Log:The Irregulars: Carida Night at the Museum

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Because some things are precious and worth saving.

OOC Date: August 26, 2020
Location: Carida
Participants: Jax Greystorm, Kael Greystorm, Nerys Arda, Nova Korell, Qadira Suuryet, Sajin

[Jax Greystorm]

The Plan A had just made it into the system of Carida just moments ago. The U-wing slipping into formation of a convoy of other troop transports including other U-wings with fighter escorts. The Convoy destination was the Mountainous region of the planet. The area locked in combat with the Forces of the New Republic and the FIrst Order.

In the back of the Plan A, Jax stood in his Katarn Clone Armor with his helmet mag locked to his left hip. "Welcome to Carida, Irregulars. Standard rules in place. New Republic will deny our existence. We have the added fun if we are caught, I'm sure the FIrst Order will charge us with War Crimes. So this is top Secret." He moves from near the cockpit to the middle of the Cabin. He produces a small hand held holographic projector. An image of a frail thin elderly human in his late 80 to early 90s appears in blue, "This Ladies and Gentleman is Imperial Army General Gilean Kane, retired. General Kaen's somehow, I am not judging, escaped the majority of the punishment that the New Republic gave most of his fellow Command Imperial officers after the Empire fell. He retired to his family estate here on Carida."

The image switches to a fancy mountain estate complete with a private landing pad. "There had been rumors but nothing could be confirmed that Gilean was looting artistic masterpieces and cultural relics during his campaigns. Many of these pieces were considered destroyed. When the First Order Destroyed Hosnian Prime, Gilean got cocky. Pieces of once thought lost art started showing up on loan from Gilean or the occasional interview." He looks around for a moment. "Five days ago, the Front moved through here and the FIrst Order Evacuated Gilean. The Hanna Institute of Antiquities and New Republic Intelligence began a plan to retrieve the art from the manor. They also begun to compile a list of potential art that we could find stored there. What limited intel and scans indicated that there is a vault beneath the mansion. The mansion was also outfitted with a shield, , security droids, and onsite generators. We were putting together a plan to handle this. Our time table changed early this morning, galactic standard time. A B-wing from Dagger Squadron crashed into the mansion during an aerial sortie. The pilot is not believed to have survived. In the process the mansions defenses have been destroyed and structure damage to the mansion is extensive."

Jax changes holographic projection to show the most recent images of the mansion with a gaping hole in the side of it. "So I'm asking you to go into an active war zone, into a structurally unsound building. Cut a hole into the vault, go retrieve hopefully priceless lost art. Unfortunately we do not have the capabilities to take anything heavy. Holocapture everything in the vault. Get out before the First Order can catch us there. I won't be of much use. I'm going to be retrieving the black box, checking on the pilot, and blowing up the B-wing." He looks at Nerys, "Jetpack would you like to highlight which pieces of art we are looking for?"

[Nova Korell]

Late to the briefing, Nova is in the figurative back row pulling on her own armor, adding a touch of literalness to the proceedings. She's not so busy she can't pay attention, though: She's been wearing armor for most of her life, literally. "So we should be prepared to get out at any time. Most structures don't survive having a starfighter crash into them, and this one might not last too long," she says, shaking out the two-piece body glove for the suit and pulling on the top half. "Do we know where this vault is located?"

[Nerys Arda]

Nerys, who had been silent for most of the trip out, as she always was, looked up from where she was sitting with HiBall, the droid, for the trip at least, having deserted Kael to spend time with Nerys. Anyone who knew the drama that existed amongst the Greystorm-Arda droids knew he was doing it just to irritate Belate, who was rolling back and forth by Nerys' feet. Once the mission was reviewed, she nodded to Jax, "I'm sending the list of artworks I have been able to confirm, with varying levels of certainty should be within the vault, or at least in the General's custody." The list was long enough that the information that came across everyone's datapads was scroll-worthy. "Most of the works are paintings on canvas, and I've brought a few transport containers we can use to store the paintings for safekeeping. There are at least six sculptures, which we may not be able to retrieve, but we'll see when we get there. I like a challenge." As Nova came in, Nerys looked her way, "All intelligence points to it being built below ground beneath the mansion."

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm yawns a bit as he looks over the holo table, "So we're to go into a war zone battle our way to a vault and grab some art and holo's of what we can't carry?" He double checks his blasters and holsters. Then he looks over at Hi-Ball, "Traitor."

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi listens to the briefing and the additional bits. Kael gets a laugh at his comment to the droid. "Sounds like a big challenge," is her observation, as she thinks about it. "But I am sure we are up to it. Do we know what security systems they are using and anything about them?"


<<"I'm no photographer...">> Says Sajin in the back, lazily sitting in a seat as the ship descends towards the surface. <<"And I'm not worried about being charged with war crimes.">> He was the man who took out Malik Ren after all. Regardless if whether or not anyone actually knew that, he was very smart about how he went about it... stunning really that such an idiot was capable of a feat like that. <<"I'll do my best though, the mountain top villa should provide for a nice Mise En Scene...">>

He worse high lighter Void armor, no cape, jetpack with his two trusty pistols at his side and a vibro sword and knife to boot. Metal rings around each og his gloved hand's knuckles incase things got really too close for comfort.

[Jax Greystorm]

The Plan A breaks off from the Convoy making it's way towards the mansion. The local time closer to midnight. "Moonbeam, It seems the vault is rather large, though the closer to the center of the builiding you are from the front on the ground floor. I would say has a higher likelihood of success in finding what we're looking for. Gadget, something custom and nasty. Luckly we think there's not going to be any computer or electrical surprises." The New Republic Flight Crew assisting the Irregulars speak into Jax's com, "Alright they're making their coming in for a landing, "We passed over a First Order Transport Heading the DIrection several Clicks back. Be prepared to engage. That just pressed our time table up even more."

There's the usual thump of the U-wing landing. Jax sighs and reaches to his belt and passes something to Mayhem. "That should help with cutting a hole. I will want it back." He slips his helmet onto his head. "May the Force be with you." Then Jax opens the side of the U-wing and slips off into the night seeming to disappear into the darkness and almost like he turned invisible.

There's a gaping hole in the side of the Mansion. The remains of a B-wing hidden some where inside. Upon entering the building the ground floor looks mostly intact and eerily dark. There an large entry way which leads up to a stair way. Further past the stairway is a great hall. The family crest laid in the middle of the floor of the great hall. Up above threatening to come crashing down is a peculiarly balanced remains of a B-wings fuselage.

Nova Korell swings her Modified Tracker - 13633 out into the ready position, flipping the safety off, the weapon coming online with a dull whine.

[Nova Korell]

Getting the last of her armor snapped into place, Nova nods to Jax and Nerys. "If we've got Stormies in the area, I'd better take point. Hopefully they're not too close. A lightfight in this place sounds like an even worse idea than going inside in the first place."

And, on the ground at last. Making sure her night optics are working, Nova steps out to take a good, long look at the structure from the outside. "I guess the front door is the way to go. It looks the most intact." The door opens to the touch, surprisingly enough, and despite the rubble littering the floor from the partially-collapsed roof, the soldier is able to navigate the place pretty easily, ducking under a protruding section of the upstairs floor and mantling an overturned bench in the great hall. "Watch out... that thing up there doesn't look too stable, and I'll bet it's still got fuel and ammunition. Pity we can't secure it somehow."

[Nerys Arda]

Once Nerys had relayed the information, HiBall returned to his actual owner, Belate doing his best imitation of the sound one would make if they were blowing a raspberry in the floating droid's direction, before Nerys rose to her feet. "Art is one of the most sacred things that sentient beings can create. And one of the ways they live on, long after they and their civilizations have died. That is worth the risk" But Nerys was an archaeologist, of course she'd think that. Once they had touched down, she was on her way out, falling into step with Kael. It was just her happy place. She'd been the big bounty hunter's backup for...a long time. Belate, of course, being a ground dwelling non-mammal, remained behind in the ship, despite the fact that he really, really wanted to go out on an adventure too. She was light enough on her feet that she avoided most of the pitfalls, climbing or jumping over the obstacles she could not avoid. She helped where she could, trying to keep the team together and moving.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm looks at the tube that Jax handed him and shakes his head a bit, "Oooofffff course I'll give this back." He attaches it to his belt. Then he takes the helmet for his armor and snaps it in place, "Okay lets go." He watches as Nova starts to head through the door he follows suit looking over at Nerys and then at the traitorous Hi-Ball, "Oh decided to come back?" Then as he gets a little further into the mansion and hears a rumble from above him as he tries to climb over some rubble just a little bit away from Nerys, and he looks up and just sighs as he sees the inevitable crushing defeat... "Oh crap." Then something or somebody latches onto him and he finds himself jerked out from under the rubble before it hits where he was at, "Thanks."

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi has her little ID10 droid Button with her, settled on her shoulder. She's actually seeming reasonably comfortable in her void armour, so she must have been practicing. She eyes the building, gaze taking in the structure, the weight bearing columns with a studied and knowledgeable eye. The poor fighter gets a long look and then she says, "Be careful, Corsair, that's not really stable. Also avoid the east wall area. It's a mess." She simply walks in, tracking a non-linear path that avoids the architectural strains in the structure, sticking to the more solid areas. She comes to a halt, as there appears to be trouble, instinctively flinching back in case she's in the line of fire, looking for cover.


Sajin had just gotten done crawling through, jumping through, and climbing through the Undercity of Nar Shaddaa the other day... this was Cake.

AT least the jumping to and from uneasy structure was... climbing. Well, he wasn't assisted by the strength boost of his powerarmor. He had to lug an extra couple... dozen pounds up with him. He strained, grunting as he did his best to be nimble. <<"Right... right... coming along...">> Others had trouble but their teammates were there to help them.

[Jax Greystorm]

Corsair is up above working on things and moving about. The force guiding him as he moves. There's no sight of him, <You know it, Gadget. I'm being careful.> Theres still no sight of him. Though there's a metal scraping squeal as the B-wing shifts slightly, <OOps.> Then the B-wing stops, <We good? We're good. It stopped. All according to plan.>

[Nova Korell]

Frell... that section of upstairs floor's going to fall. Double frell! It's going to fall on Kael! Nova lives up to the definition of 'reflex', whirling and catching hold of both of Kael's hands, then shoving herself back and pulling a the same time. The Greystorm brother, fortunately, isn't taller: That big chunk of rubble misses him by only a few centimeters! "You're welcome," she replies, wincing faintly. "So much for the Stormies not knowing we're here, not that I'm blaming you for it. Guess I'd better stay here and watch for those creeps, since I know how they think." She nods to Nerys. "No argument here. I've just never seen very much of it outside of pictures. I guess I'm just not cultured enough to seek it out." Which fits, for someone who's been learning to kill other sentients from an early age. What a waste of potential talent.

She takes cover behind another stone bench that has miraculously remained standing, even if it's been buffeted out from the wall some. There's just enough room for her and her Tracker, and with her night-seeing gear, she won't have any trouble watching for... well, trouble. The sentient kind.

[Nerys Arda]

Once they were inside, that's where the real work began. With the point of entry needing to be determined and that with the building threatening to come apart around them, it was no easy feat. But Nerys did what she could, searching along with the others in the hopes of helping them to find just the right place. "There's always time to learn a new skill," she called back to Nova, as she settled in to wait.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm stares up at the ceiling for a bit longer and then nods as he rolls and climbs to his feet, "Call out if you need help." Then he starts to follow into the others, "Point me towards the spot to make an opening. I've got the can opener."


<<"Ah... here...">> Sajin says as he makes his way towards Kadi and Kael, he takes a look over the area they're inspecting as if he had any auhority in their specific fields. <<"Yup... looks about right.">> IT was okay to stare at the dumb Hapan. Really, he was used to it.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael nods as he walks over towards where Kadi and Sajin points out reaching back for that tube that Corsair had handed him pulling it out and looking at it for a moment before activating the glowing blade with a snap hiss, "Well one way to find out." He shoves the blade into the ground at the crest and then smirks as he starts to cut around the crest to open up their own door. Once the door opens he releases the blade with a little squeal and then reattaches it to his belt.

[Jax Greystorm]

Up above there's no more sound of Jax doing whatever he's doing. The B-wing doesn't move. The blue of Jax's lightsaber in Kael's hand washing him out. It a tiring process but with work Kael accomplishes his mission and cuts the crest out. Then a large chunk of duracrete and armor plating go falling deep down into the blackness below. The lightsaber's blade not able to pierce the darkness. There's a clang and the sound of something porcelain or marble crumbling below.

[Nova Korell]

"Good luck," Nova whispers, already getting into the act of being stealthy. "I'll follow once I'm sure they're not coming inside. Make sure your comlinks are on." She braces her weapon atop the back of the bench and settles down to wait.

Aside from a little wincing at the sight of the lightsaber at work, she doesn't move once she's in place. The hole it leaves, though, is definitely interesting. "Try a little to the left, where the floor's clear. We can hoist some of the bigger stuff up with the rope if we have to."

[Nerys Arda]

It was probably a good thing that it was impossible to see Nerys' expression, as she turned far enough to watch Kael step up to the crest on the floor, the brilliant blue of the lightsaber casting its eerie illumination as the other Greystorm used it like a hot knife to cut through the duracrete that was doing little more, given the state of the mansion, than getting in their way. If it had been possible, the expression that flitted over Nerys' face might have been...haunted. It eased, though, once Kael had put the weapon away, and she moved to step to the edge of what was, hopefully, the ceiling of the vault they were looking for. Reaching around to her backpack, she pulled out the climbing rig she had made of the rope they'd been given. She poked her head through, eyes narrowing as she looked down into the darkness, "We can probably scratch one piece of artwork off the list." Once she'd secured the rig, she left it for anyone on the team who needed to use it to use it, as she stepped out into the darkness, her grav belt activating and letting her sort of fall gently downward to the floor below. Mid-fall, she clicked on the lamp of her suit.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm glances over at Nova and nods a bit, "If we need the extra hole I'll cut one in." He moves and slips down the hole climbing down a bit to help art hunt. He's got the list of art at least. That should help a bit at least.

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi steps way back as Kael wields that tube. Way back. And she finally fastens her helmet appropriately, as she waits. With things going as they are, she follows to go down into the vault of lost art and certain doom.


Sajin gets up to the top and drops a rope for the others who might need help up. He wasn't into art, or he was't good at telling what names belonged to which pieces of art. So he settled on being look out and mister helper.

[Jax Greystorm]

Those down below learn that the Vault is well a massive room set up like a museum with art from through out the galaxy. There are curious art on the list that Nerys mostly got right. There is stuff she would have never dreamed to be on the list. Beneath the plug cut out is a crumbled statue of a Rodian goddess. There are various security measures in place but luckily the system seems to be dead down here. Up above well it's the waiting game, waiting for Jax to kill them all through one wrong move or the stormtroopers show up. Finally something does happen. Jax calls down, "King you still down there? If I lower down a body bag, can you make sure the pilot makes it home with us?"

[Nova Korell]

At her post, Nova simply keeps her eyes and ears open. The creaking of the structure sounds like no healthy building she's ever heard. And then there's the fact that they /know/ there are FO troops in the area. <Hurry, guys... I don't think we've got long,> she coms worriedly.

[Nerys Arda]

Thankfully, Nerys did not have a body to deal with. Well, not the squishy kind, at any rate, for it might have been said that the rodian figure their door had crushed was the corpse of a dead god. And then she got to work. She withdrew a set of tools from her backpack, and set to the task, "If you all want to gather the artwork, I can cut then out of their frames and we can roll them for transport." Frames were window-dressing. It was the actual art that was valuable, and Nerys set to it, stripping the art from whatever was holding it, moving with the clean precision of a propheshunahl. Which she was. "Anything that can't fit in a pack, just record it with your equipment. We can come back." Nerys never let a good find get away. Even if she might have to come back on her own.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm moves to go through the vault a bit looking around and pulling up the names of the artwork again on those Tetan Glasses working to match them to collect up the art that's well to be collected finding the Summation of Desire first bringing it over to Nerys before he goes to find more art. Since time is short.

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi is not an art expert, but she is an engineer, and she's good with working with odd shaped things, and playing tetris with them. So she starts loading them into packs, carefully. Protective tubes, whatever she can find, helping Nerys with her work. Archeologists and engineers and kings. This is highly irregular indeed. But somehow it seems to be working. << As fast as we can, >> is the quiet reply back up to Nova. << we don't want to be here either. >> A pause. << I don't know how we're going to get this mechanical Ego up there.>>


Sajin was patroling, because that's what one did when they didn't have much in the way of book smarts. He lets the NERDS deal with all the hard stuff. Unless, you know... some heavy lifting was needed. He stops when Jax comes over the comms. <<"Ah...">> He looks left then right, "Yeah... Suppose I can handle that." He makes his way to the proper area to recieve the pilot's body.

[Jax Greystorm]

<Gadget, If it's too big. Then abandon it. I hate to be cold hearted about this but better to get something else back to the galaxy and it's people. Then to lose it all on one object.> Jax emerges from the darkness from above with a body bag in his arms. Jax extending the form out to Sarjin, " Thank you for doing this. Her name's Lt. Kelana Frothe. She a Wroonian." His visored head flipping up, <We got problems. They're here.> It moments later that the flight team come across Irregular channel, <This is SAR 284, It's getting a bit crowed down here. We're pulling back to a safe distance. Please inform us when it's safe for extraction. May the Force be with you.> There's the sound of a U-wing pulling up followed by the sound of a Speeder vehicle landing. THen moments later lights begin to shin through the mansion.

[Nova Korell]

<Copy, SAR. We'll get a warm welcome ready for the company. Stay safe out there,> Nova replies, subvocalizing. She gets a good grip on her Tracker and prepares to make life difficult for the incoming Stormtroopers. The sound of the door, followed by the beams of glow rods shining through the dusty air, make the FO goons easy to track. The former Stormtrooper gets a good sight picture on that too-familiar helmet. "May you not know what hit you," she murmurs. "It's all the mercy I can offer..."

The shot takes the Trooper right through the center of the bucket; the damage it does probably doesn't belong in a kid-friendly film, but nonetheless it takes the man down. <Company upstairs,> Nova reports. <Wrap it up, guys! There aren't many now, but they'll be calling for backup!>

[Nerys Arda]

"Always when I'm working!" This was the true evil of the First Order. Clearly. But that did not stop Nerys from finishing up what she was doing, shoving everything in her backpack and making for the exit. She did offer a last forlorn look at the rest of the vault. 'I'll be back,' was whispered under her breath and not on the comms, as she made her way back up to the main floor, shifting the pack on her back to make sure it was stable as she removed her weapon from its front compartment. "Stay behind us, Kadi." She was sure the engineer would, but she said it anyway. She got clear of the opening as soon as she could, scampering up the climbing rid like a space squirrel, so as not to bottleneck anyone behind her.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm glances up when he hears the comms go off, "Time to go." He waits to see how Nerys is going to get out of the vault before he boosts off his rocket gloves and boots to launch himself up out of the hole to land near the crest hole looking around, "Which way they comin in from?"

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi snaps a photo of the too big thing, having to agree regretfully with Jax. "it's neat though. maybe I can build my own," she murmurs, as she grabs her pack and follows Nerys. As she goes, she snaps a bunch of pictures, trying to get layout and everything she can so as to identify whatever they can. Someone definitely will need to come back if the storm troopers don't blow it up or rob it blind themselves. But first, climbing. Oof. She might be a little bit panting, nervous and thanking her lucky stars when she makes it out of that hole.


Sajin hefts the body over his shoulder, turning as the lights start to flash over the building. He draws his Series III with his free hand, the weapon charging to life. As Nova takes out the pointman, he turns and starts up the stairs with the other, adjusting the weight over his shoulder. <<"She was a thicc girl...">> He makes an aside to Kael, <<"Oh, every side... which is totally fair.">>

[Jax Greystorm]

A number of light starts to sweep the room above as a fire time makes it into the mansion with the Irregulars. Nova wasn't joking when she said company was coming. The way the lights are moving, the storm troopers are carefully sweeping the facility for hostiles. There was little chance of catching them off guard. They weren't going to get caught flat footed like the point man.

Jax reaches to his side and goes for the long riot baton with him. He slips it out of the holster and extends it but doesn't activate it yet. He calms himself and reaches out for the force.

[Nova Korell]

The first trooper hadn't commed a warning to his friends. Hearing the rest of the Irregulars coming as fast as they can, Nova draws another bead and begins clearing the way for them. <Hostiles... I count six so far.> The Tracker screams twice, knocking down the two closest Stormtroopers. <Correction: /Four/ troopers. Watch for the lights.>

[Nerys Arda]

Nerys, free of the vault, alas and despair, did the smart thing, and did two things at once. She swung her pack around to get her weapon out of its front pocket, and she found a piece of masonry to hide behind. Hopefully, it would stop her from getting wrecked. She always seemed to do in these scenarios. Getting ready did not stop her from trying to track where the team was though. That was the important thing. That and the precious cargo at her back.

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael starts walking towards the 'Evie' Stormtrooper a blaster being drawn in his left hand as he sights down firing slowly walking towards them a red bolt scurries towards and past the Stormtrooper, "Well that's a wasted shot... Stand still for me will ya?"

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi comes out of the hole in the floor, to the sound of - her team mates telling her there's trouble. She makes to hide, and probably manages at best to find partial cover. But it's the thought that counts, right? She carefully pulls her blaster out, the one that Ax gave her, and looks at it cautiously.


Sajin was not a 'good' person in the goodie two shoes sort of way. HE stood up for his freinds and family. He killed and salughtered his enemies. There was absolutly no middle ground. Those who came up against the King of Drik found this out very quickly. He minded his own buisness. HE fought with the republic because it was an ideal his wfie and Queen believed in. He loved her, so he killed for her. It was really remontic don't ya know.

He knew exactly where he'd hit first. HE looked for the rank shoulder pad. His pistol raised, hand steady. He squeezed the trigger.

The Series III was a handcanon to start with, but whatever the King of Drik had done to that weapon made it far beyond. The crimson blaster bolt roared, explosing against the plasteel helm of the squad leader. HE fell instantly dead. What was left of his head was a smoldering burnt smoking crater inside of the wrecked helmet. He turned and snapped off another shot towards another trooper. It hit the wall instead.

[Jax Greystorm]

Jax emerges from the shadows on the Storm trooper designated Kora. She'd just been fired upon and now somebody with a Storm trooper Silhoutte and a riot baton emerges from the shadows to take a swing at her. She intictively dodged the first blow but the baton swings around and in a spin strking her and sending a jolt of electricty through her. She goes flying to hit a wall cracking it further and sliding down.

The rest of the storm troopers find themselves going down like their allies. Where it had been a solid fire team, now only a pair of storm troopers remained firing from secured locations. ONe of them striking Nerys and the other missing Kadi.

[Nova Korell]

There are times Nova feels really proud of her fellow Irregulars. And the way they're taking down the bad guys, this is one of those times. Still, her next two shots remind the team just why they keep her around, taking down the last two troopers. <That's all of them... we're clear for the moment. So let's not waste it: That B-Wing's gonna go /boom/ any second!> She carefully extricates herself from behind the stone bench. "Did we get a lot of priceless relics away intact? Please say we did!"

[Nerys Arda]

Clearly, Nerys' chunk of masonry was a traitor, as it did nothing to obscure the small woman from the sights of the stormtroopers. Certainly not the one who's weapon discharged, sending a bolt of red that impacted the woman right in the chest. Rather than flying straight back, though, Nerys had the presence of mind to twist her body, taking a solid strike to her shoulder as she sacrificed her own health and well-being to protect the artwork she was carrying and her weapon. Thankfully, she had enough presence of mind to keep her weapon ready, even if the position was not ideal for getting off a good shot. Of course, by the time she was able to aim, the threat had been eliminated. Probably for the best, with her chest feeling as though it were on literal fire. Not that she would say so to anyone, even if it was clear from the state of her armor that she'd been hit. "I have a pack stuffed full, so does Gadget. I'm ready to go. I can come back after."

[Kael Greystorm]

Kael Greystorm looks around a bit as Nova and Sajin mow down all the Stormtroopers. He holsters his pistol as he looks around spotting Corsair he reaches back to remove the tube and toss it over towards the man, "That's yours. Don't want to get hunted down for having it. We have time to go back and get more? Or should we head out before more troopers show up?"

[Qadira Suuryet]

Kadi might not have been completely hidden but enough that the shot her way does nothing but make her startle, eyes wide. She catches her breath and peeks out, gun ready. Only to see that the others have finished the job. "they were shooting at me," she mutters, and then catches herself. "Is everyone okay? We should make sure - "


Sajin takes a moment to check, wrenching his head up to get a better angle and look at the bodies. <<"Yeah... I think it's clear.">> He twirls his pistol around before placing it back in its holster. <<"That was underwelming... let's get out of here before Shadowtroopers show up or something equally ridiculous.">>

[Jax Greystorm]

Jax accepts his saber back for Kael, "Thanks, Mayhem. " He turns his head up to look at the B-wing, "This place is a structural NIghtmare and the B-wing is going to go at any time. It's best we pull out. YOu might help Jetpack." He picks up the Stormed Trooper that he downed and fireman carries her out. He dumps the injured Stormtrooper next to the First Order speeder transport. He opens up his com, <SAR 284, this is Kinrath Claws calling for Extraction. Landing area is clear. Repeat this is Kinrath Claws calling for Extraction. Landing area is clear.> Moments later the trust Plan A is landing and the Irregulars are loaded with the art. The ship rising up into the air and the site left behind. It's at that moment the mansion rumbles and smoke begins to bellow out of the hole where the B-wing is. Jax lets out a breath, <That worked. Let's hope what we left behind doesn't get fire damage.>