Log:Rogue Squadron: Turkana Revisted

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Rogue Squadron: Turkana Revisited

OOC Date: November 6, 2015 (Optional)
Location: Turkana System
Participants: David Ironside, Zul Gradnk, Callax Dalso, Nova Korell, Karas Darkwing, Tallie Lintra

Intelligence reports have pinpointed the Turkana System as the rendezvous point for the target transports. A mix of starship fuel, a heavy liquid metal, and ground transport fuel, all valuable enough to warrant an escort, are underway to the Codru Munto to power the ongoing fight for dominating the system in militarized Action VI Bulk Freighters. A last-minute warning chases Rogue Squadron - one of the ships might be carrying coaxium.

Another encrypted message waited for the commander while the crew prepped for takeoff. A traitor is in the New Republic ranks, leaking information about New Republic movements, someone in the middle of the command chain. Their assault on the transports may become an ambush on the Squadron.

The blue of hyperspace, a roil of colors hinting at unspeakable depths streaked with stars, surrounds Tallie's cockpit. She reaches out to click on Hcoms, her voice rendered flat by the physics of hyperspace, <<"Rogue Leader to the flight. We are coming up to the mark for exit. Be vigilant.">> She waits for a beat debating on her next words, <<"Keep your eyes peeled for incoming. I will be frank with you; this is a vital transport. Command has concerns about leaks among the New Republic ranks. Report in and then spread out on arrival. As you all know, we must stop the FO from entrenching in the Monto Codru system and forming a base to attack Mon Calamari. I count on you all to give it your best.">>

The blue brightens to an almost unbearable intensity; then the X-Wing exits into real space.

<<"Rogue 8, on your wing.">> David Ironside, XO, speaks, before spreading away from Rogue Leader upon their exit from hyperspace. Not too far, though. <<"We got any leads on who -is- the leak?">> he asks. Depending on how high their station, the pilot might have some ideas. <<"Eyes open, Rogues. The good people of the Republic are counting on us to protect them.">> he offers to the gang, running his systems checks and weapons initializations without even looking at them.

Hands on the controls... out of hyperspace <<Rogue 12, calling in.">> she announces, starting to check her weapons before trouble arrives <<"Cound on me, Rogue Leader.">> the Twi'Lek behind the controls continues, letting out a smile in her helmet

There might not be detonite involved, but Nova Korell is fine with making First Order things blow up. Choking their war engine with fuel starvation while making First Order things blow up is a bonus.

That coaxium, though... that's a potential problem. It's a good time to run some sensor sweeps before they start shooting.

After all, if they get pressed for time, they can always blow up that ship at extreme range to knock out the whole convoy. Messy, but effective.

Flashing gray shortens into the familiar pinpoints of starlight as another T-85 slips into Realspace. Nova takes a deep breath, activating her sensors. "Get ready to run some scans, Jammer. Plenty to do here tonight," she says to the droid, who responds with an affirmative whistle. Jammer likes making First Order things blow up, too.

<Rogue Eleven, fanning out and standing by. Ready to make some new stars, Lead.>

Safely tucked away inside the cockpit of Rogue Ten, Callax flies at Nova's wing. << They've been rowdy of late, >> Callax says, checking over strategic data and astrometric charts. << When we approach, we'll want to spread out in...this pattern. >> Data is distributed to the rest of the squadron to be called up as desired. << That's my recommendation. Keeps ambushes to a minimum on approach. >>

Behind them, Babo whistles a few times. "Yes, darling," Callax assures the little droid, "We'll be fine. Just keep those shields up."

Hyperspace has been sort of a mystery to Karas, something he honestly enjoyed flying in really. Being able to move from place to place quickly is pretty nice, so as he sits in his cockpit listening to music, which is turned down low, the pilot relaxes. The Hcoms come alive as Tallie starts to speak, he listens to her, he didn't like hearing that there may be a leak within the New Republic but that is something for the Intelligence types to deal with, but he knows that makes things equally harder for them as well. <<Let's just hope the New Republics Intelligence group can find out what's going on and find who is causing problems.>> he says.

As they make their way to the exit point, his T-85 slips into realspace and his flips a couple of switches as his sensors to begin scanning. <<Ready to go Rogue Leader.>> he says. Looking through the canopy, he sees the others pairing up, <<Hey Rogue 12, care if I watch your wing?>> he asks a smile can be heard in his voice.

The transition and drop out into the black of space makes Tallie's heart accelerate even after having done it for so many years. The Squadron pops into existence one by one. Sensors deployed on full to track their target and to keep eyes on all vectors. In military order two Action VI Freighters flanked by eight TIE/SF head toward their jump point for Munto Codru.

"Fiver, coordinate sensor readouts and make sure we all match," Tallie mutters into her mic before broadcasting to the Squadron. <<" I want Callax and Zul to hang back and unload torpedoes on the transports. The rest of us will fire them up with lasers.

The transition and drop out into the black of space makes Tallie's heart accelerate even after having done it for so many years. The Squadron pops into existence one by one. Sensors deployed on full to track their target and to keep eyes on all vectors. In military order two Action VI Freighters flanked by eight TIE/SF head toward their jump point for Munto Codru.

"Fiver, coordinate sensor readouts and make sure we all match," Tallie mutters into her mic before broadcasting to the Squadron. <<" I want Callax and Zul to hang back and unload torpedoes on the transports. The rest of us will fire them up with lasers.">>

<<"Receiving readouts, sending mine to match.">> David offers, setting a target for one of the TIEs. His hand slides over the s-foil controls, and then moves to speed ahead of Tallie. <<"Rogues, you have the drop on them for now, see if we can't thin the herd before they know we're even here.">> he comms, before heading into do just that, sending red laser blasts careening by one of the lead TIEs in the formation. <<"In short. Don't do it like that.">> he offers after the fact.

Zul shakes her head <<"Sorry, two, it appears yo are flying with eleven today.">> and then, time to set up the locks to hit the transport <<"PReparing locks. Ready, Ten?"

Tallie's orders come down from on high, and Callax pulls back the throttle to drop to 2/3 speed. << Acknowledged, Leader, >> they say over commas as the other ships rocket forward. << Locking target, softening up those shields. >> Or rather, Babo does, as asked by Callax when squeezing the triggers on the yoke to spew a shower of red laser fire into the hulking transport's shields. so that they glimmer in a web of sparks upon the point of impact. "Babo, darling, let's get that target lock. Time to cause some trouble."

The sensors pings as incoming enemy TIE/SFs comes in, "Alright Spark try to keep the shields operational. I know you do before you fuss at me. You're an awesome partner." he smiles. He gets a few happy beeps, "That's my guy." he says as Karas moves into formation with Zul as she is informed she will be making the torp shots. <<Steady your shots and you will not miss. I will keep you covered.>> he says into his hcomms to Zul. With that he moves out and makes an interception point to try to take out Abesh 2 but his laser shots miss as the TIE dodges his shots.

"Special Forces TIEs... I /hate/ these guys," Nova mutters, seeing the escorting fighters. She tries to line up a shot, which ends up being a narrow miss. "Next time, I stick to torpedoes. Gonna be a long night, Jammer..." Jammer blats irritably. He'd wanted a boom for the first shot!

The Squadron races toward the Bulk Transports, spread in a pattern that makes the TIEs abandon the precious contents or stay in place with a higher risk of taking fire. The soft black of space is lit with the fury of two opposing sides. Almost all of the pilots dodge the fire during the initial engagement. Their enemy has mustered the best among them to protect the fuel, knowing the value of its contents.

<<"Keep it up. These are not rookies out of the academy. Hang tight, Moonbeam.">> As she speaks, Tallie's cockpit fills with green as her bow and port shields are worn down by successive fire from two TIES. She accelerates, afterburners flaring golden as she spins away from further fire and takes a tight turn to reengage.

<<"Fire at will, Fabulous and Twelve,">> she calls. "Fiver get those shields back into fighting condition."

When his shot misses, David doesn't hesitate in following through. He pulls the fighter into a direct course for the formation, spinning the X-Wing on its axis. The X-Wing speeds to the point that its not where it was -at all- when the TIE returns fire, instead dipping right underneath, continuing on for a second before slamming the air brakes and turning the fighter over, back towards the TIE. Facing its engines now, Rogue One lights up with laser fire, immediately exploding the TIE that got away. <<"Scratch one, Leader.">> he comms, the engines coming back online as David joins the fight once more.

Right. Torpedoes set up and... fire <<"I hate TIEs as well, Eleven!">> she agrees as she presses the trigger <<"Ten, at your leisure!">> she offers, grinning. She hit! There goes a transport!

<Nice shot, Dave.> Nova calls, using the com system for the first time since the check-in. She's been too busy trying to hit this impossibly nimble TIE. This is probably the real best pilot of the squadron, rather than the leader Dave just nailed. As he proves by dodging /again/. Jammer, at least, has some good news: Deflector screens are coming up, though not by much. Nova spares a moment to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Yup... definitely one of those frelling nights."

Karas smiles, <<Alright 12. I will do what I can to assist you and the others.>> he says to her. Rogue 2's engines flare up as it streaks off giving chase to the enemy TIE/SF he was attacking. So with a flick and pulling back on the throttle, the T-85 rolls and gives chase. Karas could've taken a few shots, but nah. The Courscanti pilot wanted a one shot kill, he has to live up to his callsign and as he banks left and tehn right as the X-Wing and TIE Kris Kross one another, he fires sending a quartet of shots into the TIE destroying it as he comes back around. He rolls through the fireball, <<Rogue 11 I'm coming to you right now.>> he calls to Nova.

Though moving more slowly tan most of the rest, Callax's ship is plenty dextrous enough to spiral through a burst of laser fire spewed its way. << Acknowledged, Leader, >> Callax calls over comms. << This is ten, torpedoes away. >>

From long nose of the ship, a pair of glowing azure arrows fly; they strike the transport dead on, shields flaring brightly with the explosions of their warheads, then vanishing entirely. Secondary explosions rock the surface of the transport, but its armored holds and superstructure hold together - but only barely. << Direct hit, multiple hull breaches and power surges across the ship. She's going to go up with another salvo, so focus on her! >>

The remaining bulk Freighter fire recklessly into the dogfight at the risk of hitting their TIEs. Three of the Squadron have taken fire, Moonbeam's X-Wing's shields gone. <<"Moonbeam, pull back, repair, and get a lock on Transport Two if you can. We have one Transport down. The rest of us will hammer them. Don't let hit the transition point.">>

<<"Rogue 11, mind if I cut in?" David comms at the ailing Nova, his X-Wing already lining up. He doesn't await a reply before actually cutting in, both in the figurative and literal way, shearing away at the TIE's shields effectively. <<"All yours if you want it, Eleven.">> the pilot offers, staying on target in case she declines.

Now, that the transports are away, Twelve turns it's sights into a scene the pilot dreamt off... DOGFIGHTING A TIE! Laughing is heard over the coms as the guns start firing, sadly in an arc that makes it easy for the dastardly pilot to dodge!

<No complaints here,> Nova replies, adjusting her course. <As ordered. I'll see about another transport.> Which she does, hammering the deflector screens with streams of crimson annihilation. The shields don't go down, but the pounding they're taking is obvious in the faint flickering where the blasts hit. <Eleven, knocking on the door. Somehow I don't think they're in the mood for guests!> Jammer hoots in triumph: He's just gotten the deflector screens back up to 55 percent. Real progress!

<<Splash 1.>> he says as he destroyed Abesh 2, but as Karas banks his fighter hard to go after it's wing mate which was moving towards the transport. Attempting a quick shot without waiting on a target acquisition, Karas fires and misses. <<On your tail 11.>> he says as he tries to catch up with Nova.

Closing on the first of the wounded transports, flames and atmosphere venting from multiple breaches in its ponderous hull, Callax prepares to do away with the lumbering beast for good. << Ten here, >> they call over comms. << Cutting the first transport's throat. Torpedoes away. >> The whistling lances of bright blue light flash from Ten's nose into the side of the listing transport, causing first a small flash of light at its midsection, then another series of brighter explosions that coalesce into a short-lived nova as all that fuel goes off. Callax guides the fighter through the resulting flash and heat, the debris cloud that remains, hurtling past through heated, tangled metal as the next target is prepared.

<< This is Ten, >> Callax announces. << Transport destroyed. Shifting target to Transport Two. >> Babo whistles and prepares to do just that.

Klaxons deafen the crew as fires breakout from the bridge to the cargo holds containing their precious cargo. Cargo that will kill them if detonated. The final blow comes. A white light flashes. The transport is no more. One transport, shields mostly intact, pours on the speed, racing for its life.

<<"We can do this, pilots. Pour it on Transport Two.">> Biting her bottom lip hard, Tallie regards her shields' status and decides to stay in the fight. "Fiver, get us repaired. Please. I can't bail on this."

David breaks off of the target he had intended, joining up with Tallie for a run at the transport. <<"Let me draw their fire, Lead, while you get those shields back up.">> He makes his run, plinking some laser blasts into the transport. <<"Half of you, hold off on torpedos until the shields go, as soon as they're gone, one final run at it. All torpedos. Cover your wingmates, let's go home.">> he comms out, hoping that half will be one in each pair of X-Wings.

On the bridge of Transport Two, suited against atmosphere loss, the navigator slams his fists on the console as engineering reports fatal damage to the hyper engines. Catastrophic failures cascade through the engine room as the ship perceptibly slows.

Scans reinforce what the naked eye sees. Tallie flips open coms, a smile apparent in her voice, <<"Rogue, I tip my hat to you all. Great work, Fabulous, Deadeye, Ironside. Let's bug out of here. That fuel is going no place soon. Our work is done.">>

Rogue 2 is in the midst of things as orders come in to take on the transport, side slipping his fighter so that he's out of range of the TIE he was dancing with. Karas narrows his eyes as he pushing power to the engines and suddenly more energy pours into his engines as he gives chase. He knows he's within range of Transport 2, and he dummy fires his proton torpedos. Both of the torpedos streak off and slam into the shields of the transport, but Karas doesn't deviate, which puts him in line of a shot from an enemy TIE. Emerald Green laser fire streaks off towards Rogue 2, but Karas only does a few minor adjustments and he is tagged a few times from a few other TIEs but Spark is able to assist.

Karas fires another round of torpedoes but they miss and he has to break off and fly off to take on a few TIEs to help the others. But it's then when he hears Tallie, "Thanks ma'am." he says to her as the transport slows and he smiles, <<Rogue Leader, it was all due to you ma'am.>> he says to her.