strangely soft. "This story is ended. A new story opens for you. Begin it with a quiet heart."

And that's how Jarret speaks to children.