Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt1-Snack Cakes

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Mynock Hunt Prt1-Snack Cakes

OOC Date: April 29th, 2020
Location: Mos Eisley Tatooine
Participants: Kael Greystorm, Kryll, Nerys Arda, Lozen, Zul Gradnk, Nova Korell, Barad, Qadira Suuryet, Lokir, Jax Greystorm,

A message had went out to the regular places and the not so regular places that the Irregulars needed agents for an operation. Those that answered and seemed legit of interest and qualifications received an encrypted Data file. The file begins a male voice altered and distorted to be unrecognizable and artificial but smooth akin to a protocol droid.:

You've answered the call, and I want to thank you. If you're already an Irregular, welcome home. If you're new, welcome to the Irregulars. Welcome to your personal Resistance to fight that the flame of the Republic will never die. We don't care if you do this for credits, revenge, or to fight for freedom. We don't care if you share your name, your victories and defeats with us. We don't care if you keep us at a distance hidden in the shadow and only a code name. We don't care if this will be your only fight or if you will become a life long member. You are one of us, an Irregular. Know the Republic doesn't know we exist and the Resistance will deny us. I promise you though if something goes wrong, we will come for you and we look after our own. Although if you mean to betray us and serve the enemies of the Republic, we will come for you, and we will be the last faces you see. If this bothers you walk away now and the file will delete. No hard feelings.

You're still here. I am Corsair. I'm the Special Agent for the operation. Let's begin the briefing.

Our target is One Orrin 'Grinner' Mensik, a local Tatooine human male in his mid 40s. He's of slender build and fair features. Though his hair has begun to gray around the temples. He's operating out of a warehouse in Mos Eisley not far from a Cantina. We don't who he's connected with but he's connected with somebody. We know he has Gamorrean body guards and a pretty sophisticated security system with auto turrets. Any violence or suspicious activity will be answered in a brutal manner. We believe his office contains both a computer with data and a safe with physical files.

Primary Objectives: 1. Obtain proof that he has New Republic Black Market Components in the warehouse. 2. Obtain any useful data from Mensik's computers. 3. Obtain any physical files from the safe.

Secondary Objectives: a. Shut Down Mensik's recommendation if determined to be a our target. b. Capture Mensik for debriefing.

Recommendations: Shut down the Security System before any overt actions are made. As there are several new agents on the mission, I recommend using code names and alias.

I will be on channel, providing Logistical support if need. The operation is yours. May the Force be with you


Lokir sticks to the dark shadows of the alley, drawn pistol hidden beneath his black cloak. His helm features two large ridges, though the details are obscured beneath the hood. His head is on a swivel, alert for any signs of trouble. <Spike, checking in. Jack of all trades, good for recon. Let's keep the mayhem to a minimum unless things go sideways, roger?>


Zul Gradnk blinks, walking into the alley as.... the opposite of stealthy, to be honest. Gaudy golden revolver, horrible Rishi Shirt, bag under her stomach.... she looks like a tourist who took the wrong turn at Saari-Ha and ended up on the wrong planet, personally <"Uhm.... Holofan checking in as well! I am here to get into computers!"> she claims with a grin, sounding more like a slightly-scared 5-year-old than a professional of any sort


Codenames... Who needs a codename? Well dang it... The Behemoth in heavy power armor listens to the recording and just sighs into his private comms, <<Jetpack you readin me? Guess we gotta remember no names til we know these folks better>> He arrives near the target and he's not subtle about it. As Spike comes up on comms his helmeted form looks around a bit, <Hey there Spike. I think I'll go with Mayhem. I'm for when things go sideways. So I'll be waiting over here until then.> There's also a much smaller form that's lurking in his shadow. Likely said Jetpack from earlier.


Someone who is a terrible agent, there's a distorted sound coming from the void armor worn. <Gadget here. I agree with keeping mayhem down. That's the best thought I've heard all day.> She arrives in the alley, making her way with a little ID10 droid seated on a shoulder. <Seems I get to help Holofan out, that works for me.>


Lozen enters after the others <<Quicksilver checking in. Happy to provide escort and cover for slicer or to slip ahead and engage hostiles preemptively for collection.>> She's heavily armed as a short slight figure can be but she doesn't draw any toys just yet, waiting to survey the situation before deciding of her favorites she'll invite to this dance.


Jetpack. Yes they were seriously going with that, keyed up her mic, "I read you. I'll follow your lead." She moved quietly, as though she really did not wish to be seen. Fancy that. But then Behemoth was leading the way. It gave her plenty of room to settle into the corner of a building. Onto the channel that was set for them, she spoke again, her voice flat and low, <<Jetpack. Scout and overwatch here.>>


Sajin found his way up to the top of a roof in some broken down building not far from the prospected target. He would perch here for now with his bowcaster at the ready. Power armor on and concealing his face, he didn't exactly intend to hide who he was. Maybe he was stupid or just didn't care. That armor painted in the colors of house verrni. He clicks the comm twice in affirmation he is ready


Barad hangs out with 'Spike' in the alley, . Barad -- or 'Patch' for this mission -- is here for Medical Support, mainly . . . in case things go somewhere between Wrong and Very Wrong / SNAFU. "Roger that. 'Patch' here. I'm Medical Support / HazMat. Hi Team! The goods we're looking for are Republic Military Hardware. Repeat, say - again: Contraband is Republic _Military Hardware_. So if it hits the fan let's make sure we're closer to the goods than the bad guys, neh?" Barad hunkers down and hits back on his haunches, his big 'ole floopy ears plastered to the side of his head inside the confines of his suit. That's ok, tho. At least it's air conditioned. Unfiltered, the Tatooine heat reminds him of his own homeworld. Bittersweet. Don't need that distraction.


At the end of the alley, a figure in a sand-colored, hooded poncho pauses to make sure it's not being followed, then approaches the little gathering of operatives slowly, holding up a gauntleted hand. -I heard there might be something important and irregular going on around here. Mind if I back you up? Name's Moonbeam.-


At the other end of the alleyway was well a large bay door that was currently closed and locked, flanking the large bay door was a metal security door. There was a large Gamorrean with a large cleft halbert in his hand standing guard at the door. The door looked to be secured and locked behind it. The Gamorrean, well looked angry and gassy. So nothing new. He looks at well Zul and frowns at her grunting a 'What do you want?'


Lokir keeps his distance, but no amount of distance can mask the sour odor of a Gamorrean stewing in the harsh heat of Tatooine. Also carried downwing is a soft mechanical whirring. From his vantage point, Spike can make out the distinct bulge of an electronic surveillance unit. <Eyes on the door. Camera above. Need to put the camera to sleep before moving on the target.>


Zul Gradnk grins "Yes, you see, I was looking for the Mos Eisley Cantina! I wanted to see the place where the famous Han Solo was sitting when he took Luke Skywalker on his Journey to Alderaan!" she explains "Where he shot Greedo and where the heroes met!" she begins, the Gamorrean having shut her out at 'Yes, You see' yet she keeps on blabbing and blabbing "...and which of course has a famous blue Milk Special I wanted to try..." can someone put the Gammorean out of his misery? She likely won't shut up


/Mayhem/ just watches the door for right now massive armored form standing back letting the social and technical folks handle the delicate work his hands resting on his hips and he moves to quietly lean up against a building. If something requires his technical expertise he'll step in but folks asked for quiet and that's what he's going to do.


Lozen raises her fists, ready to fight, the glint of Metal Knuckles can be seen on her hand.


With no idea how long it was going to take to get into the warehouse, or what they would face getting out again, Jetpack did what Jetpacks tended to do. She rocketed up to the roof. No, that was a lie. She climbed up to the roof, the top of some desert hovel, er, I mean, building, or another, gods, did she hate this planet, which could give her a good view of their target objective.


Kadi hears a comment about there being a camera, and that catches her attention. She has the little sneak droid with her, but that Gamorrean is more of an issue at the moment. For now, Kadi simply starts to look for a way to remote into the systems around here. <<Gadget here, looking to see if I can remote in and maybe do something about the camera or the door. >> she reports.


Lokir jumps in on coms. <Quick--someone take out the camera junction box. West side, 3 meters up, 5 meters from the door. Blaster or hack will work.>


Lozen waits for Zul to have Piggy distracted and then, not as stealthily as she might like thanks to her heavy armor she charges in, wiffs the punch missing the Gamorean but takes a second swing and once that connects tries to move him out of the way for Zul "Key!" she demands, fist cocking.


Barad nods once as the violence gets underway. Not too surprising. But perhaps unfortunate. Barad moves quickly down to the far side of the warehouse, still along the wall that 'Spike' is covering. From the far corner, Barad can keep watch on the back door of the warehouse, and any side door on the adjoining wall --- just in case our quarry tries to make 'a break for it' now that the fighting has started out front . . . .


Sajin clicks once moving his scope's retical into one of the guards bellow, probably favoring the gammorean. Trigger finger rest just along the length of the guard, ready to squeeze whenever it is needed. He gives one click over comms. target acquired... not that it mattered with Nove there. "Welp...." He hefts up the rifle and starts down toward the rest of the team.


Seeing Lozen rush in, Moonbeam mutters something rather impolite under her breath and dashes in behind her. She can appreciate the approach, but the Gamorrean looks unlikely to fold under just one punch. A punch /and/ a rifle butt, on the other hand... She grabs the Gamorrean as the massive alien starts to fall, carefully lowering him to the alley floor rather than letting him fall against the side of the building. -Let's see if he's got a key on him. Access might be controlled from inside.-


Piggy squeels at Lozen going to bring his blade down on the Echani for her daring to lay a hand on him when well nova hits him in the face. The gamorrean wilts to the ground as Kadi's little droid cuts the camera line. Grinner inside doesn't know what's coming for him yet. As Barad goes running around the building he nearly misses it. But there is another entrance he spots. It's half hidden and there's a Jawa with a booth next to it. It's the way into the basement. So that leaves a terminal to hack and a door to open.


Zul Gradnk blinks, looking about "I.... better check Systems." she starts, taking her belly-bag off and handing it to the Echani "Here. 5 Frags. Could be useful. I am gonna check... exits. Or systems. Not fights." she says with a nod "Maybe I can scramble something. Or I will bring a speeder about from the dealership. Can call it stolen. Deniable and a quick getaway. Just burn it in the desert."


Lokir sighs under his breath. He needed to up his contract rates. <Ok folks, stay frosty. Good job on the doorman and electric eye. All seems quiet. Let's keep our slicers safe and buy them time to work.>


Lozen blinks as Nova charges in and riflebutts Piggy <<Indeed. This was why I had chosen to leave him conscious. Well, we will gain entry one way or another.>> She rummages through pockets looking for a means to access the door.


Kael Greystorm pushes off from the wall now that Piggy Piggy is out cold and still didn't let the wolves in. He walks towards the door a bit his hands clasping in front of him as he gets closer, <Still avoiding being loud and all right?> His gaze sweeps the area a few times and then waits for well Mayhem to be needed.


Kadi sends the little flying droid to where Lokir points out the camera remote access, and Button does his job quite well, deactivating the camera. Then there's a keypad that's covered by a little security box, and so Button goes there, as directed. There's a bleep and then button zips back, whining about feedback and not getting the love he should get. Because really he's cute as a button. And his little tantrum just proves it. Kadi nearly forgets what she's doing as she has to stifle laughter at the little droid's complaints. She moves up beside him, looking at the security panel and then she quickly pulls out a little toolkit, using it to help poor Button get back to his usual self.


Jetpack, having made it to the roof, took a knee, angling herself to that she could keep a weather eye on the street below, as well as the approach to the building the team was moving in and around. A hand reached back, pulling the baton from its place on her back, fingers sliding into the rings in the center. A flick of the wrist activated the weapon, the arms deploying and clicking into place as the bow was readied for action. Now she just needed a target. And that meant getting a good bit of looking done, which she relayed along the comms, <<Street is clear so far. Some activity along the road, but nothing to do with us.>>


Sajin moves out of the building he had been occupying and out into the street. He takes a turn and heads towards the entrance the team had gone in. The desert breeze kicks up his cape, weapon snugged against his shoulder but held down safely. Ready to go. He stops and an intersection. A hooligan a block over stealing a hover truck. Then some Jawas hastling some trader. "Utini" Can be heard from this distance. The king of drik continues on his way saying <<"Clear over here...">>


-He was preparing to split your skull, so I figured unconscious was better,- Moonbeam ripostes, kneeling to check the Gamorrean as well. -My apologies if this is inconvenient. I've seen too many good people die already.- A few seconds later, she holds up a card key. -It was in his wristband. Gamorreans don't generally wear things with pockets. Most employers make them wear garments that have them anyway, but they tend to forget about the pockets and fall back on old habits.- She straightens and steps over to the door. -Cross your fingers...- she suggests, stacking up and slotting the card key into the lock. The LOCKED message changes to UNLOCKED, and the door hisses open. -/Jackpot/.-


Barad toggles comms from inside the air - conditioned comfort of his armor -- bless this void suit -- ha, take that, Tattooine sun(s) . . . "Folks: There's a side door. Leads to the basement. Behind the Jawa. 'Patch' out." Barad takes up a position down at the far corner -- from which he can watch the back and the side walls.


Inside the large warehouse is well crates and boxes of stuff, numbered and marked. The stuff coming from all over the galaxy. The stuff by the door appears to be parts for a moisture evaporator. There are four turrets hanging from the ceiling. Cosair wasn't joking when he said the place had a security system. Though luckly a number of the stacks of crates did allow for natural cover. Lets just hope you're not hiding behind a crate of thermal detonators or torpedoes. Along the back wall was stairs that lead to catwalk and into an office. A pair of Gamoreans stood on guard at the stairs.

Inside the office sitting at a desk was the man himself, Grinner. He had the nick name cause of the stupid grin that did not seem to leave his face, Kryll was noticing that probably now, "Soo, Mr. what was it Kryll? What can I do for you? I'm just a simple Tatooine, merchant." He says reaching into his desk to produce a bottle of whiskey and a tumbler. "But I can get just about anything you need."


Standing in front of the desk inside said office is indeed a Bounty Hunter, fully armored and heavily armed. His helmet is on, and his voice is augmented as he speaks, <"Yes, Kryll is fine. I have learned in my studies of people in the galaxy, that they are often more than one thing. And that second thing is often not very related to the first. You may be a simple Tatooine merchant, but you also operate in businesses I do not."> he has his e-11 carbine slung over his chest for easy reach, and pistols on his hips, so he slowly reaches into his belt and takes out a holo puck, tossing it onto the desk in front of Grinner. <"I am looking for that man, any information you can provide will be rewarded with credits."> he pauses, <"Any poor information that wastes my time, or places me in danger intentionally due to your information, will be rewarded with a return visit.">

While Kryll is talking, a white and red BB unit stands beside him, his head turning back and forth between Kryll and Grinner, and then rotating about to look at all the others in the room.


Lokir moves up to the open door. <I'll take point. It's a dice roll, but I'm a harder target than specialists. Follow me in if there's fire.> Lokir slinks around the corner and does his best to find quick cover and take stock of his surroundings.


Sajin finally makes his way into the doorway where Nova and Lozen had went. He's large frame make's it interesting to move between the crates and other things. He keeps against cover, listening, his helm mic open and recieving what's going on just around the corner. As he peaks his head out, it's probably a bit too far, his bowcaster barrel visible slightly as he manages a glimpse at the meeting.


Mayhem is still standing around in the alley. He heads over towards the door that Gadget and some of the others entered and actually reaches down to pop one of his blasters out of it's holster to hold in his hand. He doesn't need to ready a weapon but well it looks cool.


Kadi is dumb. She really can be. In any event, she heads to the door, peeking in, and trying to slip through unnoticed. She isn't really quick at finding cover, but she tries. That's at least partly because she's not really used to this sort of thing. She might learn yet. <Door's open, nice work,> she comments, letting those waiting out there know what is going on, just in case. And also, letting Corsair know. <Starting to make our way in, so we can do our thing.>


Lozen slips away her brass knuckles and lets Nova slip in first before she moves to follow, one hand easing her pistol from it's holster as she does-making no attempt though she generally tries to avoid calling attention to herself.


Nerys was not about to try to get into that building. That was not the job. She remained perfectly still, adjusting the angle of her head only to take in the surround, though her voice did come across the comms, "Patch, got a clutch of Jawas heading in your direction. Might want to see about making yourself less conspicuous."


Sajin finally makes his way into the doorway where Nova and Lozen had went. He's large frame make's it interesting to move between the crates and other things. He keeps against cover, listening, his helm mic open and receiving what's going on just around the corner. As he peaks his head out, it's probably a bit too far, his bowcaster barrel visible slightly as he manages a glimpse at the meeting.


Nova slips inside the warehouse, intent on inspecting the labels of the crates there. She sticks to com to avoid alerting the guards. <Lots of stuff here, Corsair. Finding the right contraband could take awhile.> She pauses to let Lozen catch up, watching the guards. <Seeing some interest from our guard's cousins. Be careful.>


Barad toggles comms. From -within- the suit! No silly hand - held microphone gizmo. Yay! Boy, could he really get used to this armor. "Check-Six: More Hostiles possible on the back side . . . . Meanwhile, I'll take these Jawas and their Muscle Goons on a little walkabout. Draw them off -- Less interference, fewer witnesses for what you guys are doing. Patch out!"


Some days the force is with you and nothing can go wrong. You're about to get some sweet sweet intel for a bounty and then somebody goes in breaks into the scum bags warehouse at the most inconvenient time. Guess it's one of those days Kryll. Grinner looks at the puck as well all heck breaks loose. One of his guard squeals that they had intruders. That was the only alarm they get. Grinner well his expression changes and his blood drops from his face. He pulls a blaster out of that liquor draw to point it at Kryll. "Funny Kryll. That you show up asking info and my operation gets raided. Now keep those hands where I can see them."

Inside the wear house the guards go to rumble to the floor with their poleax. The sight of Kael, the beautiful man with the big gun seems to intimidate the pair more than the other beautiful man with the other big gun, Sajin. So they both charge him letting out Pig Oink battle cries and squeals. The targeting systems come on and start to fire at everyone else but Lozen and Nova.

Then as Barad goes to lead the Jawas on a merry chase. A deliver hover truck for 'Uncle Wyrricks Tastey Cakes ' pulls along side of Barad, "Hey Patchs, I'm Dewback. I'm the ride. You want a lift it's getting hot in there." The driver is a dark haired man dressed like a Corellian smuggler and wearing a bandanna over the bottom of his face.


<"You want to see my hands? Certainly."> and in a blink, his hands draw a pistol from each hip holster, a Caelli-Nerced Series III in his left hand, and a Sentinel IV in his right, both pointing at Grinner. <"You see, the last time someone pulled a blaster on me in a conversation, I was not able to properly finish my discussion. So, now you see my hands, and we are both pointing blasters. I am just here for the information, if you wish to make me a combatant, you may wish to advise me of your next of kin, so I can notify them where to pick up your remains."> his helmeted head gestures to the puck holo, <"Your decision, information, or blood.">


Lokir flinches behind his helm as all hell breaks lose. <Weapons free. Slicers--try to kill the turrets or secure the prize.> Lokir fires quickly, putting two snap shots into the direction of the guards and scrambling for cover. As a panicked squeal echoes around the warehouse, Lokir smiles grimly.


With the weapons being drawn, Six very slowly rolls into a position behind Kryll, his head watching those behind Kryll but now in front of him, giving Kryll a very informed 360 information net.


Mayhem starts to chuckle over comms as he gets shot at then he flips to external, "My turn." The pistol in his left hand is raised towards the first Piggy to shoot at him trigger is squeezed and a bright red bolt of sizzling ozone death flies at the poor doomed guard. As the thing falls dead he looks towards Piggy3 the HUD in his helmet lighting up all the blaster fire so he's got a rapidly growing selection of enemies to shoot. Turning up the speaker louder, "Surrender and drop your weapons and you won't be dyin like your friend here."


Kadi scowls, as she gets shot at. And that whatever it was skimmed by her so close she could smell the ozone and poor Buttun ducked under her arm to hide. "Hey!" she grouses. The scowl on her face is not visible of course, but there's probably no doubt, as she finds a spot to start working on the turrets. She slices in, fingers moving quickly, eyes concentrating on what she's doing. Button bleeps softly, from under her arm, as the little droid watches what she's doing, and Kadi nods once in answer to him. "Right, I see it," she says. She might be able to ignore just about anything, if she can ignore the handsomeness of Mayhem and Click, even in their power armor, and concentrate enough to have one of those turrets suddenly spark, sizzle and then go zeerbrtttret as it fries itself.


Lozen steps in, pistol lifting and squeezing off another little piggy. The sight follows the body as it tumbles before she seeks her next target "Lay down your weapons or PErish!" she chirps, the speakers of her helm not doing anything to make her sound less like a twelve year old boy as she snaps out the demand.


Nerys tipped up her head, as she heard Patch's comment, "Possible hostiles? Can you identify and give me a location, so I can move to intercept?" If Patch was indeed moving, the team was going to lose their eyes on the rear of the building. And that was going to mean double duty. She did not wait for his reply. Instead, she simply moved, crouching low as she looked for a better angle on the roof, sizing up if she needed to switch to another desert hovel, ahem. But she heard the comms and frowned. She assumed it was coming from the snack cakes truck, but she was not inclined to lower her weapon.


Sajin ducks back behind his crate just as he hears the squeeling rage from the soon to be fried bacon. Two bolts slam into the crate not far from where he was. Multiple shots on his side goes off, which gives him the cover to peek out and sight in one of the mounted turrets. The thing is an easy target, the bow caster loud and a super charged quarrel is loosed. It explodes on the metal of the gun, destroying is, melting the barrel and action into nothing more than useless slag. He comes out of his cover and starts to advance, bowcaster up, crouched slightly as he moves. The powerarmor whines with motion, dark gray and yellow inseamed cape flowing in his wake.


From behind one of the cargo containers, hearing and seeing Gamorreans being turned into bacon, Nova takes aim and triggers a three-round burst at one of the turrets. It bursts apart in a shower of sparks and wreckage. Taking the opportunity to relocate, she pivots from one point of cover to the next, carbine still held ready. -I would suggest that you take all the good advice you're getting and surrender. We're running out of targets.-


Barad hops into the delivery truck, nodding to Dewback: 'Sounds good -- OK: Let's lose these guys, . . . circle back if there's pickup.' Barad toggles Comms to Nerys: "-Behind- the Jawas: Local muscle. Trying to draw them off with the truck." Barad sets up in the interior of the truck to accommodate any wounded team - mates while "Dewback" drives.


The grin returns on Grinner's face, "Kriff, you're cute. I mean maybe if you practiced your speech a bit. It might be scary. I don't got time for this." The the Dl-30 in Grinner hand fires a blast at Kryll at close range. Funny story, misses happen at short range. This is one of those.

Inside the warehouse, there's so much bacon, so much smoking bacon. Smoking and destroyed turrets. Everyone alright and what the? The sound of a blaster shot and the flash of a blaster bolt in the office.

Patches loaded into the back of the truck, Dewback calls out to him, <Alright. We don't need any looky loos. I don't know if I stole a loaded truck or not if there's some tasty cakes back there. See if there's any Corellian Spice cakes?" The jawa thugs left behind as the speeder truck goes around a corner.


Lokir does a quick sweep of the room. <All targets down. Secure the office. I'm breaking off to check for contraband.> Lokir slinks up to a crate, his eyes sharp in the dark as he slides the crate top off. <Bingo. He's got our stuff.>


Grinner fires his pistol at Kryll, and the shot glances off of his hunter armor's chest panel. Kryll looks down slightly, then back to Grinner, <"You have chosen, poorly."> and then opens fire, two blasts from the pistol in his left hand, and one from his right. Kryll doesn't bother moving, he simply stands his ground in front of the desk, and starts a one on one close range gunfight. Well, joins one, Grinner started it.


Mayhem strides up into the office. And by stride he bursts through the door like the Kool-Aid man, Oohhhh Yeah. One quick look he assesses which is the target and which isn't. Sentinel IV lowered slightly in his left hand as the right hand moves drawing his Series III from the holster at his hip flipping it to stun as he sends two blasts of stun energy in rapid fire at Grinner. And then looks over at the hunter as he holsters the Series III again watching Grinner drop the ground. "He's coming with me."


Kadi - erm - what was her name again - oh right, Gadget. She glances around, but with all the punks down, she nods once. <<Files. Someone get the safe,>> she calls. << I'm going for the computer. >> She follows Mayhem into the office, wincing as there has been some shooting, and - there's all the fried piggy in the other room. No wonder Kadi's leaving there - too much squishy stuff. She sidesteps around Mayhem and the strange guy, careful to not step on the unconscious guy. "Scuse me," she says as she heads for the computer, and gets to work. She plugs in a portable drive, and there's definitely a sense she is breaking right into those systems. Files downloading for the analysts, that's one thing, but a grin crosses her face, and she uploads a file of cyberpunk music, randomly selected from the top jammers of the day. Because really nobody else needs that data, right?


Lozen trots alongside Kadi <<Quicksilver's covering Gadget.>> She declares, head swivelling as she watches the exits and keeps herself protectively posed near Kadi without intruding on the brainy woman's work.


Nerys clicked onto the comms, <<I'm moving into position intercept potential hostiles.>> Better to be safe than sorry, as she moved towards the edge of the building, looking to pick up the muscle Patch was trying to distract. If that was indeed their escape route, better not to expect the driver or the medic to pick up a weapon.


Secure the package... alright. Sajin turns in his tactical crouch, entering the officer after MAyhem. 'Click' was likely familiar to Kryl because as he turned to look at him there was a long pause. The Hapan straightened up and looked from Kael to Kryll then back and forth several times. <<"Sorry about all this...">> He mentions to the bounty hunter in that deep gravelly voice of his accented by the Helmet's vocorder.


Barad clicks 'Team Comms' on: "OK, guys: We lost the Jawas -- out of earshot. Looks Clear now. Circling back. You guys find the stuff, we can get it loaded on here. . . . but . . . . ah . . . . we juuuuussssst might have to eat some tasty - cakes to make enough room to load the crates, I do suss - 'spect." Barad smiles at the irony of it all, and starts handing out Cakes upon arrival to any and all takers. Ah the "sweet, sweet rewards" of a Successful Mission, eh? Good stuff.


Grinner took a shot to the chest from Kryll and slumps back in his chair just as Kael walks in to finish the deal with some stunbolts. Grinner is now on the floor drooling on himself in a fetal position. Then Yonk! Kadi is down loading files and saying something about the safe.

Oh Kriff, Kryll you are in a room full of dangerous and armed people. They want the guy on the floor. What do you do man? You do have some pretty awesome blasters in your hands. The computer starts playing some pretty sweet dance music.

The 'Uncle Wyrricks Tasty Cake Truck,' pulls up at the end of the ally, <Hey guys, It's Dewback. I'm the Transport. Sorry I didn't check in earlier. I was acquiring some stuff for Corsair. Uhm, You might want to get your stuff and get. He said what pasts for Mos Eisley Security is on their way. That probably means hutts or someone one else we don't want in on the job.>


Kryll watches the people storm in, shoot his dueling partner, and then start hacking into his files like its the next thing on the to-do checklist. He takes many long moments as he considers what is happening, but, nobody is pointing weapons at him. There is a confused tilt of his head, then a shrug and he holsters his sidearms as he looks to a familliar brother-ish in arms. A nod of recognition to Sajin, before he replies. <"It is alright, the information can be found via other means, or are you keeping him?"> he reaches over to take the holo puck off of the desk, and put it back into his belt. Six projects a holographic thumbs up to Sajin, to clearly let him know things are alright. <"If so, I will determine if someone else on this world can be of use before moving on. I do not suppose any of his men were left alive to interrogate?">


Lokir keeps moving from box to box, sniffing the crates as he moves to identify high value items in case they need to bug out before loading up the full warehouse--computer wafers, high explosives, military carbines...Lokir scratches quick identifying marks on the most important crates with his clawed gloves. <We got some nice goodies here. I'm tagging the crates--1, 3, and 5 are most critical. Let's pull the treasure box and the dummy and get the hell off this sandy rock.>


Mayhem holsters his other blaster pistol as he looks over at Kryll and shakes his head, "There might still be that one guard outside. I believe they're just knocked out." He looks at Grinner, "He's coming with us." Magcuffs are pulled from the belt around his waist as he walks over, click click and the power armored man lifts the drooling Grinner up over his shoulder to turn and head towards the extract site.


As she finishes, Kadi leaves the music on repeat, but she pulls her portable drive back, and pauses to nod to Kryll. "Sorry," she says, voice a bit garbled through ths suit vodcoder. "Best of luck." She is moving out to the get away vehicle, data tucked safely away. Button returns to his perch on her shoulder, the two almost seeming to know what they are doing.

<<C'mon, Quicksilver. We're out of here.>> she adds.


Lozen nods in confirmation, "The guard outside, unconscious not dead." She chirps informatively to Kryll, pausing to peer towards Kadi's work before following the woman out.


<<Mayhem, pick me up as usual. I'd rather stay up here until I'm sure the rest of you are away.>> Jetpack crouched, making sure she got a good angle so that she could not be seen from the street unless she did something stupid. <> Well, that was how it usually worked.


Sajin takes a glance back over his shoulder, back out into the warehouse, before looking back to Kryll. <<"Unless you enjoy roasted Gamorean Rump. Nothing left out there.">> He lets Kael take care of the target. <<"It's what the man with a money wants...">> As Kael and Grinner leave, He gives a nod to Kryll in parting. Sajin then turns, heading out of the door and out towards the where they're loading things onto the skif. He keeps his eyes out, then finding his own way back to his own docking birth where his ship sits to take him away.


The Crates, the data, and Grinner. Everything but the hard files, that's alright. It was more than what Corsair's Boss' boss need. So as the Team loads up, Dewback pushs down on the accelerator. If anyone is foolish enough to sit in the cab with him. He turns on one of Gadget's dance songs. <We're out of here.> Then they're half way back to the spaceport, the security force barreling past them on the way to the site. Dewback asks, < Hey did you guys get the safe?>