Log:Jedi: Shadows and Claws

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The Jedi recruit Ben Solo

OOC Date: March 3, 2023 (Optional)
Location: Kashyyyk
Participants: Rey as Miramir, Qutha Buvu Pah, Poe Dameron as Kyp, Yuun, Zev and Ben Solo as GM

Those who had set off in search of Ben Solo had been on quite the trek. Several days out to a remote wookiee village nestled in the upper boughs of a eons old Wroshyr tree, and then a long descent by mechanical elevator to the lowest levels that was followed by a treacherous and difficult climb to the forest floor. As the group descends into the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, they find themselves surrounded by a dense and foreboding jungle. The air thick with moisture and the sounds of strange creatures calling out in the distance. The underbrush grows increasingly thick and tangled, obscuring vision and making it difficult to navigate.

Deeper into the jungle, they come upon a clearing, and there before them lies the legendary Millennium Falcon, partially concealed by thick vegetation and overgrown with vines. The ship looks weathered and worn, its hull marked by long years of exposure to the harsh elements of the jungle.

The explorers may notice signs of recent activity, including a small campfire and scattered supplies. There's rustling in the underbrush and glimbes of movement at the corners of their eyes. The sound of strange beasts echo through the jungle, filling the air with a sense of uncertainty and unease. Danger lurks around every corner in the Shadowlands...

Rey wasn't here. She'd been recovering on Tempes, and dealing with the process of learning how to live with a heavy metal hand. In the process, there'd been a number of arguments with her children who believed she was pushing herself too hard. They wanted her to take time off, to step back from the Order and let others take over a majority of her responsibilities. Rey hadn't been receptive to this...

Because of it, her two twin children had devised a plan to come to Kashyyyk. They knew that 'he' was here, or so that's how the legend went amongst the youth of the new Jedi Order...

A plan was hatched, and some ships were procured. Rey's daughter, Miramir (named after Rey's late mother), and her son Kyp... had departed to Kashyyyk, with anyone that they could recruit to help make it as safe as possible... to avoid being punished as harshly later.

Here and now, deep in the Kashyyyk underbelly of its lowest forest levels, Miramir ducks under a tree branch. Her brown eyes look around, the 15 year old girl is dressed in Jedi garments, with a silver stunsaber hanging from her hip. She's tempted to grab it, to wield it... but she refrains.

"This isn't as bad as I thought it'd be." She says back over her shoulder to the others who'd come with her.

But then, the Falcon came in to view, and the young Jedi stops in her tracks. "That's a ship." She says, quite obviously. "That's a Corellian ship..."

Carefully, Mira starts to walk toward it, her boots impacting on the foliage of the forest floor as she passes around some underbrush to get a closer look...

Finally. A place he can feel at home at. He still needed to focus through the force to allow him to see in the depths of the shadowlands where he would be otherwise blind... But it was damp and smelled of green things growing. Smelled like home, truth be told.

"Ayuh... reckon by the beatin' on it... s'the ship we lookin' for, tell you what." tell yew whut. "He done been here since Chandrila?" hood down, letting moisture in the air wet his hair and skin - looking all the more lively for it. Qutha stepped through the undergrowth, approaching the ship with his usual sort of 'row walking' amble.

"Milleniaim Falcon."

A sprig is plucked from a plant after quick inspection, tucked into the corner of his mouth to dangle.

Kyp Dameron wears an old black flightjacket bearing the name Dameron over its heart. Rebellious in nature, his mother found it difficult to keep him in the regalia of the Jedi Order. Wild hair, stern look, and intense eyes marks a number of similarities he had with his parents and his siblings. When his sister mentions the Corellian ship, Kyp arrives at her side and stares. It was a satisfying moment to feel a mission arriving at its turning point; accomplishing something that might help.

"Do you think he'll help, Mira?" Kyp had his own doubts; a skeptic mind he had picked up from his father. Poe always had a way of reading people and suspecting the worst.

Yuun made it last as he had been doing a bit of exploring looking for something. As well as a few other things, still having gotten word there was a mission, he was able to make it and come down with the rest of the team. He takes note that the twins were here. He smiles but doesn't say anything for now.

As they descend further down, and the Falcon comes into view, "Keep an eye out." he cautions, "Let's take a moment to secure the area first and then we can enter and go from there." Yuun says as he watches their group nears the Falcon and with that he starts to fall into the flow of the Force to shift his senses to take in their surroundings a bit better.

There was a new Padawan at Tempes who had access to a ship, so of course the kids found him almost immediately once they hatched their plan. He also agreed to it almost immediately. And that's how the Lepi had wound up on Kashyyyk, following along behind the kids. He'd mostly been listening, so many interesting sounds out there in the forest. Plus it helped him keep track of any potential threats as they made their trek.

When they finally come upon the ship, he slows his pace down, "Wow." He's spent most of his life on ships, and this one is..Not in great shape, "I wonder if it can still fly."

Indeed, it is the Falcon. While the YT-1300 freighter is a common sight around the Galaxy even this many decades after the line was first released, the level of modification (and things some might call technological vandalism) makes it unmistakable. The way the vines grip it, the way hanging tendrils of moss drip from it suggests it hasn't moved in many years. The gangway is open, though the ship itself is dark within.

Suddenly, the animal sounds emanating from the forest cut short. All at once, the invisible creatures in the ancient undergrowth are silenced. Then, a guttural growl from on high. A long and muscular quadraped with a whipping, rodent-like tail. It descends the meters-thick trunk of the Wroshyr tree with ease, razor-sharp claws digging into the bark as it goes. It's mouth is full of fangs, and from its head sprouts menacing horns.

It sniffs the air. It smells something new. Something soft. An easy meal, perhaps. It's hungry enough to try.

The creature - a katarn, to those familiar with the fauna of this densely-forested world - drops to the forest floor with ease and lets out a savage roar.

"/That/ is the Millennium Falcon?!" Mira asks the others when they speak of its name. She gawks. She just straight-up gawks, doing a double-take even between her companions, and the ship. "It's so... it's so... hideous." She says with a element of disgust tugging at the edges of her voice's soft tone.

An exchanged look is given to her brother then, back to the ship... and then back to Kyp once more. "He will. Of course he will. He's... one of us. That's what mother always said, anyway."

She's about to step over a tree root when the noise sounds out from around them, it seems to come from all directions, so Mira quickly darts her eyes around the various tree trunks, but the animalistic scream bounces off all of them. Her hair is tied back in a few braids, left otherwise loose to fall down behind her shoulders, the young teenager reaches for her stunsaber, and finally comes to see the beast. She grips the metal saber hilt and raises it up, but does not yet engage it.

"Uh... I have a bad feeling about this...." The young Jedi learner says to the rest of her traveling party.

"Trust in your instincts and The Force. Fear nothing, for everything is as The Force wills it." Qutha's almost reflexive response to the cautions to secure the area from Yuun. Eyes half-lidded and listening to what the world around him has to say as much, if not more than his own eyes and ears.

A prickling at the soft filaments on the back of his neck and he is turning when the beast descends and lets loose. Eyes wide, then looking at the ground. Hands out to his sides and going to instincts for a Zelosian from the farming colonies. Trying to look less like prey, but less like a potential threat at the same time - tone of his voice shifting immediately,

"Hoah now... Hey... Who'se a terrifyin' beast o' the forest there?"

It seems that both his danger sense and his ears have failed him as Zev had not picked up the beast, far too focused on something on the same level as them to hear the beast's creeping along the trunk above them.

Once it shows itself, however, his attention is on it immediately. While Qutha starts trying to talk to the beast, Zev has moved one hand down to his side. He's well aware of how delicious he probably looks, and is ready to bounce at the first sign of movement from that creature.

"What a piece of JUNK!" Kyp agrees aloud, his hands on his hips waiting. He didn't verbally doubt his sister regarding whether or not Ben would actually join them, but the look on his face said it all. Skeptic. As they begin to make their approach, Kyp is keen on listening to the more experienced Jedi, staying behind them and alongside his sister as the look about this old space relic for signs of life.

As if on cue, something arrives, and Kyp instinctively steps in front of his sister to protect her. Pulling back a side of his flight jacket, one would think he was reaching for a blaster. It was not, it was the handle of a stunsaber. Unlike his sister, he activated his and the metal rod extended before vibrating with its stun energy. "What do we do?"

Yuun smiles as he watches the twin Padawans, taking in whats going on and seeing their expressions about the Falcon causes him to smile a little more. The older Knight begins circling to the right, taking in what he is able to see. Slow assured steps are made, "Lower your voices." he says. Upon saying that, the guttural growl is heard and Yuun slowly begins looking around, trying to pinpoint the sound of the creature.

As he tries to follow the sound, he sees teh Katarn drop from the canopy of the trees. "Whoa." he says. "Keep calm." he says in a calm voice and as he says that. He knows what he has to do, and focusing on his connection with the Force, Yuun steps towards the creature and he throws his arms out wide and through the force presses his will against the creature, making it feel he's much more of a threat then it's worth. Projecting outwards with the force and stepping slowly towards it and stopping after a moment.

The Katarn locks eyes with Yuun for a moment, swaying in an almost feline manner as though weighing him up. Expecting some sort of attack, it lowers itself towards the ground as though about to pounce. And then, it lifts its head upright and its pupils dilate suddenly. Whatever thought Yuun has put into its mind is received loud and clear and it turns, bounding into the underbrush with a plaintive cry of acquiescence.

But the silence remains, and soon the gathered Jedi will feel it. Eyes locked on them from the shadows. From almost every angle. As eyes adjust to the darkness, the beasts become visible. They're everywhere. The overwhelming sense of hunger ripples through the Force, creatures whose every instinct and ability is honed towards the hunt. They watch the gathering. So many of them. Far too many of them.


A great cry. Bellowing and terrible like that of some great, primordial beast forgotten down here in the shadows. In unison the gathered predators turn and flee, following the example of their fellow beast.

And there, emerging from the underbrush, is a hooded figure. His clothes are flared out about him, sleeves large and hanging as he raises his arms over his head. The strange, inhuman bellow comes from him!

As the beasts scatter and vanish, he ceases to make the sound and steps forward. His hands reach up to draw down his hood, revealing a scarred and weathered face. His beard is thick and streaked with grey, his hair a mess and hanging down well past his shoulders. He takes a moment to look at the gathered Jedi, taking a deep breath before asking in a clipped and curt tone:

"What do you want?"

Miramir peers over her brother's shoulder as he steps ahead of her, his saber coming online, while she just shifts her out to the side in her right hand, keeping it unlit. "Yuun." Mira speaks soft, her voice accented almost identically to that of her mother's. "That thing is going to tear your face off...." She warns the Jedi's blademaster.

A glance is given over to Qutha, and then to Zev. "Maybe if we offer it some food?" She's just drumming up whatever she thinks might work in the moment, but then the sound, the sensation, of more danger strikes the young woman, and she starts to turn her gaze all around them, shooting it from one point to the next. "Coming here, may have been a mistake..."

Then the howling noise, the unsettling nature of it, it causes Miramir to spin entirely around, until her sight falls on that of the figure with his arms up. She watches the beasts scatter back in to the forest, and she watches the mysterious man drop his hood to reveal a face that... well, it looks a lot like the Millennium Falcon looks right now.

Mira leans over to Kyp then on her left. "Introduce us." She whisper-commands her brother, not because she's afraid, nope, that's not the reason at all.

Feeling the Force be pressed on the beast, mouth twisting slightly, Qutha has no time to react to the manner that the katarn reacts when the wild yowling comes and drives the immediate area to vacancy save the sentients present and the beat up old ship. Swallowing and turning to look at the bedraggled looking human, head canting to one side,

"Ben, t'ain' time t'be kept holed up no more..." lips pressing into a line and walking towards the man, hands dropping to his sides while he nears, "Been doin' too much hidin' the lotta us, 'cause were necessary. But things done pushed us this way, t'track y'down." head tipping to one side, "Galaxy needs alla us, or this imbalance gonna git er'thing turned so 'bout it'll be a wonder ifn' it ever recovers."

Once within arms length of the other, one of Farmer Pah's lifts, extending his hand to the other, "Reckon its time y'git out of the woods an' come help us save er'body... Or die tryin', reckon?" head going the other way, a ghost of a grin touching his features.

Urged to make an introduction by his sister, his cheeks burn a bit hot but he bravely steps forward then ponders, for a second, what else to add on that the Knight Qutha has not said. "Our mom got hurt," he prefaces. "You know her.. Rey. She forbade us from disturbing your peace here, but even though she won't admit it.. she needs your help. We all do." Remembering that this was supposed to be an introduction, Kyp cuts the preamble and gestures back to Mira, who looks just like her mother. "That's Mira, my sister. I'm Kyp." He had gestured to Mira first, then angled a thumb back to himself when saying his own name.

The weapon he had activated moments before, turned off, and he hooked it back to his belt responsibly. 'Don't talk to a man with a weapon drawn, son,' he could imagine his dad coaching.

The lepi keeps his focus firmly on the creature, until the strange howl comes and scares off the beast. Zev's focus turns to the hooded guy. He hadn't drawn his own saber, so he brought his hands back up as he un-tensed.

The kids seem to be the ones doing the introductions. He had been blaming himself for Rey getting hurt, if he'd been able to fight that Sith or get into the cockpit or something, she might not have had to do what she did.

He was being a bit fidgety as he stood near Yuun while the conversation went on, not wanting to interject.

Yuun hadn't ignited his lightsaber, the weapon works just fine but he didn't feel that it was needed. He looks around the shadowed forest, this is it's home, he didn't want to cause it harm. As it leaves upon feeling his will showing that he's a greater threat, he watches the katarn leave but upon hearing the others Yuun would stay where he was, and his eyes closed slowly. He heard Mira, "Remember what you've learned." he says to her in a soft tone.

Upon hearing the primordial roar, his brow quirks up and he looks to see a hooded figured come towards them. Yuun watches for a moment and as the hood lowers and the voice comes, he bows hsi head. "Hello." he says to Ben.

He watches As Qutha speaks with him and he glances over to Kyp as he speaks up as well. He's quiet watching to see if Ben would come with them. "We need your help Ben." he says in a soft tone, adding to the others.

Ben doesn't pause to speak, simply giving Qutha a look and an 'is that so?' grunt before brushing right past him on his way back towards the edge of the undergrowth. He reaches into the bushes, picking up a net filled with that look to be a strange sort of bio-luminescent fruit. He heaps it up over one shoulder, shaking his head slightly and moving towards the open gangway of the Falcon.

"You don't need me," he says, his voice more of a mutter as though he were unused to speaking with others, "You're Jedi Knights. There's a thousand thousand stories written about your order. I never even finished my training."

It's not until Kyp speaks that he pauses. One hand clasping the net, the other resting on the hydraulic pump that serves as the mechanism to open and shut the gangway. He looks to the side for a moment, clearly something in that reached him.

" ... I know," he says quietly, as though only just now realising the truth of some half-secret.

Then he disappears up the gangway, leavig it open behind him.

Mira offers a glance to her brother, then a look back to Ben as he goes for that bag of odd fruit. She watches him pass relatively near to them, and make for the old ship's open rampway. She can't hear his response over the ambience of the forest, but she just sees him going up inside of the ship.

Mira takes a moment to process that, before she steps over toward it, and turns to pivot and face her group here. "This is perfectly normal, right?" She asks them, her brown eyes darting from one of their faces to the other. "I mean he's been stranded here for going on two galactic decades..." She glances over her shoulder, then looks back to them again. "We can't expect him to be ... eager to just jump back in to the chaos of the galaxy itself."

Then once again she looks to those that she and Kyp drug out here, okay, that she mainly drug out here... Kyp included.

"We have to reason with him. Somehow." She motions for them to follow her, and she moves toward the ramp herself now.

Creeping up the ramp, she's halfway up it, ducking a little, and looking up in to the dark. "Mister ... Mister Ben?" She calls up in to the ship. "We spoke to Chewbacca in the village before we came down here. He said you're due back in soon to get supplies. We can help you with that, too, if you'd like. We just want to talk a little bit." The young woman says, creeping up to the apex of the ramp's peak, and in to the main corridor, her stunsaber still in her right hand, for some reason.

"Non've us have finished our trainin', trainin' n'study don't end-" stopping short when Kyp at least gets Ben to stop dismissing them. Striding after the other, headed up the gangplank behind Solo, pushing the hems of his cloak out behind him and giving a huff along the way. Voice raising as he ascends with the intention of being heard without using any old tricks.

"Ben, you hafta know that we needja. Not 'cause'a whatcher done, where y'been. But because yer one'a us." resting a hand on Mira's shoulder once on level flooring, "Yours is a point'a view that adds to the whole." eyes lidding, trying to turn in the direction the man had gone.

"What kin y'do ifn' yer jus' hidin' down here while everything burns down?" brow knitting, "While they make more people slaves 'cause they feel they can? While theys extinguishin' every flame they see?"

Brows knitting together, frown carved deep into Qutha's features.

Kyp isn't so eager to follow Ben onto the ship, but a look around outside makes him not so eager to remain outside either. Reluctantly, he follows the others, but rather add to the chorus of 'help us' toward Ben, he spoke out against it. "We're crowding the man. Let him think.. I know I can't think when you ask me a thousand times to do something for you, /Mira/.." Said in that brotherly tone. She had convinced Kyp to come along by asking a thousand times; he legitimately grew tired of saying no!

Yuun watche Ben and as he walks past Quatha and grabs his foot after speaking about how they didn't need his help. Yuun shakes his head, waiting to see if the others are able to reach him but he does notice Mira's words does. Watching him, and then seeing Mira go after Ben. Yuun looks to Quatha, "I think Kyp is right." he says walking over to the Padawan. "We will stay out here, knowing Mira she may do it." he says. Looking over to Zev, he smiles to him, "Let's let them talk with him, we can stay near the landing ramp if you two would like." he offers as he moves to sit down on the ground looking around at the area surrounding them.

Zev had been tapping a foot, but he nods a bit to Yuun as he mentions they should stay down there, "You're right. They've got a better chance of getting through to him." He moves over and sits down near Yuun, "Don't want too many people peppering him at the same time."

"You're stomping around too much," Ben calls back from somewhere within the darkened Falcon, "It's bad enough you brought a whole pack of katarns here. If I climb with you, we're going to be up to our ears in wyyyschokks. Amazing you even made it down here without becoming slyyyg food."

His voice carries down the corridors, and as Mira and her companions make their way into the hideous old ship they'll see that Ben Solo doesn't keep a very neat home. Elements of both his former and current lives are scattered throughout the place. Lying there on the deactivated Dejarik holo-chess table is a lightsaber with a sheen of dust that suggests it hasn't been touched in some time. Packed into cargo netting is a helmet that anyone who has watched a history holo in the last twenty years will recognize as that of Kylo Ren.

"I'm not hiding. You found me, didn't you?"

Not for lack of trying, of course. Ben was certainly supressing his presence in the Force. It was barely noticable until one was practicly standing next to him. It didn't help that the Shadowlands teemed with life both plant and animal.

"If they come here, they'll learn the same lessons the Trandoshans did."

Hard lessons about plundering Kashyyyk for wookiee slaves being more trouble than it was worth.

ira looks over to Qutha when he rests a hand on her shoulder. She nods to what he says before she starts to move further in to the ship, glancing back over her shoulder at her brother. "He'll be fine." She says back to him, before eyeing Qutha and Zev electing to stay outside... they might be the wisest. This guy just ran off a whole herd of predators with just a shrieking howl, after all.

"Mister Ben." Miramir says after Ben speaks. She appears where he is, her eyes noticing the saber on the strange table, then the helmet too.

She looks back to Ben a second or so later. "Our mother is going to push herself too far. She's lost her left arm now. The Sith nearly took her. She's going to die, without more help. For every Jedi Knight our Order creates, the Sith kill two. They're stretching across the galaxy, and nobody can stop them. Countless rebel cells have been stamped out before they can even get their feet beneath them."

Miramir pauses there, once more looking to Qutha, and her brother.

"You're a trained Warrior. Jedi or not. We need you. Our mother needs you."


The Zelosian stands in the lounge, eyes moving from one artifact to the next arms folding across his chest, "Hidin' ain' always duckin' b'hind the curtains an' hopin' y'feet don't stick out the bottom." the spring still in his lips, twirling as he chews it before it sticks out, vibrating faintly.

"An the li'l miss is right." the pad of his thumb rubbing at the crease between his nose and the start of his cheek. "It's bleak out there, worsen' I thought 'could be. People're dyin' faster than they's bein' born it feels like... Even down here y'gotta had felt it, Ben. How it's trying to smother us all. Like a big ol' shroud."

Qutha's hands fold before him, sleeves of his robes falling to cover them, "We all know sommat's missin'. Last I checked y'us the only one'a us not accounted for an yer a perspective we ain' had to take into account, hoss." A sniff and his lips twist about again, "So's when the kids said they knew where y'was hold up, I wasn' gonna wait. Ben we needja. Er'body needs yer. Ain' 'cause of who y'was, who y'came from. But 'cause'a who'n you are. Been on the edge an' back. Ifn' that ain'a strength'a character that's tellin'... Well then I ain' sure what's a proper truth no more."

Emerald colored eyes search the gloom,


Kyp is only there because his sister has moved further in. Rather than add on more doom and gloom, Kyp stays behind his sister pausing only when Ben suggested they were walking too hard. His gaze travels down toward the flooring, then to their surroundings. He spotted the lightsaber with a bit of dust over it, unused. Then not too far off, there's a reforged helmet, its red webbed lines making it look a touch more intimidating. He traces fingers over the contours of the helm wondering what dark deeds were done when it was worn.

He wasn't so sure they should be coming after him! What if he was more of the same? What he said about Trandoshans implied they'd learned from violence or worse!

"Mira, it doesn't sound like he wants to help. Let's just go. Maybe Chewie will come back with us?"

Yuun is outside the ship, he feels this is going to be a challenge to bring Ben back, he hopes they are able to do so. If not, Yuun would go speak with him. Sitting outside under the Falcon, he allows himself reach out with the force to feel the life around him. Taking in what he feels around him for the time being but also being on watch for the team.

The Lepi pulls his feet up and then closes his eyes for a moment. He doesn't know all the details about what's going on with Ben.

After several minutes of quiet, he looks over to Yuun, "Do you think I could have done more to help Master Rey?"

"Mother ... " Ben says to himself with a vague shake of his head, moving something heavy around somewhere within the Falcon, but then his voice raises again, "She didn't send you here. I thought we'd agreed -- "

When Mira explains the details of what happened, he grows quiet again. That's when he emerges into the lounge, hands tucked into the sleeves of his clothing. A hermit's robes, made from what looks like materials he's taken from the jungle itself. He looks from the twins to Qutha, then back again.

"I felt it, you know. Her loss. I ... didn't know what it was until now."

He slumps down into one of the empty lounges, almost too tall for it. He clasps his hands between his knees, staring at the deck plating on the floor. There's a long moment of silence, long enough for Kyp to suggest they leave. Then he lets out a long exhale, meeting the son of Poe Dameron's eyes.

"You're his son. Are you any good as a co-pilot."

There's another sigh and he looks to Mira.

"Get the others in here. I've got a good feeling this hunk of scrap can still fly."

He's in.

Mira draws in a breath to prepare a response following what Qutha says, but just as she's about to speak back to Ben... she realizes she doesn't have anything else to say. What could she say beyond what she had? That was the speech she'd imagined giving him, or at least a toned-down version of it. Of course... in her mind's eye, Ben had been more regal looking, and not quite so ... scary, for lack of a better way to describe how she felt about him upon actually seeing him.

They'd come all this way, she'd drug all these Jedi with her, but Kyp was right. If he didn't want to come after pleading their case to him, then what could they do to make him?


Mira was about to turn around when Ben spoke up again. She shoots her eyes to Ben at what he says, then to Kyp. "He's the best pilot in the Outer Rim. Maybe even the Mid Rim." She says, boasting about her brother for probably the first time Kyp has heard, recently anyway. She looks to Qutha and shoots him a big happy look before the young woman turns to the boarding hatch and starts to dart toward it. "Zev, Yuun, we're going to try and fly this thing! You better come up and strap in!" She pauses at the hatch, resting her right hand on its edge gently. She loud-whispers down to them. "I'm not sure we'll survive, but we're going to try."

Oh, let it be that Han's spirit doesn't hear this young one's words.

"There's a feller."

A nod and a ghost of a smile turned to Mira before the zelosian's features smooth out again to the calm serenity he has of late. In the face of the horrors the galaxy has turned loose.

Letting Mira handle rustling up the others while he approaches Ben and extends a hand with a lack of the trepidation that might be expected of someone nearing the former Kylo Ren.

"I'm sure she'll be overjoyed t'see a dear friend agin, too." going so far as to help Ben to his feet if the other takes his hand and accepts the aid. "Good to see somma' you sparkin' back, hoss. Truly." head bowing slowly - a curl of green tinted hair flopping into the man's eyes, forcing him to toss his head like a fathier to get it cleared.

Mira boasting about his own skill leaves his cheeks a little warm. He answers Ben question after though; "Only one way to find out." Hands are interlocked and he flexes them to pop his knuckles. Truth be told, Mira was probably the better pilot, she had the finesse and grace of it. Kyp was addicted to the speed, and getting away with spectacular techniques that were doomed to fail. Growing up on stories about his parents left a large shadow; one day, he wanted to fly out from beneath it in style.

Yuun looks over to Zev, taking in his words in and listening. "You did what you could do Padawan Zev." he says to him. "You took initiative and did all that you could do. This was our first mission as a team in a while. There are still things you will need to learn, take that in and meditate on it. Honestly there are things I should've done." he tells the Padawan.

Upon hearing Mira, he smiles and stands up, "Come on, we can talk more once we're back at home." he says waiting on Zev, Yuun would follow up last and he will go to the gally and sit down and buckle in.

"Or she'll stab me again," Ben mutters in response to Qutha's declaration, rising up from his seat with the faintest of grumbles and turning his attention to the cockpit's access corridor. As he goes he reaches out to press buttons on panels fixed into the wall, pausing to work an hydraulic pump, and finally reaching the cockpit where the flick of several switches cause the lights to flicker on dimly. Outside the vines and moss grown over the starship creak and begin to fall away.

At least, until there's a thunk as the engine dies and the ship slumps back heavily into the soft soil.

Ben grunts with irritation, leaning over the controls and peering at them with the eyes of someone meeting a long-lost acquaintance for the first time in decades. A flicked switch there? Nothing. Pumping the primer here? Nothing.

"C'mon," he snaps, striking the console with a clenched fist.

And then it all lights up. The Falcon takes to the air once again. All systems go.

If someone were listening, leaning in close, they might here some words that aren't his but run strong in his veins all the same.

"You know, sometimes I amaze even myself."