Log:Resistance Convoy Escort

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We Have a Convoy

OOC Date: Jan 23, 2018
Location: Nar Shadaa
Participants: Triz Dermout, Poe Dameron, David Ironside, Karas Darkwing, Dreman Bryce, First Order, The Resistance, Kath Hounds

As the briefing winds down, Triz looks around at the pilots gathered "So, since this is a simple escort mission I am taking three ships. Myself," she explains and looks about and then points to Karas "Pilot Darkwing and," a smirk shows as she seems to look at all the pilots except for David. Finally she throws up her hands and shakes her head "I must be daft but," a nod to David "Pilot Ironsides." She pauses to see the reaction before continuing "Darkwing you have lead, Ironsides you are his wingman and I will be trail as both a lookout and eval for this flight. Any questions?"

David blinks. He's.. ungrounded? And right into a mission, too. And on top of that, it's not in a city! "No questions here, captain. An escort mission out of Hutt Space seems pretty straightforward. Are you expecting anything to happen?" She probably doesn't and that's why she chose him.

Karas looks around and sees only a few of the pilots sitting here, he than leans back into his seat and brings up his data pad. He puts in the information and blinks when he is told that he is flying lead. "Me?" he asks looking very surprised. Normally Triz is the one that is flying lead. Still he gives a nod of his head and he looks over to David, he looks a bit nervous but still he smiles. "Alright man, I will do my best." he says as he looks forward. "What are we escorting and where are we going?"

A nod to David along with a smirk "I doubt it. This has been kept fairly secret but who know." Triz looks at Karas "Two old frieghters from NS to the gravity well. There they will hyperdrive away and we can return to base." She looks around "Okay, lets suit up and see you up top." She heads out to her locker and then on to Spark 1.

Karas nods his head and gets up, his flight suit already on, but he stretches. "Captain, thanks, I will do my best." he says and he begins to head out. Moving to the hangar bay, he finishes suiting up and he calls to his R2 to start up pre-flight. Climbing up the ladder to his fighter and sitting down. He checks the system display and everything is in the green. "Alright, lets get up in the air, and get to those freighters." he calls into his comm as he puts his helmet on, the canopy lowers and he begins to lift off.

Dave runs out, already wearing most of his flightsuit. All he does on the way is unroll it and slip his arms into the sleeves before closing. When he gets to his X-Wing, designated Spark 2, he pulls on the life support vest and his flight helmet. Taxiing out, guided by the ground crew, he's in the air to join Spark 1.

Settling into her flight seat as the X-Wing called Spark 1 blasts off and escapes orbit, a final tug on her belts, "Okay, Tin, bring up the scanners. Our convoy should be at Alpha Dog three." she looks for the other two X-Wings <<Okay guys, lets get this done. They are old and slow so just settle in>> Triz comms as she begins looking for the two freighters that is carring much needed supplies to the far bases of the remains of the Resistance.

The repulsorlifts fire up and the X-Wing lifts up into the air and soon pushing the fighter into the air and rocketing to the rendezvous point. Karas quickly gets info from Spark, yeah his R2 is named Spark. Easy to remember, still it doesn't take long to get into position, still he is following behind Spark 1. <<Keep your eyes open and sensors scanning the area, lets keep things loose and be frosty.>> he calls out to the others. You paged David Ironside with 'I'm gagging Res let me know if anyone speaks towards me. Doubt they will but...' Karas Darkwing (Kar) pages Triz Dermout and David Ironside: Apologizes, how do I use my R2?

"Form up, keep it tight--They should be here," a black-masked figure says, raising a gloved hand to focus his sensor ranges. Behind the glass of his TIE Fighter, the pilot searched the black before them. Beside his TIE, are two TIEs flanking his wing and giving him a bit of distance. It was a tight formation, though.

"Roger, Aurek Lead. We have your Wing," a female voice rang over the comms. The TIEs were hunting something, evident by an aggressive attack formation that allowed peeling from the leader if need be. Why they only sent three TIEs, only the Order knows.

Finally, the Third pilot rings clear on the comms: "Dead ahead, low and tight. Scanners show these are them, Commander."

The TIEs engage their engines at once, throttling forward with an Ion scream. "Good," says the Commander, "Engage in formation."

<<Right behind you, Spark 1. On Spark 5's wing.>> Pulling the thruster lever back, the craft slows down when it breaks out of orbit, Dave calls for his droid to scan for the target. A few beeps behind him indicate the droid activated its scanners, and the display inside the cockpit starts churning out results per vector. Suddenly the droid starts beeping. <<Spark squadron, hostiles on our starboard side, we're being flanked by multiple TIEs!>> He immediately hits the button to switch the craft's s-foils to attack position, increasing the thrusters to attack speed as soon as Spark 5 does the same.

As soon as the call comes out Triz is scanning out the cockpit and her scanners << I got them >> she says and turns her craft towards the TIEs. She jinks and jives trying to stay with the elusive craft that comes at her. Even when laser fire comes at her she stays calm. Easily letting the bolts of the laser pass her right side she brings the nose of her craft back onto a head on rush towards her TIE. Firing, she sees her shots hit but no damage is done.

TIE Commander is quick to engage, as his engines scream forward. No calls, no warnings--spurts of double laser blasts lance from the TIE aggressively. There was a reason he was the Commander. Despite that, his arcing fire seems to dissipate into shields harmlessly. The same goes for the Rebels, though, so they trade scrapes to little effect.

TIE 2 wasn't as talented, missing her shots entirely. "They've spotted us," she calls out. Her gloved hand reaches up to flip a pair of switches above her head. She didn't need the extra sensor power.

TIE 3 is on the switches as well, firing lances of double-blaster bolts towards the ships their Commander had painted on their targetting systems. "Adjusting fire control--" The Pilot mentions, before 2's warning is followed by sudden blaster fire that manages to punch through his shielding.

Hearing the call from Spark 2 as he calls in enemy fighters, Karas quickly gets alerted by Spark who transmitted the information to him, <Thanks for the heads up Spark 2. Spark Squadron cover the freighters. Freighters get moving, we will take out theses jokers.>> he calls into his comms, <<Move into attack position and take them down pretty quickly.>> he calls out to the rest of the flight. As Karas X-Wing is fired upon, he rolls his fighter right, at the same time, the S-Foils open into attack position, and he snap fires off at the lead Tie who fired but he misses. << I over shot, close in and quickly take'em down."

Flying just behind and to the left of Spark 5, David's Spark 2 follows him in his attack run. <<Going for the one wingman>> he calls out his target and squeezes the trigger as green flashes briefly illuminate his cockpit, immediately answered with the trademark sound of the X-Wings laser cannons. As the bolts strike, David assesses the damage done. <<Direct hit on the second TIE, I'm seeing sparks. No pun intended, second TIE's shields are down.>>

As the TIEs swoop in for the kills, the two aging frieghters close to one another as they struggle to reach the gravity well and the safety of Hyperspace.

Triz swings her X-Wing back just as her shields light up as the TIEs fire strikes home. She returns fire but her wild manuvers trow her off and her lasers go wild. "Damn, these guys are good!" she says and Tin, the droid, responds affirmative. <<Watch it Sparks, these guys are good>> she sends out over the comms as she tries to work around again to be in a better position to shoot again.

"Now I've got you," Commander says, and his TIE unleashes a series of arcing green blasts that pelt Karas' shields. Just when it seems like the blasts would penetrate, the blasts spread off away from his fighter.

TIE 2 has finally adjusted the Fire control feed, and the double cannon laser-blasts through Dave's shields as well, finding purchase. "Watch they don't pull us apart--These farmboys only know to play dirty," 2 reminds her right and left.

Third in line was TIE 3, the far right flank. His shots are more oppurtunity than skill, as his primary job was to protect his left side. When a moment presents itself, however, his trigger is held down. 3 Pelt's Triz's shields, but to far less affect. "Fire control 100, feeding," 3 recounts. The TIEs had finally synced their targets. The day was almost theirs!

<<Kriff, they are!>> he breaks. Seeing where Spark 2 is, Karas sees the green blaster fire hitting his ship, he quickly adjusts and dives. <<Keep with me Spark 2.>> Pouring on the speed and rolling and pulling back on his control stick, he pulls back hard and rolls his fighter so that it moves opposite of Spark 2 and he tries to line up a shot so that he is able to take out his bogey and hopefully confuse the hell out of his opponent. It's time to show who's better, <<Spark 1, Cross over and hopefully you can catch one slipping.>> he calls to his flight lead.

Committed to staying on Spark 5's wing, Dave's face goes blank when Karas pulls his fighter the opposite way. "I can't correct for that now!" Sure enough, as Dave is correcting his path to get back on Karas' wing his fighter's surface is exposed and alarms go off in the cockpit as his shield is wiped out. "It's getting hot in here R2, see if you can put that out! And get the shields back up!" Dave finishes his turn, returning fire frantically before rejoining Karas. <<Took some hits, R2 is working on it. Lost you for a second, Spark 5. New move?>>

The freighters continue to lumber along while TIEs and X-Wings fight around them. The comm chatter between the two ship captains is intense as they struggle to get every bit of speed out of their ships. Each one trying to place his ship out of the fire and trying to reach outside the gravity well.

Triz struggles to avoid the return fire from the TIE she has latched on. One minute she is angling this way and the next the other as both craft twist and turn. A quick jink by the TIE brings it into her sights and she, more on instinct, fires. Bits fly off the TIE <<Spark Squadron, report status>> she comms out so she knows how the other ships are doing.

TIE 1, Commander, gets another strafe of shots across Karas' shields. The pelts come quickly, but don't seem to stress the shields entirely much, before there's a pause and they're back to correcting flight paths.

TIE 2 manages another series of shots as well, hounding Dave's fighter with a hail of firepower. 2's protection comes at the cost of the rear-flanking TIE 3. "Far-wing's about to break, Commander, we need an adjustment," 2 calls to the others.

"Break right, run Cresh and bring them back to me," Commander orders.

TIE 3 was about as well-off as 2 had mentioned. Without a change, he wasn't long for this circumstance. But, when Commander comes through offering a change in tactics, 3 throttles forward to take the lead and break right with TIE 2, forming a single pair as TIE Commander breaks left.

<< It's all good Spark 2, are you ok?>> Karas asks as he sees the blaster shots bounce off his shields, his X-Wing shudders from the shot. He lets out a breath, this fight isn't going his way, he checks his sensors as he flies. The freighters are still up and moving away, <<Shields are still holding, going to try to take this Sithspawn down!>> he calls into his comms as he banks right to line up a shot, << If you need me to break Spark 2 let me know so I can assist you with your shot.>> Dave, finally back on Karas' wing speaks into the comm << I'm good, R2's working on it.>> Excited beeps from behind. The TIE fighter's back. However, so are the shields. <<He's on us Spark 5, my shields are back though!>> And that's a good thing, because the shields immediately take a hit. "C'mon R2, you can do better than this.." -(OOC)- Triz Dermout says, "Pilot rolls"

The frieghters continue to close where they can engage their hyperdrives. While the X-Wings take a beating the over all mission is succeeding, to get the ships gone on their way.

Triz thinks for a moment <<The call is your's Spark Five. Do what you think is best for Spark Two>> and just as she finishes her ship is rocked violently as direct hits contact her shields. Light dances over them and her own shots are totally lost out into empty space. "Damn, she's good," Triz says about the TIE she is up against.

TIE Commander seems to manage on his own, as he screams away from the others to try and draw some of the pressure away. Focusing on speed costs him a bit of focus, and he isn't able to quite land any shots. The TIE, suddenly, stops his leftward path to swoop back towards his wingmates.

TIE 2 isn't very lucky at all, and the maneuver manages to save her comrade--But in the exchange, the TIE is lit up with a series of firepower. The computer within TIE 2 begins to scream critical messages. A quick curse is heard over the radio.

TIE3 is recued from destruction by the change in formation, and he's able to land a series of shots against Triz's fighter. It doesn't quite break down the ship's shields, but, they were putting the pressure on.

Spark 5 quick is able to bank left as the Tie Pilot tried to get a bead on the X-Wing, but Karas grunts with the pressure pushed on him. He quickly crank up his inertia compensators to alleviate that. <<Alright, we can do this Sparks, I will keep up with you Spark 2, take your shot.>> he calls and as he says that. Red fire spits from the X-Wings cannon as Karas quickly shots at the Tie hitting it.

David grunts, his fighter shaking as he dodges blasts from the pursuing TIE. When the blasts stop, David reads his display. R2 upped the shields again. "Doing great, Ones!" He calls. Dave pulls the thruster all the way back, causing the TIE to break pursuit or crash. Luckily for both parties involved, the pilot chooses the latter and breaks off. Dave immediately activates the thruster again, giving chase and returning fire. To no avail, however, they didn't send rookie pilots.

The first freighter seems to slow and then winks out of sight as it has finally reached the gravity well and goes into Hyperspace. The second only slows as it seems there is an issue with it's hyperdrive. They are old right?

Triz's ship is again rocked by the fire of the TIE as her shields finally give way under the relentless fire from the FO TIE. Then her ship is knocked nearly upside down as the craft sustains damage, the cockpit begins to have wifts of smoke trailing up from the dash. <<Make sure that frieghter gets going, what ever else you do, protect the frieghter!>> Triz coms out.

Dave's victim explodes in a fireball of orange and red. TIE pieces scatter, before TIE Commander and TIE 3 form back up on each other, with TIE Commander as the wingman. "Commander Thorne to Ziro--prep the ready units," he calls.

While TIE Commander preps for new units to scramble and intercept, TIE 3 is taking the lead in the fight and throttles forward with arcs of green blaster bolts tearing Triz's shields apart. A few errant shots find purchase.

From the exit point of the first freighter there is a bit of a wink but this is a craft coming into existence in the system. A Yellow y-wing flashes into existence close to the dog fight and rolls with surprising manueverability as it joins the fight. The crafts engines roar and the nose of the craft lights up with blue and red energy as the pilot shoots at the craft that was attacking Triz "Woooohooo!!" The Y-wing flashes behind Spark 1 in pursuit of the FO Tie "Spark five I believe you owe me fifty credits!" The y-wing banks hard and throttles back to try and keep the TIE he is pursuing in his sights.

Karas IFF sensors go off and he checks it quickly seeing that Triz was hit, he quickly climbs keeping Spark 2 in sensor range. As he climbs he evades the firing from the F/O Tie. Cutting his thrusters and continuing to pull back to do a hard loop, he engages his thrusters again, hoping that Spark 2 can keep up, he tries to fire but he misses, <<HOw are you doing Spark Lead?>> he calls. << If you have to, cover the Freighters.>> he calls. <<Spark 2, lets' get these assholes.>> he's getting mad now. Than he hears a voice he wasn't expecting, <<Krif!>>

<<You got it, Spark 5. Try to keep up with the freighters in that thing, Poe. Glad you could join us!>> Dave returns to Karas' wing after dealing with his TIE flying counterpart. << Lead the way, Spark 5. >> Dave peers over at his squadron mate, giving a quick thumbs-up. Did he see? Maybe. Does it matter? Not really.

The second freighter finally winks out as the problem with the Hyperdrive is cured. Leaving the battle in the hands of the fighters.

<<Glad you could make it Black Lead>> She says over the comms as Poe winks in. Tin beeps and squawks as her shields blink back to a go and the cause of the smoke seems to have been taken care of as well. "Thanks, Tin," she says just as her shields light up slightly. "Just in time too," she says as she twists the fighter around to take the fight back to the TIE. Laser bolts flash and bits fly from the TIE as her shots strike the target. << I'm good, stay with your targets, wait...>> there is a pause <<New boogies, sector Dog Zed Four. Two TIES>> she rattles off.

A new pair of TIES activate on TIE Commander's authorization, but there's a problem back at base. Rather than scramble a full squad, as Commander had hoped, they're limited to only a pair of TIEs for six minutes. And, as luck would have it, the TIE Commander was protecting explodes into a ball of fire.

Two more TIEs scream onto the scene, unknown that they were lining into the sights of Poe-freaking-Dameron. Shields hold, but, the TIEs were on the run now. Things had turned down south for the First Order.

Flash 1 Rolls onto it's port engine and then pulls up hard to start a head to head engagement with one of the new incoming Ties <<"I'm on one of the new eyeballs Sparky.">> The pilot leans forward and flips a few switches "Alright buddy lets pull our shields full front for this. I don't want that sleezeball blowing this ship up right when we got her in flying order." As poe watches the range indicator click down he pulls the trigger at what he knows to be the max distance for his weapons. Red and blue energy splash over the Ties Shields which distracts the TIE from getting a return shot as Poe pulls the y-wing to fly under the oncoming Eyeball. As soon as he's past he pulls hard on the flightstick to try and get on the TIE's tail. <<Spark 2, on it Spark Leader. Widening formation.>> The two fighters separate, Spark 2 engaging a TIE immediately. His targeting computer beeps, beeps faster, emits a single tone for a hard lock and David pulls the trigger. <<Spark 2, direct hit on the TIE, it's burning. Coming around for another run at it>>

Triz shakes her head with a grin as her last shots blow the TIE out of the space. But her own ship is again rocked as the dying shots of the TIE strike her already damaged craft. Shields wink out, the responses are slow in coming. <<Stay with the TIES if you can. Freighters got away so mission is complete but lets get these buggers shall we?>> she asks over the comms. She still fights her wounded ship as Tin reports that he is unable to restore her shields "It's okay, Tin. You've done great buddy."

TIE Commander watches as another of his TIEs is turned into an explosion of fire and scrap--Their time was closing quickly around them, but they had a duty to fulfill for the First Order. Fleeing the battle wasn't an option any of them had. "Get these farmers and put them back planetside!" TIE Commander demands of the other TIEs, intent on using them to send these Rebels home in pieces!

Besides losing another ally, the TIEs do manage some solid hits, tearing apart the shields of their enemies. Green blaster cannon-fire lights the black space around them as the TIEs try to turn everything back around, even if the transports were gone.

There is a jolt to the y-wing and Dameron curses as he watches his shields blink out of existence. "Hey pal could you get those damned shields BACK UP!" Poe yanks on the flightstick pulling the craft into a relatively tight curve for a y-wing. Bb-8 scolds the pilot and Dameron says "Yeah yeah, I'll make sure that doesn't happen anymore." He fires his weapons and watches as the blasts in front of him are absorbed by shields.

David, playing his part, engages one of the new TIEs. When his intended killshots miss, he picks up the pace as the TIE is now following him around. <<Breaking off your wing, Spark 5. Got one on me>> he announces as he engages the thrust. These new pilots are clearly superior to the last batch, as a volley of green laser fire rocks the ship. "Shield status, R2?" The cockpit display notes a dangerously low percentage. "Oh. Well, see what you can do about that, okay?" David flies off immediately, trying to shake his tail.

Triz fights her craft as the hits she has taken take it's toll. About all she can do now is try to avoid being hit. Her systems are either red or yellow, targetting is blinking on and off. She gets lucky, for there is no other way to describe it as she jinks at the same time the TIE fires, it's laser bolts just flashing by her cockpit.

The three remaining TIEs, after being chewed out by their commander press the attack harder. Perhaps to hard for two of them as their shots miss. But the one that unknowingly decided to meet up with the best damn pilot there is does get a weak shot on the Y-Wing's shields.

The y-wing is not quite fast enough to pull behind the Tie but it is fast enough that they end up in a head to head again "Alright BB... lets get what shields we got full front." Poe grits his teeth and says "Lets get this sucker." Poe pulls the trigger on his flightstick and the bolts of energy fly through the shields of the tie scorching the craft and sending it veering away before it can really get a good hit on his shields. << I've got one more hit on this guy and he's toast.>> The pilot slides his y-wing behind the escaping TIE

<<Still got one on me guys, be great if someone's free and able to take 'em out!>> David half-turns his head to the droid behind him. "How's those shields coming along, Ones?" Sad beeps in reply. "Ah, no worries, they're not hittin--" Just as he said that, David has to stop talking and yank the stick. "Alright, -now- they're not hitting us. I'll focus on keeping it that way, get those shields back up R2!" You paged David Ironside with 'You got one of the fresh TIEs right?'

Spark 5 pulls back on the control stick and he breaks hard right as shots from the Tie misses. Lining up another of the Eyeballs, he attempts his shot but he misses. Still he keeps his head, he shakes his hands just a little and as Spark 2 tells him that he's breaking off his wing, Karas nods. << I got your tail Spark 2.>> Manuvering his X-Wing, Spark 5 does a Talon Roll and comes in fast as he closes the S-Foils of his X-Wing. The fighter picking up more speed as he does this, << I"m on your tail, lining up a shot.>> he calls to Spark 2.

Triz struggles with her ill craft but it is only her skill that keeps her from not being another statistic. While she fends off the TIE she can't get a good shot. Her blasts go well wide, fading out into the darkness.

The remaining TIEs jockey for position as they continue to take hits. The relentless pressure by the Resistance and with the help of that Y-Wing has turned the scales against them. Missing all together or not even able to get into position they struggle against the Resistance veterans.

This time Poe is on his best behavior when it comes to tracking down his target. The tie doesn't manage to get out of his sights and when the TIE centers in on his targeting reticule. Poe grins a toothy grin and pulls the trigger. Blue and Red energy pierce the cockpit of the TIE and it blows to millions of pieces <<"One more Eyeball down, sparky!">> The pilot blows through the ever expanding fireball of the TIE fighter and the y-wing goes on a sweeping loop looking for another kill.

Spark 5 doesn't let the Eyeball on Spark 2 get away, rolling and following David as he goes after the other Tie, Karas manages to get a shot off and as red laser bolts flash through the night, he is greeted with the destruction of the Tie on Spark 2. He rolls through the fireball, <<Spark 2, Eyeball on your tail is gone.>> he calls to the pilot. He laughs as he finally got the SOB, still they had work to do and he pushes the throttle to MAX as he begins looking for more targets. << Is everyone ok, let me get a sitrep.>>

<<Thanks Five, much obliged!>> David peers at his targeting computer. "Hey.. that one's all unscathed.. that's not cool." The slow beeps turn into fast beeps before the lock gets, well, locked in and David shoots. <<Direct hit on the eyeball, it's all hull from here squadron!>> He calls out enthusiastically. C'mon, he thinks to himself, we're this close to being home free. Freighters are on their way and the First Order lost a bunch of TIEs.

As neither TIE gets into a good positiong, now being out gunned four to two, they begin to turn for home. Triz gets a break and fires off on the TIE that has caused her so much grief. Wiping away the rest of the shields and damaging the First Order craft. Tin in the mean time begins to beep and whistle as more and more systems on Spark One near failure. "Got to hold it together just a little bit more, Tin." she tells him

<<Good Hit Sparky... let me help you with the rest>> The voice of poe dameron comes just before blue and red lights splash against the TIE in front of her melting a pylon connecting the wing to the craft and venting atmosphere into space as the craft crackles with blue energy and spins lifelessly off into space. <<Nice flying Sparky.>>

Engines roaring as he comes around moving to keep Spark 2's wing, though with the maneuver he does, just brings him around and he tries to see how skilled David is, and honestly, he is happy to have Spark 2 on his wing. He's a good pilot. Spark 5, slows as he moves past the fireball he previously made, the X-Wing re-orients itself. Spark 5, still locked onto the TIE, follows it very closely. The errant movements of the sole remaining fighter betray his mental defeat, and Dave knows it. "Alright R2, gonna take this one out and then we're going home." Dave squeezes the trigger. Two bolts from the left side fly into the area connecting the cockpit to the wing, and two from the right manage to hit the other before it starts spinning out. The cockpit is left to float aimlessly in space before a second volley blows it up.

Triz laughs as she turns her craft, after the last TIE has blown up, towards Nar Shaddaa. She pats the dash of the craft "You done well, now just get me home," she says before flipping the comms switch <<Thanks, Black...Blackie. So nice of you to clean up my trash. Just wondering what took you so long to get here. I wasn't sure how much longer I was to play with him so you could get another kill>> she replies and the jest thick in her voice as she wipes a bit of sweat off her face. Switching to Ship to ship channel she speaks to Poe <<Thanks, it was giving me a bit of a fight>> she tells him before switching to all ships channel again. A deep breath before she keys the comms <<Well done all. Mission complete, freighters have made it and we did our jobs.>> After a short pause << Lets return to base >> and her obviously damaged craft limps home

<< I would have been here sooner but I needed to make sure that this thing wasn't going to kill me before I could come to the rescue.>> Poe pulls up flash one next to Spark 1 and and then says over the comes <<"You absolutely owe me fifty credits Spark 5.>> there is a bit of a laugh and then he says << Lets get back before this thing kills me. >>

Spark 5 moves forward, "Spark do another sensor sweep to make sure there aren't any other Tie's around." he tells his R2 unit. <<Sure, sure, I know you had someone else work on that Y-Wing Flash 1.>> he calls into his mike. Looking to his side, <<How are you holding up Spark 2, good job out there and thanks for flying my wing. I wasn't sure I could get that Tie behind you, he's was damn good.>>

<< I'm doing great, Spark 5. No problems here. Minor repairs needed, but R2 managed to get the shields in working order again. See you at base, can't wait to see your face when Poe comes to collect.>> He grins, then turns to his droid. "Yeah, you did good, Ones. Don't get an attitude though." The droid beeps happily as Spark 2 forms up with the rest of the fighters.