Log:Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VII

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Jedi Order: Echoes Through the Ages VII

OOC Date: November 18, 2019
Location: Abandoned Jedi Temple
Participants: Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker as a Proxy Droid, Rey, Syrus, Ban Iskender, Elrych Cometburn, Zandra naMuriel, Angouri Dros, Yuun, Aryn Cole

It was nearing evening time and a storm had settled over the mountains and valley. This very structure, the abandoned Jedi Temple, was hidden in the valley near its highest point. Snow fell often throughout every season, but the winter for D'Qar was upon it. Storm clouds no longer held the rains it normally did, but produced snow.

While once upon a time this temple was a place of warmth and knowledge, it had been reduced to nothing more than rubble, decay, and a reminder of days greater than this. Much of D'Qar was an untamed frontier, and while there was not much by the way of wildlife on the surface, the planet was developing a dark reputation for having more beneath the surface. It was that very reason the Jedi Order had been called to convene within the ruins upon D'Qar, and search out a new section that excavation crews happened upon by circumstance alone.

Everyone met in the courtyard, arguably the coldest place in the temple. It was built to form an atrium, a ceiling comprised of skylights, domed and impressive, but age had shattered the glass, and trees blocked much of the view.

The courtyard was a collection of dead foliage, snow covered stone pathways, a frozen stream, broken benches and dead trees. Everyone met upon the stone carved phoenix of the old Order, looking upon a solemn yet peaceful view of the entire courtyard as snow fell in places.

Aryn Cole stands near the front, wearing her green and brown robes, and a fur cloak/cape. In place of a hood, she wore a beanie cap, and had her hair tucked back behind her ears. Bringing her gloved hands to cup around her mouth, a rosy cheeked and cold noble doctor called out. "Is everyone here?"

Where was here? Standing at the mouth of a caved in floor peering into the darkness of a cavern delved into the mountains. The air was so cold, one could see their breath even as it left their nose.

While many of her companion's cold-weather attire make a point to cover the ears, Angouri's has to leave room for hers. They flop, awkwardly, from two holes in her little knit hat. She's got a scarf wrapped around her neck, and leg warmers on all four of her limbs - each a different color.

"This place is beautiful." The amaran decides by way of an answer, pulling her robes a little tighter around herself as she appears at Aryn's elbow. "In a real creepy kinda way. But that's th'best kind, ain't it?"

The Kiffar Jedi Syrus Volo has been scarce as of late. So scarce as to hardly have been any concern of anyone at all. Dark visions and darker impulses plagued him. Revenge played heavily with his thoughts and set to him a countenance of rueful hatred. It was because of this that he went away for a while. Likely to a tumultuous place. Somewhere his own feelings could be confronted and conquered. Or succumbed to.

Thwipping across the Galaxy from Ahch-To, the Kiffar has on several occassions thought better of returning to his friends and Order, but in the end, a sense of duty won out.

His return unannounced, the Kiffar moves quietly down the hallway to the courtyard where he felt the presence of his compatriots. His gait is strong, if not understandably reticent, and the heavy, chilled winds play havok with the empty sleeve of the heavy fur-collared robe he's wearing. Silently, the man approaches the group and lifts his hand to slide back his hood, revealing the scarred-over mass of flesh where his eye once was. "Friends. I received word of an expedition."

One among those present attired in light armor beneath an emerald green half cape is Ban Iskender, one of the local nobility; a spot of color amidst the otherwise austere robes of the Jedi Order. Carrying a holstered pistol on one thigh, and a sheathed saber of common durasteel on the other, the black haired young nobleman admires the surroundings as he awaits the commencement of their task. Though familiar with several Jedi, many faces here are new to him, the solemn noble acknowledging each new face in turn, silently. His green regard holds for a long moment on the aged countenance of Leia Organa, before passing to Aryn as she speaks. "Indeed, my Lady."

Yuun was prepared, dressed in heavy monk like robes, a hood covers his head, though as he moves, the tail of the robes flutter slightly as he walks. A smiles shows on his face and as he moves through the temple, he uses the force to find where his friends are. Upon finding them, he comes out waving, "Hello everyone." he says to them all in turn.

Elrych had come in with an extra heavy cloak with his attire, lined with insulating material. That's where a normal person would have stopped. No, Vhe in her wisdom, had bought him a very scratchy long and large scarf that wrapped around his entire neck and spooled up over his mouth, to his nose, and around his cheeks. Every time he breathed, his shades would fog up just a bit. The Irritation was present in the corellian's quietness thus far, only broken by him glancing down into the hole. "Another dark cold cave. We shoul change our name to the 'spelunkings order' or something." A glance to the Kiffar, "Mr. Volo... I didn't expect you." A glance and a nod of greeting to Ban and the others.

Leia is dressed for cold weather. A bulky fur lined cloak with the hood up over her dark hair pulled into a knot-work braid running out from beneath the white hood across her left shoulder. Thick gloved hands are linked together inside the oposite sleeve of her robes, standing near to Aryn looking out pensively at the caved entrance to the former Jedi Temple.

"Time has a terrible habit of making all beautiful things creepy." She says with a small hint of amusement directed back at Agouri, where she spies Syrus approaching. She's not seen him in some time and he's changed a lot since then.. "Syrus..." Bowing her head only a little, then turning to regard Ban with a curious expression on something unsaid.

It can wait, perhaps, as she returns eyes to the others. Greeting Elrych and Yuun each with a nod.

Zan wouldn't miss it, though she's moving perhaps a bit more slowly than usual. That might just be the extra cloak and warm weather gear surely. She smiles a bit, gaze going from one to the other and then back. "I'm here," she says, "and ready to go." Injured or not. She inclines her head politely to the General-Princess, and offers a friendly smile to everyone, though she stays quiet, conserving her energy.

Rey stands near to the others, she's wearing her tan colored clothing with her hood pulled up over her head. Cold weather is a tough thing to deal with for someone raised in a very hot environment, but she manages as best she can, and she never complains... not vocally anyway. A Rebellion-era jacket is worn over her tan clothes, something she'd found in a hidden locker aboard the Falcon.

Rey's eyes glance this way and that as she looks to everyone gathered here tonight, its quite a group! She nods to Syrus, seeing him for the first time since the fight for Angouri's freedom.

"Aye," Aryn answers Angouri, though she shelves her words when Leia speaks to their surroundings. Aryn nods in silent agreement, turning her gaze upon Angouri, then Princess Leia. When Lord Ban speaks, Aryn turns to look up at him thoughtfully and nods. Within the moments that passed, many other Jedi joined their ranks. Syrus was a familiar face, and one that earned a glance of concern from Aryn.

Then Zandra got her next look. If Aryn concern for either, she did not speak it. Each of them made their choice to be here and she would not speak against them in front of their peers. With Rey present too, Aryn supposes they are ready. "Spelunking indeed, Elrych. I feel as if we've searched every mountain on this planet, and each time something new shows itself." A timid smile crosses her face before she turns on her flashlight and shines it into the cave.

Aryn triggers her comm and speaks normally into it, so everyone can hear her. <<"We're gathered here today to search out this cavern. The temple had deep foundations. What I presume was an aquifer, and may still be. Unfortunately, time is all of our enemy, and it proves no different for this structure. The floor caved in and opened a path to the foundation of this temple. I've drawn anyone excavating for fear that something lurks in this darkness. Our mission is to seek answers, and ensure this place will no longer be infested with creatures from these caves.">>

<<"Stay near someone, and watch your step. It will be steep at first.">> No sooner had Aryn said this, she stepped forward and led the way in. Down the long natural decline of a rock-shelf ramp into the cave and the darkness.

When the group had carried on for awhile, the sound of water could be heard in the distance. Rushing, like river rapids, and constant. It seemed the rocks were growing more moist and slippery too.

"S'the good part of time, I spose." The amaran replies to Leia, gesturing at the tangle of life that's taken over the structure. "Ain't just a place fer Jedi anymore. Plants live here too." Her pseudo-philosophy brings a sly smile, but as always, her attention is fleeting. "Yer face is new." She's sniffing at Iskander, now. "M'Angouri Dro- Mr. Volo!" Angouri spins about, attention span shattered, as she senses Syrus' approach, a wide grin splitting her muzzle as the teen all but charges him, stopping short just in front of him. "You're back!" She's all teeth, but her eyes don't lie - they search the empty sleeve and the scar of his missing eye, guilt clouding her for a moment. She sombers, and gives him a little bow. That's her fault. "S'good to see you." She finishes, clearing her throat and turning back towards the group as they continue, more subdued now as she falls in with the Jedi, hanging behind Elrych with a nervous nod towards Rey.

At the precipice of this cave, Anouri pauses, her brow furrowing. "I... Sense something." She breathes, sniffing at the air. "Y'all feel it too?" Not evil - not really. But dangerous.

"I am, little one," Syrus offers softly to Angouri with a nod of his head. "It is likewise good to see you. The same goes for the rest of you," he says, nodding to each of them but lingering on Leia for a few more moments. There's a guilt of failure there, undoubtedly, as with any student that's failed their teacher.

But he cannot linger for long as the group begins to press on. It's a welcome distraction, if nothing else.

A gentle raising of the hair on the back his neck and the Kiffar looks around, notably stonefaced. "These caverns lie far from empty. A presence cannot be denied."

Ban Iskender descends along with the others. Angouri's comment on the newness of his face is answered with a brief smile and dry words, "I assure you it has been unchanged for years. Yet, you are well met," he greets the vulpine Jedi. His attention is primarily upon not losing his footing as the stones grow slick and the sound of fast moving water reaches the ear. Ban comments, "An underground river?" While heading Angouri's warning with a discreet move of a gloved right hand to draw his pistol. Green eyes narrow in fresh scrutiny of their surroundings.

Elrych looks between Syrus and Angouri, purcing his lips which likely can't be seen behind that massive scarf pool of his keeping his bits and ends warm for the time being. He focuses though and moves over to help those down into the tunnel who need it before taking up the rear of the group. He reaches out with the force, it being dark and cold down there. "Something stirs in the depths..." He can at least make his way now, cracking a glow stick to hang from his robe.

Leia's brow tells the story of shared feeling mentioned by Angouri as they all move forward through the cavern, a glow rod in one out stretched hand illuminating her footfalls. "I do, yes." She says quietly, turning the source of light off to her right to gaze upon the passing walls and then forward once more at the sound of water some ways off in the distance. "It's coming from that general direction." Warning clear in her hushed tone, one hand resting on, without removing, her lightsaber from her belt.

It's dark, it's difficult to see, and Zan stays quiet as she continues along. She's not been injured on a mission with the res types before, just that one time she got shot by blasters in the desert. She pauses to reach for the force, feeling it flow through her and guide her steps. "It's even dangerous to walk down here," she adds, because someone has to. "Watch your steps everyone, or it won't matter too much what is in this cave." If anything. She's not really sensing anything big and dangerous, unlike some of her fellow Force sensitive types. Her voice is also hushed, taking warning from those ahead of her. She glances behind them, up the path they've wandered down, and then there's a stiffening of resolve, as she continues forward with the group.

Rey, with her hands inside of the military style jacket, moves around the depths that they're to descend into, her eyes peering down into it while her hood gently sways in the cold winds about her face. "Its a dangerous descent for a plethora of reasons..." She quietly comments before she glances up to her companions on this trip. "Lets keep our wits about us, if anyone tumbles, we can perhaps catch them before they get hurt." A look is given then to Leia and Rey can't help but move to stay close to the Princess, just in case! From her jacket pocket though she does pull one of the glowticks out as she sees Elrych do, she still has some from the caverns that they found the cultists inside of... Its lit and attached to her hip, and more are offered to anyone who want one of their own.

Yuun watches the others and upon seeing Syrus, "Nice to see you again Syrus." he says as he looks to him. Watching him and seeing his injuries, he understood and was there during that rescue mission. He turns and looks to the others his smile still on his face, but as Aryn speaks he nods his head. THough as they begin he senses something and he begins looking around and as Leia and Syrus speak up about something coming, "Be ready." is all he says as he tries to get a better fix on it.

Something did stir, and everyone could feel it. What it was remained to be seen, but it felt old; it felt dangerous. Aryn continues to lead the group forward, stopping only to hug one side of the wall because the ground they walked upon was slippery. As they come to level ground, the sound of water is loud. Lights held out and shined ahead see a wall of rushing water ahead of them, like they are staring at the back of a waterfall.

Aryn is slow to approach it, but she does. Through the rushing white water, a light appears on the otherside, and it glows brighter as Aryn steps closer. When Aryn has made it to the wall of water, she places her hand ahead, stretching her arm. This is to test the current to see how powerful it was. It is not over powered, but the sound is so loud Aryn must yell.

"It is safe to pass thro--"

The light on the otherside of the waterfall was not Aryn's reflection. She was pulled through the waterfall without warning, and her light died a moment later leaving only the first light Aryn had mistaken as her own.

The water suddenly began to part as objects passed through. White armored, standing 6'5; Hunter Droids. "ENGAGE ALL HOSTILE LIFE! ENGAGE ALL HOSTILE LIFE! TARGETS ACQUIRED!" One droid passed through, then another, and another, and another. Soon there were eleven marching up the walk way, all of them reaching for their melee vibroswords to engage. Glinting swords beneath the light, and slippery ground, the Jedi were enclosed in a rock corridor no wider than 10ft, and no taller than 8ft.

Swords drawn in unison, the droids hunkered down, their offhands deploying energy shields that expanded to tower some three feet ahead. "ENGAGE! E-E-E-E-E-ENGAGE!" The old, buggy droid said.

Forgoing the use of a glowstick, yellow eyes squint into the darkness, pupils dilating as Angouri creeps on, the occassional, nervous glance shot towards Syrus. He seems... Okay. But not okay.

"S'not my idea of a vacation home." Angouri decides, picking her way carefully over the slick stones, glad for the extra balance awarded by her tail... But all that fur just means that there is more of her to be weighed down. These are the thoughts plaguing her when Aryn is ripped through a waterfall. "ARYN!" She yips, scrabbling backwards and fumbling her stunsaber from her belt. "Kriff on a stick." She swears, readying her stance and lurching forward... But, as she does, she slips on the terrain and goes crashing to the ground, managing to hold her stunsaber above her head, but leaving her on her back in the wet spray of moss and stone. "Kriff on a stick." She repeats, winded.

Unclipping the leather-banded saber from his belt, Syrus holds it loosely in his hand, but does not ignite the blade just yet.

"Aryn!" the Kiffar echoes Angouri as the woman is snatched away by a droid. Instinctively, the emerald blade of his saber is sprung to life and held firmly in front of him. "Be mindful of your allies," he instructs to the rest of the group. "Do not act in haste." His eye narrows on the form of one of the droids and he steps forward driving the tip of his saber into the occular receptor of one of them before he spins to the left and lops off the head of another, lifting his blade into a defensive position once he's completed his initial maneuvering.

The young lord Ban Iskender starts forward as Aryn is pulled through the cascade, though his steps are swiftly halted by the emerging phalanx of hunter droids with their energy shields. Snarling in stern distaste, he lowers his aim and blasts away below the level of shields, taking off one of the old droids' feet. It topples, crawling forward now and leaving another gap in the shields.

"Aryn!" Leia reaches out towards their guide, her student, as she's pulled through the crashing waterfall. Into that outstretched hand, sans Aryn, leaps her lightsaber from her belt, igniting before it touches her palm and comes up into a double grip that brings it down and through one of the Droids from shoulder to hip. The tip *whirrrs* back and around as she pivots beneath wild saber strikes from the other Jedi around her into right to left slash that cuts through shield and droid alike.

As he follows down the path and as he hears the waterfall, Yuun smiles enjoying the sounds of the falls, but that approachign feeling has him on edge. It's old, very old and he doesn't like it. As he hears Aryn, he looks forward only to see she isn't near them. "Wha..." he is cut off as Hunter Droids surround them. "This just went from nice to not so fun." he says. His hand takes his lightsaber and ignites it, standing in a ready formation, "Watch each others back, hold the line, call out and the ones near each other help them." he calls out as everyone begins to engage the droids.

Yunn moves in towards the group of droids near him, dashing forward using his natural speed, he leaps into the air spinning and slashing through one Hunter droid, as he lands he rolls backwards back into line sweeping his blade towards an adjacent Hunter Droid but misses.

Elrych turns as Aryn is pulled away from them abruptly, hand instinctivly reaching for his Lightsaber, unclipping it, and turning the ancient Jedi weapon on with a crackling squeel. It humms to life, casting a neon glow about the small chamber, reflected in his shades. As the droids emerge, the scarf muzzled Jedi moves to the flant and pairs off with two of the Hunter droids. He waits for one to attack, moving in and using it's own momentum to pivot and slice through it. The other, he turns just as he finishes with one and slices that in twain. Nothing but molten sledge and heated glowing yellow cut marks. He looks towards the others to see how they fair. "ARYN?!" He shouts, hoping to hear her return the call.

Zan gulps as Aryn is pulled through. "I can't swim," goes through her head first, as she pulls her lightsaber, the green blade coming to life with the same hiss that the others use. She can't swim, so though she's worried, she has a droid problem to face first, the hunter droids advancing with nasty intent. She faces off against once, swinging once, sparks flying as her lightsaber clangs against its energy shield. But Zan follows the motion up with the appropriate next move from the forms she's been learning, and her blade comes back to lop off the droid's head, leaving it sparking as it sinks to the ground.

Rey's staying near the back of the group, she tends to do that where she's able to feel as though she's better in a position to observe and let her danger sense help guide her to protecting the others... but of course, it has setbacks, like not being up there where Aryn is when the droids attack.

When the chaos begins, Rey unholsters her blaster at her side, her fingers flex in a wave-like pattern down the black grip of the gun, but its her left hand that comes up and amongst all of the lightsaber beams and other attacks going off around them, she spies two droids standing side by side, preparing to attack her and her friends...

Rey's dark eyelashes flicker and she sweeps her hand, causing the two droids to smash together, collide into one another and griiiind together until their bodies start to crunch, their vocoders calling out in droid-speak until they-too are summarily pancaked and crushed together ending with a pile of sparking metal parts, falling and scattering against the floor.

Rey's left hand snaps back down to her side and she flexes her grip beside her hip. She starts to move forward, to help her friends, to find Aryn hopefully on the other side of that wall of water...

The droids, despite being armed and designed for close quarters combat, fall prey easily to the lightsabers and blasters wielded by the Jedi Order and allies. Only one droid remained after the attack, but that light appeared on the other side of the water once more.

Those who moved forward, through the wall of water, found themselves on a path overlooking a lot of pitch black darkness. The source of the light? A platoon of droids waiting ahead, blocking the path that led further down, where the water poured.

The pathway ahead was wide and had a solid wall on one side. Its other side was open air, blackness, illuminated only by what the group had in hand. The ceiling was high up, and the plummet from this path seemed far down. The only way was forward; and the droids began to activate. Much like the ones in the smaller corridor, they had shields. Its first rank of droids were shield bearers, and the second rank held pikes. Behind the pike line, a squad fanned out and drew blaster rifles, priming them. "H-H-HOSTILES FOUND. E-E-E-E-NGAGING. PROCEED WITH M-M-M-MAXIMUM PREJUDICE!" 1 Injured droid, and 19 Healthy droids now stood between the group, and the path that led further down into the cavern.

From the floor, Angouri throws her arms over her face, trying to keep clear of the debris and sparks. Droid parts, bits of stone and servos - she certainly doesn't have the high ground. Stumbling upright, she gives a little snarl and stabs her stunsaber through the center mass of the injured, crawling droid. It's enough to end it, though because of the damage done, it isn't likely that she'll be scrapping anything useful from any of these... If only there were more.

She regrets this thought almost immediately.

"You've got t'be kiddin' me." The amaran grumbles, hefting her saber again and, with a grunt, leaping into the fray once more. It's the only way she can improve, right? Her saber smashes uselessly against one of the intact droid's shields once, twice, before she retreats several steps back again, breathing hard.

Stepping through the frigid water and dropping his robe to the ground, Syrus takes a long look at the gathered group of droids. "Come," he says, moving towards the shield wall. "We must not tarry while one of our own is in danger. Temper yourselves for what is to transpire," he advises, holding his saber out to the side as he picks up the pace and leaps toward them.

Two quick slashes leave a duo of dead riflemen behind before Syrus moves to chip away at the shield wall. He hefts his blade above his head and brings it, with some vocalization akin to a road, crashing down onto the shield of one of the defenders, showering the area around him with sparks and sending the droid down to its rusted knees. Another quick, viscious bash of the saber and the opponent is no more. He spins back, saber held in front of himself.

"Is the underworld of this damnable planet some sort of purgatory for the galaxy's Imperial droids?" Ban sniffs, irritably upon passing through the cascade, head angled to keep his eyes clear and blaster shielded from the falling water by cape and torso. As stealth is long forgotten, he repeats a shout of "Aryn!" in hopes that the unseen Doctor isn't yet out of earshot. His trio of blaster shots are largely deflected by energy shields, though one slips through to strike a rifle bearing droid in the chest cavity. He asides to Syrus' words with re-imposed stoicism, "As you say, sir."

Upon the last of the droids being destroyed, he follows the others and he shrugs off his cloak as well. He drops down as well, using the force to lighten the landing. His glowing blue blade adds more light to the area, and upon seeing the army of droids ahead of them.

Taking in what he sees, "Yes." he says to Syrus. With that he rushes forward, as the fight begins anew, flipping over a group of the shield droids. Upon landing Yuun weaves his lightsaber through an intricate pattern, his experience shows as he fights. Being a natural fighter and his Jedi training is showing more so now. His blade cleaves through the three droids easily and he falls back to where the others are.

"One might think so at this point, Iskander." Elrych says as he hangs back while the others advance and knock out the shields bearers. Then he pushes forwards like their own second line and strikes out at one of the droids. The Hunter is quick and dodges two of his slashes, but the final jap into it's core, a twist of the pommel, and then a quick withdraw ends that aparent stalemate between Elrych and the droid.

Leia rushes through the waves on the heels of the other, blue blade sizzling as it passes through the curtain of water. Ahead she can sense Aryn, struggling, and it draws a frown along the weather features of the aging Jedi as the 19 new droids appear to block their path. Rushing towards them with her blade whipping upwards through the outer left thigh to right shoulder of one droid, Leia bashes through it with a slamming elbow and hurls her blade around in a whirling arch over her agile bending body beneath the harmless falling frame of a bisected hunter droid. Orange glowing metal errupts in sparks as a second droid falls beneath the onslaught of a combined assault of Jedi, then another... this one caught with downward double grip slash that has the droid trembling when its head is cut in tway.

"We're coming Aryn, hold on..." Whispered, surely, but she's stretching out with the Force to sooth the struggling student.

Zan glances at Syrus and Yuun. Easy for them to say. They can probably swim. She takes a breath, holds it, and whimpers ever so softly as she steps through that water. On the other side, she shakes her head, glaring as she sees the wall of droids there. "Oh for - " she mutters. She takes a breath, centers herself, and takes another step out, finding a spot that she can use to protect the others, helping to shield them, as she also swings out at the droids, her lightsaber flashing with a more deadly precision of late. Her practice may finally be paying off, as she slashes one droid, avoiding its shield deftly and letting her blade rebound, moving her body with the blade and the force, to hit a second droid, slashing through it as well.

Rey moves to the water as it falls before her in a steady sheet. She reaches her hands up and she parts the stream before she passes through the water, now being effect by the cold chill of it. It closes again behind her and its not but a moment later that the fighting resumes.

With a furrowed brow, Rey takes several steps forward, she raises both of her hands up and with a focused glare she slams them down toward the ground. The result is three of the hunter droids being crushed into the floor before her.

When a blaster shot comes her way she tips her shoulder backward and lets its sizzle past her before she raises her blaster and watches her companions going to work on them all. "Where's Aryn?" Rey calls out to the others.

The battle up on the pathway is loud, echoing as lightsaber wielding Jedi cross into the open darkness toward the illuminated shields, polearms, and blaster fire of their foes. The fight is very one-sided, ending in sparks with droids falling over the edge to plummet further into darkness below.

Only a handful of droids remained, leaving the Jedi a nearly opened path to scale further into this massive cavern to reach its lowest levels.

There are stil so many of them, but they're winning! Hefting her saber, Angouri prepares to charge again, but instead watches the droids open fire. She sees it, clearly - bolts of superheated plasma, their trajectories easy to read. She's going to get hit - and it's going to be bad.

She squeezes her eyes shut, one hand held up - but the pain doesn't come. Angouri stands for a moment, her eyes shut for a moment longer than necessary - she doesn't feel dead. Is she dead? She creaks open one eye, and then the other, and sees instead - "Mr. Volo!" There is anguish in her voice, deep and broken - not this again. Not for her sake. "NO." Reflexively, she throws one paw towards the approaching droids, claws out, and smashes one of them into the malfunctioning one behind it in shower of tangled metal and crushed mechanics. She doesn't stop to gloat, instead rushing at the Jedi who has taken yet another hit for her. "Why'd ya do that?" She demands, her stunsaber humming softly at her side, forgotten. One of her leg warmers has gone missing.

"Angouri, move!" Syrus says, running towards the diminutive student and sliding to end up in front of her, his back to the remaining droids. There's an intense focus upon his face as he attempts to call something up within him. But those dark thoughts return and the bulwark that is Syrus Volo once again wavers.

"Agh!" he shouts as a blaster bolt digs into his shoulder, causing his balance to lip and leave him slumped over on his hands and knees, his now-dimmed lightsaber clattering to the floor. Breathing shakily as he attempts to stifle the pain, Syrus shakes his head and pushes himself back up to a kneeling position.

"Because you would have been shot, otherwise," Syrus says, reaching up to pat Angouri on the shoulder. "I'll be fine...I just need to sit for a moment more." His hand points towards the hilt of his blade laying on the ground. "However, if you would be so kind."

One pike-armed hunter droid thrusts its crackling weapon at Ban, who turns at the waist to parry the pike, the durasteel edge of his saber scraping up the length of the pike's haft as it thrusts harmlessly past him. At such close quarters, he keeps pressure on the pike with the sword in his left hand pinning it aside, while the pistol in his right is pressed to the droid's casing and fired. The enemy is damaged but not destroyed until Yuun's lightsaber completes the work. Yuun is given a short nod of acknowledgement, before Rey's question is answered with a shake of his head and the curt words, "I know not where the water bore her, mistress."

Yuun is tracking whats going on and with the others, he keeps his lightsaber up in a guard position. He doesn't allow a break in the line where he is, with Elrych and Leia nearby, he quickly moves in taking on the last remaining droids, his blade flickering through both droids cutting through them, and the second droid is kicked hard backwards and way from Yuun as he cut it in half. "How is everyone!?" he calls out to everyone.

"Yeah, I've been trying to figure that out." Elrych says to Rey as he keeps his blade up at a high guard evven though all the droids have been taken care of. He looks around, as if Aryn might pop out at any moment. He keeps looking.

With the droids all delt with, Leia moves forward with the others, gaze dancing along the reflective glow of damp walls radiating the blades shimmering blue light back at her. "I can sense her ahead, but I'm uncertain how far..." Only that they should continue, so she does so.

Zan's face goes pale as there's more shots fired back at them, and someone gets hit. A brief moment of hesitation, and a murmured, "I am never going to think of droids the same way again," she says. She moves to check on Syrus, with a - "I - we need to get Aryn." Because she's the doctor, and Zan isn't yet able to do much of anything for anyone injured. A breath, a mental note, yet again, along with a pang of regret that she hasn't yet. "Syrus, are you okay to continue? Or should we take you back up to the surface?"

Rey continues to search around, but there's no visual sign of their missing friend. It reminds her of the caverns and cultists, but she was in a better position to do something on that day to help retrieve Aryn, this time she'd been too far away and hadn't seen precisely what had even happened before it happened.

So Rey stops and looks over her companions, to Syrus. She observes his latest injury and it makes her draw in a light breath. "Selfless." Rey softly says to the first student in this young Order beyond she and Leia themselves.

"We have to press forward." She states then to the others, looking to them now. "If you're baldy wounded, it would be advised to head back... to avoid any further injuries." A look is given to Zandra assisting Syrus, then Rey looks back to Leia and she nods softly once.

"I'm ready to push onward. We have to get her back."

Aryn surfaces from beneath churning icy waters, taking a breath she thought she might never take again. This of course, is not heard thanks to the battle happening above. The results of which begin to fall into the water near Aryn. She struggles to swim forward, and instinct has her call out, choking after a small wave of icy water hit her. "HE--ugh.. " Coughing, and meekly calling out. "Help.." Aryn feels her strength sapped by the extremely cold waters, her legs are cramping, her arms are cramping, and she can't stay above. Just as she sinks beneath the surface, a light turns on and shines in her direction.

The battle concludes at the top, and all that's left is the sound of rushing water, the feeling of damp air, and darkness save for the lights of lightsabers all around. There is a path the droids were guarding, and it leads further down. If some looked over the ledge of the pathway, they'd see the sudden manifestation of a blue lightsaber blade down below, followed by a loud, "HELP!" A subsequent ROAR followed that, and the blade began to spin as if attacking something in the darkness.

When the group reached the bottom of the path and walked out upon the flattened rock ground, they were level with the figure holding the lightsaber. Whatever had been fought, lay motionless in a giant heap of tentacles and teeth.

If they looked for Aryn, she lay curled up on the ground near the figure holding the lightsaber. She shivers uncontrollably. The figure, caped in black and wearing black turns at the arrival of the others and brings the lightsaber up in a respective guard. Their hood falls back, revealing their face.

They're youthful, with light brownish blonde hair, and a recognizable face. He steps carefully forward, into the light of others. It is Luke Skywalker. He speaks, his tone younger, familiar, and friendly. "Have you come to help your friend?" A gesture is made with a black gloved hand toward the curled up heap that is Aryn Cole. If any took the time to look, and knew Aryn well enough, they might recognize that he held her lightsaber in his hand, still humming and bright blue.

"If you die, an' guilt turns me to th'dark side, that's on you." Angouri huffs petulantly, continuing to mutter to herself as she stomps over to retrieve the older Jedi's lightsaber. There is a darker certainty, however, that she cannot shake: that blast would have killed her. "Won't be m'days of torture an' captivity, no sir!" She continues, pushing the thought away, storing it for later, and gesticulating wildly as she monologues, extinguishing her stunsaber as she does. "No, it'll be bold an' heroic Mr. Volo's bleedin' heart what goes an' turns me. Barely been back two hours..." Her ears are pinned back, but she offers out his saber, and her shoulder should he need a hand standing.

It's hard not to dwell on it, but Ango knows that she'll have plenty of time to unpack this fresh mental score later. For now, one of their own remains missing. Conceding assisting Syrus over to Zandra, arguably more capable than her, Angouri clears her throat. "They... Didn't seem too happy t'see us." The amaran winces. "...Whaddya think they did with Miz Cole?" She swallows, peering through the murky cave darkness. She's damp and uncomfortable, but what's new? It's the 'HELP' that gets her attention and answers that question, triangular ears perking so suddenly that it shifts the ugly hat over her head. Not waiting, she drops to all fours in order to run in that direction, down, down, down, to save Aryn from - "oh, yuck." A tentacled beast lies dead, and a man stands there with Aryn's lightsaber.

"Th'hell are you?"

"I'll be fine," Syrus answers Zandra with an attempt at a warm smile. He takes a moment to steel himself and moves to stand. He's shaky at first, but manages to keep his legs beneath him. His lightsaber is taken from Angouri and clipped to his belt, as hopefully he's done fighting for the day. "You'll be dead by wayward blaster bolt before you ever have the chance, little one," he says, attempting levity.

He'll shuffle along behind the rest of the group, doing his best to keep pace with them, but falling behind every now and again.

Then the lot of them are confronted with what's surely the result of gross fluid loss on the Kiffar's part. But...just to be sure, his eyes move to Leia, waiting to see what her reaction might be.

Ban Iskender never met Luke Skywalker, though his image is not unknown. Still, having rushed toward the cry and roar to find a lightsaber wielding figure in black and a freezing Aryn, the nobleman answers simply, "We have." Unless he is stopped, Ban will hasten to the huddled doctor's side, and seeking to help Aryn while the Jedi deal with the matter of an unknown underground Jedi with a possible resemblance to some famous departed Skywalker.

Yuun doesn't hear a lot of what the oothers say, he's just checking to see if everyone is ok. Upon seeing this, he notices the wound that Syrus took, "I agree with Rey. If you are too badly injured, head back." he says. Casting his senses out within the force, Yuun gathers himself. Controlling his breathing and calming himself. For now he deactivates his lightsaber and he is casting his senses out, he hears talking and walks over to where Angouri is. He looks down and he sees Aryn first, than Luke with her lightsaber. 'Wait, he died.' he thinks to himself. "I'm going to check on our friend can you please hand me her lightsaber?" he asks politely to Luke as he moves over to check on Aryn.

Elrych is... not stunned, more confused. He didn't know Luke. He knew who Luke was though and this was not a Luke of appropriate age. He also didn't know any Holograms or Holocrons to actually physically posess an object, like 'Luke' was Aryn's lightsaber. His blade stays on just in case, eyes looking around for anything that could possibly explain why a dead guy was standing here in front of them.

Leia steps forward, turning her shoulder as she does to pass between figures between herself and the phantasm of her twin. The blue glow of her lightsaber dies with a whistling hiss and it is fixed to her belt as she approaches him. Calm in her expression as she regards this younger man, looking to her now as he had so many years ago on Endor. Dark eyes trail over him, both hands come up to pull her hood back from her braided hair. She's obviously older, significantly so now that she really thinks about it..

If this is a phantom come to fight them in the form of Luke, Leia hasn't the strength for it. "Luke." She greets him, looking down to Aryn's saber, hand out towards him as if requesting it. "I've missed you." Pain wants to come to her voice, but it manages not to by resolve alone. She's missed him terribly, for nearly thirty years she's missed him...

Zan isn't going to argue with Syrus, she's here too, after all. Though she's at least had the finest of doctors taking care of her for a few days. She stays by his side though, making sure he doesn't fall too far behind. And so she may well be the last to spy the figure there. Unlike when she met a certain smuggler, at this point she has been studying some history especially as it pertains to the Jedi, and so her eyes widen, and her gaze too goes to Leia. Quietly she keeps her lightsaber ready, just in case. Because this is more than a bit odd, even for jedi. "I suppose if they weren't hidden in very deep dark places," she muses, "They wouldn't still be here for us to find them?" She tries to cast her senses out to see if this is someone alive or not, curiously.

Rey will try to assist with the injured that choose to press forward, but the cries for help come and it makes the young Jakkuan rush onward. She tries not to get too far ahead of her group but its challenging not to run at full tilt...

When she sees what lies ahead for them, Rey comes to a fast halt, her booted feet sliding forward and inch or so before she halts fully and just stares at the image of Luke. A younger Luke and at first she doesn't recognize him being that he appears to be the same age as she, or roughly at least... "Luke." She finally says his name, soft and calmly.

Its odd though, there's no sensation of him, no familiarity through the flow of the Force around them.

Rey glances to the others with her now, also reacting to this. Her eyes then rush to Aryn and she moves to help her friend, going to kneel beside her and willing the Force to alter the temperature around Aryn, to slowly bring it up to a warmer level for her... a skill she hasn't had much practice with though, admittedly. But, while doing so, she can't help but glance up to Luke and Leia... how could she not?

Luke stands confidently before them, much like he had thirty years before. His head high, his gaze heavy and wise despite his age. "My friend," Luke says to Aryn, turning back. "Your friends have come to rescue you. Everything's going to be alright." Luke allows them to pass him, he does not seem threatening and he does not stop their progress. At the mention of the lightsaber, he glances down and smiles, and when he looks up his gaze narrows on the short form of his sister.

"Leia." He says gently, then deactivates the lightsaber, setting it into her hand. "She asked for help." He motions back toward Aryn. Then looks back at Leia. "With you here, I presume the temple has been purged." He places his ungloved hand upon Leia's shoulder and gently squeezes, a familiar crooked smile forming. "My vigil here is done then." From beneath the young Jedi Master's black cloak, he draws a single item. It appears to be a remote, and with a click, a loud mechanical groan begins.

Turbines kick on, and water begins to falter, slow, then stop altogether. Lights come online within the cave, some bursting, but most shining bright. They stood in a power chamber for turbines and piping for water supply. The foundations were intact, and this was a service spot for engineers to fix the plumbing and keep the power online.

"May the force be with you all.."

The image of Luke begins to fade, and in its place, a proxy droid.