Log:Trial: Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo

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[ Ben Solo ]

The Senate has called a special session: initial hearings in the matter of Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo.

The senate chamber is awash with people, rows and rows seated in special levitating boxes big enough for only a few people to sit (or stand, whichever they prefer) assembled in concentric rings around the Chancellor's balcony which protrudes from the wall into the middle of the space.

Vice Chancellor Nien Nunb is chairing the proceedings in Lando Calrissian's absence, his Sullustan greeting being translated into Basic by a booming Iktotchi aide. "SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES," the Iktotchi thunders after Nien Nunb, operaing on a small delay. "You are gathered today for one purpose only; to hear arguments in the case of the accused, Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo." There is a break while two of the grav-boxes move from the rear of the chamber towards the front, a man and a woman riding on separate platforms, both dressed in convict attire, neutral blue and grey. "The charges are as follows."

The Iktotchi aide adjusts a holoprompter and reads off the list. "Ben Solo, also known as Kylo Ren: treason against the New Republic. Making war against the New Republic. Mass genocide in the Hosnian Cataclysm. Murder of Han Solo, hero of the Republic. Murder of Luke Skywalker, hero of the Republic. Mass murder on Nar Shaddaa. Mass murder on Kalarba. Regicide on Naboo. Crimes and atrocities too numerous to count."

The uproar has already begun, and the Iktotchi shouts "ORDER! ORDER!" to quiet the rumblings from the crowd before continuing. "Rey Skywalker. Harboring known fugitive Kylo Ren, Ben Solo. More insidiously, hiding your identity as a Palpatine, complicity in his plans, and machinations of your own tantamount to treason against the New Republic. How do you plead?"

[ Rey Skywalker ]

Rey stands still atop the platform that she's brought out upon. Her hands in binders in front of her lap, her hair loose and down around her shoulders. She lets her eyes roam around the interior of the Republic Senate building, up until the speaker starts.

Ben's crimes go listed out, and it cause her to draw in a light breath, as she drops her chin ever so slightly before looking over to him. Her eyes then go back to the speaker when he starts with her accusations. Her chin raises back up again then.

"Not Guilty." Rey says when asked. She leaves it at that, as she does not expect a explanation is desired yet, at this stage. Instead, she just falls silent again.

[ Bizz Bliptettjupp ]

Brother Bizz is wearing his good holy robes today. He stopped outside at some of the Chandrilan street vendors and bought a grappaberry smoothie and a Chandrilan squall tendermeat kebab dripping with spicy Chando pepper sauce. The kebab is now half eaten and a sheen of sweat is on the monk's forehead from that spicy hot sauce, because the Kubindi who runs the kebab cart knows his peppers. Now he sits in a big floating bleacher-box listening.

[ Hex ]

Hex is here with Kasia. They're pillars of the community! He does not look happy, though, and despite being well dressed in something nicer than his notorious floral duster, Hex's mood seems grim as he listens to the proceedings going forth.

[ Tamsin Cas ]

The trial had been called open, and so, any and all who wished to attend, once would assume, were allowed to attend, so long as a space could be found for them to sit. Perhaps that was why there were so many spectators who were not counted amongst the New Republics representatives, Senators and staff. Certainly it might explain how a certain travelling doctor had made her way to the hearing, having found a seat in one of the boxes, though she was not accompanied by anyone she knew. The joys of sitting with strangers. Regardless of her state of companionship, a seat was found and she settled, pulling her medical bag around to rest in her lap as she awaited the beginning of the proceedings.

[ Aryn Cortess ]

Aryn Cortess stands in one of the platforms dressed according to the occasion, with a long cape fashioned to New Alderaan that hangs off one shoulder and covers her back down to the heels of her shined boots. Her ensemble, matching the cape, is a tunic of fine design. She even has the posh gloves pulled up over her hands and tucked beneath stylish bracers. A silvery white gold tiara holds Aryn's bright blonde hair back, leaving the scarred image of her fair face to plain view, a mark not even her makeup could conceal. She waits patiently for the proceedings to get underway, hands tucked and clasped beneath her cape and at the small of her back.

[ Ambrosia Greystorm ]

Ambrosia Greystorm thought this day would never come. She'd dreamt about - variations of it, at least - for months? years? the day that Kylo Ren met his end. Her dreams might've fast-forwarded through all the court processes and such, but this very real, very arrived version is as close to "justice" as she knows the New Republic is capable of producing. Moral high ground, and all.

But there's another reason she hadn't anticipated this day becoming a reality, in that somehow in the middle of it all, there is a well-meaning girl snared in the same tangle of condemnation. And with her, the Jedi, and with the Jedi? her own son. It's a very sticky web, one she's know doubts has potential for further entanglements and mucking of her own personal affairs, and that - THAT - has cast one hell of a wet blanket over her shivers of delight. Not to mention the headache.

There aren't enough drugs in medbay. High blood pressure to blame? Likely playing a role.

Quiet as the grave, the steel-eyed General marched meticulously-shined boots over the expensive carpet, to her assigned box, in company of fellows. Her uniform is pressed, tunic belted tight, holsters strapped on but precautiously empty. If the rank insignia and last name stitched on shoulder weren't enough to identify the woman, her face might ring a few bells.

It's with predatory stillness that she listens to Nien Nunb call the proceedings to order.

[ Ariel Teral ]

Some Senators might have chosen to phone it in on the Holos, but New Alderaan's Senator was here in the flesh. The redheaded woman is dressed overly conservative given it's an actual trial. Her attache has made sure that she's seated in the proper place and she's quietly been listening to what has been going on. The charges against Ben Solo and Rey Skywalker were grim, that was an understatement. She had been absent when the Chancellor had called the emergency meeting, but she was here now and making sure that she was understanding all that was on the table at the moment.

[ Ulani Kalgaav ]

Ulani slips into the Senate Chambers a bit late but fashionably so. Or so she has been told by many a Alderaanian noble. Tension in her shoulders and a pensive expression creasing her young fact, the red-headed woman is quickly looking for a seat to take as the list of charges are levied. Brows furrowed, she takes a good, long look at Ben. She'd only heard about him and not by that name. Though in her household, that name was lauded and celebrated.

She certainly can't say the same for herself personally. Especially now.

Rey gets an almost sympathetic glance. Having never met the woman, Ulani cannot help but feel a pang of pity for someone else who, it would seem, is to be punished for her family and their deeds. Ah, but Ulani knows she is ignorant of this whole mess and all the cogs that grind within it. Thus she sits down and listens. And learns.

[ Orren Rist ]

Dressed smartly in black and emerald. He's seated with the Alderaanian contingent (that is to say near Aryn and probably Nora) in stolid silence, hands folded neatly across his lap. He's clearly interested in the proceedings, leaning forward as the Iktotchi aide reads of fthe charges, a frown creasing his expression as he listens and then leans back, not participating in the uproar. The general disarray makes him wrinkle his nose in quiet distaste from his place up on one of the platforms, but for now he's content to merely watch.

[ Corto ] One of the floaty booth things with repulsors suffering a small amount of strain held a large man who had missed the 'dress appropriately' memo. No, it wasn't a self-deluded Thyferran, but instead a hulking blue Feeorin dressed as though he'd just walked off the sands of Tatween. He was sitting, so his height was mostly obscured, with booted feet sitting up on the edge of the hoverbooth and his wide-brimmed hat sitting low across his eyes. In fact, now that he was sitting, there was no height to hide those eyes! Was he watching? Disinterested? Was Corto the Drifter simply watching mysteriously and enigmatically as only the mildly-taciturn possible Jedi could?


Well I guess that answers that.

[ Kasia Ashkuri ] Kasia is seated beside Hex, dressed as fancily as he is, though the degree of fancy is a bit more sedate than her usual. No bright colors, a modest amount of jewelry. When the hearing starts, she sits up a little straighter in her seat and angles a glance in Hex's direction. A hand reaches out for his, trying to give it a reassuring squeeze before her focus turns ahead again.

[ Nora Frayus ]

Nora Frayus is seated in one of the many floating boxes arranged around the central balcony of the Senate Chamber. While the color of her dress is dark enough to fit the somber atmosphere, the cut of it is more suited to an afternoon of cocktails than matters of legal proceedings. That dress is accompanied by one particularly eclectic accessory -- an ornate sheath for the intricate rapier at her hip. It's slung over her slender shoulder and allows that rapier to rest at her hip, tip angled backwards towards the back of her thighs. Her left hand rests upon its grip, though it is neutral and relaxed. Her thumb rolls across the handguard idly in a gesture that's more for self soothing than self defense. She pulls in a breath as the charges are read and the rabble swells.


Her head cocks to the side to look at those around her in the box with a neutral expression. While some nearby shout, those accompanying her are in a state of pensive or tense silence. Nora turns her eyes back to the one reciting the charges. That grip of her sword tightens when Rey's are read aloud.

[ Ben Solo ]

When his box settles near the front of the Senate chamber, the man formerly known as Ben Solo looks down complicitly as his crimes are listed, then raises his head when asked to enter a plea. "Guilty." The word comes shortly after Rey's, and sparks a collective gasp and hush from those who expected denials. Taking advantage of the gap in noise, the Vice Chancellor's aide waves towards the bailiff's stand. "Bring forth the first witnesses, bailiff, that the committee may begin with questions."

As the first pair of witnesses' floating pods lift out of the crowd and move up towards the center, a dozen others rise from assembly and circle behind the Chancellor's balcony, higher and angled down to face the accused and those filing statements before them. These Senators represent a dozen of the most important worlds in the New Republic. "Vice Chancellor, if I may," requests a Bothan statesman as he rises from his seat.

"The Senate recognizes Pont Pidu, the Senator from Bothawui."

"Thank you. Madame Jedi, Rey Skywalker, you call yourself. Do you suggest that it is untrue that you have harbored the man Ben Solo, or shall we rather call him Kylo Ren, away from the eyes of the Senate and the rightful justice for his crimes? We have called..." he looks down, then up. "General Ambrosia Greystorm and Princess Aryn Cortess as witnesses."

[ Lumira Cortess ]

Lumira Cortess is one of several Alderaanian nobles currently gathered to watch this trial. The lady is currently sitting beside her cousin, Princess Aryn, wearing a lavish gown in Cortess colors. She sits with exemplary posture, her back straight and chin lifted, with both hands neatly folded into her lap. Although she is usually an effervescent young lady, the somber proceedings are reflected in her countenance -- her rosy lips are worn in a level line, her well-shaped brows gently scrunched.

Once the trial begins, Lumira will lose some of her rigidity by leaning forward to get a better look at the players below. She first observes Ben Solo -- the man and menace known so recently as Kylo Ren -- and that level line at her mouth presses. Then, over to Rey, her look softening with curiosity. Lumira shifts in her seat, then leans over to murmur something in Orren's ear.

[ Jax Greystorm ]

Jax had chose to attend the event not in one of the floating platforms being used by the senators, witness, or even the accused. He was in the gallery for those that come to observe. He's dressed like a spacer and not a jedi. He watches quietly observing the play unfolding. He keeps his own council as it seems that he knew most the key players counting them as friends or family.

[ Aryn Cortess ]

Aryn's section rises up when summoned to speak as witness to character for the Paragon Rey, or the former Kylo Ren. Aryn's face is neutral and calm as she comes under the light and shifts forward so that her voice falls within range of the amplifiers responsible for sharing her words with the rest of the chambers. "Honorable Senate of the New Republic, I am humbled to be summoned to speak as witness to the Jedi's Paragon, Rey Skywalker. How are we to proceed?" Aryn wasn't quite so familiar with the process in the senate as it was in her home court, so she allowed them to prompt her.

[ Rey Skywalker ]

Rey looks up again when she's questioned directly. She glances to Ben, then looks back to the speaker who asked it.

"Those charges, you read off, they came against Kylo Ren, not against Ben Solo."

Rey casts her gaze around the Senate chamber then. "Who here understands the ways of the Force? Who here knows what happens, when the Dark Side of the Force corrupts your mind? Ben Solo was swayed to the Dark Side of the Force by Supreme Leader Snoke. He is the reason these things happened to the galaxy. He is the reason the deaths took place. The destruction took place."

She nods to Ben then. "Snoke believed that Ben Solo was gone. That Kylo Ren had destroyed him. But, Ben yet remained. A flicker of light, in a valley of darkness. It was that flickering light, that slayed Supreme Leader Snoke." She looks once more across the crowd. "If not for Ben Solo, Supreme Leader Snoke would live yet still today. Emperor Palpatine would have returned, in full force, and the galaxy.... would be blanketed in darkness. Ben Solo rose up, and fought back against Snoke, against Kylo Ren. This Republic would not be here today, had Ben Solo not been given the ability to return. I've tried to help, as much as I possibly could with this, and in-turn, he's shown me almost everything I know about the Force. Which allowed me to, also, fight back against Emperor Palpatine's dark desires... I needed Ben's help, to achieve the things I've achieved, and in turn, I hope that he needed mine to achieve his return, from the dark."

[ Ben Solo ]

Senator Pidu looks across at Aryn. "Princess Cortess, it is my understanding you are a member of the Jedi Order, are you not? Is it not true that Kylo Ren, under the name Ben Solo, has spent the time since the great victory at Exegol under the protection of your leader, Rey Skywalker?"

He glances at Amber, then to Rey. "Snoke was dead for a year while your 'Ben Solo' continued to menace the galaxy with sword and superweapon. Explain the massacre on Mon Calamari."

A proxy for the Senator for Mon Calamari gives a grunt of approval, butting in. "Perhaps as a user of the Force yourself, you can give credence to these claims? Is it true, what Rey Skywalker says? Give me a reason to trust the word of a Palpatine. Explain these vicious rumors. No child of Dac can forget the way she fought to protect us from exactly what my colleague refers to."

[ Nora Frayus ]

Nora listens to the proceedings with a grim expression that doesn't typically sit on her face. Her lips further thin when Aryn Cortess is called upon to speak as a witness, those cold blue eyes lifting to the Princess' chamber as it rises above the others so that she may speak. Nora's hand grasps that blade a little tighter now, thumb stroking across the handguard to trace a slow line across its intricate design. When Rey begins to speak, Nora's cool blue gaze turns to Ben Solo now. The Jedi Paragon's words appear to not entirely resonate with her, but Lady Frayus demonstrates a restraint that is quite unlike her. There's time for talk, and there's time for tact.

[ Corto ] There was a faint snuffling sound from the sleeping Corto followed by a quiet "huhwhzt," as consciousness returned. Talking was happening and thus nap time was over. He lifted his hat and his eyes were almost-alert. Instant waking was not the easiest task, up there with 'obtaining half-decent campfire caf' in terms of challenge.

A courtroom is a battlefield and a senate chamber is a warzone. Calm, polite, and ever following the rules of engagement, but only a fool would forget that decisions made here were more dangerous than any conflict where arms were borne. The old adage of sticks and stones is timeless but when procedure was taking place, words can and will doom you. It was for this reason that our drifter, hardly even flax in this time-worn tapestry of blood and ideology, had made his place here today. And after a power nap he was ready to spectate these halls of death and see the threads unravel.

"An' he killed a lot of people and propagated a war," was the deep rumbledrawl from the Feeorin, quiet so only he and his booth occupants may hear. "Their next question is goin' be, 'why wasn't he sent in to stand trial immediately?'."

[ Ambrosia Greystorm ]

Ambrosia clears her throat softly and taps a few restless fingers on the guard rail of her floating box. Feels like a prison to her, probably. An old war dog penned up in a fancy house and surrounded by hundreds of eyes waiting to see just how housetrained she might be. Or isn't. "I will likewise be speaking on behalf of Rey Skywalker," The ole Battleaxe's voice carries solemnly with aid from the amplifiers, unsurprisingly skips the niceties and titleships and cuts straight to the meat of it. Aryn already did the honors of the honoring, right? "And I have words of testimony concering Kylo Ren...and Ben Solo."

Quit smiling on her rigid shoulder, ghost Leia.

[ Ulani Kalgaav ]

Ulani shifts uncomfortably in her seat when the man on the stand admits to guilt only to be rebuked by the young woman on trial with him. Back and forth her cornflower blue eyes flick; jaw tense when Palpatine's name is mentioned, as well. All of these cursed names and former names-- it's a bad omen that is making her subconsciously rub at her own arms in attempt to self-console. As if invoking the names would have enough power to bring these beings back once more.

Rebuttals to claims. Rebuttals to the rebuttals. It's a trial of a generation surely. Idly she wonders if the Sith Empire is watching all this with glee.

[ Ariel Teral ]

Ariel gives a thoughtful look as Rey speaks. She'd had dealings with the Jedi given their assistance on New Alderaan, but she'd never met the Paragon or Ben Solo. Her emerald gaze turns from the two on trial to the Senators that speak and ask their questions. She takes notes while listening to the testimony that is given.

[ Tamsin Cas ] Tamsin looked away from the accused, and those who were being brought to offer testimony, at the sound of a snore from the Feeorin who appeared to have only just woken up in her booth. There was a faint recognition in Tamsin's expression, but now was not, precisely, the time for reintroductions. And so, she simply politely ignored the fact that Corto had been sleeping only a few moments before. Surely there would be time to speak later, once the witnesses had spoken and this was done for the day.

[ Yuun ]

Yuun sits in one of the platforms with Corto. This arena was one that he?s not familiar with but Yuun has seen ?Galactic Law and Order.? if that helps. For now he sits there quietly, he knows he will speak up, he wants to choose his words carefully. He glances over at Corto for a moment then back to the proceedings.

[ Bizz Bliptettjupp ]

Brother Bizz has another nibble of his spicy Chandrilan squall tendermeat kebab. Then he dabs his forehead with a handkerchief. "Darth Vader had it easy, he died and dodged the trial after his redemption," the squat holy man mutters. "By the FORCE." The repulsor-bench hovers up and down slightly, making Bizz feel mild seasickness.

[ Lumira Cortess ]

Lumira listens to Rey's testimony with a deepening frown. She shifts in her chair, her folded hands wringing together until finally unlacing to give an annoyed brush at her skirts. Given all that they have have lost, it is difficult for the Alderaanian lady to sit still and say nothing, although her fidgety hands will ultimately be forced back again. When Orren murmurs something to her, she will murmur something back, and then similarly lean to the side to offer an observation to nearby Nora. Whatever she says inspires a delicate arch of her brow, gaze searching, before the Cortess lady turns back around again.

Naturally, when Aryn is called upon to speak, Lumi will shift her attention toward her cousin with gentle curiosity. She sits a little straighter, her lower lip unconsciously drawn in for a thoughtful nibble.

[ Hex ] Hex's lekku shift unhappily at some of the testimony given already, perhaps most notably Rey's, and murmurs something quietly to Kasia as the senators ask questions of Aryn and Amber.

[ Aryn Cortess ]

"I am a member of the Order, yes." Aryn confirms with a nod that sets her earrings to moving slightly, the gemstones catching the light in a glittery manner. "Tis true that Mr. Solo served as part of the mission to Exegol. Recall you the mission logs of the battle, Ben Solo announced himself as friend to join Rey in her battle against the presumed late Emperor, Sheev Palpatine. Additionally, what the Paragon shares is true concerning his involvement during the ensuing battle. Mr. Solo played his part, and lost his life because of it."

"The Dark Side of the Force, as the Paragon references, is a powerful temptation. All those sensitive to the Force are drawn to it as it is the nature of being. Ideologies say one cannot exist without the other, much as those sensitive to the Force cannot experience one influence without experiencing the other. The difference is choice; seduction to the notion of power is an overwhelming temptation that can transform into an addiction in itself. The more it is used, the easier and more addicting it becomes. This is why it is so important for the Jedi Order to exist, so that instruction and mentorship of the ways of the Force can be orchestrated to give people the tools they need in order to resist such temptations."

"As to Rey being a Palpatine, she cannot control what name she is born to, much as any of us are in control. What is important to understand about the Paragon Rey is that she had no notion of her heritage until the assault on Exegol. She, with the aid of Mr. Solo, and the joint alliance armada, destroyed Palpatine. Subsequently, she chose to erase the name Palpatine from history, and take on a name worth remembering. Her blood relations does not entitle her to the misdeeds and ill crimes of her kin. We are, all of us, heralds of our own destiny. She made her choice."

[ Orren Rist ]

The Rist Lord leans back in his seat as Aryn comes up to speak, looking to Senator Pidu and back to Aryn once more, shifting slightly and nodding faintly at something Lumira whispers to him, glancing to Nora then back to the proceedings. He remains silent of course, his hands adjusting one and then the other. Aryn's speech gets a small nod from Orren, her final point about names and heritage causing his lips to pull into a deeper frown and earn a second more decisive nod.

[ Sesti Greystorm ]

In the Iridonian Senate box the white of Sesti Greystorm's senate robe is a still center to the colors around her. They have opted for sitting, not lounging, but sitting as the proceedings will probably take long enough to task even a zabrak's ability to stand at parade rest. There are four others in the box and only one of her usual aides. Each of the four are older, sterner, and wear the colors and sigils of their respective clans. The zabrak have chosen four of their most powerful clans to stand by their Senator to show their support.

The purple eyes of the Senator roam the gallery during the tumult, drawn to a quiet individual that brings the barest of curve to her lips before the questioning gets underway in earnest. All trace of emotion gone, Sesti brings her attention back to the proceedings, a slight furrow of her brows as Rey seeks to defend Ben Solo. Her aide leans in, talking quietly. She comments quietly in return, her palms lifting upwards briefly, and the aide subsides with a single nod.

Hard won experience over the past months has perfected the neutral calm of her countenance, even though the fate of not only a friend, but her own family, could possibly hang in the balance.

[ Kasia Ashkuri ] Kasia tilts her head a little bit closer as Hex leans in to murmur, head bobbing in a small nod as she looks ahead to those who testify. There's a moment to consider quiet his words before turning more in toward him to murmur a few of her own in return. Once again her hand reaches out for his, squeezing and offering him a small reassuring smile.

[ Corto ] "She's got half a point," Corto rumbledrawled towards young Yuun and the doctor lady he'd met that one night in Ko Hentota a short while back. He shuffled his backside in the two seats his frame demanded, and changed which leg was crossed over the other. Amber eyes were squinting at the Alderaanian platform, bearing a quiet sort of scrutiny for one who had no words to contribute and only comments for conjecture. "Still cut-and-dry so far. Interestin' to see who's next."

[ Nora Frayus ]

Nora's eyes turn to Lumira and Orren when she senses a glance from the Rist lord. Lumira, if some of those whispers are about Lady Frayus, is a touch more subtle than her betrothed. But the sense of that gaze is enough to catch Nora's attention. Lord Orren feels the entire weight of that attention now. Those cold blue eyes and that severe expression. She's almost always smiling, but as Princess Cortess says her piece, it seems Nora is feeling the weight of those words.

Her attention doesn't linger, however. Soon enough, she glances back up towards Aryn while the Princess speaks, hand still firmly set on the grip of her sword in a calm and neutral position.

[ Ben Solo ]

Ben Solo watches Rey's defense with tired eyes, his tousled hair looking like it was barely combed before he came in here. "It's true that Snoke lied to me. But my decisions were my own," the accused insists, shaking his head. "I made every choice with full knowledge of the consequences. I thought... I was doing what had to be done." His face hardens as he says it, arguing against his own interests. "I killed Snoke so that I could take his place, not to save any of you. I'd kill him again if I could."

The uproar from this unexpected testimony is loud and long. "ORDER! ORDER! WE SHALL HAVE ORDER!" Nien Nunb's aide translates his jabbering while slamming a large staff into the platform only once, sending a loud boom through the chamber.

When the crowd finally dies back down to a dull roar, the Bothan senator waves a hand towards one of the other boxes. "I yield the floor to the interim senator from Naboo, Senator Jailana."

"So you admit that it is true, then. Rey Skywalker is really Rey Palpatine," the senator, dressed in typically elaborate Naboo ceremonial attire, conjectures. "General Greystorm, you have been intimately involved with the defense of the Republic since before the Hosnian Cataclysm. Perhaps you can shed some light on the crimes charged against Kylo Ren, though I will note they have gone mostly unquestioned."

[ Ulani Kalgaav ]

Rub rub rub. Ulani's arms are plenty warm but she still feels rather cold. Oh, gods, how she wished they'd stop saying the names. For all the supersticious good does with Ben's testimony. Like many of those present, Ulani doesn't know much of the Force beyond the tales told to her since she was a child. She's seen it in action from time to time, but beyond that she is as clueless as the rest who are not sensitive to it. Is an unseen yet power, tempting power enough to dismiss atrocities? Is there a limit to what redemption can atone for? Does blood matter more than deeds?

Ulani's hands ball into fists and rest on her lap. Uneasily.

[ Tamsin Cas ] Tamsin glanced, momentarily, over to Corto, whom she had met that once, and briefly to the young human she did not know but who also seemed to know the Feeorin. "In my experience, such points only carry weight when there is a desire to forgive past transgressions. That," Tamsin paused as the uproar momentarily made speaking difficult. "Does not appear to be the case here." A beat, before she continued, "Blood has been spilled, blood is owed. So seems to be the general sentiment."

[ Yuun ]

Leaning towards Corto, he nods his head. Still Yuun is looking towards Rey, then to Ben. As Aryn speaks, he looks to her. Dressed in traditional robes of the Jedi instead of his non-traditional clothing, Yuun stays quiet taking in what is being said as well as looking around at those gathered trying to guage what the people think and feel.

[ Ben Solo ]

Interim Senator Jailana from Naboo holds up her hand, gesturing towards the bailiff in the rear. "There is another witness in the crowd whose testimony I believe would be enlightening as well. A friend of my people, whose reputation I know from afar but can vouch for. The people of Naboo call Heksash'kuri to the stand." The Ashkuri booth begins to float forward on the bailiff's order.

[ Jax Greystorm ]

Jax frowns deepen as he watches on from his position. His eyes flicker to the various Senators as they asks questions. At the shock and outrage from Ben's answers. Jax eyes flicker to Sesti in her Senators box. Then he listens to his mother speak.

[ Hex ] Hex doesn't seem to be surprised when he's called, and for those who know him mostly as an affable barman, this is a different Hex. More grim. When he is called to speak, he speaks. "The man states that he is guilty, and he is correct." Hex's review of Ben Solo, LIVE IN THE FLESH, is a relatively unimpressed stare. "My name is Heksash'kuri, fighting at the time of the Resistance in the infantry as Corporal Ashkuri. War is war and those who risk their lives against tyranny expect this, but there is a level of power and cruelty above and beyond, there is a level of sickness and torture, a level of scale, that deserves special punishment."

Hex laughs, bitter. "Rey Skywalker says, Who here 'understands the ways of the Force'? How about those of us crippled, hurt, and haunted by it? Those whose lives were changed, destroyed, mangled, and ended? Do YOU understand the ways of the Force, what it looks like from the other side? What it means to fight it when you don't have strings to pull to make the galaxy your puppet? Do you know what it means to be an infantryman fighting an evil sorcerer? To be a normal goddess-damned person up against not an E-WEB or stormtroopers, but sick black waves of darkside power against which you have no chance? With respect -- you do not. And you Never. Will.

Back to Ben. "We, the normal, non-special people of the galaxy, do not forgive you because you wore a mask and another name. We do not forgive what we witnessed. We do not forgive the lives, cultures, planets, cities, men, women, children we lost. We do not feel sorry for you. We do not forget pain and horror because an attempt was made at good deeds of erasure. The consequences of bad action are bad consequences, the consequence of evil is vengeance and justice, and the consequence of committing repeated, unspeakable atrocity is punishment in equal measure. Congratulations on your rebranding. Congratulations on your repentance, if you had one. It isn't enough and never will be."

As for the other person on trial, he shakes his head. "I cannot speak to the woman Rey Skywalker. She has in my experience been nothing but honest and trustworthy. But for the other, for Kylo Ren, Ben Solo? Guilty. GUILTY."

[ Corto ] There was a long pause from the be-hatted Feeorin as he looked upon the battle of wits taking place on another platform. Even when one isn't versed in a certain art of warfare, it behooves a certain amount of respect for those who are. They do, after all, play by their own rules and if you're caught on their turf, it's all over. So as the Outer Rim lives by the sword, the Core lives by the legislature.

"Sorta," he eventually said. He glanced over at the blue-and-black dressed doctor, back to Yuun, and then to the doctor again. "An' that's how it's gonna be. They ain't gonna understand Dark Side, Light Side, whatever. 'S all about actions and consequences. See?" He held out a hand to indicate the chubby-lookin' Twi'lek feller. "The people speak." His eyes darted back to Yuun, taking stock of the man quickly, and asked, "What's your reckoning, Jedi?"

[ Rey Skywalker ]

Rey's brown eyed stare goes over to that of Aryn when she speaks. There's a quick, soft, expression of endearment from the young woman before she looks back over to Ben and his response. She draws in a breath, before her eyes go to the question of her bloodline's.

"My father was a clone of Sheev Palpatine." She announces then to the Senate. "He was kept in confinement almost his entire life, before he was freed by my mother... I've no knowledge of who my mother was, or what even her name ... was." She says then with grief clear upon her tone for that lack of information. But she continues.

"My father was not sensitive to the ways of the Force, but he was the only Clone that successfully ... existed. They kept him around because of that reason, until he, and my mother escaped the clutches of the Emperor. They ran for years from the shadow of the Emperoer... and it was during those years that I was born. But the shadow kept creeping, kept coming. Eventually, they had to find a place to hide me from the Emperor's minions. They knew what he would do to me, if he found out that I was sensitive to the will of the Force... So yes, I am a Palpatine by blood. My father was as well. My grandfather murdered him. He murdered my mother. He would have murdered me too, had he been given the chance to do so. I chose the name Skywalker, to do as the Princess of New Alderaan has said. But also because the Skywalkers welcomed me with open arms." Maybe Leia a little more than Luke, but still. He warmed up eventually! "They defeated Palpatine too. Holding the 'Skywalker' name is a ... message, to whatever ghost of my Grandfather that may exist out there in the dark..."

[ Aryn Cortess ]

"I did not stutter in my testimony, Senator. She is a Palpatine, but I emphasize again, she does not inherit the sins of her kin. She made her choice. Much as Mr. Solo has made his own as established by the man's testimony." Aryn comments, "Are there more questions for me to answer at this time?"

[ Ben Solo ]

The noise that erupts from the crowd when Hex finishes his testimony is thunderous, and not even the booming staff-thump from the Vice Chancellor's aide can silence them. There is blood in the water, and the sharks are circling. "ORDER! ORDER! TESTIMONY IS NOT CONCLUDED!" The 'guilty' is taken up and repeated, repeated, becoming a chant.




"There will be /ORDER!/" Another boom echoes from the high ceiling of the chamber, finally cutting off the chant so that the accused and witnesses may continue their testimony. Senator Jailana looks on with grim satisfaction at the effect her star witness has provoked.

[ Nora Frayus ]

Nora Frayus' eyes watch as Aryn's platform lowers and another lifts. She recognizes Kasia seated beside Hex, though the man himself is unfamiliar to her. The expression on her face only darkens the further into his speech he gets, and the hand on her blade relaxes a touch. Her eyes turn back to Rey for a moment as she considers her defense. The Dark Side, and the call of it. She has, after all, seen what her own people of the Jedi Order are capable of. How sharp the tip of their spear truly is. Even if the intention is that their aim is true, surely sometimes they just... get it wrong.

She frowns and releases her sword for the first time. Her palms are warm and a little slick with sweat. She looks towards them and then, almost reflexively, folds her fingers towards her palm and inspects her nails. She sighs softly and turns to look to those beside her in the booth who are murmuring as chanting begins to fill the chamber.

They two have begun to rise to join her, pumping fists and joining in with the chorus of 'guilty' that rings through the chamber. Nora's eyes narrow and turn back towards that balcony where Rey and Ben sit.

"Cruelty is a choice, and one he made freely and of sound mind. She, on the other hand, could not choose whom she was born to. And that is at the heart of this, mmmh? Choice. The rest is just pageantry," she says, though her words are lost to the shouts of 'GUILTY' and 'ORDER'.

[ Ulani Kalgaav ]

It's an explosion. A frenzy. Even in the cheap seats where Ulani sits, people are standing up and shouting towards the center ring of this circus. And who can blame them? There isn't a single person who hasn't been affected by the recent war and even those beyond it. No one who can say they went untouched -- unmarred. And the one called Hex seems to be a voice for them all to rally behind.

Ulani doesn't rise with the throng. She remains sitting, hands now clasping one another and ever-frowning to the chants of 'GUILTY!' around her and the demands of 'ORDER' that are going largely unheeded.

[ Sesti Greystorm ]

As Hex speaks, Sesti's knuckles whiten on the top of her cane, the only indication that she is reliving an instance of Kylo Ren's savagery, when she was on the ground with Hex in a mission to rescue a man from a First Order Prison. The vision of Kylo Ren dismembering Hex with his lightsaber and then tossing him aside as trash, and stalking the rest of them before leaving to get out of the way of the bombardment he'd ordered to obliterate everything and everyone from orbit, First Order and Resistance alike, just to thwart the rescue of one man.

Other memories of that day crowd in, besides the sick feeling of the darkness of Kylo Ren. It was the day that it was proven to the galaxy that the Ice General did indeed have a heart, as Sesti had to physically pump the heart with her own hand to keep her future mother in law alive. Her jaw briefly clenches, and in the furor of the shouting, she takes a moment to swallow, breathe, and regain her composure.

[ Hex ]

Hex looks completely, totally unrepentant for stirring blood in the water, his mismatched hands gripping the edge of the Ashkuris' box as it returns away from the speaking area. He looks angry. He looks like if forgiveness is the Jedi way, it might not be the Hex way. How DID he get those cybernetics?

By lightsaber perchance?

[ Tamsin Cas ]

"The smell of vengeance is in the air. I expect, that even if they find one or both of them not guilty today, or whenever the verdict is brought down, that vengeance will be sought, and found, in the end." Tamsin, still seated comfortably in her box, refolded her hands on top of her bag, "And any attempt from either of them to defend themselves will be seem as furthern transgressions in the eyes of their accusers."

[ Yuun ]

Yuun doens't turn to look at Corto, he's looking at Rey, not to Ben much anymore. He then scans the others, hearing Hex speak up as he did and Aryn again. Yuun contemplates everything that they've done and what he's seen. "We will see." is all he responds to Corto with.

[ Lumira Cortess ]

Lumira, like many in the room, is captivated by Hex's testimony. He conveys so much emotion and passion, it is no surprise that he inspires them as well. As the shouts of GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY fill the chamber, the Cortess lady shifts in her seat and looks around with a touch of nervousness. Her eyes flit to Aryn, then Nora, and finally over to Orren whose hand she gently squeezes. She does not rise with the rest, nor lend her voice to the crowd, but she does stare down at Ben Solo -- at Kylo Ren -- with obvious contempt. "His poor mother," she murmurs to the Alderaanian beside her. And then, more softly to the Rist lord, "How different things might have been if he had grown up in her court instead."

[ Ariel Teral ]

New Alderaan's senator is looking a bit stone faced for the moment. It helped with not giving away feelings. And there was a ton of emotions already swimming around this chamber like an overfilled fishtank. Ariel didn't want to add any of hers to the mess. She looks to Herol, who is seated a few done from her given he's her security head, he looks as tense as one can get. She turns her gaze back to the Senate floor to listen. And to see if the ones doing the questioning can get people calmed down.

[ Ambrosia Greystorm ]

"I was," Ambrosia confirms when called out by Senator Jailana and lifts her chin from its earlier droop in examination of a loose thread on cuff. How'd she miss that? "And I can. General Organa conscripted me back into service a little over six years ago, to help her build an army, a Resistance, seeing as the Republic chose to disarm theirs." Just a *small* poke below the belt, in genuine Ice Queen Aderaane form.

She pushes to her feet, like some invisible weight is yoked around her shoulders. And...waits. Eyes on Hex. Her gaze is unblinking, even as the memories conjured by his words are echoes of her own, yet to be said, as their experience that fateful day on Sullust was similarily miserable. His, more so, no doubt.

After his GUILTY verdict is shouted, she holds her breath...opens mouth...a little more holding...and proceeds.

"Corporal Ashkuri was one of my enlistees. He and I were deployed to Sullust for reconnassaince - a whole squad, f'course. While infiltrating the First Order compound, we discovered that one of our previously captured soldiers was being detained below, and...in the minutes to follow, hell found us all. For some, fire. Others, blasterfire. And there in the midst of it all, strode Kylo Ren. He grievously wounded the Corporal and I feared he was there to do away with my boy. Jax Greystorm, of the not-yet reformed Jedi Order." She lets that small piece digest a moment, eyes swiveling Ben-ward. "I put myself between and one of their snipers took me, 'fore he could. Not long after my ehm...'death'," it sounds weird to say, "an orbital bombardment was called in to level the building. Overkill, to be sure, but he failed all the same."

Is that a faint upcurl of lip a semblance of a smile?? Maybe.

"I did not have personal face time with Ren after that day, but was witness to the destruction wrought by his command and his accomplices for years to come. Not the least of which brought about the death of my youngest son, who was seated - as many of us were - in an unarmed evacuation shuttle, doing our damndest to escape the pursuing First Order fleet. Many such shuttles were blown into dust that day." Not a waver, not a tear, as she recounts the moment her grandson became an orphan. "Those of us who survived were pinned down on Crait. And I believe our bones would be there still, if Paragon Rey, and others, has not saved our skins." A small glance and nod to Rey.

"No, I would not personally look upon Kylo Ren again, until much later, when summoned to the Jedi quarter of the Pantheon." And there's clearly more to be said along those lines, but she pauses to field a glance to those presiding over this court in case they've something more to inquire.

[ Kasia Ashkuri ]

Kasia has been quiet since arriving save for the few words she's exchanged with Hex in their time here. When he rises to speak, her head tilts back to look up at him. Then out to the those that she can see, watching the way his words impact the crowd, the rise in calls of 'Guilty. Guilty' ringing out around them. It's not until he returns to his seat that she'll lean in to whisper to him again, a few quick words before her focus goes back to the trial.

[ Orren Rist ]

Orren watches Hex with a quiet resolve, though the first chants of GUILTY make him flinch and glance around the room, forehead wrinkling a little bit. Lumira's commentary earns a small nod from Orren, whose hands shift, swapping which one is on top and which is on bottom in a subtle nervous gesture, a faint tremor visible as he does it. Then he nods and leans in toward Lumira, intoning quietly, "I can't say I fully disagree about his actions, though. If there were a repentant Sheev Palpatine or Anakin Skywalker on the stand, I don't know that many Alderaanians would speak up on his behalf." his tone neutral, more commentary than judgment.

[ Corto ] "Looks like we're gonna see, kid," rumble-drawled Corto, followed up by a rueful snort. He didn't join the chant. He barely even moved, maybe rolling a shoulder here or there. Two hundred years on the dusty trail can give such a crick in the neck. "And folk say things are crazy on the rim. They should come here, see this circus."

Now, glacially in relation to the rest of the room, a plate-sized hand came up to scratch at the tendrils that took the place of facial hair on the Feeorin's blue chin. There was a sniffing noise, which was funny, because Corto didn't have a nose. "Revenge is an act of style," he mused. "Ain't no record of anyone coming back to life after being avenged, but it'll always feel better than forgiveness."

[ Ben Solo ]

Ben stands quietly as the room erupts in calls of 'guilty', a large man dwarfed by the size of the space and the crowd in attendance. His simple prisoner garb is a far cry from the intimidating helmet and robes he once wore, and where a dark sorcerer once stood is only a man steadfastly proclaiming his own guilt. "I don't know who you are," is what he has to say to Hex, whose life he profoundly altered, and there is no taunt in his voice. It's only the truth. Weary eyes turn to Amber. "And I have no reason to question your account." He doesn't remember hers well either. "I know what I did cannot be changed. There is no real redemption for me. I only ask that you leave Rey out of this. My crimes are my own. I had good reason, but none of that matters now." Good reason? The crowd makes to shout again, the assembled senators and curious onlookers taking in a breath to protest.

Senator Jailana jumps into that space, cutting off the uproar. "You suggest that this 'Dark Side' draw affects you all. Please expound on this matter and explain to the Senate why your entire Order does not pose a threat to the peace of the Galaxy. Then, I cede the remainder of my time to the senator from Kashyyyk," she announces, and the pod of that planet's representative shifts forward, an aged grey-furred female Wookiee speaking into a microphone that, momentarily, outputs her speech in Galactic Basic.

"Jedi both. You tell us that Ben Solo is innocent and Kylo Ren is guilty. You tell us that Rey Skywalker is a symbol of hope. We want to believe in that hope. All around us, the symptoms of darkness are spreading. We see it even in our own Chancellor's decision to find common ground with our old enemies in the First Order. Tell us how we can hope when you stand here with a symbol of this darkness and fear. Tell us how to separate a man from his deeds. A tree may give good fruit and bad, but the bad may be trimmed away. It is not so with a man."

[ Jax Greystorm ]

As his name is actively mentioned and that of his brother, Jax grimaces. Though when the mention of the danger of the entire jedi order is brought up by a senator. The Corellian cuts his eyes down to Sesti and then Amber. He rises and begins to make the trip to where can be a witness.

[ Ben Solo ]

Senator Pitu from Bothawui makes an expansive wave towards the rear as the Jedi prepare to answer. "I see General Greystorm's son, and a member of this Order, is in attendance as well. Perhaps he has something to add to all this? With your permission, Senator."

The senator from Kashyyyk looks over towards the Bothan and gives a slow nod, a deep 'whrrrrl' rumbling from her throat that goes untranslated but clearly indicates the affirmative.

Another Greystorm pod rises from the audience to skim towards the center.

[ Sesti Greystorm ]

At the words of the two Senators from Naboo and Kyshyyk, Sesti's hand finally lifts, and she presses the button to bring her pod to the vice chancellor's attention. She stands, and waits to be brought forward.

[ Rey Skywalker ]

Rey looks to Hex then, before the shouts of guilty encircle the chamber. She knows there is little hope here... but Leia taught her that even a little hope, was worth holding on to.

"War is a theater of misery." Rey says toward Hex and Kasia. "I won't speak on your injuries through it. I will say that I am dedicating my life to try and stop similar things from happening to others, and Ben's... time with the Jedi Order, since the Battle of Exegol, has helped me achieve that goal." She moves her eyes out around to the others all around them.

"This is why Ben Solo has been under the protection of the Jedi Order. He is a link to the past. He is a link to the Jedi Order of old, a link to the fathers, and mothers, who created this galactic civil war, that we have all been trying to recover from for the past century... Ben Solo is an important fragment of the new Jedi Order. We are a young Order. But we are still an Order of peace keepers, who are looking to aid the Republic. What Ben brings to us is guidance in the ways of the Force, and a unending depth of knowledge about the galaxy as a whole."

"My responsible, as the Paragon of the Jedi Order, is to rebuild the ranks. To help train new Knights, who will become new Masters, who will become the new members of the Jedi Council. Ben Solo is one of the most important facets of my ability to do that. There is not a lot left of the old Jedi Order, the Emperor saw to that. Ben's knowledge is helping me achieve the goals of protecting this Republic. Our young Order, hopes to help provide that. Protection. Peace, and more."

Rey shakes her head then, a glance to Ambrosia, then back to the Wookiee senator. "I am not one to call myself anything grandiose though. I am just a single person, looking to do her best, for those who need, and want, a better existence. This is what I am trying to bring to the new Jedi Order as well...""

[ Aryn Cortess ]

"If the Jedi Order is to be dissolved, then the fate which faced the witness the Interim-Senator of Naboo called upon can be multiplied, surpassed even. The existence of the Jedi Order is not one which is built on war. Tis true, we are a defense against those agents of darkness who expand the agenda of the Republic's enemies, but would the Republic fair the same without the Jedi Order bolstering its ranks." Aryn intones.

"Additionally, the Senator misspoke about the Order disrupting peace in the galaxy. As memory seems to recall, the galaxy is not in peace. War rages as we speak. The Republic has a chance at halting hostilities, expanding on this notion of peace, but has Republic forces been deployed to aid in the conflict in the Polith system? Is the Republic held to the same standard of disrupting 'peace' when it cannot summon its collective forces to help its allies?"

[ Tamsin Cas ]

Tamsin, whose attention had been on the speakers and the accused, shook her head, her lips compressing for a moment, as she heard Rey's latest words in her defense. "She is not doing herself any favours with such words. isn't that precisely what started all of this in the first place Claiming that Ben Solo was using Rey to corrupt the Jedi Order? She is putting more fuel on the fire for her detractors." Tamsin's voice was still calm, and she had no clear feelings either way, if one were to consider her tone or demeanour.

[ Hex ] Hex has said his piece and seems disinclined to add to it past that which has already been said, though he does seem angry still -- a certain amount of agitated lekku-twitching is happening, though his arms are folded. At length, he looks back to Kasia again. "Some of these people are your friends. I'm sorry if I made things rough for you, or fractured things you'd like to see stay whole, hirani nonna."

[ Ulani Kalgaav ]

"Who of us could do such awful things and yet be spared a trial and punishment simply because we are useful?" Ulani has no one to say that to in particular though there are plenty of people around her in general. She clings to redemption as much as the next person but surely there is a line and interplanetary genocide /has/ to be somewhere far beyond that line. Right?

Then again, the Jedi Order may be the only ones that can help usher a defense against this new Sith order. If history is repeat itself again. Doing anything to disrupt it could prove devastating. Long story short? Ulani is confused, conflicted, and utterly unhelpful.

[ Corto ]

Like the gathering darkness of the courtroom, Corto's expression darkened. THAT testimony was worth the tree-trunk legs coming down from their perch to thud on to the floor of the floatybooth, the repulsors twitching a little under the sudden impact. Now, he leaned forward, peering at the Paragon from just under the brim of his large hat. Focusing, even.

"And if you'd have seen the old Jedi Order, maybe you'd wonder if it's worth preserving," stewed the Drifter quietly, ignoring the doctor and instead speaking as though trying to talk directly to the young woman under so much responsibility. "Playin' in this sandbox is how they died."

[ Ambrosia Greystorm ]

"Symptoms of darkness..." a quiet chuff from General Greystorm, turning her glare from the self-professed guilty party to the judges who sit on high. "INDEED! It alarms me how quickly the Republic embraced the First Order as brother-in-arms, then moved to condemn a girl whose only crime, far as I can perceive, is protecting the late General Organa?s interests..." a blatant look turns upon Ben for a moment, then back to the committee. "She has done nothing but endeavor to help and to do the 'right' thing. Leia trusted her immensely. *I* trust her. I *hope* I can trust you -?"her expression currently reads anything but trusting at the moment, "- to not allow the provocative words of an enemy entity govern your actions by way of misled fear. The Sith seek to divide. Little seeds of well-planted doubt are effective tools in a conqueror's arsenal, are they not?!"

Frickin Lando, conveniently absent. Nien Nunb must bear the weight of her gaze instead.

"You want a reason to hav ehope in the Order? Parmanthe, Corellia, Munto Codru, Carida, Exegol..." the veins in her neck might be bulging just a wee bit too much, right now. "Not to mention the countless civil matters and smaller-scale hardships, distress-responses, and reconnaissance operations that members of the renewed Jedi Order have helped to resolve by lending their hands and their wisdoms to those in need. And those fights that the Resistance tirelessly endured to give the disarmed and weakened Republic renewed strength, hope, and a means to rebuild. Rey stood with us then, and she stands with us now."

"Concealing Ben's existance was not treason." Wait what? Is this Ambrosia? "It was a strategic necessity. Can you imagine the scale of mutiny that would have ensued, had his presence aboard the Pantheon been known? Can you imagine the power of will and the suffocation of personal desire it took to not initiate the violence myself?" No, Amber. "Nothing I'd have enjoyed more, in that moment I was summoned to the Jedi quarter and found him there, than to slit him stem to stern. Jettison whatever bits remained out the nearest airlock...then have a long-overdue sleep. But I /trusted/ Rey...and recognized the value in what Ben had to offer. Damnation aside. He's fought alongside my soldiers, so far as to save my ass on one particular op. Does this warrant forgiveness? No. NO." Emphasis on the NO dagger-eyed back to Ben. "But it's worth putting on record. Evidence of....something. Some shred of ...."

It looks like the General's sucked on a lemon, so vile are the words she's having to spit out "Good. A trace of what his mother would have wanted him to be."

[ Yuun ]

For now Yuun doesn't respond to Corto. Not once has he lowered his head, not once had he felt doubt....ok maybe a little, but even he remembers his talks with the late General Organa and that brings a smile to his face, a small one. When Ambrosia speaks up, he looks to her. He's worked with her and her teams quite a few times, and he listens to her as she speaks. Glancing to Ben, Yuun watches him, then he looks to Hex. Hearing people shouting Guilty! It only shows the breadth of the situation. Upon hearing Jax's name, Yuun turns to look towards him for the moment.

[ Kasia Ashkuri ]

This is all a lot, but Kasia has managed to keep a mask of sober interest for the most part. It's not until she sees the twitching lekku of the Twi'lek ahead of her that she looks a touch concerned. She's wearing that expression as Hex looks back at her, then softens at what he says. "It's alright, ka're. Things don't always go together the way we'd hope they do, and if the truth breaks things, maybe they should be broken."

[ Nora Frayus ]

Rey's words cause Nora's brow to quirk and her head to cock at a slight angle. She turns her cold gaze towards the Paragon of the Jedi Order in an attempt to understand them, but the furrowing and crease of her brow might give her failure away. While Aryn's words certainly inject a calm, doctor-like rationality to the situation, Nora fears it might be too little and too late. Her eyes wander towards Kasia and Hex as the two converse some ways away. She can't hear the words that they speak, but she can read faces. A soft sigh escapes her and that hand drifts idly back to her sword. A constant source of comfort.

When Ambrosia speaks, Nora's lips form into a little frown. The woman's words are certainly impassioned and relatable. As she speaks, Nora's attention turns back towards where it began. It settles on Ben and Rey, and the young woman remains frowning at the weight of this court's proceedings.

[ Ben Solo ]

Unrest among the crowd, divided in their response to Amber's words. She may be a war hero, but what she is saying sounds suspiciously like an argument for clemency, which after Hex's testimony so viscerally brought the memories of living in fear of Kylo Ren bubbling back up in many minds, is the last thing many want to hear.

"Request to be re-recognized," Senator Jailana from Naboo demands hotly in response to Aryn's statement while the Ashkuri pod is moving back out to rest in the audience, but the Senator from Kashyyyk still has the floor. "And request to dismiss General Greystorm from testimony."

"Denied. I have the floor, Senator. When my time has finished, you may speak again. We recognize the representative from Iridonia," the Wookiee speaks into her translator, and at the bailiff's command, Sesti's pod also rises to move towards the center. "Witnesses are reminded that this committee seeks only to hear all arguments from every side," she adds, with a stern glance at General Greystorm.

[ Ariel Teral ]

Ariel's not sitting straight back in her seat, the woman has scooted forward, sitting on the edge of it as people continue to testify and to speak. This is her first time seeing a lot of them and she has no personal experience with the two on trial. She has no overwhelming hate or old wounds that are still healing. It doesn't mean that it isn't less heavy. She's just not going to be blowing up in the middle of a senate proceeding.

[ Ambrosia Greystorm ]

"I pleasurably dismiss myself, Senator Jailana," Ambrosia snarks, eyes cutting a mean sweep across no audience row in particular. S'like a sideways eyeroll, really. "Thank you for your time." A more polite nod to the Wookie, then she lowers stiffly back into her seat, looking a touch more ashen now that the blood is retreating from her flush of irritability.

As her box steers back into the void it left amid all the others, she offers a salute to Rey, and possibly a small wink to her son as their boxes pass one another. See? Your mother played nice. No bodies were maimed in the course of this argument.

[ Aryn Cortess ]

The Interim-Senator of Naboo is given a side long glance by the blonde Princess, and a subtle huff of amusement. When their request is denied to yield a space on the floor, Aryn turns her gaze to the next Senator. "The Senate has asked for character witness statements concerning the two assembled. None have passed judgement that Mr. Solo or the the Jedi's Paragon, Rey Skywalker are dismissed of guilt. The judgement relies in your capable hands. We do not encourage you to overlook justice, only to hear different perspectives so you make the best judgement. You are, all of you.." Aryn gestures to the Senate, "..responsible for speaking for the systems with which you represent. If they demand justice, then deliver it. If they demand clemency, then deliver it. We will not presume to tell you what must be done. /This/ is the purpose of a Republic Senate. The people.. are listening."

[ Ax ]

Ax was late in arriving, having fought the urge to come in the first place. Finally though, he couldn't resist and joined as part of the audience. Listening to people talk, well, he moved to the area to speak his own bit about Rey and Kylo/Ben. He'd told himself before that he shouldn't, but his conscience, well sometimes it gets the best of him.

[ Sesti Greystorm ]

The figure of Sesti stands stoically among the leaders of her people as her pod approaches and she switches on her microphone. She addresses the room at large first. "We have heard that Choice plays a large part in use of the Force. This is something with which we can all identify. Choice is something that we all have. All of us, at one time or another, face the seduction of darkness. Do you choose to be a slave trader for the large amounts of money that come quickly and easily? Or do you choose to free slaves and fight against those who would enslave for no material gain? Do you choose a path to success that hurts others to get there? Or do you choose a goal that does not require you to hurt others? All of us have the power to choose between doing harm and doing good with what we have at our disposal. And all of us have different kinds of power or skills at our disposal. It is astounding the power that people with the Force can control. No one can deny that. But just like any other power, how it is used is in the choice of the holder of the power.

"Just as we have evidence of people who use the Force to seek their own power, and serve their own ends to enslave and rule at any cost, we have evidence of people who use the Force to free those enslaved. To wipe out the Jedi order because there are Sith, would be like wiping out those who fight free slaves because they might change their minds and join the slavers. It will allow the Sith to go unchecked. Ben Solo has told us that it was his own choices that led him to perform the acts he did as Kylo Ren, and admitted that he killed Snoke for his own benefit. He has admitted his choices, and he, furthermore, is taking responsibility for those choices by pleading guilty." She holds out her hands to let that be acceptance of his guilt and moving on to the next phase of restitution.

Now Sesti turns to Rey, "You said that Ben Solo is a link to the past knowledge of the Jedi Order. Perhaps it is time to break ties to links of the past. The Jedi Order was broken and scattered. Making the same Jedi Order that Palpatine scattered will not serve the future. Perhaps it is time to seek a new way for the Jedi, to build on the good people who serve it now, and not on what it was in the past. Let the man pay for his crimes, if that is his choice, and build a new order that we can trust, not one built on shaky fragments of the past."

At last, Sesti turns back to the crowd. "I, too, served in the Resistance, as my father before me served the Alliance and the New Republic. We made choices to help free the galaxy from subjugation and misery. Many now in the Jedi Order, also made that choice. It was a good choice, made by good people. We need to continue to encourage those who make good choices to join our ranks in order to grow stronger and remain free, so that we can free others."

[ Ben Solo ]

To Sesti's words, there is an immediate pounding of armrests, a sign of resonance with the mass gathering assembled to witness a day of testimony that could well shape the future of the Galactic Alliance.

"If I may?" the gruff voice comes from the Mon Cal senator, an unintentionally gimlet eye leveled at his Wookiee colleague.

"Kashyyyk yields to the Senator from Mon Calamari," she defers, passing the baton.

"As the representative for Iridonia has it, it would appear the committee now requires testimony on the basis of this new Jedi Order, its goals, and how Rey Skywalker-Palpatine and Kylo Ren, who wishes to be known as Ben Solo, support them. Based on the Jedi's own testimony, this pair are inextricably linked to this Order." He pauses, glancing at his colleagues on either side by turning his large head. "Any further Jedi in the room are called to the center immediately. Bailiff, sort them out."

Shortly, another pod, this one bearing the late arrival, Ax, raises up from the audience and floats in towards the center where the dozen-strong panel are arrayed in the air behind the Chancellor's central balcony. The Chancellor is absent, his spot taken by Nien Nunb, the Vice Chancellor, and his aide.

[ Jax Greystorm ] Entering a pod for one of the witness, Jax, reaches down accessing the controls and he rises up in the air. The senator running the guests, "The Floor now recognizes Jax Greystorm, Jedi Knight and son of General Ambrosia Greystorm." Jax shakes his head lightly as he travels past his mother there is a smile on his face. " Thank you, Senator. I am Jax Greystorm. I am General Ambrosia Greystorm's eldest son. I was a SFC Major in the Resistance for a time. I am also friends with Hesksash'kuri. I fought at Exgol." His expression hoping he'd gotten that pronounced correctly. "I am a jedi knight." Jax says. He looks to Rey, Aryn, and finally Ben. "I have fought agents of the dark side including Kylo Ren for while now. I was with Hex, my mother, and yes the Senator of Iridonia that day."

He looks to Rey, "I have spoken that I have fought agents of the Dark Side. These people all tried to destroy the Republic and the Ideals it stands for. Rey has done but stand up and fight these people. We are a Republic does that not stand for freedom? Does that mean we don't bare the sins of our parents?" Jax looks to Ben then, "I have fought along side Ben Solo since Exergol. I will not say he should be forgiven but he has fought for the republic several time since then baring no ill will to the citizens of the Republic. He's put his life on the line. As for him being with us, No charges had been leveled against him. Where should he be? Better him with us doing some good for the Republic and himself then out in the wild?"

"The jedi order is here to serve the Republic. I am here as a servant of the Republic."

[ Rey Skywalker ]

Rey lowers her eyes then as she hears Sesti's voice, but doesn't look to the Senator. She just simply focusses on her voice, her words. She spares a moment to sweep her hands up, and tuck her dark hair back behind her ears even.

When Rey looks up again, she exchanges a look toward Ben before speaking once more.

"My desire to have a link to the past, to the old Jedi Order, is so that the new Jedi Order won't repeat the mistakes of the past. It's not to emulate the old Order, beat for beat. Only through knowing the steps they took through the darkness, may we take a different route. This, is what Ben Solo's presence is providing us. We've recovered a meager amount of relics, Jedi journals, and small data-crons... but they're nothing next to first hand knowledge passed down by the Skywalker elders, who are now all gone from this galaxy..."

[ Ben Solo (Ben) | 22:45:40 ]

There are a lot of guest registrations to work through, but as Jax is making his statement, another pod, with Nora Frayus in it (and anyone sitting with her), rises from the masses and also floats down towards the center.

[ Ax ]

All Jedi called to the center of the room, well that makes things interesting. Ax steps forward, taking a moment to clear his throat and put his thoughts to words. "My first interaction with Kylo Ren was during a visit to the planet of Seranno. It was my first experience in seeing the face of evil first hand. I've known bad men, I've seen attrocities that still haunt my dreams, but that was the first time I had ever encountered pure evil, hatred, and malice. I watched him hold a young girl, a Jedi padawan, by the throat over the ledge of a building. Friends and I tried to save her, but there was nothing we could do. He killed her, and tossed her body like it was little more than trash," Ax says with a shudder.

"I had several encounters since then, though usually involving battlefields. My last encounter with Kylo Ren was on Nar Shaddaa. He threatened me and my allies, and while he had opportunity to take out his anger on me, he chose not to. Instead, he called down an orbital strike on Corestar Spaceport. An attack which killed thousands of innocent civilians. While I blame myself for garnering his anger, it was his choice to cause such destruction and death."

The Echani sighs. "There is darkness inside of the man. We all struggle with our inner demons, especially those of us who have experienced death and destruction and war. Aggression is a necessary trait on the battlefield, but we must be able to put it aside when we step off of it. I do not know that Kylo Ren is capable of that. I do not know Ben Solo. While I am a member of the Jedi Order, I am but an initiate and intentionally keep a distance from the man when possible. While he may have redeemed himself in the eyes of the force, I truly believe his actions as the leader of the Knights of Ren and as Supreme Leader of the First Order should not go without harsh punishment. Seeing him walking free, I remember funerals of those who his personal anger and actions killed. I have not always agreed with how things in the order were handled, but I can say that Rey is a good person, with a good heart and good intentions. Even though, I may not always see eye to eye with her, she has risked a great deal for the Republic and the fight against the First Order. She sees the best in people. She sees Ben Solo, not Kylo Ren. She sees the good he could be part of, past the actions of his past. For this, she is a better person than I, than many of us. She is not a traitor or a threat to the Republic, and should be lauded as the hero she is. As for Kylo Ren?"

Ax shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. "As a man who has seen his actions first hand, and the harm he has caused on massive scales, I cannot, with good conscience, say he should walk freely in any civilized society. Nothing will bring back the lives of those his actions have destroyed. We cannot raise the dead, but if he walks free, it will be a constant reminder to the people of the Republic that evil."

Ax looks to Sesti. "The Senator from Iridonia makes a good point, the Jedi Order of old is gone. Who is to lead that order, however? At the end of the day, Jedi or Soldier or Civilian, we are all mere mortals, capable of making poor decisions, trusting the wrong people, and making mistakes. Rey is the person I trust to lead the order, even if I do not agree with her feelings about Ben Solo. I stand beside her and the Jedi Order of today."

[ Ben Solo ]

Another Jedi in the crowd is identified, and Yuun's pod is likewise sent down to face the committee, wafting up in the air and moving forward on gentle gravrepulsors.

[ Corto ] The movement of the floatybooth at the prompting of Young Yuun caused a flicker of surprise to flit across the Feeorin's no-nosed face. "Well now, here we go," Corto rumbled, glancing sideways to the doctor along for the ride and putting his feet back up on the edge of the booth. One adjustment of the hat later, and the Drifter folded his arms, barely hiding his amusement at being up close and personal with the action.

[ Aryn Cortess ]

"I question the judgement of a Senate who admits to not knowing how the Jedi Order functions, but then presumes to rob the Order of its agency and dictate how it should function," Aryn says in response to the Senator of Iridonia. "The Republic and the Jedi Order are separate. While we share a common goal, it does not make us one entity. Reference to the Jedi Order of old was made, and it is that same reference that I invoke now. Nothing good came from the marriage of the Senate's authority and the Jedi Order."

"To that note, the Order serves the Republic in this capacity: that which serves the Republic infantry in battle against foes it is poorly equipped to mitigate, handling distress calls of citizens to resolve matters peacefully or of mutual benefit to the parties, excluding the Jedi, that are involved, and to safeguard the weak and innocent from those who would impose their ill will. The Republic does not get a say in matters it, admittedly, knows little about. The Jedi Order serves as an ally. I recall no such testimony regarding the admittance of the First Order to join this alliance. Why should the Jedi Order fall under extraordinary scrutiny?"

[ Tamsin Cas ]

Tamsin, who was clearly not at all a part of this, nevertheless, was in the booth which was bringing at one of the Jedi down to speak. "I feel as though it might have been divine prescience that I brought my medical supplies with me today." That, Tamsin offered to Corto before she fell silent, so as not to speak over the Jedi who was, even now, moving into line to speak.

[ Nora Frayus ]

Nora Frayus doesn't expect to be among those gathered when the Jedi are called to testify. She simply turns to look towards those boxes being called towards the center with a neutral sort of expression before, beneath her feet, there is a motion. She takes a step backwards to regain footing, and those beside her make a few hushed sounds of shock and surprise as their box is hoisted up and dragged towards the center. Sentiment of the floaty-Frayus box had, after all, not been entirely kind or sympathetic to the Jedi order. They turn to look at the pink-haired young woman with thin lips and, perhaps, second guess the fact why her hand has been resting on the grip of her sword since the proceedings began.

She listens to those other representatives of the order give their peace with quiet patience and, only when there is enough of a lull in conversation does she finally lift her voice to speak. Her words are clipped and precise, accent a stuffy sort of Delayan that rings familiar to other fellow members of Alderaanian nobility. But Delaya is large, and dialects vary. It is hardly a carbon copy.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate, I will keep my testimonial brief," she says, letting the words hang in the air for just enough time to set in before she speaks again. "I am a new member of the Jedi Order -- an Initiate, is what we're called -- and I believe that this perspective adds a certain touch of clarity. Fresh eyes, as they say," she says, and then clears her throat.

"When I first became aware of my particular... gifts, it was not as grand nor as spectacular as one might assume. If I might confess a weakness to this Senate, I will admit that I was... vexed. No, more than that. I was terrified." She bites her lip, inhales, and pauses before she speaks again.

"Princess Cortess found me in my distress and took me to see the accused," she says, gesturing to Rey, "To allay my fear. Rey Skywalker showed me respect, and she showed me kindness and compassion. She has taught me a great many thing. It is said that knowledge is power, and knowledge is precisely the resource that the Jedi Order can offer. Without it, I would still be a petrified girl on Delaya. The Jedi Order saved me, and it will save others. If you will allow it."

[ Ulani Kalgaav ]

It piles and piles: compelling arguments followed by the rabble rabble of a tense and stubborn crowd from all walks of life. Ulani nurses on her bottom lip as more and more unfolds to the audience present and broadcast to countless planets. Translators of all kinds working in a mad dash to keep up with the fist pounding and chest beating.

It's history being written in real time and, as expected, it's rather horrific to witness.

Senators arguing with Jedi. A former-Sith admitting guilt while a paragon defends him. Several races and creeds butting heads one moment and offering 'hear hear!'s in another. It's the stuff of holo operas and true, juicy politics.

And all Ulani can do is watch helplessly as the fate of two young people is discussed and what remains of the Alliance and Jedi Order are strained. All because of a singular transmission from a mysterious voice beamed from space.

[ Sesti Greystorm ]

Sesti turns to face Aryn Cortess for a moment, then returns her attention to the Senate. "The Princess misunderstands a suggestion as an order," she replies quietly. "Iridonia is not suggesting that the Senate take any hand in the new Jedi Order, nor that we control them, nor merge with them. We are merely offering a suggestion that perhaps a new course without someone who has done so much damage could be possible. While it is a sound strategy to understand mistakes of the past, if your source of information is one that avows their own guilt, and rejects any attempt made by others to absolve him, then maybe it's time to seek a new way. It is a /suggestion/ of an alternative path that could be beneficial or might not be, and up to the Jedi order to take it under consideration, or not. We are /also/ suggesting that everyone, as a whole, have faith in those who make good choices to help us, like the Jedi order, rather than attempt to disband them out of hand."

[ Ben Solo ]

"With respect, Princess Cortess," the senator from Mon Calamari begins, "the First Order decision was not made as lightly as you claim. Just as your Jedi Order claims to act without our say in matters we know little about, so there are matters we must decide on that you know little about. The Jedi Order receives extraordinary scrutiny because you /are/ extraordinary." A hand thick with webbing raises indicatively upward. "What other group operates under the leniency you describe, receiving our intelligence but moving outside of our oversight? Unaccountable to the very government it claims to serve and protect? It is true we face powerful enemies, such was the basis of the very decision you and General Greystorm have cast doubt upon." He shakes his large head, wattles trembling. "You are all citizens of the New Republic and fall under its laws. None are exempt, not even the Jedi. It is the purpose of this committee to decide how best to apply them. You cannot exist outside of the law you claim to uphold." He looks as though he might say more, but sighs instead. "I yield the floor back to the committee head," the Mon Cal announces gruffly, leaning back heavily in his chair.

Senator Pont Pidu, from Bothawui, stands up again in his pod. "The committee reminds those present that the purpose of these hearings is to gather testimony, from every perspective. Sometimes this requires questions deemed antagonistic to uncover the truth. Are there any more statements from the Jedi germane to the question of Rey Skywalker's necessity to the Jedi Order, as well as Ben Solo's utility in their mission?"

[ Yuun ]

When the call for any Jedi here to come forward, Yuun doesn't flinch from it. As thier pod is moved, he looks to Corto finally. "Yeah, here we go." he says to the Feeorin.

Standing up from where he is in the pod, Yuun takes a moment to look around the chambers, he honestly had been thinking of what to say and after hearing the others, he knew he isn't a great speaker. Not by a long shot, but it did lighten his heart to each person speak truth and honest. "Hello, my name is Yuun. I'm a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order." he says taking a moment to gather his thoughts. He looks to Rey, "I met Rey when I was first brought to the Jedi Order. General Leia Organa was the one who found me on Coruscant some years ago." he smiles at the fond and surreal memory. "Wow, that was a few years ago." he says. "I remember I was so shell shocked at meeting her that I asked her all kinds of crazy questions of what it was like back in the old days with the Empire. If she knew this guy Luke Skywalker who was supposed to blown up a Death Star way back when. I saw holodramas and all but you know..." he pauses and shakes his head. "Sorry I'm rambling."

Clearing his throat, "From when I started and until now. I saw what the Jedi Order has become, Rey has been the focal point in all of this. Through us we learned and I think think she learned things from us as well. Who cares what her name is, she's been putting her life on the line every day, no matter what. As for Light or Dark, haven't we seen good people go bad or bad people go good?" he asks. He then looks to Ben, he stares at the man for a long time, "I will be honest, I was against him being with us. I felt he would turn on us, but I trusted Rey's decision. I trusted my fellow Jedi and I like Jax and others, have fought along side Ben since Exegol. I agree, he should not be forgiven for his crimes." pausing there. Yuun looks forward, "Ben has helped us in many regards as well as the New Republic here, others have said it, if he was still Kylo he would've tried to bring us down again, he didn't. Through us, I feel he's changed, being able to see what the Jedi and the New Republic are and what we strive to be has had some effect on him."

Taking a breath, Yuun steps back, "As for Rey. We need her, the Jedi Order is still growing, still learning and doing the job we've been asked to do with no complaints. Rey Skywalker has met every challenge brought her way, and we will continue to follow her as she is who the Jedi need right now. We are here to serve the Republic." he sits down.

[ Lumira Cortess ]

Lumira is one of those gathered who looks stunned by Nora's summons The noble lady goes stiff in her seat, eyes wide, and places a hand over the soft 'oh' of her mouth. "I had no idea," she murmurs to Orren, her gaze sliding over to Aryn and then back to the Frayus. She listens to her friend's testimony, that hand still floating in front of her mouth until she consciously will sit to lower into her lap. And then, silently fretting, she clasps her hands together until their knuckles go white.

There is hardly time to process the revelation before the fast-moving court continues, Lumira loses some of her prim posturing, her eyes ping-ponging between the various players in the ongoing saga. Her shoulders sag, wearied, perhaps, by the high emotions that continue to rage all around, her typically lighthearted face caught in a state of worry.

[ Corto ] "Careful now, Senator of Dac," rumble-drawled the Feeorin who hadn't risen from his seat. In fact, he hadn't moved, his hat still covering his eyes and his arms still folded and his tree-trunk legs crossed over each other and put up on the rim of the floating platform.

Who'd given Corto permission to speak? He certainly hadn't requested it.

"Big ol' grand statements like that are how you got an Empire."

[ Aryn Cortess ]

"The Jedi Order will take the Senate's suggestion under advisement," Aryn says curtly but respectful of the Senator Iridonia's position. Her attention is called to the Senator of Mon Calamari, and she listens quietly, giving the Senator the time to articulate their point before constituting her own.

"May I ask, Senator, the resolution the Senate arrived at to absolve Admiral Vahn of his responsibility to the travesty of Coruscant? The justice for a man who led forces against our citizens, and killed them, before facing clemency from this committee? Why is their a hypocritical approach to justice now? Why did our citizens who died defending against this Admiral and the First Order not get the justice they deserved? I suppose those are crucial details for which the Senate acted without the oversight of its citizens. You are, all of you, elected or appointed and are accountable to the people, citizens such as us." Aryn places her hands upon the railing of her pod, still looking composed as she disputes the logic cast back at her.

[ Orren Rist ]

Orren's eyebrows raise as well at Nora's testimony, one hand moving over to take Lumira's for a moment at her words, giving it a soft squeeze before he releases it. He leans forward against the front of the lift that he's sitting in, peering out across the crowd as each speaks. He doesn't reply openly he just scans the various assembled members of the group. Then he leans back into his chair and nods once more, then his lips purse a bit as Aryn speaks, his hands folding neatly back across his lap as he settles, face difficult to read.

[ Rey Skywalker ]

All the voices weighing in on all of this. Rey meets the faces, and eyes, of those she can before she looks to Ben once more.

Her stare then goes to the Mon Cal Senator before she speaks up again.

"I am not asking for Ben Solo to be given his freedom. I know, as well as he knows, that his choices in life have lead him to where he is now. I am asking the Senate to put Ben Solo in the charge of the Jedi Order. To make his sentence be to serving the Jedi Order. He is an aide to our cause, as other members of the new Jedi Order have eluded to. If Sentenced to a prison cell, or... worse... the skills, knowledge, and abilities that Ben has been using since returning from the Dark, it would all... be wasted. His freedom should likely never be granted." She admits then. "But his service to the Republic can benefit so many, should he be assigned to the Jedi Order, on an official capacity."

Rey then steps to the front of the platform she's on, her fingertips going to its railing. "As for myself. I am a Palpatine, yes, but as I said, I am dedicated to building a new Jedi Order, to provide peace, and stability, where the Emperor destroyed it, and has left only ruin in his wake..."

[ Ambrosia Greystorm ]

Ambrosia listens with quiet stoicism to the summoned Jedi as they give testimony, Aryn, Jax, Nora, Yuun, Aryn...and the responses from the Senators - one of whom is an in-law. She listens and she sits on any would-be rebuttals, refraining from creating further disorder in this already half-lit tinder box of a chamber.

Aryn tosses the Mon Cal's logic back at'em and a little grunt of approval jostles the aging rebel's shoulders above those stubbornly folded arms. "Atta girl."

[ Jax Greystorm ]

Jax had spoke his peace, and no questions had been aimed his way. He reaches down to hit some buttons and return to the docking station. His expression a bit more glum.

[ Ariel Teral ]

Ariel grimaces as the talk turns to making someone a servant or prisoner of an Order for the rest of their life. She'd been a slave, so the phrasing and her past might be sneaking up on her. She gives a look down to the datapad that she has, trying not to look a bit green around the gills. Herol reaches out to touch her elbow when he notices the look, giving her an encouraging smile. "The scariest thing in this room is General Greystorm, make sure you put that in your notes." he whispers to her.

[ Ben Solo ]

The binders on his wrists are tight. The ankle-binders, just the same. For his part, Ben has spent much of the proceedings in silence, but when Rey speaks again he finally takes the opportunity to raise his own voice in response. "And I am asking that if you choose justice, remember that to punish the innocent is not justice. My crimes are my own. My parents-" he pauses, swallowing a lump in his throat. "My parents believed in the Republic, in democracy. Prove them right where I was wrong."

Committee chair Senator Pidu folds is hands gravely behind his back. "Then this hearing is adjourned. Thank you all for your statements. There is much to discuss. Bailiff, ensure that Skywalker and Solo are returned to their confinement." He pauses, glancing around the crowd, some sympathetic, most angry. "And triple their guard."

The Vice Chancellor raises his hands and pronounces "Hekku hadku apdu ga." The aide's boomstick drops onto the platform once more, echoing from the proverbial rafters. "Hearing adjourned!"