Log:Hutt Cartel: Kobola Miner Hoodwink

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Hutt Cartel Members steal slaves and spice

OOC Date: July 13th 2018
Location: Nori
Participants: Daven Ohtani, Kari D'Aramis, Xan, Sarna, Dyannah Nerus

[Daven Ohtani]

The third Naboo moon of Rori, an inhospitably overgrown jungle. Many attempts over the centuries have been made to colonize, but each was eventually overtaken by the jungle and its dangers. Currently, only small mining community and a large spaceport are occupied on the moon. Its only export is Kassoti spice, specific to this planet and ingested to induce increased sensitivity to touch and a willpower subduer. The Cartel uses it to break slaves.

Demand has grown for this spice, with First Order desires for greater quantities of it and various slaver groups all wanting increased access to a limited supply. So the Kobola Miners start to look for ways to renegiotiate their current contracts to set prices according to demand. The Caretl does not like this. And has sent a team to punish them for thinking to renege on an already signed agreement. The mission is simple enough, infiltrate, locate and take two shipments of the spice. And make it harder to produce more by stealing their slave labor. They hope this is enough to convince them of the error of their ways.

Daven and Co were the ones tapped to perform this particular crime. And a Slicer was provided, a freelancer by the name of Sarna. She crafted the identities that the crew would be assuming. A borrowed vessel was supplied, an older Sorosuub Luxury Yacht, S3000, with the name of Tempting Sea. The crew lands on the secondary mining facility of the syndicate, where a droid and the Overseer await them at the bottom of the ramp.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Haughty, chin high, hardly to be bothered with most of the party she travels with except the Chiss, Tahiri Daleen of Zeltros descends the ramp. She is dressed for business as only a Zeltron can - a blue silk skirt that covers the minimum, riding endless pink thighs and long legs, a midriff baring half blouse of diaphanous white and an obliquely cut jacket of silk. A rare fire sapphire in a setting of platinum sparkles between her breasts, a blue stone that seems to emit a light of its own winks in her stomach piercing, pearl earrings from a distant star system bobble and swing from her tiny ears - the complete Zeltron business woman.


"Masha Anbari. Masha Anbari," Xan keeps repeating under her breath. Did she remember to tell anyone her fake name? She can't remember. Does it match what Sarna gave her? She can't remember. Everything has moved out of that white-haired head to make room for 'Masha Anbari.' Xan is /not/ in black and grey. What was Kari thinking? Xan must have complained in deadpan at least twice while Kari was straightening this or tweaking that, something like, 'This no camo.' Xan is draped in a bevy of feminine pastels in what looks like a Alderaanian pantsuit with a flowing robe and tie at the waist. Her feet and calves are artfully wrapped in some kind of light cloth, thankfully, and she's able to conceal her vibrodaggers there. Her hair has been drawn up into a small spiky bun, and she's wearing a pair of glasses that slip down her nose. She also carries some kind of sack with a notebook and possibly other things in it, slung over her shoulder. Her makeup is soft, almost barely there. She is standing on the gangplank, waiting for ev

[Kari] Kari strolls down the ramp, a little tug of her fingers to adjust the high collar of her coat, and a brief check of her weapons: blaster holstered at her hip, knife sheathed at her thigh. Her dark hair is braided and coiled at the back of her head, slender frame covered in synthleather from chin to toes, scored with an intricate looping, curling design by some sort of branding iron. Her eyes are sclera-less tonight, bloodshot red. "Xan, any guard stations or sniper nests you can spot? Also, how quickly can we get out of here if we need to?"


Rangiri comes down the gangway ramp looking about, her eyes taking everything in as she walks along with her companions from the ship. The chiss is not as well dressed as some of the others, she is wearing her normal clothing with a leather jacket over it hands tucked into pockets as she stops staying in the back of the group keeping her eyes open.

[Daven Ohtani]

The older gentleman waiting for them at the bottom of the ramp is festooned in rebreather gear. Bushy white beard almost completely hides the mouthpiece that rattles and moans with his every breath. A stumbly chadra-fan woman stands just past waist high at the man, and reaches up to take the mouthpiece out of his mouth.

"My name....is Ticjor Lysbug. I am....the overseer....of this....mining station." The mouthpiece pops back into the man's mouth by way of chadra-fan, and his jaundiced eyes jump about the assembled party a bit, narrowing towards Kari and her chiss-wear. Hunnnhhhhhh rattles around the mouthpiece before he recovers himself. The mouthpiece retreats into a furry hand, "This is.....Vixi Linaj....My book-keeper. Welcome to my....station."

The landing pad is a wide duracrete pad, able to handle at least three or four more ships of the Luxury Yacht's size. Various places on the pad have slots cut out with pole marking them for freight elevators. The pad dwindled and is almost overtaken by the dense jungle before it descends into a bunker like structure.

"Who....do you...represent."

[Dyannah Nerus]

At the bottom of the ramp, Tahiri glances behind her and puts a finely boned hand to her mouth to stop a sudden desire to giggle. No, not that. Those are pure nerves at work, instead, steady, businesslike. Let's see what kind of second class powder this podunk facility is producing. She faces the overseer and raises her chin a notch higher and notes the camera that tracks their presence. It tracks monotonously in a slow sweep across the pad.


Xan's green eyes (today) sweep the vicinity quickly, drawing to particular features of interest casually before just taking in the scenery. She leans in close to Kari to whisper something as her eyes drop to the company that has come to meet them. She says nothing to the pair and averts her eyes down slightly, still able to observe the pair out of the corners of her eyes.


Kari pauses a few feet from the bottom of the ramp, and regards Ticjor evenly. No sign of a smile on the woman, and nor does she offer a shred of acknowledgement to the 'book-keeper' beyond brief flick of red eyes over the creature. "I am Aide-de-Campe Tlim'voush'onu, and we represent the Guild." As in /the/ Mining Guild. "We are here for a routine audit of your operations." Her gloved fingers disappear into an inner pocket of her coat, and withdraw a badge of some kind with her similarly unsmiling portrait inside.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Negligently, Tahiri flips back a lapel to show her badge as a Master Taster, also of the Guild. "Tahiri Daleen," she drawls, "taster."


Sarna looks between them pulling her own ID out, "Rangiri, here to check and make sure all your records are up to date." she says watching the two in front of them offering to show her ID that says what she is.

[Daven Ohtani]

The little airbags hanging from underneath his armpits collapse as he sucks in too hard at Kari's words. A guffaw wheezing the bags back open again, and the Chadra-fan doing its level best to keep the Overseer from falling over. But one look at the expertly forged credentials has him back to wheezing again. Wheezing and unable to talk.

The Chadra-fan's little voice pipes up. "Ts Fine. He fine. Lets go inside. Yup." The man is coughing and stumbling, and Vixi the chadra-fan lets the man use her head as his cane as they proceed towards the bunker past the jungle, to make ready to descend into the mines themselves.


"I am just assistant," Xan mumbles under her breath, her words run over by the Chadra-fan woman. She falls in line a little off to the side and behind Kari, quietly keeping her eyes open and quickly pulling out her notebook to...openly take notes.

[Dyannah Nerus]

The Zeltron flicks her fingers at the other Chiss, the assistant, and raises her chin at the camera sweeping the area as they follow the Overseer and his aide towards the bunker where they will ready themselves.


Kari's gaze drifts to the top of that bunker, lingers there a moment more, and then she steps off the gangway with a crackle of underbrush as her boots touch ground. Off they go, coat swooping about her ankles as the pantoran-pretending-to-be-chiss trails along after the Overseer. "Please make note of the fact that this clearcut will need to be reassessed, as well as the underlying grade," she tells Xan brusquely as they walk. "We will require access to economic records and profit margins for the last three years, as well as any expansion or land reclamation blueprints."


Sarna moves to follow the group as they walk along, she is quiet for the moment sticking her ID back in her leather coats pocket. Letting her hands rest in them as she walks gracefuly along with the rest of the group, "I will need acess to your records as well, anything that has happened in the last three years etc."


Xan falls back a little with the others as she rapidly takes down what Kari says, supposedly. She falls in next to the others...

[Daven Ohtani] The path narrows between the overarching brush and then they start to plod down the stairs. Everyone held up at the speed the overseer takes the steps. There are about twenty or so steps down until a long corridor opens up into a large control room. A circular inset of consoles faces towards the entryway, after the hatchway slides up. Its very unpopulated, with only two or three humans poking at buttons. And a very tired looking devaronian in a grey security officer's uniform staring down at a screen. A turbolift is at the far end of the room, with closed office to the left and to the right. The overseer plods to the left, and the Chadra-fan finally escapes the man's grasp. "Over here. We can give terminal access Over here. You can use your own logins to gain access!"

The Chadra-fan points towards an empty console for someone else to use. "Dear." Her hand slinks up into Kari's hand and tugs her forward. "I wasn't aware there were any Chiss working with the Mining Company." She is starting to get pulled towards the office away from the overseer's office. To the right instead of the left.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Sighing, Tahiri picks her way over the rough ground, ankle high boots protecting those long legs, "I will need samples from the last three months take, of course." The little bandoleer she carries has a little ridged glass tray for putting powder into and comparing the different grades. Her eyebrows raise and her eyes narrow at the Echani's little warning. Good enough.

[Xan] Xan will /not/ leave Kari's side. She is her assistant after all, and seems like a completely harmless tagalong. The diminutive woman is hot on Kari's heels as the Chadra-fan begins to pull Kari away. Xan also sweeps the room for if there are any dumb idiots who have left their passwords out on a note, written on their hands, or anything that might give access like a keycard she might be able to lift as they make their way.

[Sarna] Sarna looks at Xan her eyes narrow at her but she nods with a shrug as she continues to walk along following falling silent for the time. She looks over to Dyannah then back over to the others finding a place to lean on while everyone does their thing.


Kari is patient, it seems. There are no complaints from the woman as they plod slowly down those stairs, ducking beneath the tangled overhang of scrubby trees that have grown into one another. Once they emerge into the control room, her eyes flick to and fro briefly, taking stock of things. She'll leave the mapping out of ingress and egress points to Xan; hers is more of an attention to detail: who's sitting where, which faces don't seem to trust them, how much sleep that security guard has had in the last twenty-four hours.

Then there's a hand tugging at hers, and she looks down at the tiny chadra-fan with her lips touched together musingly. "I am the Executor's Aide de Campe, as I mentioned." In other words, his secretary. "There are three Chiss who occupy positions within the Guild. Shall I list them for you?" She looks fully prepared to do so, but does not allow herself to be pulled along anywhere. A glance toward Sarna, and a nod for the other Chiss. "Please begin your work." Her gloved hand is removed - or at least, such is the attempt - from the Chadra-Fan, and she makes to head for the Overseer's office instead.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Tahiri's pink face is a study in arrogant waiting. These people are here to show her that they are producing the best. She stands facing the room, checking ingress and egress. She gestures a question at the Chandra-fan, "Can I set up here, then?"

[Daven Ohtani]

Little sticky post-its out for passwords? No. Anybody paying /any/ sort of attention to them? Not really. A woman waves at Sarna to stop leaning on her dang console. Vixi doesn't get very far with Kari. Follows her towards the Overseer's office. "Oh. No. Its fine, you don't need to talk to him. He is just going to..."

A console is lit up, all others dark. For someone to poke, forge things, bother people. And whatever else has been dreamed up. If they can get access.

Nothing unusual about this control room, except for how little most people care about them. And the Overseer is wheezing and giggling in his office. Partaking the goods maybe. Sniffing spice into his rebreather from an attachment. "What is it, fake chiss?"


Sarna looks to the woman nodding, "Sorry." she looks over at the womans console scanning it over seeing if she can get anything from the screen and moves to sit down waiting for the others to do their thing. She every once in a while glances at the lit up console.

[Sarna] Sarna nods her head pushing off the console and moves over to one that does not have anyone at it and starts to read the screen and starts to check on stuff, oh yeah this is what helps her relax and she feels very much at home as she starts to use the console.


Kari shoots Sarna a meaningful look, then glances down at the console she's sitting in front of. /Hop to it/, that little loft of her brows says. She pauses at the doorway of the Overseer's office when he addresses her, and watches him for a time, gloved hand on the doorjamb. Her voice softens a touch from its brusque, cheun-accented stacatto. "It must be lonely out here. Just you and Vixi, a handful of nine-to-fivers. They don't know this business like you do. Do they?" Her fingers curl into her palm, save for one, which grazes the battered durasteel in a thoughtful fashion. "Where do you house your labourers?"

[Dyannah Nerus]

The Zeltron looks about impatiently. "If you do not bring me samples I will go to the warehouse myself and take random samples. Your choice," she announces to the room at large. Does she like the attention or does she just want eyes on her while the others go about their business.

[Xan] Xan artfully stays just out of frame from the Overseer after getting a peek, just like any good assistant would. Not seen. Not heard. "You not inspect outgoing shipments?" Xan tries reeeeally hard to say it like a normal person. She immediately looks down as if trying to avoid the Zeltron's wrath. Then she moseys over to the console that Sarna is looking at, peering over her shoulder curiously.

[Daven Ohtani] That poor console blats negatively at Sarna, then at Xan. "Turn capslock off. Pah" A slovenly man with some sort of food dressing still on his face from lunch says from a few consoles over. (You'll get one more attempt to get access!)

Kari is watched by the old man, who unwinds a vial from his rebreather, and replaces it with hazy cinnamon sort of color liquid within it. That aerosolizes in his mask. "The labourers.....are split......between menial.....and skilled......They'd all.....be working......right now. What exactly.....do you.....care about....it for?"

[PASS ( +64)] Dyannah Nerus's Bluff @ (100) diff.

[Daven Ohtani Another woman looks up towards Dyannah from her console, blinking a few times. "Warehouse...samples." A glance and takes it in the id badge. So she just reaches down and finagles a keycard from a box and plugs it into her console for a few seconds, then hands it off to Dyannah. "Level three, down by the cargo lifts, is where the refined shipments are kept."


Sarna looks at Xan raising a brow, "Remind me to have a talk with you when we get back." she looks over nodding to the man who explains the caps lock thing. So she makes sure that its not on this time and tries again to get the info that she wants.


"I-well I thought," Xan stutters when Sarna looks up at her. "But numslock..." She mumbles loud enough for the other man to hear before trying to take over again. BACKSEAT DRIVER.


"How many?" Kari wants to know, ignoring the question and sliding a datapad out of her coat. A quick tap of her thumb and the screen illuminates. Flickering hologram of some sort of login page with a slowly spinning emblem that /could/ be that of the miner's guild. Or just a reasonably close facsimile. "And how long have they been working today? Labour law, as I'm sure you know, requires no more than twelve hour block shifts. I will need to review your log books, and inspect all hydraulic fittings and FOPS for minimum safety standards." The brief warmth, the glimmer of curiosity in her voice are gone, replaced with that cool and businesslike manner once more. Her eyes linger on the rebreather mask a moment more, and then she drifts away to join Vixi in her office. Her thumb brushes her blaster, just to make sure it's still there.

[Dyannah Nerus]

The Zeltron looks about impatiently. "If you do not bring me samples I will go to the warehouse myself and take random samples. Your choice," she announces to the room at large. Does she like the attention or does she just want eyes on her while the others go about their business.


Xan artfully stays just out of frame from the Overseer after getting a peek, just like any good assistant would. Not seen. Not heard. "You not inspect outgoing shipments?" Xan tries reeeeally hard to say it like a normal person. She immediately looks down as if trying to avoid the Zeltron's wrath. Then she moseys over to the console that Sarna is looking at, peering over her shoulder curiously.

[Daven Ohtani]

That poor console blats negatively at Sarna, then at Xan. "Turn capslock off. Pah" A slovenly man with some sort of food dressing still on his face from lunch says from a few consoles over. (You'll get one more attempt to get access!)

Kari is watched by the old man, who unwinds a vial from his rebreather, and replaces it with hazy cinnamon sort of color liquid within it. That aerosolizes in his mask. "The labourers.....are split......between menial.....and skilled......They'd all.....be working......right now. What exactly.....do you.....care about....it for?"

[Daven Ohtani]

Another woman looks up towards Dyannah from her console, blinking a few times. "Warehouse...samples." A glance and takes it in the id badge. So she just reaches down and finagles a keycard from a box and plugs it into her console for a few seconds, then hands it off to Dyannah. "Level three, down by the cargo lifts, is where the refined shipments are kept."


Sarna looks at Xan raising a brow, "Remind me to have a talk with you when we get back." she looks over nodding to the man who explains the caps lock thing. So she makes sure that its not on this time and tries again to get the info that she wants.


"I-well I thought," Xan stutters when Sarna looks up at her. "But numslock..." She mumbles loud enough for the other man to hear before trying to take over again. BACKSEAT DRIVER.


"How many?" Kari wants to know, ignoring the question and sliding a datapad out of her coat. A quick tap of her thumb and the screen illuminates. Flickering hologram of some sort of login page with a slowly spinning emblem that /could/ be that of the miner's guild. Or just a reasonably close facsimile. "And how long have they been working today? Labour law, as I'm sure you know, requires no more than twelve hour block shifts. I will need to review your log books, and inspect all hydraulic fittings and FOPS for minimum safety standards." The brief warmth, the glimmer of curiosity in her voice are gone, replaced with that cool and businesslike manner once more. Her red eyes linger on the rebreather mask a moment, then raise again, waiting for the Overseer to answer her.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Tahiri (Dy) flips a lazy hand palm out to the woman and takes the badge. "Is this the usual treatment for Guild, announced or unannounced?" She peers down her nose at woman then gathers her bag up. "They expect me to go down to sample," she makes an eloquent shrug thinking, oh fugging great...then again, maybe not so bad. Recon for the supplies they want. She imperiously crosses the room hoping she is not visibly perspiring and enters the lift that was indicated to her.

[Daven Ohtani]

That poor console makes up a squeal of noises that gets the man turning to look towards them before it DINGS a log-in and he settles his considerable heft back into his chair. To let them get to work.(Feel free to tell me what sort of computery things you desire to do)

The old man goes to talk again, but his hand doesn't catch the rebreather as it falls from his mouth. Pitiful whines fall from his lips before he responds, hand flailing still for the rebreather. "Long enough...Theres 40...slaves...split...evenly between.....mines...and warehouse..." He breaths in a deep breath of unfiltered air and cough-cough-coughs before the rebreather lets him suck in more spice. "Why don't you...sit...over here...and ask me...more questions." The man's frail hand daintly taps his leg. Like a gross oldie.

Not a single person moves to stop Dyannah/Tahiri as she enters the turbolift. Ready to do whatever she will with that keycard! To gain access to the warehouse! DING! The turbolift doors slide shut. Oh no. You've split the party.


Kari glances over her shoulder to see how Xan and Sarna are coming along, and notes Dyannah's disappearance into the turbolift with an almost imperceptible pursing of her lips. Back to the echani, she wills her to look over, so she can indicate the direction the zeltron departed. /Follow her?/ Then she turns and sashays on into the Overseer's office, dropping her disguise finally like a sack of potatoes. A smile creeps onto her lips as she eeeeeeases onto his lap. Situational awareness is consciously maintained, even as she's endeavouring to make him feel like he's the only one in here. Like the room's just emptied out. "Why haven't you retired by now?" she wants to know, voice soft. A slight lean toward his desk, fingertips lifting to her eyes and gently extracting the red contacts. They're dropped on a stack of paperwork.

[Daven Ohtani]

A high ceiling level of the mining station, wide room with four or five crates wrapped in tight plastic, ready for shipment, are down near the obvious cargo elevators. Many slaves are puttering around in here. With a watcher paying more attention to huttball on his datapad than the slovenly slaves. The refinery room comes through from the side. And a slave leisurely pushes a pallet through.


Xan can sense when she's starting to piss someone off, and she can't help but smile just a touch at the corners of her mouth, betraying her role of the mousey unthreatening assistant to Kari. Because of this, she doesn't notice Dy going off by her self to the turbolift, nor does she notice Kari until it is too late. She blinks like a tooka in blaster sights when she turns to see a sliver of the scene in the Overseer's office.


Sarna starts to use the computer clicking away her eyes searching the screen as she goes along concerned with finding out where the slave control is being held for the collars.

[Daven Ohtani]

Old Man Overseer: "Retire? Ah-heh.....Ah-heh.....Ah-heh....Then I'd....pay for...spice. Ah-heh." He creaks just a touch when Kari settle into his lap, and long skinny hands lift to pat Kari right on the backside. "My goodness.....girl....if I was forty...years...younger...Ah-heh. Ah-heh."

Slave collars are held in a control by the central computer. Preventing them travelling far from the mining station. But downloading their control codes COULD be done. Easily. If one upgraded their security access with a +roll knowledge: computer slicing at 135 for the GM.

[Dyannah Nerus]

There is a camera in the turbolift so Tahiri does not slump against the wall the way her knees want her to. Down she goes and despite the filtered air a piquant aroma of Kassoti fills the air. The trip is much too short and the door opens onto a cavernous room filled with plastic barrels. Nearby are stacks of empty barrels, a forklift, sealing equipment, in short, everything to ready shipments. An open doorway leads to the processing room and that bears staying away from unless someone is in hazmats and with a breather. Hand to her head, slightly dizzy she walks into the room, noting where cameras have been placed.

Reaching into her bag, ostensibly for her sampling tray, she fingers the datapad and sends one green flash to Kari. She takes down gloves, a barrel opener and long handled sample spoon and walks about the room looking at the dates on the barrels.

[Daven Ohtani]

The security guard glances up from where he was sitting while the slaves work, and stands up to pad on over towards Dyannah. "Listen. Honey. You're too cute to be down here poking 'round these things." The man points with his datapad and shakes it at her. "So whatcha want?"


Kari happens to know that Kassoti increases the user's sensitivity to touch. Not to mention, it subdues willpower and makes people more pliant. Once her contacts have been removed, the girl shifts to face Ticjor the Overseer, sliding an arm gently around his shriveled old shoulders. She looks bemused by the ass grab, and traces a fingertip through his fuzzy white beard, stopping when she reaches where the mask is hanging. A flick of her eyes to her datapad when it flashes, then back up to the ancient creature whose lap she's sitting in. "What if I said that, if you can cooperate with us, and we find everything.. in order.. then I feel certain we can arrange for some sort of remuneration for your assistance?" She doesn't turn toward the nosy security guard out in the control room, but does listen carefully for any sign that he's getting too suspicious.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Being a Zeltron has it's advantages, smiling whimsically at the man, she allows him just the barest perfume of her natural self. It will be confusing to say the least. "Why, meee?" she drawls. "I was sent down from the Guild, Official Taster, you understand," she lays special emphasis on Guild and nods meaningfully at him. "Just let me take some samples and get about my work." Her tone belies the meaning. "I bet you know how things taste here better than I do." All the while wondering if she is going to have to clunk him over the head with tasting spoon and push him into a corner.

[Daven Ohtani]

          • ACCESS GRANTED****Sarna has upgraded her security access and is now able to transfer any of the slave collars access codes to one of their datapads, or to their borrowed ship at will. Also. She can see where these shipments that are set up are going, and could change who is to pick them up at ease.

The guard grins widely at Dyannah. "Ohhhh, I didn't know the guild had any wimmin as purdy as you. I'd love to help you out. Lemme...make sure...your id badge is good..." The security leans wayyyyy into Dyannah's direction and stares into her bosom from not even 8 inches away. "Ayup. Everything looks a-okay here. I can get some of them slaves to help you. HEY! SLAVES!! C'mere and help the pretty lady with the things she needs."

Old gross man pats Kari's ass once more. "Oooo...girl....got some heft...back up..thats good...for stuff." A wheeze, then another wheeze and the rebreather hangs loose and he tries to reach for it to breathe again. "Well. I don't know...what else...I need..."

Up top, the woman who gave the keycard to Dyannah shakes her head at her screen. "Oh. Vixi. Says here that our next freighter is here. The Tempting Sea?" And Vixi the Chadra-fan leaves her office where she was doing nothing to come look. "Seems...overriden from Mining Headquarters. See anything wrong with it?"


"Load it up then."

[Dyannah Nerus]

The forklift light flashes warning yellow as a slave turns it on and begins to scoop barrels onto the pallets near the turbolift leading outside. "Well, I suppose this batch will have to go without my testing it. I will check the newest batch," she lifts a graceful arm and looks at her chrono, "after lunch."


Sarna looks to Xan nodding to her giving her a silent its all set kind of look and then looks around to see who is near her and she watches the screen to make sure all goes ok on her end.


"We join our bosses?" So much work on that Basic. Soooo much work. Xan has little pauses in between the words she doesn't normally use, like 'our.' "We need access to follow our bosses," Xan says after abruptly turning to capslock guy. She has all the charm of a toad.


The turbolift doors slide shut, and Kari presses the button for the warehouse floor, and is whisked away. While she's got a modicum of privacy, a quick message is sent to Xan and Dyannah: <<Meet back at Tempting Sea when loading done. Going to find slaves.>> Then the doors whoosh open again and she slips the thing away in her coat, contacts lifted back in place. Brisk stride out to the main floor, and a clap of her gloved hands to gain their attention.

[Daven Ohtani]

The slaves take their sweet time pushing the crates onto one of the lifts. The Security Guard sort of watching them. When the slaves start to meander off, "Maybe you should help her load?" They shrug and one or two filter back to the freight lift. Slaves of all sorts working in the refinery and warehouse start to point out to each other that one of the lights on their collars blinked off.

The Computer System seems all green! No bad logs to get them in trouble, no hinky thing to catch them up on their way out.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Arms crossed Dyannah watches the lacksadaisical loading and nods to herself. Hand at her throat she nods to one of the slaves who looks at her dumbly. She claps her hand to her throat and the man mirrors her gesture and then looks at his companion. Despite the spice, his eyes widen and the speed of loading incrementally speeds up.


Xan reaches down into her sack when her datapad lights up. She purses her lips and pushes the glasses up further on her nose. Then she slides it away and starts rustling around for a piece of paper. Promptly, she scribbles something down and begins to fold a paper airplane while waiting for someone to help her. "Oh shit we took long. Um, meet them back at ship?" Xan starts to scurry to the lift to leave and as she's waiting for Sarna, she launches that paper airplane back at the console Sarna worked from.


Kari spreads the word to groups of slaves she passes; collars are pointed to, then a nod toward the crates of spice. /Keep moving/. When she spots Dyannah, she angles toward the zeltron while withdrawing her datapad. "How are the samples coming? The loading looks to be about ten percent complete, and I'm done reviewing the financials."


The paper airplane, when unfolded...It's a big scary happy face with weird frenetically scribbled eyes. It says, "No fuck Cartel." and then on the other side, "Cartel sees all," right under the eyes.


Sarna moves to close everything down that she had done and gets up and follows Xan! She is on her heels heading out for the ship.

[Dyannah Nerus]

"Never got one, the order came in to move out the barrels before I even got one open," she purses her lips and shrugs. Then quietly for Kari's ear's alone, she murmurs, "Just as well, this shit is crazy strong, I can tell by the smell alone. We're good."


Kari nods slightly to the murmur, and favours the zeltron with a small smile. It fades as she speaks, once she knows the guards' eyes are on her, "I think we're done here. I'll put a note in the file that a sample couldn't be provided, and we'll need to make a return trip for it." Two steps back toward the turbolift, which she holds for Dyannah. "Congratulations, no infractions today." The guard gets a wink, and she pivots and slips inside the lift. Ready to get the hell out of here, never mind her heart hammering in her chest; this is a long way from selling her body to mouldy old statesmen.

[Sarna] Sarna heads back up on the ship finding herself a spot to sit and breath, yes breath she had forgotten to do that a bit while she was in their computer systems. She puts her feet up and reclines back her job is done for the moment and seems pleased about it.

[Dyannah Nerus]

Swaying for the guards benefit, Dy leans down to look at a crate that a slave is about to pick up. Without focusing on the man she speaks very quietly, "Listen to me. Do not look at the guard. Tell each of your fellows that we are leaving here with you. Two by two, go up in the lift, take the cargo to the ship. Go with us. Can you manage that? Quietly?

[Daven Ohtani] The place is /finally/ on edge. Too many slaves were going up to the landing pad to move cargo. But...Inspection team was here. Kari and Dyannah both riding the turbolift up to the control room, where a few more people have come in to settle at the consoles. Something seems..amiss to them. But everyone has begun filtering out. Xan and Sarna to the ship, Kari and Dyannah a few minutes later to greet a passel full of slaves on the duracrete landing pad. Milling about. Confused.

It doesn't take too much to get them to get onto the ship, especially once they realize the location beacon decapitation device has been turned off. They managed a solid two thirds of the slaves and a bit over two shipments of the spice. Daven meets all of the members, laying in a hammock strung back out of sight. "Goodness. Take forever you folks."