Log:The Shadowport: (Yag) Prime of His Life

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Assassination for fun and profit

OOC Date: 26th August 2020
Location: Yag'Dhul System: Yag Prime Station
Participants: The Shadowport: King, Eriu Jynx, Liz'diot, B'haav Adasta, and Zhu Yan as GM.

The short story: King's quicker, EJ makes a "friend", Liz strikes terror, Bav blinds everyone with eyes.

The long story:

[20:04:49|Zhu Yan]
It was in one of the many turbolift tubes of Yag Prime Station, the sole bastion of civilization that sat in orbit around the ridiculously hostile planet of Yag'Dhul, that Zhu Yan said the words that would doom them all.

"Here's the plan."

The background is thus. A 'perfectly legitimate businessman' going by the name Khoan Harand had contracted Zhu Yan and the fearsome warriors (read: dubiously competent thugs) of the Shadowport with a job. A Duros named Ellor Vookto had taken ownership of the station over two decades ago, following a spat between Republic partisans and a former Imperial Warlord who'd launched a coup of Thyferra. Since then he'd run it with a fist so tight dermal ridge indentations were left on every credit passing through the station. A real virtuous sort. Proud. Unbuyable. Ordinarily this wouldn't be any sort of problem, one station with the cowboy in charge. But there was, because the Yag'Dhul system is known for two things.

1) Being the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine.
2) Being directly adjacent to Thyferra.

This meant the bacta business boomed on this station, because all traffic to the Core passed through here. And with all sorts of opportunities present in the less-than-legal space being hamstrung by a law-abiding old-fashioned Magistrate, the decision was made. Vookto had to go.

"Any second now, Heartbreak Two and Heartbreak Three," that was the two Imperial-era Assault Gunships Yan had recently purchased, flown by a couple of poor sods with chips on their shoulder and points to prove, "will be dropping out of hyperspace and going weapons hot. Chaos. Klaxons. Alarms. The whole shebang. We need to swap turbolifts and override it to get to the Command Spire, get past any security in our way, and make sure Ellor Vookto encounters... an accident." Yan pushed back a sleeve on The Jacket to reveal a chronometer he'd lazily glued to his synthetic wrist, with 28 seconds left on the countdown, as the turbolift hissed open to the cramped, cluttered Commercial Deck, with its tight corridors filled with people, market stalls, small shops. It was like Deep Space Nine without any sort of budget. "Find me that Command Spire turbolift, and watch out for any rent-a-cops. Remember, we have no business being there especially to someone as..." his utterance of the next word was in pure DISGUST, "/principled/ as the Magistrate. Hopp to it!"

Crowds milled, thronged, and other words that indicated a very tight fit with a bunch of people. Somewhere on this deck was a turbolift leading to the top of the station and it was now up to the Shadowport members to find it, through whatever means they may glean, hacking systems, negotiating with peasants, shooting guards, or looking at a map. They didn't have long, the fake assault was going to start very soon.

"Sounds pretty straightforward, but who are you again?" King asks, hands resting on the grips of his hard-won revolvers as he leans against the wall of the turbolift. When it ding-dings at its terminus, the Morellian stands up straight and lets his hands fall to his sides, dragging the sides of his coat with them to cover up the handcannon. Less intimidating that way.

The gunslinger, stepping away from the other members of the Port begins a slow mosey to something resembling a mall map kiosk where he'll come to a stop, sucking his teeth as he looks the thing over, tipping his hat back just a bit. His tongue will click as he surveys the thing. "Well...where the heck's the 'you are here' dot. Map ain't worth much without one of them," he grumbles to himself, continuing his steadfast search.

[20:16:21|Eriu Jynx]
The mix and mingle of figures on the station is an interesting melting pot that keeps Eriu moving. Her hair is wavy from the braid it was in during her last job and she takes advantage, giving soft sweeps of her fingers through it to send it into swaying. She plays up to her figure as much as she can but her fingers get stuck in her hair, caught in a knot created by those same waves she is showing off. Muttering below her breath she manages to get her fingers pulled free, a few hairs caught in a couple of the rings she wears. She huffs out a breath and spying someone who looks like they may know whats up she is quick to smooth her jacket and head his way.

"Scuse me.." she says, a bit of hair caught in the corner of her paints lips that has her tonguing it to get it free before clearing her throat and shaking out her hair. "I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the command lift. I have an interview and am going to be horribly late but I fear I turned myself around."

Liz is in his hover chair, single legged, not that it mattered. He had gone to Nar Shadda to get some healing for the sexy white haired Doctor... "Mmmmmm..." He was say dreaming again. "WHAT? Oh YASSSSS... uh... Let us go about those things that need to be done..." He hadn't been listening... again. Alas, his brains would get him through no doubt. He moves that swanky chair of his, looking around the station with curiosity.

[20:31:59|Zhu Yan]
The 'You Are Here' dot is indeed absent, because the Givin who built this place have some sort of hyper-spacial awareness and don't need such silly things as maps, but were asked to provide them when they sold the station. So, being Givin, they made one that portrayed exactly where everything was, to the mathematical nth degree, but without any sort of workings or proof or labelling of what was what. This, however, isn't a deterrent for those who have any sort of spacial awareness, and usit pretty clearly shows a secondary turbolift tube separated from the main 'bunch' in an area of the map highlighted red. Unlabelled. Maybe it means 'restricted'?

The Gotal that EJ had approached turned and gave the woman a once-over. There was a sort of rumbling noise from his throat, and a twitch from his brow, and his voice was raspy when it came out. "Command lift? I cannot help you with that." The man rubbed one of his horns (not that one) and added, with a hint of nervousness, "Why not delay your interview and join me? I have a table at Flarestar booked permanently for someone of my prestige." Ego, no doubt. The nervousness was blooming. This slightly older furry individual was out of his comfort zone. It was the closest he'd been to a woman in years!

You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. Filthy humons mingle freely with disgusting third-dimensional beings! Egad! Look at those FOOLS in their LOVELY uniforms with the HORRIBLE tri-point signet on their chests! Rent-a-cops! Disgusting! Scum like these belong on the boot worn only by the mighty sixth-dimensional beings like Liz'diot poised to conquer the galaxy once it was done conquering itself! YAAAAAAAAAS! INDEED!

Within the Commercial Deck, protected from the cold depths of space by some sheet metal and hundreds of unwashed sentients, the arrival of the two Assault Gunboats was impossible to notice. They gently fwoomp'd out of hyperspace and set in a vector for the station.

Yan, meanwhile, had hobbled up to a food stall. Whatever had happened to his leg was hidden underneath his brand new but nearly identical pants, very much unfit for public viewing. But he was moving, at least. That was a start. "No, look, it's not Twi'leki food, it's everyone food!" he was arguing, trying to make his case as to why this particular dish should be served to him. "Because as far as I'm concerned the distribution of cuisine should be in the hands of the common people!"

"Hell, I ain't seen a Ja'Cee Penneez in a while. Coulda sworn they were all outta business," King remarks to himself, giving the list of shops a cursory glance. A hand reaches up to idly stroke at one side of his moustache, the man 'hrmmm'ing softly. Finally wrapping that big brain of his around the map, King lifts his comlink and says, <<Got eyes on a restricted area of the map. Probably worth checkin' out.>> With that, he'll begin his walk that way. He'll note Yan's argument with a smirk, but interspecies gastronomy has never been a hobby of his, so he'll stay on-mission for now.

[20:48:06|Eriu Jynx]
The Gotal gets a sweet look but she hesitates. "That is unfortunate. I really need this job though you make a good argument. Who might I speak to? If you can help me out I do have someone I can recommend you to see, she is lovely and got a lot of passion." She wiggles her fingers to hold out card that has Domino's contact information. "A friend. She can show you a good time." She ticks her fingers into the air. "Currently unemployed so in no rush to interviews." she advises and then is turning, heading for the nearest station terminal with a mmmph and sway of her hips. She will find her way one way or another and as she steps up towards the interface she gives a quick look around.

Type type type. Her fingers move across the input pad and starts to draw up the schematics and information to see where the turbolift accesses this level.

"Fetid Humons... such disgusting habits..." Said Liz'diot the grossest sentiant to have ever lived other than maybe some Hutt or something. "The Design of this station is that of not even a THIRD DIMENSIONAL being... YAS. Utter, Phewie." He prostests. There is a look it King and EJ... "Perhaps we should just make our way to the restricted Area... that's where lower life forms such as yourselves keep all the goodies..." He places his fingers together in a triangle, "YAS, goodies..."

He opens up his 'trunk space' and pulls out a bag. Rummaging through it he starts to pull out cards and what not. "These should work... I always have them as a back up." He hands them all cards... "You know just incase." Wait were the others not there with him... "HELLO?!"

[21:09:58|Zhu Yan]
That Yan fella, his argument was more heated than viper venom over an open fire. Why, he didn't even see that some horny gentleman was trying to push in on his turf. Don't go be troubling yourself with Yan, he'll get what's coming to him. The map was on the money, with the local lawmen being present in their swanky uniforms with their funny tri-point star sigils. All of them with big irons and bigger squints. None of them paid no mind to the drifter, not until he got close enough to the turbolift. Then and only then did the squints turn, with expressions that tried for 'unreadable' but actually said 'look at me I'm totally hardcore guys.' There, beyond two fellas, one more rotund than the other, was the prize.

EJ's disappearance did not go unnoticed, despite the Gotal regarding the card with Domino's information all over it. This definitely wouldn't bite the former Greystorm in the ass later. Possibly literally. Ew. With that in mind the guy pocketed it and picked out the redheaded Hapan with the hips and the mmmph. Right. Keep workin' those moves, mate, they're absolutely not failing you whatsoever.

EJ was in fact finding a few interesting things, namely, that the turbolift on this level was Restricted Space, guarded by Red Star Securities. Rent-a-cops. Transit on the turbolift was restricted exclusively to security and command staff.

In the worst attempt to be casual, ever, because really this guy has no idea, the horny Gotal was almost leaning over EJ's shoulder asking, "What'cha doing?"

Goodies! Gimmegimmegimme! Indeed, the goodies were CLEARLY held up upon the Command Spire! The beating heart of the station! The nerve center! That was obviously where the SELF-DESTRUCT button lived! YAAAAAS. Left alone by his meatshields, Liz found himself in the presence of third-dimensional fetid individuals who he DIDN'T know and probably DIDN'T care for, with excellent forgeries that would work MOST EXCELLENTLY had they been in the hands of everyone involved! The nearest person was Yan, and he was currently eating something only a Twi'lek could love. Filthy!

The arrival of the two Assault Gunboats was impossible to notice, but the warnings, alarms, red pulsing lights, and klaxons was impossible to miss. "Alert! Alert! Security to defensive positions!" called out a high-strung voice over the internal PA system. "Civilians to secured areas! Incoming pirate raid! Man your stations!" And like that, panic. Voices rose and screaming commenced to compete with the klaxons, people started /moving/ in every single direction, thronging hordes of terrified mobs tried their darndest to get to the place where they wouldn't be turned to paste by the impending pirate assault. Oh dear!
"You! Go! Go!" That was the rotund fella at the restricted area, sending two of his six men out into the ranat's nest that was the station corridors. "Set up at chokepoints, two men can bodyblock a corridor!" He was right, this place was known for narrow corridors. That left four men including the commander on high alert at the turbolift. Talk, shoot, sneak, well sneaking might be hard but either way, these men stood between the Shadowport and their goal.

[21:18:19|Eriu Jynx]
Oh yes. Feed her that lovely information you beautiful screeen of joy. Fall to her whims and light button pressu...OH GODS! She jumps as the Gotal speaks next to her ear and she hisses through her teeth. "Do not...do that. Bantha poo on a buscuit!" She declares this with a hand going to her chest as her heart hammers just to her left. She woofs out and is about to say something when she is SAVED BY THE KLAXON! As the Gotal momentarily looks indecisive she is given that moment to flee - though thankfully he flees as well - in the opposite direction. She fumbles over her own feet and realizes that she's likely not going to make it unseen as she bumps a few figures and twists about.
"Well hell!" She bemoans her ill luck and footing. Blaming that festering blaster wound in her arm that is covered by her jacket.

Somehow Liz finds himself at the Turbolift with the others. There is a STARE at the horny Gotel before he turns his head to ignore the simple beast and speak to his slightly more dignified companions. "One second..." He offers turning to look to King and his own effort of persuasion. "We need to get on that Turbolift before the whole station explodes! Someone planted a BOMB!"

Don't put it past Liz to have /actually/ planted a bomb... or several.

[21:32:38|B'haav Adasta]
B'haav Adasta is resplendent. No, he's as bright as the blazing star in the heart of this system. For he is, head-to-toe, covered in the brightest, gleaming yellow suit that anyone has ever laid eyes on, complete with top hat. And he's deftly weaving through the onslaught of fleeing bystanders and yelling at the top of his lungs at the commander by the turbolift. "Sir! Excuse me, sir! What are you doing here? You are out of position! Did you not even ATTEMPT to read the readiness and emergency report I sent? This is incredibly embarassing, you and your men are not even in the right wing! Frankly, I'm appalled. Why did they hire a readiness coordinator if the workaday commanders can't read? The same thing happened over there and they're on their way here. You'll pass them in the halls if you get moving now, but if you're not there in five minutes, they'll be hearing about it upstairs!" All of that. All of it. One breath.

"Sir! Move your illiterate imbeciles immediately! Sir!" He is a waving beacon of fake authority.

[21:43:50|Zhu Yan]
Squint versus squint. The Red Star Security representative with the DL-54 in his holster tried to match the squint of a professional with his own. It didn't measure up. How could it? But as they say, life was not without a flair for the dramatic. The guard had spent a long time on the Holonet as a boy watching the old Tatooine Saga movies, of the men with the guns and the hats that had risked it all to eke it out. He didn't have a hat, no sir, but he had a DL-54 and his hand hovered over it. What's it gonna be, pipsqueak?

A tumbleweed bounced out of a market stall, across the corridor, and into a suspiciously open doorway.

The Gotal looked like he was down to clown until the klaxon went off, wherein he shrieked and became just another pair of horns in the crowd trying desperately to get to safety, clutching on to Domino's business card for dear life. That was one problem out of the way. The next was the restricted area. It was definitely set up with a few different approaches, King on one, EJ approaching another. The guy with the Repeater was looking elsewhere but the sudden movement of the crowd alerted him to EJ's presence. "Ma'am!" he called out, lowering the weapon because clearly this woman was no threat and just in the wrong place in all the chaos. "You can't be here, you need to get to your designated station!"

OH MY GOD JC, A BOMB! "A buh?" asked the portly chief. No not a buh, a bomb! "Sir," inasmuch as the sixth-dimensional OMNISCIENT could be called sir! 'God' was better. "I'll report it up the chain, but you ca-" and though the big fella was about to argue and say 'go back to your station' or other neener neener words that humons used, he was called over by the youngest and clearly most inexperienced member of Red Star to deal with...

MY EYES! Leaving Liz clear and free to the turbolift, not that he wouldn't have been before but with less effort now, the Chief and the Newbie squinted most painfully as they gazed upon the glory that was the therapist in dire need of some therapy. "So this is a drill?" Right. That would make sense. "Thank god."

"Alright! Lar-ee, Gazer, Dhug, let's get to our new positions!" ordered Da Chief, making all sorts of hand symbols to point to where they needed to go. The Newbie happily followed, and the guy with the Repeater, half-way towards helping out the poor innocent EJ, nodded and fell in. The way to the turbolift was clear. The only one who didn't was the cowboy focused on the drifter, squint versus squint. What's it gonna be, boy?

There's a long pull from King's cigarette as he watches the remaining guard stand his ground. A plume of smoke exits the Morellian's lips and he sniffs sharply, eyes just barely visible to the man under the brim of his hat. "Seems to me like you oughta run along, pard. 'Fore you go and get yourself a write-up," he says, tapping some ash out on the floor and looking all-around nonplussed by the imminent showdown. He sucks his teeth to free a loose tabacco leaf and spits it from his mouth, lifting an eyebrow to his opponent.

[21:53:11|Eriu Jynx]
EJ is left. What? She watches the group move on and she uhhhhs and looks around. Astonished at her luck - thank you B'haav she ruses the turbo lift and once inside can be heard cursing nearly in time with the klaxons. "Kriff." She slips back out and hurries after the moving security, glancing over their backsides, belts and more. Key card. Key card. Key card. The mantra is uttered over and over in her head sas she closes the distance and reaches for something sticking out of the back pocket of the guy who had just been speaking to her and MISS! Her arm cramps up and she grimaces. "Well hell." Its one of THOSE days it is?

Liz blinks, surprised that all actually worked given B'haav's abilities... at least the persumed abilities of someone who thinks you're nothing more than a meat suit. He looks around, "Wait wheres..." There is a slight pause as the Bith thinks. "Nevermind... who needs 'em..." Before continuing on into the trubolift. "TO THE COMMAND LEVEL, SLAVES! YASSSS."

[22:08:33|B'haav Adasta]
B'haav keeps his face still with a nod at the drill question, keeping the ruse long enough for them to disappear before the quick sigh of relief escapes his lips. He looks about, feeling very certain that there should be one more Shadowportian here. He casts his eyes about, but definitely doesn't see Zhu Yan anywhere. Still, if the man is missing, it's probably with a plan. Right? Right. So, there's this turbolift... He looks at the controls, notices a slot for a card - a card he doesn't have. He tries to coax the interface into a compromised entry, but he is temporarily blinded by the reflection of his yellow suit and hits the Reset button accidentally. "Uh... Ooops."

The key to every gun duel is to watch your opponent's eyes. No matter how rough and tumble or experienced someone is, they're always going to look to where they're aiming before they aim. The guard's eye's flit down for just an instant. It's time.

A flash of red from the rotating light above the turbolift whips across King's eyes as he pushes off the wall and his hand zips down to his holster, clutching at the wroshyr grip of his lovingly-crafted and hard-won Morellian Weapons Conglomerate .48 Enforcer. The slugthrower is produced so quickly it's hard to believe that it wasn't always in his hand. It's leveled out and held low and straight at the guard, his other hand hovering over the hammer. CLICK.

CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. The Enforcer is likely one of the loudest hand-held weapons in the known Galaxy, and that fact is made abundantly clear as three shots report through the narrow, metal halls of the station, sending three enormous chunks of metal spearing towards their target. The first strikes true, punching a mean-looking hole in the man's arm. The follow-ups sail wide.

[22:23:05|Zhu Yan]
He's good. Better than most. But he's no King.

The lawman drew and the drifter fired, the slug landing and lodging itself in the lawman's arm around the same time the DL-54 barked its distinctive double-bark. The double-blast from the hand cannon rang close enough to King to leave possibly a few heart palpitations in its wake before the weapon fell from the Red Star security agent's hand. He fell to the ground, clutching the strange wound in his bicep that oozed blood and smelled nothing of ozone. Drifter holofilms had taught him nothing about non-blaster weaponry.

Alas! For the turbolift is locked down! However, the clever interference of Bav and Liz is more than enough to get it up and running. With everbody piling into the turbolift and the door hissing closed, it quickly becomes apparent that the First Citizen is nowhere to be seen. It's The Jacket that they all want, see.

The turbolift jetted into the air, the transparisteel windows previously obscured by superstructure suddenly giving way to a view of the ominous globe of Yag'Dhul. Yag Prime was intact, thank goodness, but it had taken some hits. Visible through the rapidly freezing smoke and plasma burns were the aggressors. The two Assault Gunboats were still flying together as a wing, pursued by an Authority IRD vessel towards two Pinook starfighters. Terrible ships, to be sure, but they were outnumbered, and the pilots knew it. That might be why Heartbreak Squadron was laying in an escape vector. And like that, the view was gone, obscured as the turbolift reached the top of the spire.

There was a ding, and the doors hissed open. Inside the spire was a mostly circular room filled with consoles and one huge transparisteel window that wrapped around the whole thing. There was a holodisplay of Yag Prime in the center, with its whole 'Big XQ-Platform Impaled By Spears' design. And there were about eight people inside in the uniforms of station control, turning to look at the new entrants with confusion primarily, but also some fear. But no Ellor Vookto. He might be behind the door next to the turbolift exit, the one with the blinking red light and the LOCKED holo above it.

"You'll do better next time, son. Get to a doctor," King advised the now-downed guard, giving his .48 a flashy little spin and sliding it back into its holster as he steps past him and onto the turbolift.

"Where's the tubby fellah?" King will ask the other Port member, still not sure exactly who Zhu Yan is. They've never had a conversation, see. Any chances for one have so far been interrupted by gunfire.

Once the lift stops, King will step out, hands resting on his guns as he takes a little look around, content enough to let the other folks do all of the planning and talking and what-not.

[22:32:46|Eriu Jynx]
Eriu is just as wary as the doors open but she steps out and tosses her hair. "You have no reason to worry. We will take over from here, they need you downstairs coordinating. We have come in special hires to take over for you. I suggest you move now as we do believe this could be a distraction and another force could be approaching to board the station. It is suggested you move quiclky so we can officially coordinate from here." She says this as she steps aside and adjusts her jacket, lifting her chin as the Hapan - not overly tall - walks as if she is taller than most in the room, strides bringing her closer to the others and making sure there is space for them to leave. "Hurry." Its said as she tries to elbow her way to the console and begin reading out numbers and reports of the ships outside. "Specialist Liz'ran," No real names here. "I need you on the other console please."

"YASSSSSS, HU-MON. It is I LIZ..." There is a pause from the Bith, "RAND? What ahorrible name, curse my feted parents for naming me such an abismal call sign." HE scoffed, SCOFFED at EJ. Reguardless that hover chair moved into the main control area. "WHAT you all you loking at?!" HE shouts in seething disgust. "You MORONS, GET OUT OF MY WAY." HE attempts to get tho the console.

[22:45:49|B'haav Adasta]
B'haav follows, wincing ever so slightly at the Bith's harsh entrance, but this is still salvageable. He tries to explain to the room full of confused staff, picking up the alias that Eriu Jynx had thrown out. "Specialist Liz'ran may seem brusque, but I assure you it is out of an abundance of passion for his job and the sheer vital import of the work with which we have been tasked. While I would not personally use his words, the intention is universal: we must all do out best and - for you - that is helping coordinate down below while the specialists hired to save a great many lives are able to do so. Please proceed calmly to the lifts in an orderly fashion and deploy yourselves pursuant to your skills. We have it from here." He gives them a very soothing smile, and his grey eyes almost sparkle with genuine concern. If they dont' leave, things will get messy, so the concern is real.

[22:52:43|Zhu Yan]
The motley crue of the Shadowport get mixed looks. EJ's masterful handling of the crowds is immediately ripped to pieces by Liz's bullheaded, well, everything. Thankfully, Bav was well on hand to defuse the sudden escalation of tension. There was some murmuring between workers before they decided to oblige the man in the OH MY GOD MY EYES suit who clearly knew what he was on about. The turbolifts were suited to six, but all eight crammed in without issue.

Now that just left the matter of the Magistrate. And speaking of the Magistrate, the flashing LOCKED sign above the door suddenly went to UNLOCKED, and the door slid open. There stood the older form of Ellor Vookto, with his own red-eyed squint. Today was the day of bad eyesight. His voice was the rumbling static typical to Duros with the roughness of age. "Who the frack are you?"

The gunslinger known as King can be a downright charmer when he sets his mind to it. However, this is not one of those times. Still, he's doing his best to just keep his mouth shut and stay out of the way while the other three handle the subtleties of intrigue.

Oh, hey; there's their target. Just coming right out to greet them. CLICK. BANG. BANG. BANG. Shots ring out again as King's revolver leaps forth from its holster. Two slugs rip into the Duros, one through the gut and one through the leg, the third ricocheting off of a bulkhead with a lound ring.

[23:02:19|Eriu Jynx]
"Hold up," she has no time to praise B'haav or glare at Liz but she does try to stop the slaughter as she pulls out a datapad. "No listen ...the person I can not even remember the name of because I can not be bothered. We are here to kill you. We can make that a non thing if you want. Just...slip an agreeable amount of money into this account I have here in my hand from your own. You make yourself scarce, get yourself another name and we can say we spaced you. Then whoever you pissed off is not going to come looking for you and if you make a return...just know that we are waiting." She smiles sweetly. Perfect lips. Perfect teeth and deadly intent as she steps forward and extends the datapad in his direction.

"Accept or my associate here gets to put another notch on his belt."

Liz ignored everyone, even the loud gunshots from King's hand canon. Somehow... some way. Let's face it he was probably still def from that flashbang he let off back on Ord Mantel. "AHAHAHA, STUPID HUMONS... YASSS. I, Liz..." A pause, "Ran? Will now utterly lock you out of all your precious systems. Feel the mighty power ~and Size~ of my Sixth Dimensional SHLONG. INDEED!" His long lanky fingerd work that keyboard like he were trying to please a lover.

[23:12:41|B'haav Adasta]
B'haav's ears are ringing as the gun fires off in a rather enclosed space, so he misses some of what Eriu Jynx said. "Yes, we have no problem waiting for you with a belt!" He's speaking too loudly, likely thanks to the ringing in his ears and the irritating resonance in his palps. "Keep up the good work, specialist," he calls out to the Bith behind him.

[23:18:14|Zhu Yan]
The slugs hit Vookto like hammerblows. One went straight through his torso and pinged off the durasteel behind him, the second cut his leg out from under him. Kneeling, bleeding, and completely at the mercy of these criminals, he stared up at the thugs from the Shadowport and gave them a glare of pure, unrefined hatred. "So you and your boss can turn this place into a second Spice Terminus?"

At the datapad, Vookto spat blood.

"And buy my life with credits?" hissed the Magistrate. "How dare you?! I am trying to keep this place safe from the likes of you! This," and he pointed at his chest, "is MY town!"

As Vookto gave his powerful impending-second-wind speech, he had no idea his own access was being suborned by Liz'diot, who had absolutely reached around and gone in the back door of Yag Prime's computer systems. It gave up all of the Magistrate's access codes to the Bith with something resembling embarrassment at the good time it had just been shown, and left a note for Liz to call it later.

"Yeah, well it's time you moved on, pard," King says, taking an easy step forward, pressing the barrel of his slugthrower to the man's head, and pulling the trigger. The sound of the gun is muffled a bit by Duros flesh, but the administrator's head pops wide open, showering anything behind him with globs of green goo.

Another flashy spin, and King's .48 slides back home. "You got everything, Liz?" he asks, flicking some Duros blood from his hand and looking over at the Bith.

[23:24:40|Eriu Jynx]
A long lengthy sigh leaves Eriu's lips as she makes a face at the slimey blood spattered saliva across her datapad and now..blood. That slugthrower is messy and she even lifts a hand to wipe at her face and manages to spread some across her cheek. ROSY! EJ gives King a look and then mutters, "Ew." She steps closer and without so much as batting an eye she leans forward and wipes the datapad screen across the arm of Ellor. WIPE. WIPE. WIPE. She tries to get it clean and then she bites into her lip as she straightens up. "A little extra would have been nice, but the jump has been completed."

She reaches out to link with Yan. "Its done. We got him." She says over the com channel and then rolls her shoulders back to clip her pad back to her belt.

"INDEED mustached crusader!" Liz reports, pulling out a death stick an sticking it in his mouth hole. He lights it, smoking the spice filled stick. "YASSS. You station is now under my direct control." He shuts off the Kalaxions and returns the base to a normal state. "I'd suggest you all accept us as your new SUPREME LEADERS or I'll vent everyoen bellow deck into space." He was serious... he had just that much hatred for everyone in the vacinity.

[23:31:29|B'haav Adasta]
The Balosar is far enough back from the final shot that he ought to be safe. Well... He should have been. But, palming at his ears to try to reduce the ringing, and then flinching at the final shot, he doesn't really have the time to go for cover. If one were to reduce the previous moments to slow motion, one could track that one fat particle of blood and brain that flies outward from Shadowport's target, arcing lazily through the air where it finally strikes something solid - a blazingly bright yellow shoulder. B'haav feels the impact and looks over. "OH YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME," he mutters to himself, looking for some water he could begin soaking the jacket in to try to keep the stain from setting too badly before he could get it into a vat of cleaning solutions.

[23:37:46|Zhu Yan]
And like that, it was done. Ellor Vookto had boarded the express train to the great beyond at the hands of the man they called King. The rest of the station was about to board the same train at the hands of Liz the absolute mad lad. Or as we like to call it, Tuesday. All in all, a good day was had, a job was done, and it could be happily written off as an accident via pirate attack. Win win.

"What? Did you?" was the staticky voice of Yan over the comm, clearly somewhere in the din of crying screaming threatened people. "I had no idea you'd made it up there, I got caught in the stampede!" It was plausible, it was definitely a hell of a stampede in those narrow corridors especially with the raging Bith over the PA system. "Get Liz off the comms and get him to code the security system to... hang on I'll send the code through." It's a shame the code came through on to the bloodstained datapad and noth the other ones. "I'll send that to our employer and we're good as gold. Let's get out of here."

In the command office where Ellor Vookto once laired was the man they called Zhu Yan, totally alone. Aside from him, both the office and the spire were empty. Security drills. "Hrmh," he said, looking over one of the wall consoles, then walking to the desk and punching that same command code he'd told his henchman he was selling into the keypad. The terminals came to life slowly, flickering, expected since this was an old station, and Yan looked upon it with a smug grin. He turned and looked out the wide viewport, at the stars, and the doom-filled globe of Yag'Dhul in the distance.

"And that, is how you do it."