Log:Jedi Order: Not This Ship!

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The Millennium Falcon is chased and makes an emergency landing.

OOC Date: October 24, 2022
Location: Mining planet Tupa-Thul, unknown sector.
Participants: Ahsoka Tano, Chani Tahn, Qutha Buvu Pah, Yuun, Zandra naMuriel, Rey as Game Master

The Millennium Falcon was coming to this chosen port of destination to check for trackers, and was barely out of hyperspace before two gunships burst from the blackness of space hot on its heels.

That answered that then. Trackers were an assured nuisance...

Green laser fire started to trace after the Falcon which whipped around in the stars, headed toward the red rocky surface of Topa-Thul.... Once in the atmosphere, the two gunships fell a bit more behind the Falcon, which was considerably faster than they were, and the YT-1300 managed to weave its way through the scaffolding towers of the old Imperial Mining facility located in this region of Topa-Thul!

The Falcon touches down, and the landing ramp opens up, with Chewbacca raaaawling angrily as he runs down the ramp, bowcaster readied.

For those who know Wookiee-speak, they'll know that the big fella is shouting at people to protect the ship as he starts to search for the tracking devices across its hull!

Up in the sky, the rumbling engines of two old gunships can be heard. They come in to view around the towers of one of the mining facility's outposts. The two ships curve in a wide arch around the perimeter before they sweep in toward the landing field and park about 75 yards away. Before landing, however, they begin to rain Buzz Droids down from the sky above, and the fluttering insect-like droids start to move toward the Falcon on the landing field. Like a horde of bugs, they come zipping in from above!

The droid gunships make haste with their landing, their front-facing gangplanks dropping to the ground with heavy thuds, as the droid soldiers inside them start to clank their way down the durasteel toward the dusty old pavement beneath their noses...

Each droid lowers a blaster weapon and begins to aim down the field at the Falcon, and whomever may be here to guard it. Their metal legs clank on the ground as they start marching toward the old Corellian YT-1300 ship!

Ahsoka, still behind the pilots control with Chewie helping her, guides the Falcon down to the little landing pad, "We should have some friends in system, hit the distress beacon when I create a little distance between us and the buzz droids." Which isn't even remotely difficult to pull off given how Force damned fast this bucket of bolts is.

The ship settles and Togruta immediately unhooks herself to rush after Chewie towards the loading ramp. White silver blade igniting as she comes out into the hazy fog of mining equipment, dust, and friction heat. She peers across the open area she'd chosen at the assailing army of droids and starts running towards them until she's built up significant enough speed to leap into the fray.

Fighting droids?

This is old hat for Ahsoka Tano.

Rushing down the ramp of the Falcon, cloak blowing out behind him and wooden sheathed cylinder of his lightsaber in hand, Qutha's expression is measures of tightly fixed concern. Brow corrugated and his eyes wide with the sights of android soldiers pouring into the space between the Jedi craft and theirs.

Brushing his thumb over the power switch of his saber, lifting his hand while the energy blade extends - held briefly in a warriors salute before his face and his other hand tucking behind his back to rest at the small of his back. Head turning one way and another to try and get a count of the incoming foe.

"Bother'n blow..." the phrase escaping on the heels of a sighed breath, his expression now a fixed etching of distressed determination.

As the Falcon lands, Zan waits only as long as she has to, before she unhooks herself as well. She heads out after Ahsoka and Qutha, flashing a tight smile at Qutha's perhaps expected comment. Her lightsaber is also brought out and ignited, both blades coming to play immediately this time. "Well, here we go again, though I'm happier when it's droids." And not living beings she means, not that it's necessarily any easier to beat them. She pauses to take a look around, as she concentrates on the Force, hoping to enhance her reactions. "Let's keep them off the ships, and away from Chewbacca so he can work." She's one of those who has learned Shyriiwook, so she's entirely understanding the Wookiee.

Having wanted to help out, Yuun brought his freighter the Raven Courier the Phoenix Rising. Having landed and was waiting for the Falcon just in case they needed help. The ship was powered down in low power mode, though as the Falcon emerged from hyper space and landed, Yuun powers off his ship fully and using one of the R2 units for his ship, "Keep us prepped so we can get out of here quickly." he says to the droid.

Yuun leaves his cloak on the pilots seat and as he does his lightsaber is in his hand. Having seen the enemy ships coming in and dropping Buzz Droids. He's not seen them or well he's seen them in old holovids. Looking up as the droids are dropping, he sees Chewie, Ahsoka and Qutha. Yuun thumbs the activation stud on his lightsaber and the blue beam of his lightsaber comes to life with a snap-hiss. "Copy that." he calls out.

The distinct noise of engines pulling a small craft and running at high revolutions precedes the appearance of a dagger-like starfighter. The cloud coverage created by great vents of oxygen hitting the upper parts of the atmosphere and cooling rapidly conceals it for a moment. Then it appears, breaking through with condensed beads of condensation ripped from its transparisteel viewport and hull by the speed it uses in its shallow coast towards the landing pad and the Millennium Falcon with its assorted escort. It's a Naboo starfighter not in color, but in design, and it almost matches the surface of the planet for color. It rapidly slows, switching out engines for repulsorlifts and beginning to set down.

Its canopy slides open and Chani rises to plant a booted foot against the lip. She jumps forward to cover the small distance necessary to clear the fighter and causes a loud thump of her booted feet hitting the landing pad's surface. Her dark robe flutters around her before collapsing into a heap at the hem, with the rest settling against her shoulders and the ambiguous way it hides her silhouette. Rising, Chani marches towards the Falcon. "Stay in the socket, Sky." Her right hand dips into her robe to withdraw the lightsaber hilt hidden within, and although she's too far to get into the engagement yet, she still depresses the activation stud. There's a distinct snap-hiss and whisper from the weapon, and the blade that appears is the rare cyan produced by an Adegan Pontite crystal structured within the tool's housing. She calls out to the other Jedi congregating. "Mind if I help out?"

The sound of the buzz droids echoes off the walls of the facility around the landing field. They swarm in on the Falcon, their little metal legs working across its hull as they fire up their sawing tools and begin to tear in to the old transport ship!

Chewbacca wails from beneath it as he fires his bowcaster at one of them, sizzling it to pieces on the tarmac below, but his main focus is on that of the tracking devices. He locates one within an open panel and starts to roar angrily as he begins tearing it apart with what might look like a frantic disregard for any care, but really it's just hundreds of years of experience with this kind of technology, and he knows what he's doing! Probably!

The droid army starts to march toward the Jedi and they start to unload with blaster fire, the Captain's of each little unit orders their droids to fire on the Jedi, while the General's platform rolls out of one of the Gunships and it primes its laser cannons, but does not use them as of yet. It barks orders in a garbled, encrypted language toward the Captain's.

Combat has broken out on this quiet little backwater mining world!

Aged though Ahsoka may be, the Force flows through her in a conduit of combat. Her Padawan years were sent in the heat of battle, her Master the most formidable lightsaber combatant the Galaxy had ever seen... and she was a model student. She moves with the grace of someone half her age when she lands amidst the assorted gunner droids whom all turn to fire on her in mechanical unison that sees their numerical advantage for not.

Sort of?

It's been a while and she's a little rusty.

Conversely, what she lacks in raw destruction, she makes up for by not being where the droids are shooting. Twisting beneath blaster bolts, she swings her saber within inches of one droid. Concentrate, Ahsoka... Anakin's words speak in her mind from so long ago when they two were on the battlefields against Separatists. She leaps up and over a low shot trying to capitalize on her crouch and barely misses a second droid. Sop trying to hit where they were, Snips.

Another bolt and she flips over the gunner, then stabs her blade backwards through his torso with a heated orange burst of metal that sends the droid toppling over on its side. "I know, I know..." She says to nobody at all.

"Better when's droids... But y'cain't convince programmin' t'lay down arms." The lightsaber remains held upright as if bisecting his face, the blue reflected in his gem like emerald green irises changing the light in them to an aqua that wavers and flickers like water reflection. Gaze turning towards the approach of Yuun then Chani.

"It'd not be amiss!"

The comment is highlighted by a gunner's bolt being felt in the force and Qutha's hand twists with the circular sweep of his arm to return the shot to the synthetic that'd fired on him. A nova of sparks like lifeday fireworks erupting on its shoulder and forcing it back a step to re-stabilize.

"Oh bother." Qutha's saber swept back up to be held before him and his steps make towards the Falcon. His heavy booted feet go up onto their toes in a slow pirouette, the hilt of his saber lifted, hand turned down to invert the blade into a tight high-guard. "Sommat tell me ifn' Chewie needs aught!" because doesn't speak Shyriiwook, calling out and swinging his left hand up with palm up - 'catching' a buzz droid in a wave of energies drawn upon, crushing it as if it had been struck by a speeder.

"M'one wit' The Force... n'The Force s'wit me..."

Right then. A moment spent to look around, and there're droids firing at her. "Not nice," Zan comments, but it is entirely clear here. The droids shot first.

Zan ducks and dodges as she closes in, ignoring the buzz droids in favour of the gunners though she does note that Chewie and Qutha are working on the buzz droids. "This is a lot of droids, just for us little folk? I'm amazed." Her comment is wry, and she also glances over, hearing Chani. "Chani - Please Help!" she shouts. It might draw attention to the other Jedi, but well, she asked. She flashes a nod and a grin to Qutha, in agreement.

As she dodges the attacks aimed her way, including a quick moving somersault that also gets her to the middle of the group of gunners that Ahsoka is working on, Zan's saber spins with her, one blade decimating one of the gunner droids with a swift slash. The follow through of the second blade barely misses a dodging droid, but Zan's sure footed step and backswing zings with the crisp aroma of fried electrics as she disengages a second droid. "We need to get their leaders down," Zan calls out, just in case it's not obvious.

Blaster fire begins coming in at all of them, Yuun sees six of the Gunner Droids firing on him. His blade flashes in front of him, moving in towards the enemies as they fire. Yuun is focused and as he closes the distance, he spins to his right, swinging and taking the droid's head completely off. He then lunges forward stabbing another droid through it's power source through the droids chest. Yuun pivots left with a horizontal cut to the third droid. THe droid was just out of reach, causing Yuun to over extend on his strike.

Looks in her direction are met by a dark, determined gaze. Chani dips her chin in subtle acknowledgments to Qutha and Zandra in turn. The former is set on fighting buzz droids swarming the falcon. The latter is focused on battle droids beginning to assault her position. Chani rushes in from the side. Though the droid is aware of her approach and manages to twist out of the way of her first swing, meant to bisect it at her waist level with a right to left swing that has her right hand's palm turned upwards, it can't retreat fast enough to avoid the diagonal back sweep, with Chani's wrist twisting quickly to turn her hand palm-down towards the ground before her arm draws up and out. The cyan blade cleaves through the droid with ease, destroying its ability to function by destroying the connections between its torso and arms.

The next droid in line is caught by an overhand slash that carves through its head and body, splitting through its chassis. It doesn't cleave it clean in two, but the droid drops nonetheless, no longer moving or capable of firing at them. She's in the fray now, lightsaber blade yanking up in front of her so that its hilt is on the center line of her body and the tip skirts underneath the level plane of her gaze looking at the droids.

The buzz droids all swarm around the Falcon's radar dish now, their saws and tools working rapidly to try and dismantle the ship's sensor package while Chewbacca yanks another tracking device out of the bottom of the ship, sending a shower of sparks across the landing field. The Wookiee hollers loudly from the burning pain of the sparks across his fur.

The droids continue their march forward, with the General pointing and barking in his own language at the various Gunners and Captains being assaulted by the Jedi! Dust sweeps over the landing field, as the combat continues quite heatedly in the now. The General Droid sweeps his floating dias around behind the most well guarded droid units still too, cowardly avoiding those that seem to be falling faster.

In the eye of a storm of blaster bolts, Ahsoka is a moving target that is quite difficult to hit. She moves quickly, her agility heightened through the Force and her motions a blur as she weaves in and out of range with droids to avoid their blaster bolts. Some are harmlessly swat away, others hit tarmac rather than any target they may have been aiming at.

With two other of the younger Jedi with her and the sounds of combat all around, she only barely makes out the rambling droid language of the General up on his podium some 20 yards away. Safe, so he assumes, behind the protective wall of his droid army. Safety, however, is relative when facing the Jedi. Ahsoka's hand extends out towards him and balls into a fist before jerking back against her side to yank the big droid forward into his own battle group.

Was it enough to end him? Absolutely not.

But sometimes you gotta baby powder up your Orange hand and slap a droid in the beak just to remind them that you can.

Teeth gritting, his hand moved of its own accord but there was a sharp jab at the bottom of his sternum. Heat and a sensation that waters his eyes forcing Qutha to focus attention on the blast that the energies flowing through and around him diminished. Coughing and resisting the urge to rub the heel of his free hand against the burn, there is no smoke, no burning embers - fortunate.

Joining Chewbacca on the Falcon, breath evening and his saber sweeping through the skittering, chittering sapper droids that leap clear or over the bright blue energy blade that can't seem to seek out the automata. Grimacing when a little saw screeches past his boot, bringing back memories of combat-modified MSE droids, then feeling the tug of his cloak being stabbed by a probe blade.

"Blast it!" at last his blade finding purchase, in a matter of speaking, in the offending droid, slicing the top quarter from it and sending it sparking to the hull plates, "Chewie! How long y'need!?"

Zandra for the moment continues to attack the gunners, hoping to get through to their leader, and maybe to the general behind them. "We have to get their commanders," she calls out again. She flinches as she gets shot, a hiss coming out of her. "Pinpoint the leaders!" She dodges the next attack, ducking and flinching again from the pain. Still she sweeps her blades towards the gunner bots, swinging wildly the first time, but catching herself and removing one more droid from the equation. She finds a dodgy gunner bot next, and misses, but at least that is one more down.

"Chani, are you okay?" she asks, as she looks over towards her fellow Jedi, appreciating the help. Of course, Chani is doing better than Zan at the moment, so go figure.

The laser fire that is coming in is intense, it's been a while since he's been in a fight like this, he could feel his heart begin to race, he has to calm himself and so he does, falling into a meditation as he continues to move forward, allowing the force to flow through him, everything seems to slow down as he is able to catch his breath and focus. He's a Jedi Knight, he's been in many of combat situation, he allows the force to flow through him, guiding his steps and his strikes, batting away blaster bolts that scream in towards him from the battle droids.

His feet driving him forward, he hears Zandra tell them to get to the Commanders, "Copy!" he calls as he engages four droids, his blade humming, his blue blade tracing a fanning light of blue as he bisects droids as he spins his blade, side stepping to take two droids down in one blow, then finishing off the others. He still is pushing forward as droid parts go scattering around him.

Chani doesn't get a glimpse of the future. What happens is every hair on her arms and the nape of her neck feel like rising, like hackles in response to some danger. She simply feels like she's suddenly in trouble, and the Force guides her. She lets it overtake her, with her left hand quickly rising to join her right on the silver lightsaber hilt. Her cyan blade is quickly oriented and then angled, barred across her left leg. Almost a split second later, a blaster bolt makes the kinetic impact against the blade. The lightsaber's hum pitches up in a hoarse note, and the bolt itself is suddenly deflect back in the direction it came, impacting the Captain that fired it at her. It almost tears its arm off on impact, leaving the chassis heavily damaged from the Naboo native's quick defense of herself. "One of the commander is almost down!" It's Zandra's response to the question of whether she's alright.

Chewbacca roars something about his scanner saying there's still 3 or 4 tracking devices on the Falcon's hull! The sound is muffled by the buzz droids all trying to avoid Qutha as his saber is whizzing around their little insect-bodies! They jump away from him, their weapons of ship destruction still trying to get the Falcon where it will hurt the ship most!

The General continues to bark orders in his encrypted language, his dials getting tugged by the Force, which makes him point at Ahsoka, but the droid doesn't command any further forces on her, instead he points at Chani and the unit that had been marching on Qutha now turns to go toward Chani! Their blasters open fire on her, sending a wave of bolts flying at her!

The other units are doing their best to protect their Captain's, but two of them seem weakend quite a lot, as their Captain's are now aiming their blasters openly at the Jedi targets before them!

"Just like old times." Ahsoka actually sounds like she's kind of enjoying herself, in so far as it reminds her of better days... Now that she and Zandra are surrounded, something in the aged Ronin Jedi switches. Her fighting stances completely changes to something more wild, with her saber held in a twist wrist grip with one finger running up the long beam shield to give it a bit more grace with each unorthodox sweep of her blade.

She's a thing in motion, cutting a swath through the remaining gunners as if her plan all along was to lure them into a false sense of security.. If that's the case, the trap is sprung. She slices through one cleanly, blaster firing all around her.. a celebratory laser show that hits only the space where she'd been only moments before because now she's cutting down a second of the gunner droids.

The third is laid low with an arching over head swing of one arm into an upper body pinwheeling that cleanly severs all of its martial weaponry before stabbing, finally, straight through its torso.

Everything about it is chaotic.

It's graceful only in how easily she moves, but for all other intents and purposes lacks anything resembling form.. only function.

Assuming that Chewie is saying things are bad, the Zelosian continues at his work with the skittering little droids. A shuffle step carries him closer to one of the little monsters. Maintaining his stance, keeping within the second form and turning through the distance to arc the energy blade through the middle of one of the droids,

"I'm tryina git 'em clear! Make 'er one yow per tracker lef'!" another of the 'giggling' little droids is silenced and its parts are cast across the hull, cut edges glowing and smoking while they tumble and roll. Another long step with a turn of his foot to bring him around in a wheeling turn, guided by feelings of where he needs to put his boot. How he needs to turn and thrust the length of his saber into a third sapper droid before it can wreck more harm onto the Falcon,

Allowing himself to be guided, an agent of the will of the Living Force.

It's Zan's turn to get that hair-on-the-nape-of-her neck raising in danger feeling, much like Chani before her, and she moves her lightsaber in time to deflect the shot that was aimed right at her midsection back at the gunner who shot her. Her deflection doesn't kill it, but it is now sizzling and sparking as it stands there following instructions. Zan looks over at the droid captain, staring his way with steady grey eyes. A deep breath, as Zan realizes just how close that was. She runs through a quick meditation while she's there, reaffirming her connection to the Force as well as she can. "Good work so far," she calls out. "We can do this together." She readies herself for defense now, but at the same time, readies herself, gaze on that Captain droid.

The force hums through Yuun as he moves, having cleared the area around him except for one Gunner droid, the dark skinned Coruscanti dashes forward towards the Captain Droid, blaster bolts streaks past him from the Captain and Gunner Droid, not able to hit the streak that is Yuun. A trail of electric blue flying through the sky as Yuun angles his body to slash twice in the air, though the droid is able to defend itself by stepping back, though as Yuun lands, his blade twirls and he dips his blade low and cleaves from the bottom to the top. The Captain droid stops, sparks spitting from where it was cleaved and falls into two piles. Looking around he sees the the General, he doesn't announce it but Yuun dashes towards the General Droid, if he can take it out that will help them in this fight.

The uniform turn of battle droids addressing her leads Chani to square off against them. Zandra cuts the last of hers down and the young Naboo Jedi faces off against her own unit. She cuts the first one down in a rapid stab that pierces through and tears out of its central chassis. She has to go on the defensive after. While others might deflect the blaster bolts launched her way, Chani doesn't want to risk sending an errant shot flinging towards one of her fellow Jedi or the ships they're trying to defend. Instead, she moves with an almost preternatural speed. It's an eerie, fluid series of movements that sees her jerk her body to create infinitesimal spaces between the blaster bolt that meant to hit her and the part of her body that it misses. She doesn't react to the ones that aren't close enough, only bides her time for the opening in the staccato of fire that will let her resume her offensive.

The second that the General sees Yuun cut down that first Captain, he opens fire on the Jedi! One of his laser cannons lines up and takes a shot sending a large sizzling red bolt of death toward Yuun's location on the old tarmac field!

Chewbacca hollers again as he tears another tracking device from the hull of the ship, aiming his bowcaster to fire at another Buzz Droid that swoops out of the way of it. "Two more!" The Wookiee shouts over at everyone who isn't too far out of ear-shot!

The droids marching on the tarmac are trying to reinforce their weakest points, with the largest unit still chasing after Chani trying to push her toward Zandra and Ahsoka's location, trying to surround the Jedi!

The Buzz droids are running from Qutha, his efforts distracting them from their buzz-sawing work, and it's paying off too, as a cold wind rushes across the old landing field, sending a wave of pluming dust to sweep over the battlefield, smoke and blaster bolts, lightsabers, and explosions offering light in the late afternoon sky of this strange red planet.

We all know what happens soon as you get hit.

Ahsoka isn't having any of that nonsense.

She feels the bolt headed her way and whips her blade around to slash through its path and knock it back in the direction of the droid what fired it upon her. It doesn't kill it, but it also doesn't make her useless.

So we'll call that a win.

Weaving steps carry him between the less stable footing that can be found on the Falcon, sure that he heard two yows from Chewie and becoming like a Kath hound chasing after little runty herd creatures that are intent on being absolute pests of themselves. Eyes glazed, letting instinct drive him and his blade.

Another sparking mass is heaved to one side, wide streamers of smoke blowing past Qutha who kicks a foot up under one of the droids making a desperate stab at his shin. Gouging leather boots and tumbling into the air chased after with the upward sweep of his saber to bisect it, embers flying into the air shielding another enough to let it bounce and scuttle away from his advances.

"Bother." forced to focus now, scrubbing his face to keep it from getting burned.

Zan's gaze on the captain droid may or may not unnerve the mechanical thing, but maybe it should have. She dodges any bolts fired her way with a swiftness that belies her aching thigh, and her lightsaber follows where her gaze is trained. She steps forward so she can engage the captain, and her lightsaber makes short work of him, with a backspin that allows her second blade to find her target rather than the first blade. Which is parried. The captain topples over, sparking.

There's a brief smile, and then Zan turns to check on the others. Qutha -on the buzz droids helping Chewie. Yuun - doing well. Ahsoka looking awesome and dealing death and destruction. Chani - doing awesome, dealing death and destruction, but also still surrounded.

Zan takes advantage of her position and whirls to attack the gunner bots trying to surround Chani. It's a forward slash that spins into a back attack, and very quickly destroys two more of the droids. "Just evening the odds a bit," Zan comments as she does so.

Seeing the large laser cannon turns and fires at him, Yuun dashes towards the General. As the laser bolt comes in he dives forward feeling the heat of the blast go past him. The roll carries him closer to his target, the General Droid has to be taken out, he knows the importance of this. "Closing in on my target, how're we doing!?" he calls out as he lunges forward, the force propelling Yuun to close the distance to his target. Cutting along the side of the droid, Yuun can feel the resistance of the droids durasteel body meet his blade. Pulling back, Yuun attempts to finish it off with a flurry of strikes, but the General droid is able to move. This catches Yuun off guard, but it doesn't show as the Jedi Knight quickly presses his attack.

"Do we ever have even odds?" Chani asks. Her question is distracted, and for understandable reasons. "Thanks for the help." She cleaves another chassis in two and the resulting pieces spill to the ground, separated from one another and leaving Chani facing off with one battle droid and its commanding unit left. "I was starting to get overwhelmed." This whole time, the droids have been backing them. Their only defense is to cut through, changing the flow of combat so that they're not locked into being herded. Chani was on the back foot until Zandra's arrival, and the other Jedi's blade cutting down some of the droids allows her to advance towards the last two remaining. Closing the distance is the only option they have with lightsabers.

The Buzz droids roll around the side of the Falcon and manage to get away from Qutha long enough to rip in to the Falcon's hull and start to tear away at some of the hull plating covering ship systems. The hull plating falls to the tarmac with loud thumps, as the buzzing of saws and electric cutters give an ominous warning about the Falcon's condition getting worse and worse.

Chewbacca rips his arm out of a conduit and pulls out another deeply embedded tracking device that he roars and crushes in his hand, before the lumbering Wookiee runs toward the fore of the ship. He leans back to look up between the forward facing pylons and then reaches a hand up to pull himself up as a Buzz droid zips past him, trying to stop him, but the Wookiee hollers again and blasts the Buzzer with his bowcaster, sending it flying away in a shower of sparks, and fiery pieces of droid corpse.

The General is shouting as Yuun attacks him, trying to get the other droids to follow in on his position. He points at Yuun, ordering them all to cut away from the Jedi they're facing, but it might be too late for that!

Taking two shots at Yuun, the floating droid dais that the General is on, starts to roll backward toward the Gunship it came in on...

Is the general trying to retreat from the battlefield? It looks like it!

There's not much left on the battlefield but the refuge, with Yuun chasing after the General, Qutha (the sweet darling) trying to protect the Falcon, Zan and Chani cutting down score of gunners... and the General running?

Ahsoka, still in her wild, if violent, dance, slashes the Commander droid clean in half and hurls her lightsaber through the wreckage towards the retreating General. Whistling and whirling, the silver blade comes close... but not close enough... and clatters across the tarmac-

But wait, there's more.

Her left hand stabs forward with her fingers all curled like a claw, a claw attached to an invisible hand, and that invisible hand smashes the last gunner droid around them. Circuitry and electricity errupt out of the poor thing, then arc across the sky as its remains are hurled through the Force right at the General's back.

The ol Anakin Special, they call it.

It's not a glorious job, but it's essential. The others are more than a match for a smattering of combat droids - but how long can they risk being grounded, repairing damage from the horde of buzz droids cutting past hull plates and trying to find the tender guts of the Falcon. The tender, wire coated, miss-matched, ad-hoc, but still sweet and delicious (to sapper droids) innards beneath that battle scarred, rusted, beat up, and mostly stolen durasteel shell.

Qutha is spark scorched, spattered with various green colored types of hydraulic fluid and charcoal grey splotches of oil that have erupted from the little monsters he has been pursuing atop the Falcon while Ahsoka plays catch with droids, Zandra twirls like a pinwheel of droid destruction, Yuun charges about whacking off metal limbs, and Chani surgically disassembles the foe.

What is he doing? Chasing after droids that are reminding him -too- much of herding porgs. With less porg death involved. Right down to their squawks and chittering sounds. But still, much less porg death. Much more the scent of roasted greens from where sparks have hit his skin and the spicy sweet tang when the filaments that make up fine hairs on his skin, and some of the scruff on his face, are singed.

"Chewie, when we git them last trackers, don' s'pose we can just kip down the top hatch here?" shaking his arm with a buzzer attached to his robe sleeve, giggling and chewing until he slices it in half, "Consarnid things!"

The movement catches attention it does, especially as it's away from the fight. "Leaving so soon?" is the appropriate question, or at least that's what Zan thinks. She leaves Chani to do her thing and reaches for the droid in charge, intent on defending the Jedi here working together to survive.

Zan isn't close enough to hit the general, but with Chani given a fighting chance, Zan takes her opportunity to glare at the general. She reaches out a hand and slaps air, her hand moving dramatically which is quite obvious and probably looks funny, but then she follows that up with a backhand, both slaps pummeling at the general as he tries to escape, intent on stopping him in his tracks. She pauses to reach a hand to her thigh, but of course that only stings more. "We're working on it," is her return to Yuun. "But we might need to get hold of Gremlin."

As the General fired it's laser cannons at Yuun, the Jedi Knight tries to quickly bring his blade up to guard but he was already moving towards the General, the shot wasn't that powered and some of of his wind is knocked from Yuun causing him to slow, "Unnghh..." is all that comes out of him. He shakes his head, seeing the General trying to retreat away from them, Yuun chases down the General Droid. Running up a few large crates that is scattered, leaping in towards the General, with help from the others attacking the General, Yuun streaks through the air, his blade low and at his side and as he nears it, he swings cutting the General Droid into multiple pieces. As he lands, he throws his hand out gripping the Gunner droid that he neglected, and slams it in towards the Captain Droid near Chani hoping to help his fellow Jedi out.

She doesn't know where the first stray shot comes from, but the danger around her is overwhelming enough she can't respond to it all in time. The first bolt catches her in the upper left arm. It singes through her robe and sleeve and makes her screech out in pain. Chani responds by cleaving through the closest two droids, reducing them to non-factors in the combat at hand. The pain is sharp. It brings instant tears to her eyes. She tries to mute it with the Force, and that same sensation of being in danger tickles her. She tries to let her symbiotic other guide her hands, but the damage to her left arm makes her slow. Her blade doesn't make it in time and the impact of the shot hits her under her right elbow. The kinetic impact stuns her and makes her stumble. Her feet scuff and scrape against the ground while she attempts to stay upright. Her arms tuck in on instinct, trying to protect her core. She can't lift her lightsaber with her right hand. It switches to her left and it rises from there, though the mere motion of rotating her arm at the shoulder is enough to etch a permanent mask of pain on her face. She tries to ward off the droid still headed in her direction, but the tip of her cyan blade wavers.

Chewbacca drops off of the Falcon's forward facing pylons, and holds the last tracker in his furry paw. he drops it on the dirty old dusty tarmac, and then lowers his bowcaster and blasts a crater in the ferrocrete... He rawrs happily, at least until he hears a electrical burst and then a shower of sparks rains down from above!

A fire breaks out on the upper hull of the Falcon, cutting Qutha off from the Buzz droids, and causing the flames to spread from one open port to another, as the 11 droids left continue their assault on the old YT-transport!

Chewie roars with anger and raises his blaster crossbow up to aim at one of the droids... but he can't fire on his own ship. Instead the Wookiee just leaps up toward the ship and reaches out to grab at one of the buzzing droids, but it turns and sweeps its saw at the Wookiee, trying to cut off some of his fingers.

Chewie is enraged by this, and just kicks the droid across the ship toward the aft end of it!

The General droid is cut in to halves, and halves within halves, and a second later the two shuttles that brought the droid mercenaries start to raise up. Their gangplanks shut closed, leaving what is left of the droids on the surface of the planet as they rise up in to the smokey air and start to fly toward the scaffolding, and pipe-work that covers the area to the north, the two shuttles zipping overhead as their engines rumble loudly!

There's so much going on and a lot of buzz droids what need to be dealt with, but there's also the matter of this Gunner who is persistently not running like the General had. Which seems to have not worked out very well for him anyways, so maybe that's a good thing... Regardless, she holds her fist out and squeeze, then jerks her palm flat down to yank the gunner droid towards the tarmac. Which puts the hurt on, but does not deactivate the little stinker.

"The damn buzzer droids are tearing the ship apart!"

There's a lot of them too, so they'll need something better than one at at aiming them or they'll be here all day chasing those rapscallions.

Zan turns to see that Chani has been hit and turns her attention to the last captain bearing down on her. She still has her lightsaber, held in one hand at the moment. Her free hand moves back to the saber and she neatly slashes through the captain, from bottom left up to top right, stopping him from ever attacking anyone again. "Chani!" she calls tightly. "How bad is it?" Not that Zan is a doctor, but at the least she can do some Jedi healing where needed. She moves to check on Chani, waiting to make sure she's okay, at least for the moment. She's serious about not leaving anyone behind. Of course there are those stupid little buzz droids, but hopefully Yuun and Qutha can take care of them? And Chewie - must not forget Chewie.

Yuun looks around, taking a moment to get a better look at the combat zone. He sees where the others are though the Falcon is still covered with Buzz Droids, shaking his head, "Going to assist Chewie!" he calls out as he dashes towards the Falcon. Leaping and climbing, Yuun is able to make it and as he does, he comes into a group of the little droids. He quickly begins to attack, taking out three quickly, "Not many left!" he calls out.

With the commanding droid taken care of, Chani depresses the activation stud on her lightsaber, removing the possibility it can injure her if her fingers become too weak to grasp onto the hilt. There's a whispered shriek of the blade deactivating and then Chani crumples. It's not to the ground in a heap, but she does drop to a knee hard enough that the motion looks painful. Not painful enough to wrench a noise from her. The moment Zandra draws close, the stink of singed flesh hangs heavy in the air. Chani's panting. She's already growing clammy. Zandra's arrival is met with a weak tilt of her chin upwards. "It's bad." She sounds breathless. The fabric of her robe and the sleeve beneath are melted to her left shoulder. Where her arm hovers over her right side is the worst. The fabric is soaked through with the blood seeping outside the very obvious third-degree burn that's evaporated tissue down to the point that the edge of her rib is exposed. It's blackened, like it's been burned. The droids wield dangerous weapons and her injury is the result of one not missing its mark. "I've had worse." She tries to inject brevity into the situation, but she's not smiling. She can't even muster a laugh. Had the commander been able to attack her again, she might not have made it. "I'll live. Got a birthday coming up. Can't just miss that, you know?"

With Yuun arriving to help battle the buzz droids, Chewie roars a greeting and then just outright smashes one to pieces by slamming his foot down upon it's head. The droid is crushed against the Falcon, and between Chewie's furry toes!

"Raaar!" The giant Wookiee shouts then before he turns to the fire and lets out a mournful moan as he runs to the edge of the ship and drops back off of it, ducking to lower his head and go up inside the ship toward the interior, disappearing inside!

The Remaining 7 Buzz droids are skittering around the hull, moving toward the upper quad laser turret. They start to move up the cannons and start to saw away at them!

The last remaining Gunner droid had its optic sensors damaged by Ahsoka's telekinetic barrage, and its wandering around blindly clanking its feet on the ground. It beeps something, its huge pod-like feet just carrying it about in the 'dark' as it doesn't seem to have any idea what it's doing now with all its brothers gone!

Off in the distance, the howl from some local animals can be heard, echoing across the plains of this dusty red rocky world, the sounds of combat seemingly making enough noise to raise the attention of the local wildlife, to some degree, for ill, or for good, who knows.

Ahsoka peers over at Chani, who took the bit-niz end of a Captains laser, but she's alive... She looks alive? Yeah, she's alive. So the aged Ronin Jedi runs at the Falcon, calls on the force, and leaps up to land amidst Buzz droids who are trying to take that beautiful quad laser off. Her blade slashes down, cleaving one in half. Then comes around as Ahsoka twists, twirling it through another in a crouch. "Stop taking the ship apart! Why are Droids so dang annoying!" Somewhere, Chopper is telling HER about HERSELF.

They are though.

Zan promptly moves to help ease Chani's pain, until they can get her healed properly. She does glance to the Falcon and calls, "Maybe try altering the temperature to put the fire out?" That called out, she continues to to focus on Chani; Because it's important to her. "We'll get you stabilized and over to a safe spot and then work on healing you. Or if I have to, right her, but it's probably better to move to cover." Zan's words cover her worry as she works with her little first aid kit and the knowledge she's got, intent on keeping Chani alive.

Shifting his position, Yuun quickly moves towards the top turret, he does see the flying Ahsoka, a smile comes to his lips as he sees her, "Thanks for the help." he calls out to her. With that, Yuun quickly rushes three of the buzz droids, "Ouch Chewie, I take it that didn't hurt." he calls out to the wookie as it stomped down on one of the buzz droids. Yuun doesn't hold back and shows his skill with the lightsaber, is able to cut down three of the buzz droids from around the turret, not hitting the turret at all.

"Just make random, vague insults at them. It'll get them buzzing in anger." Chani's gaze wanders to Zandra's face in search of some recognition that her words have any impact. The other Jedi is busy with her medical kit, of course, but she gave it her best shot. A sharp hiss and whimper of pain follows lifting her right arm. The muscles in her side flex and pull, and what nerve endings remain alive around the wound protest such an arrogant thing. Chani balances her arm on her knee, because without it, there's no way that she can keep it up and keep her side exposed for Zandra to work on it. "I'm totally not taking the blame if you not helping with the buzz droids winds up with the Falcon exploding or something. We can just say we didn't see the fire. They'll never suspect a thing. Right? Right."

Chewbacca comes lumbering down the ramp, holding a fire extinguisher in his arms. Threepio is right behind him, ducking under the ship as they both come out together. "I /have/ been taking care of the Imperial Officer, you big lug!" The golden droid protests. "If I knew what to do with an Imperial who seems more out of his wits than you, I might actually have made--"

"Buzz droids!" Threepio throws up his golden hands, and screams out in a high pitched voice as he turns and starts to retreat back into the ship! "We're doomed! Oh where is Artoo when you need him!" He's shouting as he's going inside once more up the ramp.

Chewie jogs over to Qutha and throws the Fire extinguisher up to him as the last two Buzz droids jump off of the laser turret and now start to try and wiggle, run and roll past Ahsoka and Yuun to get to the cockpit canopy area!

Off in the distance more howls come as shadowy figures line the hilltops, a good distance off, just standing there, watching the starport and the madness unfolding at it. Are they animals? People? They're too far away to tell, and the air is too filled with flowing particulates in the evening sunlight...

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" Chopper, who is relaying the gloom and doom what is Threepio's insistence that they're all going to die, chitters and warbles in his very angry tone. "Don't take that tone with me, I don't see you out here fighting on a space ship." The reply is clipped and quite curt.

Just as a buzz droid attempts to roll past her and catches the tip of a lightsaber for his troubles, cleaving it in two... The final droid sees Ahsoka. Ahsoka sees the droid seeing him... and there's a whole half second worth of conversation between them that doesn't get said. Maybe there's self preservation, maybe it's going to cut a hole through the canopy of the cockpit, but either way Ahsoka is chasing it. "Oh no you don't, get back here!" She jumps and stabs it right through the mandibles, then yanks her blade free and slumps.

Is it moving? Did it move?

She grabs it and slams it down on the Falcon where it clanks against one of the slashes cut into the hull plating and comes to a 'whining' stop as the last light of its optical sensor dims for the last time.

Then she kicks it.

Yuun watches as Ashoka finishes off the droids, he grins and looks towards the destroyed droids, "Nice." he says to Ahsoka." he says to her. He climbs down, "Is everyone ok?" he asks. The droid that Yuun is borrowing, contacts him letting him know it's prepping his ship, "Copy, get it ready." he says into his commlink. He hears Zan, "Sure, I will keep watch." he calls out.