Log:Sith Empire: Domination

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Sith forces move to quash a spark of hope in the galaxy.

OOC Date: April 14, 2023
Location: Deep Space
Participants: Aryn Cortess, Bors Thul, Darth Omen as Self/GM, Tamsin Cas, Zoka Kanas, Sith Empire

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

The battle had been hard fought primarily by the Sith starfighter corps. The TIE fighters had overwehlmed the New Republic remnant fleet with force. A key spy network had tipped the Sith Empire off of this fleet's arrival in this system for vital resource replinishment, and the Sith Fleet had been dispatched to intercept and stamp out this ember of Hope in the galaxy.

Now, in the aftermath of destruction, a series of Sith shuttlecraft have launched from a number of the fleet's warships. The shuttles are marching onward toward the last remaining capital ship of the New Republic remnant forces, its main engines disabled by TIE bombers, the ship sitting vulnerable amongst the stars with TIE fighters having shot down a number of escape pods that have already tried to make it down to the planet' surface.

The New Republic forces are captured, they're beaten, and now the final blow has to be dealt for another Sith Empire victory.

Darth Omen presides over this assault. He attended this surprise attack personally, for reasons unknown, and he lingers within the largest of the shuttlecraft that glides toward the disabled Mon Calamari cruiser known as the 'Chandrilan Star'.

Darth Omen's shuttle opens fire on the broken wreckage of an X-Wing starfighter, its wings severed, but its fuselage had remained intact, the pilot's last sight was that of the dark hulled shuttle flying ever closer until its laser cannons opend fire, finishing off the remains of the Republic snub-fighter in a ball of molten gasses.

The Sith Shuttles meander closer and closer, until they glide in to the main docking bay of the Republic cruiser, welcomed by a barrage of blaster fire from the onboard security forces that waste no time to open fire on the Sith ships.

The shuttles rock and rumble, the starboard most shuttle even hit with a powerful missil weapon that causes the craft to drop from the sky and land hard on the deck, only to lower its off-ramp moments later where red armored troopers begin pouring out of the flaming transport.

Blaster fire erupts, the two forces begin to clash.

And Darth Omen steps forward, his tattered robes flowing around his towering form, standing well over six feet in height, the old Sith Lord starts marching forward out of the ship, his left gloved hand clutching a red hued lightsaber that snaps on with a screaming hiss of raw energy.

The battle is already intense, and the forces of both armies are already sustaining losses!

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

It was not only the stormtroopers who had been rocked by missile attempting to stop their descent before it could explode into utter annihilation. Within the shuttle, Achlys' hand held fast to the cabling beside which they had been sitting, preventing themselves from flying around the cabin like a rag doll. Either proper planning or the need to center themselves, and to ensure that they left the ship with all that they had brought with them. Either had the same end result. The troopers loaded out off of the ramp and into battle first, Achlys coming behind, fireblade igniting as they moved to intercept with Omen's chosen path.

[ Zoka Kanas (ZK)]

This is the kind of training that ET-6260 has done time and time again. The ramp goes down, and the troopers rush out. Find cover first, then start shooting.

As soon as the ramp starts to open she tenses, and before it has even fully hit the ground, she's leaping down the ramp, rushing out and dropping to her knees to slide behind a cargo crate, slamming into it with a thump against her shoulder, before she braces the large rifle on the cargo and takes aim at the Republic forces.

[ Aryn Cortess (AC)]

When the shuttle lands, the ramp sallies forth, and fog from hydraulic steam rises from external ports along the hull, the dark figures of the Sith Empire step out like warrior wraiths joining the on-going battle. The presence of red lightsabers had a definitive blow on moral, sapping the life of the attack and sowing dread of the pain and destruction to come.

Among those wraiths was a short blonde wrapped within the vestments of a dark lord with a remorseful facemask. The facemask was intended to instill the same effect, its eyes void and emotionless, giving nothing of the occupant that reside beneath.

The blonde's lightsaber activates with a hungered growl, its 1.4m length stretching vertical as to temporarily bisect her own face for all the time it took to salute, then it was guided to her side as she stepped after her entourage assuming the right most flank, a gloved hand extended forth to convey the will of the Force, while the wavering red in her wake would exact another will.

Darth Kalus (Aryn) embodied the name, the underlying urgency in her step propelling her forward in a manner of seething attrition, and should one have the capacity to feel through the Force, they would experience this presence coupled with a darkness that was both sickening and domineering. Cape cast back from her sword arm, the blonde prepared to engage, drawing a deep breath to extend her connection with the Force, thusly becoming one through her surroundings and perception.

[ Bors Thul (BT)]

'You keep ending up on ground ops, old man.'

Lord Bors of Alderaan was among the boarding crew - armor ready to seal and the chain-blade snapping to as it is drawn off of his waist in the belt that it had been situated as.

Likely a ship expert needed. But as Her Majesty was part of this operation so too was he. Nodding to 6260 as he descends on her flank, pondering if he might have been better served with the rifle and not the blade. Soon to find out, when the time comes - either way. Taking up a two-handed grip before he has finished descending the ramp, eyes moving to identify as much of their surroundings as he can before it all goes sideways.

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

The towering form of Darth Omen presses forward, his saber coming up to redirect two blaster shots aimed at his midsection. The bolts fly to the floor on either side of him, sending up a shower of sparks around him. His saber growls with a hot desire for the blood of his enemies, as the sword beam seems well aware of the carnage unfolding before it and the fate of those still defending this derelict remnant of the New republic forces. Rebels. Scum.

Omen's free hand comes up, and from it a burst of electricity sizzles through the air, lancing outward toward the cover hiding the Republic soldiers. Bursts of sparks, followed by smoke, and fire burst up from the cover locations, causing the Republic forces to leap away from their cover, some releasing screams as the lightning coming from the Dark Lord trickles across their extremities with powerful bursts of pain rolling through their forms. Their commanding officers bark out shouting orders to hold the line, but they know their men and women are afraid, terrified of this onslaught of their sworn enemies.

Omen reaches the first line of soldiers, and slices his saber down before his free hand casts aside their makeshift cover. Soldiers begin to either fall back, or push forward to valiantly attack the Sith forces as they loom ever closer!

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The best way was the most efficient way, and Achlys moved with a purpose. There was no reaction to the blaster fire that came their way. No attempt to dodge, nor to return fire. They simply walked as though no danger was present, and the will of the Force, if one could call it that, saw fit to redirect any shots away with them. There was a trick to it. Walking with Sith confidence. And fighting with it. Two fell to that fire blade, both sliced cleanly in half. Well, one. The second lost skin along the side of his face before the loss of the lower portion of his body ensures that saber burn was the least of his problems. The barest flicker of attention saw the bodies pushed aside by invisible hands so as not to impede forward momentum of the sith troopers.

[ Zoka Kanas (ZK)]

Once the big rifle had settled on the box she was using for cover, ET-6260 scoped in on one of the fighters, someone wielding a carbine and firing widly, clearly with little to no training. She centers herself, takes a deep breath and then exhales, letting it out and squeezing the trigger, three crimson bolts lancing out from the rifle.

The poor private is struck center mass by the first two, the third catching him as he rotates through the air somewhere in the back, his body landing with a thud on the ground, as he doesn't get back up after the impact.

[ Aryn Cortess (AC)]

Darth Kalus moved with practiced grace, even her reactions were conducted in a manner that felt rehearsed. Turning away a trio of blaster bolts in a masterful display of lightsaber showmanship, she retaliated in kind, disarming (literally) one foe, then disabling the other two in a spinning flurry.

By the time Darth Kalus resumed her path forward, three foes lay behind her incapable of further combat, fresh wounds clutched by whatever extremity remained to them. She paused only to see where Lord Bors was so she could position herself ahead of the older soldier and intercept what harm might hinder the Thul Knight's approach.

Darth Kalus oriented her lightsaber back toward her side, resembling a duelist's technique, and she stepped forward with her gloved hand forward again prepared to convey her will of the force should another foe cross her path.

[ Bors Thul (BT)]

Sentients in all to familiar uniform firing at he and... who he still has to periodically reconcile as allies after all these years, it's enough to turn his stomach as the black armored form of the old fighter pilot moves. Dipping to one side and then taking note of the rank squares on one uniform when he moves in. His gaze to Kalus and her movements to provide moving cover and a grateful nod is given while he remains focused.

'Arklemmi' - the aurabesh on the ID tag read and a deeper pang sank into his gut. Bors's blade was up, instinctively, batting aside an attempt by the man to sweep the stock of their rifle across the faceplate of his helmet, leaning into an elbow strike to put him off balance and then the powered blade is drug across their midsection in a pal of smoke from burning flesh, cloth and armor plates.

<<"Command staff would be on the bridge, until they know a capture team is heading their way... I know the way.">>

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

The Sith forces keep coming, unyielding advance. The other shuttle teams pushing ahead toward other points of entry in to the Cal Cruiser's interior sections. Blaster bolts zip to and fro with no regard for life, or the condition of the ship at this point, the survivors of this Cruiser are fighting for their very existence now. Shouts fill the air, along with smoke, sparks, and flying debris from explosive combat breaking out in three different places around the hangar's structure. But as Darth Omen pushes forward, and those with him maintain their advancing line, the republic soldiers that remain standing are scattering backwards. They push through the blast doors in to the corridors of the ship's interior, and just as the Sith forces reach those same blast doors, the lights within the entire Cruiser go out. Snap to black.

A second later and the red hues of emergency lights come on, the sound of the ship's super structure making groaning sounds as the war-torn ship is suffering from all the combative actions that it has suffered on this day. Darth Omen holds a hand up to keep the blast doors open for his advance, and for those with him on either sides. His crimson blade adds to the deep scarlet hued that fills up the large central corridor of the Cruiser, with the faint forms of Republic personel fleeing down the corridors, shouting last ditch commands to their people who take up positions within the corridor aiming their weapons and unleashing a barrage of new blaster shots.

Omen keeps coming, his saber rising up to deflect more blaster bolts to random directions as he sweeps in to the next corridor, a central turbolift system fifty yards ahead.

One of the republic commanders shouts an action for his soldiers. 'Hold on to something!'

And that's when something happens. The turbolift doors open up to empty shafts within, though that emptiness is suddenly filled with a raging rush of... water...

the Republic has flooded the turbolift shafts, and now rushing down the main corridor is a wave of water pouring across the Republic soldiers, and toward the Sith forces, giving an eerie look of countless gallons of rushing blood moving toward the Sith with a careless threat toward anyone's safety now!

The Republic soldiers try to hold on to the bulkheads as the water rushes past them, while some lose the fight and are they themselves swept out in to the hallway and toward the besieged hangar again.

[ Zoka Kanas (ZK)]

Rifle fire coming in and going out creates bright streaks of crimson, several interrupted by the lightsabers of the Sith, one of those which had been coming for ET-6260. She turns and readies her rifle again, aiming at the Sergeant who had fired that bolt in her direction.

The three bolts kick out of the T-21 and slam into the cover of the Sergeant, the last one close close enough to send sparks into his face and force him back down.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

A Sith was always where one least expected, and as fire rained upon them, Achlys' blade slashed to the side, deflecting a shot aimed not at them, but at the trooper who was still hunkered down behind cover, the bolt shooting back at the shooter, their body disappearing back into the melee.

While it was impossible to sense any specific danger in a situation as fraught as this, at least the pyrotechnics, so to speak, spoke of sanger to come, as the lights shut down, Achys' eyes adjusting as the red of emergency lighting snapped into focus. The call to the republic troops did not go unnoticed, and they settled their weight, bracing as the doors open and the deluge was upon them. The water came, roiling and warping the fabric of sound, sight, and sensation as it sought to sweep away the Sith filth (surely their words, not Achlys'), but the robed figure held fast, the wave seeming to crest against their body as if hitting a wall before they moved forward yet again. Another of the enemy fell to their blade, body washing away with the rest of the detritus. A second enemy was spared Achlys' blade, but the water soon took care of that one.

[ Aryn Cortess (AC)]

Water rushing and incoming fire yield a result less than favorable for Lord Bors, who must suffer a blow from one of the Republic's foemen. Darth Kalus misses her attempt at redirecting the bolt because their terrain shifts and water rushes past, sacrificing her balance for all the time it takes her to anchor herself in place.

In the process, she is attacked by both a sliding private who fires and misses as they're taken down the corridor by the 'water slide', and a Republic Sergeant, who does not share the private's luck.

Kalus kills the Sergeant as the pass, impaling them upon the length of her crimson blade, only to withdraw it a moment later and allow their lifeless form to travel as gravity insisted.

Turning her attention to the task at hand, she spends a moment to determine the direction of their charge by tracking Darth Omen, then wades forward, feet soaked now and squishing in her boots. Hard to be menacing with that noise...

[ Bors Thul (BT)]

At first there's only the realization that breathing is harder for the moment, kicked to one side and stumbling in the wake of the blaster bolt that had slammed into him among those screaming past or the fewer glancing off of the armor he is wearing. Stutter stepping until his shoulder strikes bulkhead and his footing is reinforced by the grace of a solid structure to lean against.

The oncoming water cueing instinct. Suit sealing to put Bors on canned atmosphere and his boots maglocking to keep him from being swept away by the torrent. Pushing off of the bulkhead and putting the blade through the chest of one of the repelling troops - instinct guiding Bors for one giving orders - feeling his weapon being dragged down by the weight and he briefly toggles its rigidity to become a whip once more,

<<"That makes it a touch difficult.">> doing mental mapping of the class of craft they're on - alternate routes they might take.

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

Darth Omen takes the brunt of that watery tsunami as it rushed over the entire contents of the corridor, splitting in to different sections as it broke against the hangar complex doorways. Outside of the Mon Cal Cruiser the sight of water rushing out of the hangar can be seen, loaded with debris, and bodies that are carried out in to space, creating a strange cascading rush of liquid in to the embrace of the zero-gravity environment beyond the ship's sanctuary of oxygen and artificial gravity...

Inside, Omen pushes through the water that is over his knee height, his voluminous robes drenched from shoulders downward, but he pays it no heed as his saber strikes down in to the water sending up a wave of rushing steam that plumes out in to the corridor. What Rebel forces remain alive are washed in to the hangar, or dive in to auxilary rooms along the main corridor as Omen continues on toward the turbolift controls.

When close enough, his hand sweeps in front of him, keying all three turbolift call screens at the same time, causing the shaft doors to shut closed with powerful snaps of durasteel and hydraulic expulsions of gas and air.

Moments later the doors snap open again, this time populated by open turbolift cars, and with a glass from within his heavy dark hood, Omen looks to those still with him, Sith armored troopers coming in behind the main force in this of the three attack squads.

"Inside." Omen orders with a gravely elderly voice of ancient rage. His saber is deactivated as he moves in to the lift, its floor also covered in a foot of settling water that sloshes from side to side in the turbolift pod.

The Sith forces will advance then to the upper levels, the command levels of the Cal Cruiser, following the directions of their provided specs on these ever-intricate creations of the once proud Mon Cala people, a people who have now lost their home to the fury of the Sith Empire.

Cut to glorious elevator riding scene, until the doors open upon the command level, and water pours out of each of the trio of turbolifts in to the command deck now, once sparkling clean... now filling with quite a bit of run off from the mess down below.

On the command level, the emergency lights are a shade of yellow and red mixed together, and there is no sign of any soldier forces opposing the arrival of the Sith...

The doors to the bridge loom ahead, sealed shut.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

As the elevator shaft and the pod within delivered the advance team to their destination, there was still much to do. The fireblade snapped out, and the hilt disappeared, for the moment, as Achlys reached into their robes, entirely nonplussed by the state of them, to remove a bacta injector from within those robes, moving within the small confines, and giving only a brief, "A moment, Lord Thul." And then *wham*! Sith Healing of Doom! Or simply a shot of bacta to provide what healing was possible in such circumstances and in such times. Achlys, though, was nothing if not practiced in field medicine, and soon moved back into position, reclaiming the saber hilt as they exited into the corridor. When the bulkhead was reached, Achlys stepped to the side, beginning the process of brute forcing their way into the computer system. "They are using a rather sophisticated system to keep the doors electronically sealed."

[ Zoka Kanas (ZK)]

As the group goes to work on the door, the Rattataki comes up to one of the computer panels and starts to play around with it. There's security she's not quite able to get through, but she does manage to find a game. The trooper quickly glances around and then downloads it onto a data spike. Maybe it'll come in handly later.

[ Aryn Cortess (AC)]

When the lift doors parted, and the bridge corridor was before them, only one obstacle challenged their entry. Darth Kalus waited patiently for Darth Achlys to attempt a more finessed approach at hacking the computer system to open the doors. However, when they voiced the system was far more complex than they intended, Kalus stepped forth.

"Allow me," she offers before claiming the moment to focus her will into the power of the force. Her lightsaber deactivated as she lifted both hands, channeling her mastery of the technique whilst recalling the lessons she had learned when she was a Jedi Knight.

Feeding a passionate desire to be past the doors, Kalus gestured with both hands and took a wide stance, arms struggling to gesture apart from one another. Simultaneously, the doors blocking their path began to groan and protest before finally parting with a sudden, violent deployment of kinetic energy. The toll it takes on Kalus can be seen in the way her shoulders heave from the effort, but both hands have spaced apart and thus the doors mirror that.

Sparks rain down from the chutes the doors have been shoved back into and hydraulic hoses hiss, releasing captured pressure that was forced from its hoses against its intended functionality. Steam clouded the immediate vicinity parting only for the wraiths in black and the soldiers with them.

Reactivating her lightsaber, Darth Kalus remarks, "Forward, I presume." Her crimson blade is brought up in salute before she orients it back to her side and steps ahead, her eyes glowing beneath the confines of her mask, conveying her embrace of the dark side.

[ Bors Thul (BT)]

The ache in his abdomen lessening following the sting of the injector doing its work, Bors allows himself a moment to recognize the lack of his normal arthritic woes and makes note for the future when he returns home to the decidedly unfortunate home in the mountains of New Alderaan.

<"Appreciated, Mistress.">> Head bobbing and his whip being snapped back to blade form in their approach to the hatchway to the bridge. Observing Tamsin's work at the panel. <<"Methinks I am remiss for tarrying in my examination of the use of tamed cutting charges.">> HUD bracketing system panels, but hanging back when Aryn moves up to position.

And the doors are dramatically rendered open for their passage to continue. Blinking behind his visor and somewhat happy to know his expression is concealed from others for now.

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

Though the water rushing out of the turbolifts on this level is not even remotely like it had been down below in the hangar complex, it was still enough water to cover the entire command corridor, and even rush in to some of the open doorways along the side, meeting rooms, offices and a security checkpoint that has been cleared out. As the Sith siege party makes its way toward the door, the water has just left about half a foot of depth upon the ground.

And then the massive bridge deck door is ripped open. This, of course, has Darth Omen pausing to watch from behind his own covered face, his large black hood shifting from side to side as he watches the others with him, his shining obsidian saber hilt clutched in his gloved right hand at his side, unlit for the moment.

The doors are indeed torn open, and inside the bridge a shining light pours out... a droid rolls out in to the hallway, splashing along the water as it stops. "Cover!" Omen shouts, and a second later the droid bursts with a powerful stunning light, and ear deafening sound! Any affected by it will hear rining, and see nothing but eye blazing light for several seconds... while those unaffected will see the unmistakable form of two bright green lightsaber blades!

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

The boon of being differently sighted was indeed a gift. Until it was not. Even as the doors were wrenched open, Achlys turned their attention to the revealed command deck. At entirely the most inopportune time, as it turned out as the world exploded in sound and vision, and they were momentarily blinded, the shock wave nearly sweeping their from their feet. The sight of the green sabers was entirely lost, as was the sight of them. But the movement in the force, so uniquely jedi...was not lost. Nor the sensation of danger that thrummed like a vibration against their senses.

[ Zoka Kanas (ZK)]

The droid rolling out into the water gets a look from the trooper, before the call to get away goes out. She turns away, ducking behind the nearest bulkhead as the flash goes off, managing to avoid getting stunned by it. Though the sound of more lightsabers igniting causes her to grumble under her breath. Not friendly ones.

She takes a knee and leans around the wall, trying to open fire at the younger of the two female Jedi, but trying not to hit any of the Sith in the line of fire. Not an easy task.

[ Aryn Cortess (AC)]

Blinding lights intending to stun them hold no sway over the veteran force user Darth Kalus who raises her weapon against the pair of emerald blades. It is the Knight, and more powerful of the pair, that Kalus' blade intercepts and they enter into a skilled display of swordsmanship. Dueling was an art Alderaanians had practiced for more than 20,000 years, so swordplay was something of a passion for the blonde.

It showed as she transitioned from an initial attack, that was parried, into another more powerful that struck her opponent Knight across their torso. They double back smartly as Kalus intended to conclude the duel with a succinct swing, but the attack found neither blade or body.

Circling again, Kalus guided her weapon through a slow kata, stepping carefully as if she walked a thin rope, her opponent centered upon her frame. "Search your feelings, Jedi, the fight is lost. Submit and spare the life of your pupil. Why throw your lives away?"

Intending to sow doubt as she approached, Kalus at least seemed genuine, though her allies she could not speak for; had they desired the Knight's death, no doubt this commentary provided the window to exact that outcome.

[ Bors Thul (BT)]

Helmet visor going opaque and aural pickups cutting out the moment light and sound rise to untenable levels, Bors is moving. Again, instinct is drawing him along - blade swept up in a swordsman's salute as he locks gaze on the younger of the approaching Zeltron. Suit still sealed at a quick glance - assuaging concern about pheromones.

At least the suit keep the elder man's grunts concealed when he meets the younger of the pair's assault. Forced backward steadily by the onslaught, sparks bursting with each contact of his and her weapons. A snarling buzzing crackle sounding each deflection including one where the Black Knight of Alderaan nearly looses his sword to her parry.


Her advantage being pressed, Lord Thul's response to the wheeling energy blade is to flick the powered sword in a cross-cut meant for the upper torso - the swing nearly going wide when the zeltron dips back and her robes have been parted to the left of her belly and an incredulous look on her face.

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

The red armored Sith Troopers fan out in the corridor as the Jedi rush out of the bridge in to the embrace of the Dark Side of the Force. Green lightsaber blades clash with red, and flashes of powerful energy explosions illuminate the entire command deck. Aryn's skillful swordsmanship makes a lasting effect on the Jedi Knight, her white hair falling around her face as a look of pain is strewn across her face. She turns to her Padawan to shout an order to her...

When a red blade extends through her chest and out her back. She first looks down at the growling blade, before her trembling eyes raise up to the much taller covered face of Omen. He twists the hilt of his saber inside of the Jedi Knight's torso, and says nothing to her.

The Zeltron is fully impaled by the raw energy blade, until it is ripped from her body, causing her to drop down to the deck, her body limp and her own saber hilt rolling across the deck plating covered in water, casting up droplets in its wake as a tendril of smoke falls away from its unlit hilt shroud.

Her padawan suddenly screams out, stepping back from her fight with Bors. Darth Omen turns to face the child, who stammers back toward the bridge doorway, and makes a decision. She unignites her saber blade, and drops down to one knee, lowering her head as a wave of emotion dominates her spirit. The Sith can feel it pouring off of her like the water had poured down the corridors. Despair. Anguish. Welling sadness for the loss of her Mistress.

Omen stares at the Padawan for just a second before he turns to the bridge and starts back on his path, heading in to it with his red saber held up.

Inside the bridge, a handful of security guards stand ready with their blasters aimed at the door, the command staff all reside clustered behind control consoles, and behind that in the void of space beyond the viewports a wall of red TIE fighters can be seen sitting perfectly still aimed directly at the bridge's viewports. The Republic is surrounded now on all sides.

[ Tamsin Cas (Cas)]

Achlys, rising from their momentary droid induced malaise, marked Omen walking past the padawan, faceless mask turning to study the padawan who had dropped to a knee, "That is a good start." She would feel so much more of that in the days to come. Achlys looked back, gesturing to a few of the troopers. "Secure the prisoner. If they do anything except for submit, kill them immediately." With extreme prejudice did not need to be said. They all knew Achlys well enough to understand that was implicit. A hand rose from their side, one hilt, the Knight...oh, excuse me, former Knight's, flying to their hand and tucked away within their robes.

[ Zoka Kanas (ZK)]

As they enter the control room, the ET-6260 is one of the first in, sweeping out to the right with her blaster leveled at anyone on the bridge. It would seem most don't intend to get feisty, but she sees one guy that seems to be getting particularly twitchy, and she levels the T-21 at him, motioning to his hand with the barrel, and making him raise it back up from where he had lowered it to.

[ Aryn Cortess (AC)]

Observing the demise of her foe, she listens as life leaves the Zeltron knight and all those years of training go wasted. A candle's flame snuffed out as darkness presides, and the Knight becomes one with the Force. Silently, she left the decedent to follow the taller Dark Lord into the bridge and awaiting command staff. Rather than wait for permission, Kalus steps ahead.

"Officers," She says, her voice measured and practiced, "Your soldiers and Jedi defenders are no more. The Sith Empire brings with it peace; there is no further need for violence in the galaxy. No further need to rebel. The Republic has failed twice in my lifetime, and I imagine the majority of you share that experience."

Looking from each, she gestures with a hand. "The opportunity for strength and solidarity exists under a new banner, one which you need only bend the knee and submit. Conclude this farce, do not throw your lives away. I can feel it now as many of you leverage what dignity remains in your spine, I ask that you consider the faces of those whom you love, those who remain to you still. Live to see them again. Surrender; bend the knee. The fighting is done. Choose otherwise, and there will be no mercy..." Her glance embodies Darth Omen a moment, his figure cutting an intimidating presence over them already. The choice was theirs to make.

[ Bors Thul (BT)]

The remaining jedi secured, Lord Thul moves instinctively into escort flank with Kalus, blade shouldered and his step a much younger man's thanks to the injections of sweet, sweet, miracles that is bacta. Why he feels forty again at this rate.

When the bridge crew are addressed by Kalus, Bors is at her side and he makes an attempt to speak in addition to her words, external speakers squawking as damage from his altercation with the padawan lends problems to his speech that comes out in fragments... none of them plausible to mistake for the good intentions he had.

<"R**ksh**tten sl*BZSSKT*gs. You now *WHSSZZK* die. For you f*BZKSWHSKZT*ails."> it grows only worse and were it not for Zoka, the one fingering the grip of their blaster might have more gumption to shut him up before he finishes speaking on his own.

[ Darth Omen (Omen)]

Darth Omen remains motionless just a few steps inside of the bridge, standing there as tall as the blast doors entrance, and damn near just as wide. His saber is held at his side, as he just lets what comes, come.

The efforts of the Sith are left with a pregnant pause that looms in the air heavily. Finally, though, a gruff voice speaks as a Mon Calamari steps out from behind a small group of three bridge crew, his color a bright yellow over his face and down his neck, with a darker green trimming the rest of his large head. "Enough." He says. "I am Captain Mona Moch. This is my ship..." The Cala states, his large amber hued eyes looking over the remaining members of his crew. He draws in a deep breath that leaves the tendrils beneath his chin swinging gently as his stare returns to the Sith. He exhales with a sad undertone.

"We surrender. We yield to your rule."

The other members of the security team, those still holding blaster pistols, start to lower them with the tension in their body language moving from tense ready-to-strike down to a growing sadness and committal to their new fate.

Darth Omen's lightsaber suddenly retracts back in to his saber hilt, and he raises his free hand up, commanding shortly. "Seize them."

From behind Omen, a wave of red armored Sith Troopers begin to pour in from the corridor behond, more having arrived from the lower decks of the sieged Cal Cruiser. They take up positions within the bridge, with more coming toward the ship's crew, extending binders out from their utility belts, while others are already escorting the Jedi Padawan back toward the turbolifts.

"Secure the prisoners. Evacuate the ship." Omen says as he starts to turn, but he pauses to look back to the Mon Cal Captain. "And destroy this vessel." He adds from behind his mask in his naturally deep and gravely ancient voice. He stares at the Captain who defiantly stares back... but when Omen turns to leave, the Captain of the Cruiser lowers his eyes as the emotion of this loss builds to a great peak within his heart.

Outside of the Cal Cruiser, the expelled water starts to surround the hull of the ship, encasing it in a strange cocoon as its pulled in by the ship's artificial gravity well, coating the battle scarred hull in a layer of watery armor, almost taking it back to its point of origin on the now destroyed water world of Dac.