Log:Rogue Squadron: Kapture the Airfield

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Kappa Squadron fights Rogue Squadron

OOC Date: August 07, 2020
Location: Carida, Kappa Territory
Participants: Jessika Pava, Karé Kun, Crash Tommaz, Elrych Cometburn, Tallissan Lintra, David Ironside, Jax Greystorm, Poe Dameron, New Republic

Carida, Kappa Air Base

Local Time: 21:00

Territory: Patrolled by Kappa Squadron

Intelligence: Kappa Squadron is an elite First Order Fighter Squadron notorious for shooting down New Republic fighters and transports in the area. Led by veteran commanders, the Squadron packs a punch and never retreats. Rogue Squadron is deployed to engage Kappa Squadron and punch through their patrol territory so ground forces can begin operations to acquire Kappa Air Base.

Rogue Squadron dip beneath the clouds after spearheading a descent from high orbit. Hitting supersonic with S-foils (for those who have them), the crafts or organized into a compact formation. Poe's voice crackles over the comm-line, toned slightly like a robot given the heavy crypto influence.

<<"This is Rogue Leader.. everyone check in. We're crossing into Kappa territory.">>

Evening has settled over the land, casting it in an eerie lunar light over the terrain. Occasionally, flashes of ruby red and emerald green lances of laser light decorate the ground. There is no masking the sounds their crafts make, and given the sporadic fighting and frequency of recon patrols in the area, they came in KNOWING they were being tracked. The plan was to lure Kappa squadron out.

It works. Sensors are picking up 10 TIE/sf signatures closing quickly. <<"Guys, we got company!">>

<"Rogue Leader, this is Rogue Three. I'm on your starboard." The clouds her snubfighter pierces at supersonic speeds, cleaving through them so fast they're there one instant and then gone the next, Major Jessika Pava keeps her craft steady with her hands settled on throttle and stick. Condensation smears across the transparisteel viewport of her cockpit for the briefest of seconds before it seems to evaporate. The water washes off too quick to register. The fusial thrust engines of her craft burn bright in the atmosphere. Jessika can feel the air tension on the stick. The X-Wing shudders in ways it doesn't when its in space. This is going to be fighting of a different kind, but she's ready. She's done this before. "Ailee? Keep low." With no more warning than that, she sets an attack vector for the TIE/sf signatures closing quickly. <"I see them, Rogue Leader.">

'Did You know that New Alderaan is one of the largest exporters of blue sewn thread..' The Robotic voice droned on as the Starfighter screamed forward, the air resistance barely being heard by the Veteran Pilot. Her fingers glided over the different instruments - keeping the vessel steady. As Poe pops up, Kare reaches over - hitting a button deactivating the lesson for the day. Her eyes going down to look at the information. A slight frown as she leans her head back, "That.. Doesn't.." She leans over to look out of the cockpit.

<<"Rogue 6, Checking In. They're using Jamming Equipment. I see atleast Two Tie Silencers with them.. Maybe more.. We can't trust what we're being told electronically">>

She leans back, "I want scanners on full Rev.. no surprises.." She reaches down to lock S-Foils as well as move into battle speed.

If the plan was to lure them out, then Crash has his head in the clouds still. More to the point, he has his A-Wing up there, using the condensation and vapor of the clouds to obfuscate sensor readings. Plus those sensor jammers of his... his plan is to hang out up there and wait until the engagement begins before stooping upon the Kappas like a bird of prey.

<<Twelve. In position.>> he says into his comm as he keeps his throttle in a low cruising speed to avoid giving himself away that way.

For now, he is waiting for the right moment..... a moment when he can make more of a difference than simply mixing it up. A moment when he can be... decisive. Sure, he's a kid, but he put some thought into this.

Elrych has the music going in his cockpit as he easily flies in tight formation with the rest of the squadron. They can hear the smooth tune over the comms as he answers Poe. <<"Four here... and can confirm. I see two silencers there with Kappa... this ought to be a real intersting fight...">> He opens his s-foils as Eggsy beeps, changing the tune to something a bit harder hitting and more fast paced. Elrych smiles, "You know me too well... but I should have brought the E-Wing maybe." He turns the ship to head right into the maw of their formation, shields double front. Taking a deep breath, he reaches out for the Force.

The chop of turbulence in the T-85 is novel; they chatter along running in front of the field of sound that reverberates behind them.

"We are going to flush them fast, Fiver. Keep those sensors peeled," Tallie says conversationally over the noise. The top of the droid's spherical head is barely visible behind her as it hunkers down.

<<"Rogue Seven, acknowledging your signal, Rogue Leader.">>

Consider the Kappa Aces lured out. <<"Rogue 8, reporting. Did you say TIE Silencers? Plural?">> he requests. He keeps his fighter on Tallie's wing, eye on the systems to keep it in line. <<"I'm with you, Seven.">> the pilot makes sure to inform his wing leader, adjusting speed to combat, trailing bits of cloud off the wings as the fighter cuts through.

Jax was piloting Rogue 9 as he comes breaking through the clouds with the rest of Rogue Squadron. <Rogue 9, reporting in.> The contacts light up on his scopes and Exine chatters in his ear. Jax chooses to ignore the droid for a moment. His hand reaching over to extend his s-foils lever. Outside his fighter S-foils extend into the silhouette that gives the family of fighter crafts it's name. He takes a deep breath and feels the force surrounding him pour through him, guiding him as he guides it. <Looks like a whole heap of trouble.> Then as com traffic reports that there's silencers ,mixed in and they're getting jammed. < Sounds like a lot more trouble than we thought? Assignments Rogue Leader?>

The distance between the squadron closes fast. Poe is only slowed by momentary drag when he tries to sight for a target. <<"It's going to get nasty in here.. cover each other. Call your shots!">>

<<"Copy on the Silencers.. I see them. Bee-Bee Eight.. see what you can do, pal! Keep them marked.">>

The Silencers rise up and Kappa Squadron follows, their engines screaming in the way that they've always done. The air begins to flash with green cannon shots!

<"Rogues, don't get dragged into rate fights! Take the vertical advantage and don't get too close to overshoot."> The capabilities of the TIE Silencers and the TIE/sf are well known. For the X-Wings, they lack speed in exchange for power. The way to win is to use superior air combat maneuvers. Attacking from above? That's part of it. Gaining momentum and thrust by dropping her nose, Jessika dives towards Kappa Leader, spotted out by Captain Kun. The display shows the fighter's image swaying between the pronged reticle of her targeting computer, and Jessika vies for the line-up. It's as easy as superimposing the cannons lead over the target, and once a solution is flashing in bright tone, Jessika's finger depresses the trigger on her flight stick.

Spitting angrily, the tips of her X-Wing unleash hell at the incoming fighter. It's shields are battered mercilessly by the triple impact of her laser cannon fire. <"Kappa Leader's shields are weakened, solid hit!"> She streaks by, merging with the TIE Silencer, and goes to leveling off easy to avoid expending too much energy because of atmospheric friction.

<<"Copy...">> Rogue 6 reports back, <<"Atleast two of them.. We may be in for a fun ride if they have more then that.">>

Kare's eyes go to a holographic display, an image staring back at her. There's a slight grin before she looks up and see's Jessika and several of the others going after one of the silencers. An eyebrow raising, the pilot does a quick barrely roll and the engines blast to life - whining against gravity as it tries to bring the ship down. She lets the G-Force take hold as she comes into combat speed.

Kare glances over to the Comms as Jessika speaks, <<"Copy Rogue 6..">>

The DUsky-skinned woman takes the shot - all four lances missing. With in the Cockpit every Mandalorian curse that can be said is said..

And she doesn't know a word of Mandalorian.

Okay, laser fire is beginning down below. Opening engagement exchanged beginning.Crash twists his control stick and inverts his little craft before pulling back and climbing downward. As he does so, his left hand urges his throttle control forward to the stops. He stoops down, screaming out of the clouds.

As he comes, his lips pull back from his teeth like the wind itself was pushing against his flesh. On a perpendicular vector, he flashes past the engagement, laser cannons knocking the shields offline for a surprised Silencer.

Once past, he presses the left footpedal to the floor and twists the stick while pulling it up... suddenly about fifty meters from the ground and racing over it, leaving a wake on the surface... then he pulls back once more, a bit more gently this time, and begins climbing once more back towards the fight.

Part of the squadron swoops in from on high, reminding Tallie of the birds of prey on Pippip 3 that would take the high thermals over the vast fields of crops. "Fiver put me on Kappa 3." They open s-foils, roll to starboard and the fight begins. Targeting brackets flash orange as they line up for a fusillade lasers.The TIE/sf jinks out from under her fire in the expert hands of a veteran pilot and they come around in a tight turn to reengage. Trading shots that light the canopy of the X-Wing green.

<<"I'm with you, Seven, on Kappa 3.">> David intones, keeping his fighter on Tallie's 7. Or 8. Somewhere in-between. When Tallie's shots miss, David adjusts some on the fly. When his attack goes wide, David shakes his head slightly. <<"They really are Aces, huh?">> he remarks. <<"Seven, I'm swapping wings.">> he reports, corkscrewing over Tallie's fighter, going canopy-to-canopy for a moment, though there's plenty of space for the X-Wing's sizeable wings in between, before the fighter rights itself on Tallie's 4. Or 5. Somewhere in-between.

Jax dives at Kappa 4 from above as they engage. He lines up his shoot as Exine makes a pinging sound. The Corellian pulls on the trigger sending a quartet of canon bolts loose in the atmosphere just in time for the Tie fighter to juke out of the way. THere's a sound of a giggle from the droid socket behind him. "Yeah laugh it up. Just remember he's probably got a gunner in there." Jax says as he goes flying past Kappa 4 as he pulls up on the stick to level himself out before come bringing his X-wing back around to re-enter the melee. < Someone in Intel did their work, these guys are good.>

Elrych notices Jess and Crash angling in on one of the silencers, ripping into it's shields. He turns hard with the stick and attempts to get a linked shot off. It goes wide. He'd come around for another but several of the TIE/sf were now angling in on /him/. He felt a little off, not quite feeling the 'flow' like he normally does. "Stang... come on." The first Kappa is off his mark by a wide margine but the other manages to hit a patch of green as he takes a shot. He presses the air flaps, slowing his X-Wing down and letting them Zip ahead of him and out of their firing line. He pushes the throttle forward again, speeding the T-85 up once more, pink engines burning hot and bright in the night sky.

The initial heat is rough. ROUGH. Poe gets rocked hard, then even harder when two other TIEs join in on his pursuit. Sparks fly in his cockpit as his fighter is scored with cannon fire and he takes to the clouds for a moment. "DAMN IT!-- Work your magic, buddy!"-- <<"This is Rogue Leader, I'm smashed pretty hard here guys. Kappa six is hurting though!">>

The fight is nasty, really.. really nasty. The TIE pilots and their gunners prove unforgiving as they pursue the squadron and test Rogue's reputation.

<"They're hot on your tail, Rogue Leader!"> Jessika doubts Poe needs the announcement, but she hopes the urgency lights a fire under his ass and gets him motivated to move harder. She can't help but watch as his shields are disintegrated and carbon scoring is left along his X-Wing. Pushing that out of her mind and knowing he's in good hands with BeeBee in the back, she instead pulls inverted before twisting, performing a quick loop that bleeds speed from her craft. It gives Kappa Leader an opportunity to settle on her six, but Jessika doesn't stay still. Her craft jinks, swapping left and then cutting a switch to stay out of his crosshairs. It was the wrong move if she was going to keep the silencer as her target. That's not her target, though.

Following Rogue Leader's plan of attack, Jessika sweeps in towards Kappa Six trying to be evasive. The pilot doesn't seem to be expecting an attack from the flank, because as Jessika leads the reticle on her helmet mounted cueing system, and depresses the trigger on her flight stick, the pilot's reaction only comes after the first laser cannon bolt chews through the hull of the TIE/sf. The second impacts center fuselage and makes Kappa Six explode, scattering molten metal and debris across the sky. <"Rogue Three, splash one!">

"I swear to what ever God First Order grunts believe in - I am going to make you eat the ground.." Kare softly curses the pilot in the Tie Silencer as she continues to miss him. Her eyes go to the Comms as she hear's Poe's distress call and then scanners additionally show that Jax is getting hit. She looks between the two ships and then up to the clouds where Rogue Leader is. A brief moment of indecision, as her eyes go back to look at the read outs on Jax's ship. A soft exhale.

<<"Got your Six, Pretty Boy...">> She leans back and yells back to her droid, "Hold on Rev.."

The Ace Pilot reaches down to activate the boosters - accelerating past attack speed and veering up. The Engines creak their resistance to having to fight against the atmosphere of the planet. Her eyes go down to the scanners, "Come on..Come On.." She waits or the alert of the lock on, her eyes flancing up to the User Interface to see a large green reticle appear, "Gotcha.."

Red Hot Lasers release from the barrels - slamming against the shielding of the other starfighter.

"Let's see how it feels when it's a fair fight."

Okay, so Crash thought he got through the flustercuck safely, until lasers splash off of his shields. He growls, <<Hate to admit it, but I could use a hand here..>> he says into his comms as he twists and angles and fires off a rapid size series of shots at the same Silencer as before... scoring the hull and causing it to flee. <<On a plus note, that?s one out of the fight.>> he admits as he goes into desperate evasive maneuvers to try to shake the TIE on his tail.

Elrych angles in on the second Silencer, his targeting computer givign him a clear warning when it certainly would have missed. "Eggsy, turn that piece of drek off..." THe droid turns off the music. "No! The targeting computer..." The Music comes back on but the retical no longer lights up. "At least now we know the songs you don't like." The Ace Jedi sticks his tongue out as he concentrates, lining up a shot on the silence the very, very old fashioned way. One of the crimson bolts strike against the shields. "I think we're on to something."

"These pilots have been training, Fiver. Look at that flying." Kappa 3 goes low to the ground in a daredevil game. Tallie is right on his six angling for a shot when she has to pull up last minute, one red laser lashes out illuminating the TIE's shield. Fiver squeaks at how low to the ground they're flying. "Relax, relax. This is like crop dusting." They pull straight up where she can get a visual and a sensor read on the rest of the squadron.

Grinning slightly as he does his best to keep up with Tallie's flying, David doesn't miss a single beat. Navigational beat, anyway. When he's level with Kappa 3, he takes some shots, but the TIE is on evasive maneuvers, throwing dust up from the surface as the two X-Wings fly in pursuit. One bolt passes by the TIE while another slams into the ground, forcing David to jerk out of the way of the impact zone, before falling in line with Tallie again.

Kappa 4 was dodged but leaving Jax open for Kappa 12 to strafe him from side. His shields sparking into view. Exine goes to work trying to bring the shields back up. The langauge of the droid was keeping up with Kare's cockpit. Jax shakes his head, "FIne FIne I can't keep saying I'm rusty." He says as he changes course going to open fire on the Kappa 12. He opening fire on Kappa 12 this time it's a small miss. From the back there's an Aha moment as the shields stablize and start to rise again. "Alright you're a better technican than I am a pilot."

"Yeah.. YEAH.. I SEE EM! Damn it! STOP SPRAYING SPARKS EVERYWHERE!" Poe yells, turning his seat to look back before focusing ahead. Evasive flying was all he could manage here to stay up in the air. <<"I can't shake these guys!">> Poe takes a dive, his ship shaking with another hit as several skim past his canopy.

Meanwhile, Kappa Squadron is showing a great deal of fortitude here. Despite losing their Squadron leader, and another TIE/sf, they are covering each other and moving with a dignified grace. TIEs begin doubling up on some of the fighters, adjusting to give good angles for their turret gunners.

<"I'm on your hostiles, Rogue Leader."> Jessika doesn't need to see it to know that Poe is in danger. Ailee is wailing about it behind her, and she's already on edge from seeing his X-Wing get lit up from before. <"Chasing one off."> She tries to keep her voice cool, craft jinking out of instinct as much as in response to Ailee's warning of individuals on her own tail. As TIE laser cannons stitch the air where she used to be, she takes the opportunity to settle up with Kappa Five hot on Poe's snubfighter. With her flight lead evasive, Jessika's able to dive down after him to gain some of her previously lost momentum. It helps speed her up to catch them, and the wider, more graceful maneuvers of atmospheric combat end with her nose leading where it needs.

The laser cannons fire, lighting up her cockpit with flashes of red, but the yellow visor on her helmet keeps her eyes from being overpowered by the brightness. Instead, she watches the staccato rippling of shields being beaten by her shots and forcing Kappa Five to abandon the target of opportunity. <"One off your six, lead!"> She doesn't chase Five at all, but stays trailing Poe, ready to engage Kappa Nine to warn that craft off, too.

As the battle continues, Kare pushes forward - forcing her starfighter to dip forward and twist - trying to fight the natural order of physics while still not getting blown out of the sky. Her read outs showing that everything was still right where it is.. for her atleast. Her eyes go back out as scanners record the damage and beating that Poe is taking. She looks back down, bringing up an active scan of the vessel - the scan showing worse then what she had feared. A slow shake of her head, as she leans over trying to get a better understanding. However, her sensors again squeak as yet another of Rogue Squadron is taking heavy damage. She looks up at Poe as he is being chased - his ship in tatters. Her voice soft, "I'm sorry..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath,"Rev.. Get me a targeting resolution on that Tie.."

Her eyes open, and she pulls back - the vessel doing a loop and then falling down only faintly before it screams forward. She clicks the Comms.

<<"Rogue 12, Rogue 6... Keep it steady and slow.. I got you.">>

There is a soft growl, "This is the wrong day, First Order Scum..."

The lasers fire out and strike at the Tie Interceptor - causing it to explode in glorious fire.

<Yeah. Looks like one is out of the fight and..> Crash's little A-Wing gets rocked by more fire, red lights flashing in his cockpit even as warning klaxons howl in his ears. He slams the override down and silences the alerts. <Damnit. Hyperdrive is out but..> And that's when he sees the explosion behind him, <Thanks!> he calls out even as Poe flashes overhead with two TIE's in pursuit.

He punches the throttle as he hopes it'll work... and when it does, he grins, < Sublights are fine.> And then he pours rapid fire lasers out at one of Poe's pursuers as he angles and drops in behind them. When Kappa 9 explodes, he twists and spins through the debris as he calls, <Lasers still working too!>

A face melting, sky cracking, ground shaking electrical string solo erupts in Elrych cockpit just as he dives steeply to get away from a hail of green laser destruction. "Wooooahhhh!" The song then slips into a Power Ballad, hard hitting fast paced inspiring war song. He turns through the cravas, around the snow capped mountain, then into a 90 degree climb back towards Kappa 2. Water vapour plooms around the now super sonic snub fighter. He didn't see that one coming, turning just as Elrych fires another salvo of scarlet death, one of the beams hitting the shields again. The Jedi keeps up the persuit.

The pincer movement on Poe has Tallie cursing quietly to herself. When Crash looks like he might join Dameron, Tallie's knuckles whiten on the throttle. "Line them up for me, Fiver."

The other pilots are on the same wavelength and gun for the TIEs that damaged their own, leaving them limping and downed. Kappa Three engages with her again, the exchange is heated, neither of them hurt. They both veer off to come back in tight to the fray.

David scores a hit on the TIE he and Tallie had been chasing, and with the attack hitting its target, David takes a moment to monitor comms between the Rogue fighters. <<"Slow and steady wins the race, we'll have these creeps out of here in no time.">> he comms, hearing about all the TIEs fleeing or getting downed. <<"We'll get him on the next pas, Seven.">> he assures the Commander whose side he hasn't left this whole time.

Exine is singing a little song as he goes about continue to repair Rogue 9 and ignoring Jax and his flying. Doot, Doot. The shields continue to creep up and up.

<Rogue 1 and Rogue 12 look to be clear for the moment. Good work guys.> Jax says as he gets sighs on Kappa 4 and pulls the trigger getting a solid pair of hits, <Uh-uh. We're still dancing. I know it's Pretty Boy and he looks available. But you came here with me.> Jax forgets he's broadcasting on squad com

Poe's tail finds themselves at the mercy of Rogue Squadron as Jess and Crash shift targets and engage. One veers off to dance with Jess, the gunner firing back toward her. The other explodes just after the A-Wing blitz by in the blink of an eye! Crash's tail finds their end at the hands of Kare, the explosion dotting the sky briefly. Kappa is beginning to bleed. Bad. Rogue is toeing the line and giving them a run for their money.

<<"Thanks guys, you really helped me there. Coming back to throw some more punches. Let's get this done, Rogues!">> Poe says, relief in his voice and it's somehow conveyed in the robotic output of their comms. BB-8 informs Poe that his shields are back up, but not stable yet. "Just keep at it, buddy. We're getting through this!" Poe's voice is hoarse from screaming. This was rekking intense.

"......" Kare watches Crash do a flip and go after the one that was going for Poe. Her head staying still, yet eyes following as he bee lines. She looks back to her controls. A soft exhale, "Rev - give me a read out of the fight. Do you see their leader or any of the others that are running?" A pause as she waits for the read outs and shrugs, "... Alright.. Back to it.." She reaches up and hits a switch, flaps opening up and the vessel turning to bank around as she locks back onto Kappa 2. Her eyes going to the reticle and firing..

Only to miss..

"...Yea you better run."

Without needing to say anything, Ailee has already been at work bolstering shields. She bypasses some of the less necessary systems, like cargo compartment power, in favor of feeding it into the protective field keeping them safe from destruction. She warbles that they've been restored to full and Jessika, seeing Kappa Nine get obliterated, veers off towards the fleeing Kappa Five. <"You're six is clear, Rogue Leader. Stay alive."> It's not an order. Majors don't order Generals. But it's an order. It's the last quip before she's weaving through the air after the TIE/sf responsible for some of the horrible scoring left on Poe Dameron's snubfighter. She can't turn as fast as the TIE, but twisting inverted and banking down as it spirals helps seat her into a nose-leading position that allows her to line up her shots. Laser cannon fire stitches through the air again and pierces through the TIE to riddle it with massive holes. How it's still alive is a feat all its own. It tries to flee. Jessika starts pursuing.

After that kill, Crash exhales a breath he had no idea he had been holding. He peels off and pulls up beside Poe, <<Hey. Cover me a sec, eh?> he calls out over the comms as he does his best to jury-rig some shield repairs. "Come on, come on." he mutters as a spark flares from the wires he's been jiggling. "Blast!" he mutters before looking up at the sound. <Okay. Shields back online> he reports.

Elrych makes a little room for Kare to maneuver on the fast silencer. Her attack on the sleek black draft cause it to turn abruptly and head right for him. Have green laser fire lances out towards him. He inverts his craft, turning into a hard barrel roll that was likely pullin a lot of Gs. As they angled closer, it became a game of chicken. The two craft careened towards each other. "Yeah... Yeah?" The music in his cockpit swelled. <<"Kriff around, find out...">> He announces over comms, waiting for the last minute to pepper the remaining shields of the Silence with laser fire. The shields shatter and the craft breaks away. <<"Scared Drek-less, I tell you what.">> He's grinning ear to ear.

The rotund droid is beside itself as two come gunning for them. "Calm, calm." Tallie talks more to herself than to the hysterical droid.

<<Excellent turnaround, Mynock. You're giving them a bad day, David. Rogue Leader, show us how it's done!">>

"Crop dusting time, Fiver." The droid wheee-oooohs as they do a stomach-wrenching drop that pushes them both hard against their restraints. They come up under Kappa Three. It catches fire in the atmosphere, and the last they see of their adversary is a smoke trail going to the west.

"Give me targets." Kappa Two still in the fight after so many have gunned for the ace is next in the queue.

David gives a little fist pump in the cockpit. Little because there's not that much room for grand gestures. <<"Nice shot, Seven.">> he calls out, checking his systems for another target. He was locked on Kappa 3 but, well, there's too many little pieces of that one to shoot now. And they're strewn all over Carida's surface by now, too. The corner of David's mouth lifts slightly. <<"Hey, Seven.. how about we mop up that remaining Silencer together with the Jedi, huh?">> he suggests, locking in a vector towards it just as it passes by. "Convenient.." David tells himself, yanking the control stick into a pursuit and sending what he'll definitely claim were warning shots at the Silencer. "Remember Nar Shaddaa, Ones? I told you we'd get a shot at this again, didn't I? Probably not the same pilot, though."

Exine pops off something about Jax needed to adjust his have a bit to the left. "I hear you Ex and good work with the sheilds." The droids beeping at him, "Right right. I shouldn't expect anything less from you and you'd adapt to the left. Right, right." Jax says as misses again. He was trying to keep Kappa 4 in his sights. "Come on stay in my sights."

Rather than chasing Kappa Five, Jessika peels back towards the battle and the rest of her squadron. Chasing some mostly destroyed craft just for the kill is stupid on her part and dangerous in any tactical situation. There's still a major threat on the battlefield. Jessika turns on it, now, knowing that the TIE Silencer will be dangerous as long as its left alive. She remembers the first time they encountered one of these things. Only this time, Tion's not with them. Brushing that thought aside and keeping her head on the fight, Jessika has no trouble getting into position to fire on the pilot, but delivering a quad-burst of laser cannon fire towards a craft that's been kept jinking by constant hounding from Rogue Squadron is a difficult thing to accomplish.

And not one she manages. Seconds later, another laser cannon bolt smashes in through its cockpit and hits what she can only assume is the pilot. The craft explodes and Jessika banks away to avoid hitting any of the debris in the process. <"Nice shot!">

Whoooooooo. De. Do. The information starts updating infront of Kare as her eyes go over the information, "Yea - Yea.. I got it. We're not in space - so reserves are going to go quicker. Start filtering Hyper Drive fuel into the engines - that should extend our flight time." A brief pause as the droid starts complaining, "We're not going to need to use our Hyper Drive any time soon, so we don't need the fuel. Do It.."

The Black squadron Veteran pushes down on one of the foot plates, pulling back and the X-wing twirls and then twists - to do a half spiral. This brings the ship in a game of cat and mouse with the Silencer. The Ace Pilot glances down to her targeting computer and then back up - waiting for the red reticle to turn Green. As the Silencer attempts to avoid getting hit by Jessika and the others - he puts himself right in the line of sight for Kare.

"Nice Cockpit you have there.. Be A shame if it was to suddenly decompress.." She pulls the trigger - the red lasers slicing into it, going through the damage as well. She hears Jessika on the comm.

<<"Couldn't have done it with out the team! Let's finish this, Rogue Squadron.">>

Okay, with shields online, Crash racks his throttle all the way forward again. The surge of speed throws off his aim, and the rapid fire lasers fire ahead of Kappa-8. "Frell.." he mutters as he does his best to fall in behind the target.... who explodes from someone else's shot, <YES!> he exclaims over the comm.

Elrych flies clear from the green retaliation from the TIE/nv, turning to return to chsing it as Jess chases it off his tale. <<"Yeah, yeah Kare-bear you're welcome...">> Elrych says over the squadron comms, following Kappa 2's tail just long enough to watch them get shot down. He turns then, <<"Here I was doing all the hard work keeping those Quad Heavy Cannons off your behinds. Yeesh.">> He of course is simply joshing. "Eggsy, get the computer back up and running." The droid makes quick work of switching the targetting computer back on. Before long, he's maneuvering in on Kappa 4 who's got some shield damage. The retical lights go green at the line up and he depresses the trigger on his stick, sending linked bolts flying. Two strike the quick and sleek fighter, almost stripping the shields compeltely and rocking the pilot for sure.

Jax and Kappa 4 keep dancing with each ohter but it doesn't seem to going anywhere or getting anywhere. <Glad you guys are having luck. All I can say is I'm keeping Kappa 4 tied up but Kappa 4 can say the same about me.> He says as he has another near miss.

Unscathed for the major part of the fight, Tallie has no maneuvering room when two come after her on the climb back from the last kill. Two solid hits fritz the shields down to half.

In a sing-song voice, "You know what to do, Fiver." Laughing at Elrych, she murmurs, "Okay, mop up time."

<<"It's been a good fight!">> Chasing Kappa Seven, she lines them up, splashing the TIE red with two volleys before rolling out of the range of fire of a fighter on her flank.

David shakes his head, fingers tight around the stick. <<"Nevermind the Kappa 2 suggestion, it's off the table. Following your lead, Seven.">> he adjusts quickly, grinning as Tallie picks out and paints a target red. Intent on joining with her, David shoots, the bolts fly and they go.. wide. It's something about being hit a few times that makes a pilot do weird evasive flying, and that's just what Kappa 7 did there. <<"Nice hit, Seven.">> David offers.

Kappa Eight goes up in a sudden burst of flames and Rogue Leader hits supersonic speed going by it before the explosion expanded into a dark smoke the rained down toward the ground. Kappa Squadron is getting picked off, and only four remain of the twelve man squadron that intercepted Rogue.

Poe's voice sounds over the comms. <<"Rogues, we've covered each other well. Finish strong and take out these last few. Kappa's reign is coming to an end!">>

<"Roger that, Rogue Leader."> No longer outnumbered by the TIE squadron, Jessika vectors for the nearest one chasing one of her fellow Rogues. <"Coming in on your six, Nine!"> The harness in her cockpit goes snug agianst her shoulders and frame with the banking turn that sweeps her in around behind the TIE/sf chasing Jax. It's already been damaged, and Jessika looks to take it out of the fight before it gets the chance to do any more damage. Her reticle takes lead on the target indicator, with Jessika's hand making minute adjustments with her flight stick while her left controls her speed so she's not blasting past the two fighters intertwined in a battle for supremacy. The lead lines up, the computer indicates solution, and Jessika fires.

The TIE/sf explodes in a brilliant fireball as oxygen interacts with its fuel mix and rips through its hull to destroy its tibanna gas stores. The cockpit is oblierated into nothingness, leaving only piecemeal wreckage that flings off in all directions. <"You're clear, Nine.">

<<"Oh look.. A jedi trying to steal the thunder from one of the plebians.. Never seen that before..">> The cool and Charismatic voice comes back and responds to Elrych, it completely tinged with teasing and not meant to be taken seriously at all, <<"Atleast you're cute.. By the way - what's up with that? Like... I've never met an unattractive Jedi that is on the light side. Is that a force thing?">> The Ace pilot giving Elrych a hard time watches as the enemy numbers continue to dwindle, the beginning was scary but things were starting to look up. The Pilot notes that it is two on one against Tallie which this must not do!

The Pilot hits the engines and begins making her way towards the confrontation - taking a few pot shots and scoring a hit but not killing it. Damn.

You couldn't pay Tallie to fly in the back of a small craft facing backward. She both admires them and hates the gunners because they pack a punch. One of the TIEs flanking her, Kappa 12 - flashes on her targeting computer fingers her with a heavy laser. Alerts blare before Fiver shuts it down and goes to work repairing.

The unfortunate, but brave Kappa Squadron continues to fight back despite heavy odds against them. Tallie goes after the last unscathed fighter, Kappa 12, lancing three cannon hits on it before he manages to veer away.

And now.. cue the music. Heavy bass beats echo through Crash's cockpit as he activates his playlist. He spins in the air there for no damned good reason, and grins before twisting his control stick and doing a snap roll that drops him behind the next TIE, and lasers rapid fire through the last bites of shields and that TIE is downed, < Splash Another> he states.

<<"No, Kare-bear... you stole my kill. Those are the plain and simple facts and you know it.">> Elrych watches 4 Explode, <<"And there goes another one. Really. hoenstly guys, you're lucky I let you do this. It's better for me. They don't even keep track of this stuff anymore.">> It's sounds like he's trying to convince himself more so than the others. He angles in on Kappa 11, but his shots go wide as the fast craft evades. <<"Yup... just one of those days...">> He shakes his head at the comments about his looks.

David shakes his head at the pilot banter slightly. He's used to it, he's just not about that anymore. <<"He's holding on, Seven, let's see if this changes his mind.">> he comms, adding, <<"How are you doing, Commander? Saw that hit you took.">> he asks, adding his volley of blasts to Tallies to fizzle out the shields on the Special Forces TIE. <<"Got a hit, shields are down, take it out Seven!">> he comms, altruistically offering up the killshot to Tallie.

Jax is locked in combat with Kappa 4 explodes, "That wasn't me? Did you do something?" He asks Exine and the droid chirps. <Thanks for the kill, Rogue 3. I think I was going to be here forever.> Then Jax hits one of his rudder pedal cause his w-wing to twist onto it's side as he makes a sharp bank to the right. He catches sight of Kappa 11 in his cross hairs. The solar panel blocking sight of the incoming x-wing. He pulls the trigger and Kappa 11 is no more. <Elevin splashed.> He shakes his head as the question of all the jedi being pretty.

The last bits of Kappa are falling from the sky as Rogue makes decisive work of the once legendary squadron. Poe even tries to tag the fleeing Kappa Twelve, but it's no use. The TIE is full impulse and fleeing. Bee-Bee Eight warbles as Poe closes the S-foils on his banged up craft. <<"Yeah, not bad. Three Kappa pilots live; they'll be back for more. Today was a victory though. A hard fought victory. Thank you all; you saved me out here. Pretty Boy, out.">> Poe slaps down the local channel and switches to the command network. Encrypted intelligence is fed back to Amber. The old War Axe is going to take a swing at Kappa Air Base.

<<"Rogues.. form up. Let's escort the troop carriers in!">>