Log:Mandalore: War Within, War Without

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Mandalorians clash, fighting to put an end to Warlord Tsook

OOC Date: November 16, 2022
Location: Mandalore: The Bloodfields
Participants: Sumi Kora, Terek Rosol, Valeska Kora, Hahtavi Kora, Colo Nell, Jallo Dara, Nix, Kirana Ryder, Fennec SHand and Hadrix Kora as GM Mandalorians, Clan Kora, Mandalorian Revivers

Blasting charges had opened the way through a belly hatch on the massive walking fortress, blaster fire had followed them in - from those remaining of the ground crews that had tried to stop their assault on Tsook's mobile fortress. Ingress had been fraught with fireworks and shouting before the passage inward was laid clear and the cacophony became something else entirely.

Within The Great Beast it was corridors, steam and small open areas to be seen. The chugging of machinery moving the giant walker was ever present and the gloom intermittent with flickering strip-lights and even gas lanterns keeping away total darkness in the armored confines.

<<"Push in, put them down hard and keep moving. Gripper is trying to find our path, but I won't be surprised if it's near the top."> Hadrix's grumble came over comms, pushed past the noise of the walker.

The corridors were wide enough for two or three to go abreast, depending on how big they are and limited overhead space and from around the corners and deeper on the sounds of more of Tsook's warriors could be heard approaching.

Sumi had landed from flight, the last of the team to arrive and the first to volunteer to lead the pathway in. When the breached doorways was opened, she activated her baton by spinning it, charging it with voltage that sparked off the edge of the serrated mace. Crackling energy put off a blue hue in front of her as the short Mandalorian charged ahead, ready to do just what the Commander said, put them down hard. <"Follow me."> Was all Sumi indicated, her tone business like.

The flight up to their destination was not a smooth one. Carrying Colo along with her, Valeska struggled to balance out the weight of an additional person. Doesn't help that the pair had nearly crashed into the ground instead when her thrusters refused to activate. Yet miracle of miracles they make it into the walking fortress with that spider-like legs made out of scrapped Walkers.

Valeska sets Colo down and brings her bowcaster up to bear, the crackling of electricity adding just that much more power to her modulated words. <<"Stay close to me, yeah? Behind me is better but not right on my shebs. I'll keep you covered so long as you don't go running into the fray like a madman.">> A bit of merriment in that jest tinged a little with the realization of how much of a pain it has been for her own kin to keep her on her feet. Given she has a penchant for doing /exactly/ that.

Having jetpacked up from the AT-ST he'd been driving, Hahtavi Kora's boots have landed inside the corridor. Like the others he starts moving, his Galaar rifle already snapped to his front hanging tactical rigging and currently in hand.

<<"Bes'uliik copies, over.">> Put'm down hard and start heading up. Up ahead of him is Sumi, leading the way with her baton. Hahtavi has his satchel's tiny magnetic clasp unlatched so he can get at his grenades quickly if wanted, his own stun baton snagged on his utility belt. His helmet optics helps when the lighting fails here and there.

Senses strain to catch sounds as they get moving, eager to engage.

Jallo had landed with the rest of the team and as the flames from his jetpack curls around it for just a moment as his feet settle on the ground he reaches down to his thigh holster to pull out an E-14 carbine slamming the stock back out and bringing it up to his shoulder as he just nods following Sumi as directed.

Terek's weapon is drawn as soon as he jetpacked out of the walker he had been in, and he landed with a hefty thud on the deck, following behind as they blast their way in, <"Roger. Let's hit them before they can regroup.">

Heights, jetpacks, sudden lurches into the air and slamming stops on the ground leave Colo's guts churning and his helmet in serious danger of becoming claustrophobic. Out of pure instinct, his hand keeps a grip both on the flying Mandalorian assigned to him whilst the other is full of blaster that still feels awkward no matter where he points it. Right now, down seems best.

The buzz of a familiar voice snaps him out of the landing fugue and, with a quick nod, Colo acknowledges as much. <<"Think I can...handle that.">> Sure. He files in behind her without fail, though perhaps a little -too- close to the proverbial shebs. <<"Doubt you're gonna see me dashing forward...">> He wheezes out.

Where had she stowed away, quiet as a mouse? Who knew, but there she was, falling in line at the rear of the line, covering shoulders and backs of those colorful rogues she knew of as extended kin. She didn't need much of a voice--She never had much of one to begin with, but she wasnt there to talk. That's what the rifle was for!

The decking rocked, Sumi stumbled and steadied herself on the bulkhead. The sudden reveal of dug in troops brought a smile to the old warrior's face. <"Finally. Contacts front.. let's do this!"> Without warning, or even affording a chance for the group to recover, Sumi's jetpack activated and she 'leapt' the distance from her original spot to one closer to their largest warrior.

He had enough time to yell before feeling the full brunt of her batons explosive connection to his belly. He was flung back against the wall, clattering noisily down to the ground. He began to rise, but observed the toe of Sumi's boot arrive in front of his gaze (which had been oriented down). When he looked up, it was to a view of Sumi slamming the mace down on his head. He saw the crackling electricity, then he saw black. His brain didn't have time to process he was dead; it was spread like butter across the deck plated floor. <"HA! Spread the love.."> Pivoting with a low whistled squeak from the soles of her boots, Sumi turned to travel further, her long cape trailing behind her.

Cautiously Valeska walks the corridors with the others, the massive bowcaster -- a ridiculously large weapon made all the larger by her smaller stature -- held in both hands. The butt tucked under her arm and the heft in her right palm. <<"Might wanna take a step back, Colo. This thing has a kick and it might send me flying into you.">> That, however, is not a joke. This beast of a weapon is something she's still learning how to control.

Made for the strength of a Wookiee and usually only wielded by those who possess such, Valeska relies more on core muscles and sheer stubborn will. It does make her walk heavier-footed than she is used to, as well. A bit of a lumbering tromp tromp tromp as they go.

That comes to a halt when they find the first ambush tucked away in the shadows. Not well enough to go undetected. Her first shot follows Sumi into the fray: a metal bolt monstrosity crackling with electrified rage that impales into then through the first unlucky sod who had hoped their normally sturdy armour would be impenetrable.

Haht sees how the corridor bows inwards and the ideal spot for an ambush. Sumi no doubt doesn't miss a lick herself as they start passing the warning back through their internal helmet coms, <<"Yeah, I see'm waiting for us. Going right!">>

Sumi gets the party started, whipping her crackling baton out and Valeska drops one right off. Hahtavi likewise puts himself up against a corridor bulkhead and fires away - but his line of sight doesn't stay a clear shot. So he only gets the one shot off. Mandos move to one side or the other to give those further back access as well. Things get to hopping fast!

By the time the one Hahtavi shot hits the deck plates, others are also firing. Bright bolts leap and the sme

Moving forward with the rest of the team Jallo's E-14 raises as enemies are spotted a shot snapped off striking the first fighter solidly dropping them before he shifts his sights over to the next target squeezing the trigger and dropping another fighter, <"Two down.">

The smallest of the Mandos follows closely behind Sumi, her head turning to inspect the darker corners where her visor highlights the forms of concealed figures. And then the light amplification is put to the test when a burst of flames and light suddenly ignites in front of her while Sumi propels herself forward. The visor nullifies most of the glare expertly and the rocket trail shows Kirana which way to charge herself. And she does, holding her staff down to her side in her left hand while she races toward the ambush, the blaster bolts and bowcaster charges lancing around her on all sides.

Kirana rushes up to one of the unaccosted soldiers, raising her staff up from a downward angle to catch him in the jaw before he can realize her angle of attack. As he recoils backward to make some space, Kirana's already spun to one side in an attempt to both dodge return fire as well as attack him from his right side. The combat staff is thrust downward at his chest this time, forcing him back into the wall and losing his breath, but as she follows up with a third attack, aimed for his visor, he's able to lower his head just in time to dodge the hit. Her staff strikes the bulkhead, recoiling backward between both of her hands.

The constant thumping and stomping of the massive platform made it near impossible to actually maintain a covered position. Something that Terek was able to take advantage of when one of the fighters appeared from behind cover after a stomp. Three quick shots blast out, one after another, to try to tag him and send him sprawling.

Though she can't see it, Colo's skeptically eyeing the relative size of Valeska and her weapon of choice. He turns down the volume on his helmet before clipping out to her: <<"Should I just brace to catch you...? That thing is...">> He trails off to no effect, leaving the voice line open for several moments more before it clicks shut without further comment. There's just a small snicker that kicks over the line when they start to walking closer, each lumbering step on Valeska's part only feeding his quips for later.

At least, until they turn a corridor and Sumi goes barreling forth like a charging reek. With a jetpack. The rush of the cloud of Mandalorians from Sumi to Jallo to the blur of Kirana's staff leaves him bewildered. New to this sort of conflict, with his blaster seemingly more for show than telling the opposition what to do, he prepares himself for the only reasonable action that comes to mind: ensuring that Valeska has someone to brace her and that big bowcaster of hers.

The rifle in Fennec's hands was kept leveled as the party moved, and through the orange-tinged optics she could spot the ambush coming. It served them none, as the Mandalorians immediately engaged and in a matter of seconds, the ambush predators were removed from the food chain. Fennec's own rifle swung to an outlier and a flash of light quickly dropped him. Kirana's victim, beaten and down for the count, is given a quick eye as well. When she saw the gentle swell of his breathing, she put an end to that too in short order. Insurance. Still, nothing was said.

The brief, explosive, violence ends almost as swiftly as it began, allowing the group to pass through the intended ambush chamber without further ado in the prepping room. Leading to a short corridor and a flight of steps rising up, deeper into the interior of the massive walker. Up and up into crimson lighting changing to blue.

The rattle of door latches being spun to open. Calls in the darkness and challenges being shouted.

Another rocking of the entire structure rumbles the footing to the opposite direction of before, forcing hands on stanchions to brace or to lean against walls to keep footing. But all the while more angered voices and boots ringing on metal come. On HUDs waypoint markers begin to shuffle and update, Gripper's simulated woman's voice on comms,

<<"Keep going up, a lot of system signals that way, computer controls. Engines are further forward it looks like.">>

Hadrix moves at the rear, climbing stairs or moving short corridors backwards at times, scatter-blaster at the ready and his own growl coming over comms when more of Tsook's troops being to pour out, turning the ascent into a fighting advance.

<"I will open a path through our foes, push through!"> Sumi commands, leaping ahead again, though this time without the aid of a jetpack. She obliterates the first warrior to cross her path by smashing their face in with the baton. When they smack against the wall, a trail of blood is left int he wake of their fall to the ground. A second warrior stabs at her but she batters the weapon and slams the baton against their chest. They had enough time to begin to rise when Sumi shows off her drive swing, cutting the lights out for another warrior. If that had not gathered the attention of the other warriors, she wasn't sure what would!

<"I cannot help but notice the lack of shooting back there."> The crimson helmet turns ever so slightly to look over her shoulder to Colo. He can't see her expression. He doesn't need to. It's all in her tone. Disappointed yet not surprised; all topped with the creamy frosting of understanding. So long as he's not getting shot, she seems content to have him here. <"Could always see if Gripper or some other brainy person needs help doin' brainy things, yeah?">

The bowcaster she wields isn't just a monstrosity in size. It is a literal shining beacon of gold-painted havoc. Every piece of it is bright yellow. Distractingly so. Nay, perhaps even mockingly so. The kind of weapon one might be compelled to point and laugh at if they had no natural sense of self preservation.

This golden gun is brought to bear again. Another shot fired; the kick back successfully toppling Val into Colo this time if he didn't take those precautionary steps back. The hit goes wide and rips through the metal wall beyond as if it were a paper screen.

Jallo pushes forward with the rest of the team his E-14 snapping over as more hostiles comes out and he snaps a shot off and then as the warrior falls his barrel shifts over to a second target striking it with an incendiary round leaving a flaming bit of pain in his wake, <"One down one wounded. Continuing forward.">

They can't let themselves get bogged down here. This whole fight has to be fast, any delay will cause them to lose the advantage of momentum. And that momentum needs to carry them through to the goal or this could fail.

Terek spots one warrior burst into flames, which sends him out of the cover he had been trying, and failing, to hide behind. Terek shoots him in the chest. He considers it a mercy kill. The shot he takes at the other guy nearby that goes wide is less of a mercy shot though.

Up the stairs and around a bend, the blaster and boltcaster fire continues flaring past Kirana Ryder from both sides. The fizzle-snazzle effect of Sumi's weapon draws Kirana's attention to one pack of warriors in particular and the younger Morellian chooses an adjacent target to Sumi's two victims.

She charges at him in her initial attack, taking a small jump to hammer the front end of her staff down at his neck. He takes the hit like a target dummy, stumbling to the side as the momentum from the hit nearly causes him to lose his footing. A lateral spin on Kirana's part catches him along the chest from the back of the staff mid-spin, and, stopping in her spinning to face him, she kicks out with her left leg, shoving him hard into the wall and jamming her staff at his throat. There's an odd sound coming from inside his helmet and he collapses to the ground clutching his throat, his body going limp as he fails to deliver oxygen to his brain.

The first into the breach makes Colo wince as he spies Sumi rushing forward again. His vocoder crackles into a rhetorical question of the woman he's braced against. <<"Does she always just...?">> He crackles, then winces, both at the dazzling display of stun-batonery and the visually and volumey loudness of the yellow bowcaster cracking off. He's there, braced against Valeska even so, his shoulder poised firmly behind her so that even with the quick punch of the over-sized weapon it doesn't set her toppling over.

Colo's hesitation to use his blaster is overcome by the unstated glare. He levels his pistol down the way, tries to focus on the sights like he was taught, and lets fly when he spies an opening between Kirana and Sumi's mad melee. The illumination of the blaster bolt tears two items: a nice section of metal down the corridor that goes limp, defeated, never to see its little nuts and bolts at home again. The second is his set of eyes being torn towards a side panel that any Corellian growing up in a machine shop would recognize. It might be foolish in his part, but he detaches from his makeshift Valeska-cover with a soft pat to her shoulder and bypasses towards it. Within moments, blaster battle or not, he fixates on the readout and begins to practice the fine art of pleading with code.

As the team pressed onward, Fennec was suddenly surprised by the approach of new targets. Reflexively, her hand went to the stock of her weapon, and with a quick wrist, one of the throwing knives is sent flying, seeking one of the fighters. Then, the rifle is raised and Fennec barely misses with a panic trigger, arching a bolt right over the target's shoulder. No fair!

The mini-mando adjusts her rifle and lifts her eyes up when she hears Sumi say she's cutting right through and to follow. So she does as she's told again. She does though lift her gun. Sumi said follow... didn't say quietly. She adjusts some settings and keeps walking forward. Her eyes scan over each of the people who are a head of her and she nods her head. Everyone had the same idea. Tactics go boom.

Nix lifts her rifle up and aims to the one Fighter that seems to be uninjured. Both eyes open and then she shoots. A red blast follows and without looking she moves after Sumi. She lifts the gun which is about her size up and rushes after Sumi.

Bodies are tumbling down steps, a clattering tumble of armored forms that roll and smash their way down and others go tumbling in the gap between the short spiraling stairwell. A fall of only twenty feet, maybe twenty five, but punctuated with the cracking of bones and ring of metal on metal.

Another falls odd, badly, caught up between railings with their leg hooked at one and their head in another at a bad angle.

That small pair remaining try to fire back, one ducking into partial cover behind a doorway, firing shots at Sumi while she clears the path - their fellow leaning from an opposing side to open fire as well, firing into the advancing group, looking only for advancing enemies than anyone specific, ducking beneath the shower of divided blaster bolt coming from Hadrix's shot-blaster.

But then the panel at Colo's fingetips blips, beeps and the ratcheting of a door wheel spinning bolts from their housing and the hatchway opens with the click and wheeze of hydraulics engaging and a command center opens up before his eyes. More warriors are beheld, well armored and armed. A quartet in old armor, well cared for with shining metal showing in spots.

Much like the figure standing in the center of the control room, turned to face the doorway with a pair of heavy blaster pistols hanging from her hands. Her visored helmet given a mohawk in the form a series of animal spines running down the center. A ragged thermo-kinetic cloth cape is thrown back and with a lacking of speeches or bravado she simply points with one gun at Colo, helmet canting to one side.

There was no time for fretting over wounds, and like the man said, there wasn't even time to bleed. Sumi does not check on her daughter after the fight, but instead, continues to press the group toward their goal. In this instance, their mission came first, and slowing down endangered them all. <"If you're not dead, you're fighting. We fight till we die, there is no other option for a Mandalorian."> Sumi growls.

When they arrive, and are accosted by dug in warriors, Sumi sustains a hit that finds a gap between her armor. The hit brings her to a knee, briefly, but to the warrior-who-shot-her's surprise, Sumi spent all of two seconds lamenting the pain it yielded, then stood back up.

Upon the mirror-like visor of Sumi's helmet, the warrior saw their face, indicative of the fact Sumi saw them now. It was also the last thing they saw.

Sumi bashed the warrior once across the face so hard, the expulsion of energy that sprouted from her baton was more than enough to break their neck. Their body hadn't even hit the ground before Sumi was locked in combat with the Warlord Tsook. She swung, missing, then leapt after Tsook, slamming her baton down on a beskar bracer of one arm. Despite the concussion of the blow Sumi dealt, the Warlord stood her ground, and didn't even buckle. <"Finally.."> Sumi says, <"..a fight worth having."> They part, and Sumi steps back into her battle stance, circling her foe with crackling energy between them.

<<"Hmm? Sumi? She's our Alor -- our leader. She's always-- huh?">> Valeska looks over her shoulder to find Colo isn't there anymore. Having made his way over to a control panel to do... brainy things. She starts to follow in behind him with those ladened steps when the door slides open and a whole lotta hell is waiting on the other side. <<"Colo! Get down!">>

Too late. Just like in a nightmare. Not there to soak the hit and instead Colo is left wide open. Valeska growls, her entire body tensing up from the knees to the shoulders. A hunch, a strain. She turns sharply towards the biggest baddie of them all -- the one responsible.

Valeska beaks into a sprint, unhindered by the armor and various weapons clinging to her. She swings the bowcaster behind her as she bolts, hooking it into the combat webbing as she closes the distance -- a growl painting the expression of rage where only a reflective visor is. She slides around, flanks the enemy engaged with Sumi, and unleashes a breath of fiery hell from her vambrace. A burst of heat and light hits the behemoth of a warlord who crosses their arms in front of them at the last moment and absorbed the intense heat and flames. Scourching the armour and burning leather yet leaving the warrior herself unscathed.

<<"You pay in blood!">> She screams in Mando'a.

Everyone is still moving, though as Colo opens the hatch and all drek starts breaking loose, some of them are starting to get wounded now! Blaster bolts start firing this way and that in rapid succession! One is aimed at Haht but he throws himself slightly past the hatch and lifts his Galaar as the beam misses him by a long shot - impacting the corridor's bulkhead behind him.

BLAM! BLAM! Haht fires off two quick shots, taking down one of Tsook's warriors. Sumi and others are all over the Warlord and they can't all fire at the same target. Hard enough not getting in each other's way as it is!

Out of the edge of his helmet's opics Hahtavi sees some of their people getting hurt including Colo. That looks bad!

<<"Sing out if you need a medic! Nix! Colo's hit!">>

As the doors open and the Warlord is there blasting Colo, Jallo's teeny tiny Carbine snaps up a pair of incendiary bolts flying towards the Warlord. At least in the general direction as he moves to take some cover letting his senses paint a picture of the battleground he sighs just a bit shifting out of the way of a blaster aimed at him.

Kirana had downed one warrior and as the doors began to open, the young (hah) Morellian was spinning around to acquire her next target when something sharp and warm pinged her on her shin. Having not seen or expected the hit, Kirana hit the ground, her combat staff clattering to the ground a couple of inches from her hand. <"Agh!"> She shouts, partly out of surprise, partly out of frustration, and partly out of pain. The armor on her leg had absorbed a lot of it, so her femur was still intact, but the nerves were shot full of adrenaline and weakened, unwilling to fully cooperate with her body's orders.

Angrily, the wounded Mandalorian grabs her staff and jams it against the wall, using the kinetic momentum to push herself backward so she can catch the floor with her free hand and come to her feet with the assistance of the staff once again. Sumi's words echoed to the group and Kirana knew who they were meant for. She hadn't thought of giving up, but the order to press on got her walking sooner than she might have, left to her own devices.

Lagging slightly behind, the one still bearing clan Ryder's name entered into the large chamber behind the rest of the group, her walk slowed, but deterministic. She approaches one of the warlord's warriors, raising her staff to catch him under his shoulder in an attempt to disarm him. Her instinct is to kick at him but she can't in her current condition, so she has to alter her fighting stance slightly, throwing off her followup attack. When the warrior counts at her, however, she's able to deflect with a hard whack of the staff, injuring them at their wrist.

Some panels are best unmessed with. Colo, ever in a quest to be useful to those he likes, loves, respects, seeks out and finds an alternative to just standing around shooting a loaned blaster at empty metal. The panel calls his name, his fingers do the thing, and he opens it up with a flourish of his digits and a glance of his helmet towards the spinning wheels. The hatch, however, gives way like a kicked anthill, disgorging warriors and queen both in the same go. Colo has the nerve to look smug with himself despite the helmet's concealment of his prettyboy visage. Unfortunately, no one told him that this isn't a holovid. His brilliant idea of 'voila'ing with his arm extended towards the open portal results in the selfsame limb being a prime target.

He doesn't really process the next part so much as feels himself on the ground behind the panel without being sure how he got there. 'Stay close, but not too close,' Valeska had said! Colo's already forming a tight, legal defense in his mind despite the searing flash of pain in his dice-chucking arm. 'Not too close' means a few feet away messing with a doorway control panel. Yeah, that'll work. Maybe he'll even remember it as the surge of pain coursing up his blasted arm suddenly re-registers and leaves him clutching himself and calling the only word he knows to do in such situations: <<"Medic!">>

Fennec could hear the clicking of the Warlord's weapon in her mind as the scene played out in front of them. After a long, timeless instant, Fennec's reactions kicked in and her rifle was raised to try and prevent further damage--Sorry Colo. Blaster fire was going off around them, and even as a shot strikes Fennec's shoulder, the rifle sends one home, ending the Warlord's would be campaign in a flash.

The call of Medic and the mini-mando puts her gun down slowly. The little woman turns and sees people getting hit and then Valeska's man is behind the panel. She grabs her medpac and rushes towards him. There is a quiet grunt as she starts to scan him over, using her body to block him from additional shots. <<"I'm a doctor.">> The metallic voice corrects Colo softly while she starts to work. Her eyes looking over the machine and then she starts administering bacta and some pain killers.

The little doctor lifts her eyes up and glances around slowly before returning her eyes to the patient. She scans him again. <<"Best I can do at the moment.">> Her voice still emotionless as she gets Colo upright and her eyes turn to look at the others and triage from afar.

She can smell it. Singed hair. Valeska can't tell if it's hers or the warlord's. Maybe it's both. Who cares. All she can see is as red as her own armor now. This close into combat, Valeska can also smell the stench of herself. Her clanmates. Her enemies. A mix of sweat, filth, and blood. There's a large part of her that wants to rip the warlord's helmet off. Look her dead in the eyes.

That opportunity never comes. A concussive hit to her chest pushes Valeska back a few feet, staggering and slightly off-balance. A dent in her beskar having soaked up what would be a near-fatal blow and already she can feel the bruising underneath her plates. Valeska brings her primed bowcaster back around to return the favor tenfold, but the electrified bolt goes wide. It rips through more metal plating with a horrible rending of durasteel and scrap. Superheating the metal as it passes through just as easily as it would pass through flesh. Had it hit any.

Nix hears him and is fast on her little feet! Hadrix moves over to shield her while she works on Colo and Hahtavi moves up when he sees an opening. Rifle already up, watching out for a clear shot as bodies shift around. The deck tilts and people stumble towards the port side.

Haht is braced and ready for it with a boot. The Warlord and Sumi are going at it and he could do nothing to prevent the shot fired at Valeska! Thankfully it hits her beskar! On the exhale, bracing his rifle with the strap wrapped around one arm to help steady it, Hahtavi's first shot nails Tsook right in her breastplate by the armpit just as the Warlord had her arm up and aimed at Val. That looks like it might have gotten past her beskar'gam, but alas everyone is moving fast and Hahtavi's second shot is a miss that strikes the bulk past his target.

<"I hope that hurt, Tsook!">

Jallo takes a blaster bolt and grunts, <"That... Hurts."> His E-14 shifts from the Warlord with the folks all around to some of the warriors a pair of shots firing off at one of them the first impacting with a fairly solid hit but the second... Goes wide. <"Could use a medic when one gets a moment. Good to go for a bit longer otherwise."> Don't mind the smoke creeping out the hole in his armor nothing to see there.

Continuing to melee with a staff at a blaster fight, Kirana thumps and thwacks her opponent with diminished acrobatics compared to her earlier, pre-leg blast fighting. One next to her, however, takes a shot from Jallo, and when he catches on fire Kirana knows she does -not- want that guy charging at her. So she shoves at her opponent with her staff, changing targets to the one that's on fire.

One swipe at him misses as she's holding back slightly in her attempt not to get too close to him. She follows that up with a braver attack, even taking a step in his direction, but in the man's screaming and suffering his moves are chaotic and unpredictable, her next swipe missing where it was intended. He comes at her full force and Kirana thumbs the switch on her staff's handle that breaks the two halves apart mid-swing. In her right hand she continues the momentum of that original, bluff swing, and in her left, the separated half of the staff strikes the Mandalorian warrior from under his jaw in a surprise maneuver that crumples him down to the ground with a heavy thud. Kirana spins around to face her original target, embers rising from the small flame at the end of the poly-synth baton in her left hand like a small torch.

The wound was already starting to burn, it was distracting. Fennec offers a grunt and tries to line up a pair of shots, but has no luck, and begins to sweep towards a wall, looking for some sort of cover to hide behind. The rifle remains active as she does, but, it seemed like they were taking an unfair share of the blaster fire. "Come on, we still have work to do," she says, calmly, focusing.

Nix shakes her head at Colo and grumbles. <<"More trained than a medic.">> She offers to him though she does watch his shot and she checks her dosages. A little shrug, if it's too much he'll be /fine/. The doctor lifts her eyes up and sees Hadrix come to block her. She looks around his thigh and sees Jallo needing help. She glances over to Colo and lightly hits him on the helmet, <<"Stay behind Hadrix.">> She offers as she stands up and pats Hadrix hip hard. <<"Defend Colo. He is squishy. I got this.">> She rushes across the corridor and slides next to Jallo. She scans him quickly and glances over the read out.

She pulls out some things from her medpac and starts quickly treating Jallo. Low angry growls from the doctor as she fixes her people up. Though more shots ring out and she lifts her head up. One can imagine Nix's eyes narrowing in threat as she gains more patients by the minute. She turns her head and focuses back down on the task at hand. Jallo. A few seconds later, she finishes up and pats him softly on the side.

As soon as the fight had started, Terek's gun had gone silent. It was strange for sure, but the cathar had a plan. Something he had pulled off during one of his trips back home, hunting some wild beast or another. Because wasn't that ultimately what Tsook was?

The jetpack had fired up from the back of the room, flying up over the combatants in a flash now that Terek had gotten into position. He launched himself up to a beam that crossed the makeshift battlefield, and once he had put a foot on it, turned and fired his whipcord from his gauntlet as he dropped off the opposite side.

The shot was aimed to tangle up around the warlord's ankles, and then Terek's weight should pull her feet out from under her as it snapped tight.

Terek's blaster came out immediately afterwards, aimed directly at the warlord's face.

Struck in the chest with heavy fire a moment after another blast from Al'Verde Kora drops another of Tsook's personal guard to the ground before he himself is spun by a shot to his leg and sent to the ground in a clattering heap of cursing and midnight purple stained beskar plates scraping against the deck.

<"Kriff."> grunting and throwing one arm up and shield curling it by his face while blaster fire continues to fly.

Tsook's injury put her on her backfoot, attention drawn away from Valeska, quite literally. Stutter stepping back with the edge of her cuirass glowing brightly from the closeness of the blast that got past. Arm swinging to take aim at Hahtavi and squeeze off a round in response, <"Insect!"> the other blaster still following Sumi and opening up - suddenly going wide when the whipcord hits and her faceplate slams into the floor and then she is rising up, twisting and swinging from one end of the cord.

Her soldiers firing halts, at least for a moment, looking surprisedly at the sight of their leader strung up so.

Strung up by Terek, and easy pickings, Warlord Tsook looked on at Sumi and could just imagine the smile on her face. Sumi takes to steps forward and swings with all her might. One, two, and the third was right across the Warlord's head. Done. The helmet was knocked off, and her face? Well, let's not look at her face.

Sumi spares a glance toward Terek, giving him a nod, then collected the departed Warlord's weapons to cast down on the ground, away from her reach in case, for some reason, the Gods had a plan for her to return.


The worst of it is over and the warlord has fallen. She thinks. It's all turned into a blur. Sumi, thankfully, is just the right kind of blunt she needs. The leader has fallen at the hands of Kora's own leader and now comes the part where those who remain have a choice to make. Valeska fires off one more shot of our frustration towards the remaining bodyguard -- missing but not seeming to care. Her senses remain open for more threatens but her feet are carrying her quickly over to where Colo has found some cover.

She smells of burned accelerant and ozone. Electricity is still crackling from her bowcaster that she now points safely down towards the ground. Her finger away from the trigger. <<"Colo.">> He's standing. That's good. Very good. Val glances over towards Nix who is buzzing like a well-armed bee from one injured person to the other. A mental note to buy her a damn good drink later.

Valeska's attention returns to Colo, moving herself into a protective position and placing a hand onto his left shoulder. Knowing all too well how tender a new wound is. <<"You did incredibly well. You have the fire in you. And you're too damn brash for your own good.">> Her helmet touches his momentarily. <<"I see you.">>

Well, that seems to have gotten her attention! Warlord Tsook shoots almost point blank at Hahtavi and he can't dodge it fast enough. She nails him in the head (here we go again!) but thankfully this time his helmet is made of beskar. Man learned his lesson in the attack on the mountain when Haht had been shot in the head by a plasma cannon that had nearly ended him!

This shot is deflected! Another shot hits him in the torso as he's jocking around for a better position, but it too richochets off to strike a bulkhead. All the same, Haht can feel some of the heat through his armor even if it doesn't burn him. The impacts jolt him and it takes a second for him to steady himself and bring his aim back into line. Tsook can't see him bare his teeth behind his helmet and then Hahtavi's flinging an insult right back at her, <"Gar chakaaryc!">

Next thing he knows, Terek's tangled the Warlord up in his bracer's whipcord, <"Kandosii, Terek!"> A punching bag for Sumi! How nice!

Hahtavi fires at one of Tsook's bodyguards that shot at him! Both of Haht's bolts strike true this time, dropping them to the deck and smelling of burnt meat. That's when he hears Sumi.

Jallo doesn't really glance back there's no reason for niceties during combat but he knows when Nix is coming up behind him to start treating his injuries he aims his E-14 towards the warriors again but since he's got to sit still and not accidently shoot or draw fire towards the little medic his finger moves away from the trigger until Nix is all clear.

As Terek's boots hit the ground, he doesn't even have a chance to pull the trigger before Sumi is on top of Tsook. He held the whipcord in place and watched the entire thing, getting a first hand view of the utter violence that had been a long time coming.

Once Sumi was finished, he retracted the whipcord and turned to the one fighter that didn't look like he was ready to surrender, "Look at me." He says to the man, taking a step forward, "You're throwing your life away for a corpse. I just want you to know that in your last moment."

And then Terek fires, putting a bolt directly between his eyes and sending him slumping back against a wall. He turns, blaster held in the direction of the ones now looking to surrender, <"Are we taking prisoners, or sending messages?">

One of her staff batons still carrying a small flame at the tip of it, Kirana takes a swipe at the last remaining warrior, whom she'd already knocked around earlier. In doing so, she brings her other arm around to meet both ends of the staff back together as a single weapon, but that brief flourish was the opening the warrior had needed to get back at his assailant. Blaster shots cross the small space between the two of them, catching the Morellian on her left bicep. The shots knock her to the ground, her body spinning a full two and a half times on the way down before she lands on that same injured arm. Her baton pieces clatter to the ground in either direction. Maybe the warrior will trip on it?

Kirana tries to get back up but finds that there's no feeling on her left side. She lets her head drop to the ground and pulls up her other arm, attempting to reach something with her left, but unable to move her left, moves her right arm even closer to her left. The fingers on her left hand search for something along her right forearm, finally finding the small switch underneath that same arm, sliding out a small, rectangular piece of flimsi. Unseen likely by most in the chamber, and unreadable by even fewer, most likely, an old Mirialan script is written vertically down the length of this piece of parchment and she clutches it between two fingers while she lies still. Small whispers can be heard coming from underneath her helmet if any come within close (very close) proximity to her, but very little of it is legible beyond: <"va.. de.. aapophet ehie aph..">

Surrendering comes so swiftly that Colo wonders if there's something he missed. The smoking wounds from the injured and the slain make his stomach turn, so he looks away from them and towards the room they've all fought so hard to get into in the first place. <<"Hardly seems worth it...">> He mutters to himself, though his vocoder goes silent and his body slack as fatigue takes over.

The only thing that keeps him standing is the sting in his battle-patched arm--an arm that'll need a good few days of proper medical treatment--and the hits of adrenaline still coursing through him. Valeska's approach is a shot in the arm--pun intended--to him as well and, battlefield or no, he fumbles with the contraptions keeping his helmet fixed in place. The protective piece is hoisted up off of him to reveal a mess of sweat-matted darkness above, bloodshot green eyes below, and a lazy, forced grin at Valeska's praise. "I just followed you." It's not a lie if he believes it, though some paying closer attention than he has will know otherwise. He leans in without another word to press a soft kiss atop Valeska's helmet.

Not that it lingers long. The affectionate gesture is soon marred by him recoiling and making a few, sputtering spit-noises. "That tastes horrid. Do you -clean- that? Why does it taste like coaxium?" Asks the man who hopes no one asks him how he knows what coaxium tastes like.

With the Warlord defeated, with extreme prejudice, and the order to surrender given by Kora, Fennec leans-slash-falls into the wall and slides into a seated position to just rest her eyes for a minute. The pain was already blunted and forgettable, but, she could feel parts that werent working right. Just another day in the life.

The littlest doctor moves quickly towards Kirana as she goes down. She starts to scan her and gets to work at stopping death in it's tracks. She moves her hands quickly over the woman and stabilizes her. After a few tense moments, Nix gives some pain killers. <<"I am not done fixing you but I need more time.">> The mechanical voice speaks softly towards Kirana as she lightly pats her shoulder.

She gets up and moves over to Sumi as she quickly gets the clan leader up to amazing health and then points to Kirana. <<"Don't let her walk. She needs rest.">> The only time Nix feels comfortable telling Sumi what to do. <<"Please.">> She tacks on quickly. Though she turns and glances around to make sure she got everyone that needed healing. <<"Everyone who is not at one hundred percent, report to my medbay. Which is... uh... In someone's cargo hold. All together.">> She nods her head and then looks at her supplies which are empty. <<"No one else get shot please. All I have is tape.">>

The warlord was dead. Without a doubt.

No flight from the assault such as the one ousted from Death Mountain. No final words before Tsook is ended and the last pair of her warriors here are stepping back to throw down arms and place their palms on the tops of their helmets, submitting to both the sight of their warlord felled but their being grossly outnumbered.

Among the wreckage of it all, Hadrix is back on his feet, stood near to Colo where the Corellian is set. Grunting at him, a sound that comes in a burst of warbling static from his helmet speakers. Watching him kiss Val's helmet and snorting a touch at the man's response to his own actions, <"That's why we touch helmets when we're in our buckets, Colo."> noted through his growling chuckle on his way to where the others are being tended or pulled to their feet.

But the fighting is over. One of those surrendering going so far as to announce on the walker to what few who remain that the warlord was gone and that they were announcing surrender. Coming to the command center in dribs and drabs to offer their weapons.

The Bloodfields were taken for Mand'alor Djarin.